CSS Color table based on input in each row - css

Would it be possible to color each table rows based on a input in a specific column for each row?
Example, if:
B1 = 1 // Red row
B2 = 1 // Red row
B3 = 3 // Blue row
B4 = 2 // Green row
B5 = 1 // Red row
And so on?
It's a datatable and there will automatically be filled new rows into the table, these should also be coloured after the system.

var dataSet = [['Dadar', 'lmsSenitaD', 'Atul salaskar', '9876543210', '', 'Not Joined', '10/01/2014', '', 'Come back and Join', 'Mobile', 'Times','1'],
['Aundh', 'Rashmi', 'Preeti Gupta', '9876543210', '', 'Not Joined', '10/01/2014', '', 'Will Discuss with Family', 'Online Campaign', 'Iksula','2'],
['Do#Home_Thane', 'Rashmi', 'Mitali Gupta', '9876543210', '', 'Joined - Old Date', '10/01/2014', '20/08/2014', 'Come back and Join', 'Online Campaign', 'Iksula','4']];
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#demo').html('<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="display" id="example"></table>');
"data": dataSet,
"columns": [
{ "title": "Center" },
{ "title": "Call Executive" },
{ "title": "Name" },
{ "title": "Mobile" },
{ "title": "Phone" },
{ "title": "Status" },
{ "title": "Appt Date" },
{ "title": "Joined Date" },
{ "title": "Remark" },
{ "title": "Source" },
{ "title": "Publisher" },
{ "title": "css" },
"fnRowCallback": function (nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex) {
var css = aData[aData.length - 1];
if (css == "1") {
else if(css == "2") {


How to get sum of value from Json Array in Vue

My json array is
"test": [
"name": "item1",
"value": "440"
"name": "item2",
"value": "220"
"name": "item3",
"value": "46"
I'm calling function from template as
<td>{{ calculateSumofValues(test) }}</td>
Script function is
<script setup lang="ts">
const calculateSumofValues = (test?:Object) => {
console.log("test", test)
// calculate sum of values
I want to calculate total values of every item on the array (440+220+46 = 706)
Please help me to solve this issue.
You could use reduce() function to do something over every element in an array and accumulate results somehow, useful for summing over values in the array.
const test = [{
"name": "item1",
"value": "440"
"name": "item2",
"value": "220"
"name": "item3",
"value": "46"
const calculateSumofValues = (test) => {
console.log("test", test)
return test.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + parseInt(cur.value), 0)

Groovy to collect and remove duplicates from a complex json structure

this is my first question at Stack Overflow, so, firstly, Hello colleagues and many thanks in advance.
I have this json input message I'm dealing with, but I cannot find the key to get the message I need for further processing
"callId": "70f354ed47e643bc9d1cd6595e018f9b",
"errorCode": 0,
"apiVersion": 2,
"statusCode": 200,
"statusReason": "OK",
"time": "2022-08-01T07:56:34.631Z",
"results": [
"UID": "5abc8d08d8e148158610c7c6776c4ad5",
"groups": {
"organizations": [
"businessModels": [
"keys": [
"Company Code",
"Sales Org",
"Distribution Channel",
"businessEntities": [
"codes": [
"id": "SalesArea_161185"
"keys": [
"businessEntities": [
"codes": [
"codes": [
"id": "ShiptoInc_161185"
"keys": [
"businessEntities": [
"codes": [
"id": "Payer_161185"
"UID": "d9f2b591f58e4aeebaa0b88175d4fe3c",
"groups": {
"organizations": [
"businessModels": [
"keys": [
"Company Code",
"Sales Org",
"Distribution Channel",
"businessEntities": [
"codes": [
"id": "SalesArea_161185"
"keys": [
"businessEntities": [
"codes": [
"codes": [
"id": "ShiptoInc_161185"
"keys": [
"businessEntities": [
"codes": [
"id": "Payer_161185"
"UID": "74a9ccbc9b8549d1a7726ac1f77f7ea9",
"groups": {
"organizations": [
"businessModels": [
"keys": [
"businessEntities": [
"codes": [
"id": "ShiptoInc_161185"
"UID": "d5ed356a3c2a48568ccacb8d9c7c5506",
"groups": {
"organizations": [
"businessModels": [
"keys": [
"Company Code",
"Sales Org",
"Distribution Channel",
"businessEntities": [
"codes": [
"id": "SalesArea_161185"
"keys": [
"businessEntities": [
"codes": [
"codes": [
"codes": [
"id": "ShiptoInc_161185"
"keys": [
"businessEntities": [
"codes": [
"id": "Payer_161185"
"objectsCount": 4,
"totalCount": 4
For a known id ("Payer_161185" or "ShiptoInc_161185") and a given value ("100563692") we need to extract all repetitions of businessEntities.codes of all UIDs and after get the list, remove duplicates.
For example, for "ShiptoInc_161185", the desired output would be:
{ "salesAreas": ["HU50_HU50_10_10","HU50_HU50_20_20"]}
This output is the list of salesAreas for the given value 100563692 into all the id = ShiptoInc_161185
Other case that I would like to solve is:
How could I add the id instead of text salesAreas?. Something like this {"Payer_111":["HU50_HU50_10_10","HU50_HU50_30_20"],"Payer_222":["HU40_HU40_10_10","HU20_HU20_30_20"]}. This means the id wouldn't be provided, just the prefix Payer_
Your help is appreciated.
***I solved the second requirement
def data = new JsonSlurper().parseText(body);
def bModelsIdFiltered = data.results.groups.organizations.businessModels
.collect { it[0] }.flatten()
.findAll { it.id.contains('Payer_') }
def nList = [];
def rembM = bModelsIdFiltered.each{
it.businessEntities.codes.each { code ->
println "nl " + nList;
def codesFiltered = nList
.findAll { '100563692' in it }
return codesFiltered;
If the structure is rigid and i understood the task correctly (namely, you should find codes that have value 100563692 in the same array), you can doing it like that:
class FindCodesSpec extends Specification {
def testString = '''<insert_your_string_here>'''
def flattenOnce(List array) {
return array.inject([]) { res, el -> res + el }
def findCodes(String message, String id, String code) {
def data = new JsonSlurper().parseText(message)
def bModelsIdFiltered = data.results.groups.organizations.businessModels
.collect { it[0] }.flatten()
.findAll { it.id == id }
def codesFiltered = flattenOnce(bModelsIdFiltered.businessEntities.codes)
.findAll { code in it }
def uniqueCodes = codesFiltered.flatten().unique() - code
return JsonOutput.toJson(['salesAreas': uniqueCodes])
def 'run test'() {
'''{"salesAreas":["HU50_HU50_10_10","HU50_HU50_20_20"]}''' == findCodes(testString, 'ShiptoInc_161185', '100563692')

Dynamically Parse Child Nodes in JSON

I have a deserialized object that I want to dynamically loop through to return the related results. The response package looks like so:
"Description":"Fuel Surcharge"
"Description":"Fuel Surcharge"
I have parsed the response data so that there is less information to work with, especially since I only need the Accessorial Costs. The parsed response looks like
"SCAC": "test1",
"CarrierName": "TEST1",
"TransitTime": "1",
"ServiceLevel": "D",
"TotalCost": "1,031.82",
"ThirdPartyCharge": "1,031.82",
"Accessorials": {
"Accessorial": [
"Code": "400",
"Cost": "1,655.55",
"Description": "Freight"
"Code": "DSC",
"Cost": "-952.77",
"Description": "Discount"
"Code": "FUE",
"Cost": "329.04",
"Description": "Fuel Surcharge"
"QuoteNumber": ""
"SCAC": "test2",
"CarrierName": "TEST2",
"TransitTime": "1",
"ServiceLevel": "D",
"TotalCost": "1,031.82",
"ThirdPartyCharge": "1,031.82",
"Accessorials": {
"Accessorial": [
"Code": "400",
"Cost": "1,655.55",
"Description": "Freight"
"Code": "DSC",
"Cost": "-952.77",
"Description": "Discount"
"Code": "FUE",
"Cost": "329.04",
"Description": "Fuel Surcharge"
"QuoteNumber": ""
The problem I am facing is that I will never know how many Rate items will come back in the response data, nor will I know the exact amount of Accessorial Costs. I'm hoping to capture the Rate child node counts and the Accessorial child node counts per Rate. Here's what I have so far.
Root rootObject = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Root>(responseFromServer);
//rate stores the parsed response data
JArray rate = (JArray)JObject.Parse(responseFromServer)["RatingResponse"]["Rates"]["Rate"];
var rate2 = rate.ToString();
//this for loop works as expected. it grabs the number of Rate nodes (in this example, 2)
for (int i = 0; i < rate.Count(); i++)
dynamic test2 = rate[i];
//this is where I'm struggling
dynamic em = (JArray)JObject.Parse(test2)["Accessorials"]["Accessorial"].Count();
for (int j = 0; j < em; j++)
string test3 = test2.Accessorials.Accessorial[j].Cost;
System.IO.File.AppendAllText(logPath, Environment.NewLine + test3 + Environment.NewLine);
I apologize in advance for the bad formatting and odd variable names - I'm obviously still testing the functionality, so I've been using random variables.
Where I'm struggling (as notated above) is getting to the Accessorial node to count how many items are in its array. I was thinking I could parse the first array (starting with SCAC data) and extend down to the Accessorial node, but I'm not having any luck.
Any help is GREATLY appreciated, especially since I am new to this type of code and have spent the majority of the day trying to resolve this.
you can try this
var rates = (JArray)JObject.Parse(json)["RatingResponse"]["Rates"]["Rate"];
var costs = rates.Select(r => new
CarrierName = r["CarrierName"],
Costs = ((JArray)((JObject)r["Accessorials"])["Accessorial"])
.Where(r => (string)r["Description"] != "Discount")
.Select(r => (double)r["Cost"]).Sum()
"CarrierName": "TEST1",
"Costs": 1984.59
"CarrierName": "TEST2",
"Costs": 1984.59

FOS Elastic range price with discount

I want to get all the products by range price with discount.
this is what it looks like in sql:
p.unit_price * (100 - p.discount) / 100, 1)
ELSE p0_.unit_price END ) >= :min
p.unit_price * (100 - p.discount) / 100, 1)
ELSE p0_.unit_price END ) <= :max
is there a way to do the same with range condition?
$fieldRange = new \Elastica\Query\Range('unitPrice', array('gte' => 300, 'lte' => 1500));
here is my config:
default: { url: '%env(ELASTICSEARCH_URL)%' }
type: integer
type: keyword
type: "nested"
type: keyword
type: keyword
driver: orm
model: App\Entity\Product
provider: ~
listener: ~
finder: ~
here is the full query:
$query = new \Elastica\Query();
$boolQuery = new \Elastica\Query\BoolQuery();
/* filter checked */
$fieldQuery = new \Elastica\Query\Match();
$fieldQuery->setFieldQuery('attributeValues.value', 'Brand');
$domainQuery = new \Elastica\Query\Nested();
$fieldQuery2 = new \Elastica\Query\Match();
$fieldQuery2->setFieldQuery('attributeValues.value', 'Another Brand');
$domainQuery2 = new \Elastica\Query\Nested();
$fieldRange = new \Elastica\Query\Range('unitPrice', array('gte' => 300, 'lte' => 1500));
$agg = new \Elastica\Aggregation\Nested('attributeValues', 'attributeValues');
$names = new \Elastica\Aggregation\Terms('value');
$cardinality = new \Elastica\Aggregation\Cardinality('unique_products');
$companies = $this->finder->findPaginated($query);
$asd = $companies->getAdapter()->getAggregations();
here is the result:
"attributeValues" => array:2(
"doc_count" => 406,
"value" => array:3(
"doc_count_error_upper_bound" => 0,
"sum_other_doc_count" => 0,
"buckets" => array:42(
2 => array:3(
"key" => "Another Brand",
"doc_count" => 15,
"unique_products" => array:1(
"value" => 9
here is native request (just in case):
"size": 0,
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"nested": {
"path": "attributeValues",
"query": {
"match": {
"attributeValues.value": {
"query": "Brand"
"nested": {
"path": "attributeValues",
"query": {
"match": {
"attributeValues.value": {
"query": "Another Brand"
"range": {
"unitPrice": {
"gte": 300,
"lte": 1500
"aggs": {
"attributeValues": {
"nested": {
"path": "attributeValues"
"aggs": {
"value": {
"terms": {
"field": "attributeValues.value",
"size": 100
"aggs": {
"unique_products": {
"cardinality": {
"field": "attributeValues.product"
a little explanation - I am making a smart filter that disables options when there are no products in it, which I calculate with this query. But I don't know how to calculate the price range with a discount (%) in elastica. I show how I do it in sql.

How to insert into mongoDB from HTML page

var productDB = new Meteor.Collection('products'); //Want to insert into this DB
var ProductParameters = nodeDB.find({"ACTIVE" : 1, "VARIENTS.ACCESS" : "PUBLIC"}, { "VARIENTS.NAME": 1, _id : 0 } ); //Taking Paramters from Another DB
Template.dpVar.events = {
'click .addProduct' : function (e) {
ProductParameters.forEach(function(){ **//This is my Question.How to insert into productDB the key values as {ProductParameters: Val of ProductParameters}**
var pvariable = {
pvariable: tmpl.find("#ProductParameters").value
I have created form from the Parameters of nodeDB.
I want to store the data from this new form in a new DB productDB.
I want to run a loop where all the ProductParameters are read from nodeDB and their corresponding values inserted in form by user are pushed into ProductDB as new Entry.
NodeDB has Templates:
"GEO_CODE": [],
"META": {
"CATEGORY": "levis",
"DESCRIPTION": "dsad",
"TEMPLATE_GROUP": "Product",
"UOM": "",
"COMMENT": "Demo",
"INDEX": 0,
"NAME": "Brand",
"IS_PARENT": false,
"DATATYPE": "Text",
The form is generated only from the VARIENTS
The ProductDB would be {key,value} ={VARIENTS.NAME,value from UI}
There can be multiple VARIENTS as this contains only one "Brand"
instead of
var ProductParameters = nodeDB.find({"ACTIVE" : 1, "VARIENTS.ACCESS" : "PUBLIC"}, { "VARIENTS.NAME": 1, _id : 0 } );
add .fetch() at the end
var ProductParameters = nodeDB.find({"ACTIVE" : 1, "VARIENTS.ACCESS" : "PUBLIC"}, { "VARIENTS.NAME": 1, _id : 0 } ).fetch();
