The override UserName string length did not work when calling UserManager.CreateUserAsync, even the db has the correct string length. - ef-code-first

The issue is quite simple, I modified the default length(32) for username property to 500, but it seems that the code is stuck to 32. Any idea why this happens?
The UserName string length for AbpUsers:
public class User : AbpUser<User>
public override string UserName { get; set; }
And this has successfully updated the db UserName length.
But when I called
CheckErrors(await UserManager.CreateAsync(user));
It would return :
System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException: Validation failed for one or more entities.
What troubles me is that this kind of exception can not be captured by SaveChanges:
public override int SaveChanges()
return base.SaveChanges();
catch (DbEntityValidationException e)
foreach (var eve in e.EntityValidationErrors)
Console.WriteLine("Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following validation errors:",
eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, eve.Entry.State);
foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors)
Console.WriteLine("- Property: \"{0}\", Error: \"{1}\"",
ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage);
Your help would be much appreciated!

There's a constant called MaxUserNameLength in AbpUserBase. So basically you need to change that constant value.
public abstract class AbpUserBase : FullAuditedEntity<long>, IMayHaveTenant, IPassivable
/// <summary>
/// Maximum length of the <see cref="UserName"/> property.
/// </summary>
public const int MaxUserNameLength = 500;
The reason behind this modification is the UserName is being validated UserDto class as you see below;
public string UserName { get; set; }

After hours of comparison with abp template, I found out the reason why this happens is because I used [MaxLength] instead of [StringLength] for User Entity.


How to bind a Polymorphic Properties of a Models in .NET core

I have an ASP.NET Core Web API end point which takes (FromBody) The Search object defined below
public class Search {
public int PageSize {get;set;}
public Expression Query{get;set;}
public class Expression {
public string Type {get;set;}
public class AndExpression {
public IList<Expression> Expressions {get;set;}
public class MatchesExpression {
public string FieldId {get;set;}
public string Value {get;set;}
public string Operator {get;set;}
So... if I post the following JSON to my endpoint
{ "pageSize":10, "query": { "fieldId": "body", "value": "cake", "operator": "matches" } }
I successfully get a Search Object, but the Query property is of type Expression, not MatchesExpression.
This is clearly a polymorphic issue.
This article (towards the end) gives a good example of a how to deal with this issue when your entire model is polymorphic.
In my case, the property of my Model "Query" is polymorphic, so Im unsure how to build a ModelBinder for my Search object that will allow me to handle the Query Property
I Imagine, I need to write a model binder to construct the search object and then follow the pattern described for the property, however I cannot locate any examples of how to implement a model binder that isnt utterly trivial.
Any suggestions on how to achieve this? Good sources of information?
So.. I gave up with ModelBInders (because Im using the FromBody attribute which isnt compatible with my aims).
Instead I wrote a System.Text.Json JsonConvertor to handle the polymorphism (see shonky code below)
using Searchy.Models;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Searchy
public class ExpressionJsonConverter : JsonConverter<Expression>
public override Expression Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
Utf8JsonReader readerClone = reader;
using (var jsonDocument = JsonDocument.ParseValue(ref readerClone))
if (!jsonDocument.RootElement.TryGetProperty("type", out var typeProperty))
throw new JsonException();
switch (typeProperty.GetString())
case "comparison":
return JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Comparison>(ref reader, options);
case "and":
return JsonSerializer.Deserialize<And>(ref reader, options);
return null;
public override void Write(
Utf8JsonWriter writer,
Expression expression,
JsonSerializerOptions options)
My Expression class also had the following attribue
I recently ran into the same issue, but was using Newtonsoft.Json, here is iasksillyquestions' solution using Newtonsoft.Json:
public class ConnectionJsonConverter : JsonConverter<Connection>
public override Connection? ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, Connection? existingValue, bool hasExistingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
// if this is the base type, deserialize it into the child type
if (objectType == typeof(Connection))
JObject parsedObject = JObject.Load(reader);
if (!parsedObject.TryGetValue("connectionType", out var connectionType))
throw new Exception("Unable to parse ConnectionType");
switch (connectionType.ToObject<ConnectionType>())
case ConnectionType.Database:
return parsedObject.ToObject<DatabaseConnection>();
case ConnectionType.LDAP:
return parsedObject.ToObject<LDAPConnection>();
throw new Exception("Unrecognised ConnectionType");
// if it is a child type, just deserialize it normally
serializer.ContractResolver.ResolveContract(objectType).Converter = null;
return serializer.Deserialize(reader, objectType) as Connection;
public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, Connection? value, JsonSerializer serializer)
throw new NotImplementedException();
In my case I had an enum ConnectionType to specify what derived type the object was.
public abstract class Connection : Entity
#region Properties
// what type of system are we connecting to? database / api / ldap ...
public ConnectionType ConnectionType { get; set; }
// an optional description to explain where the connection is going
public string Description { get; set; } = "";
#region Helper Methods
// test if the connection is good. Will throw an error if the connection is not good.
public abstract Task Test();
public class LDAPConnection : Connection
#region Properties
public string Endpoint { get; set; }
public string? Username { get; set; }
public string? Password { get; set; }
#region Helper Methods
public override async Task Test()
DirectoryEntry directoryEntry = new DirectoryEntry(this.Endpoint, this.Username, this.Password);
// check if the native object exists. If it does, then we are connected
if (directoryEntry.NativeObject == null)
throw new Exception("Unable to bind to server");
// assume that if we got here without any exceptions, we are connected.
Then you can have one controller for all derived types:
// POST: /api/connections/create
[HttpPost, ActionName("Create")]
public async Task<IActionResult> Create([Bind] Connection connection)

Data Annotations to sanitize request and response before logging

I'm looking for a reliable solution to log details of requests and responses made to and from our controllers. However, some of the data passing through contains sensitive information that should not be written to a log.
In the controller, the inbound request is bound to a single model from the request body, and as the request is answered, a single model is passed to the Ok() result like this (very simplified):
public IHttpActionResult SomeController([FromBody] RequestType requestObj)
ResponseType responseObj = GetResponse(requestObj)
return this.Ok(responseObj);
Now my goal is to somehow log the contents of the request and response object at the beginning and end of the controller, respectively. What I would like to do is bind the models first, then log out their attributes. An example of the RequestType is something like:
public class RequestType
public string SomeAttribute { get; set; }
public string AnotherAttribute { get; set; }
public string Password{ get; set; }
And the log would look something like:
[date-time] Request to SomeController:
SomeAttribute: "value_from_request"
AnotherAttribute: "another_value"
Password: "supersecret123"
Now clearly we don't want the password to be logged. So I would like to create a custom data annotation that would not log certain fields. Its use would look like this (updated RequestType):
public class RequestType
public string SomeAttribute { get; set; }
public string AnotherAttribute { get; set; }
public string Password{ get; set; }
Where would I start with this? I'm not incredibly familliar with .NET, but know that there are many sort of magic classes that can be subclassed to override some of their functionality. Is there any such class that can help here? Even better, is there any way to do this during the model binding? So we could catch errors that occur during model binding as well?
We should be able to achieve what you're looking for with an ActionFilterAttribute.
Capture Requests Attribute
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
public sealed class CaptureRequestsAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute // *IMPORTANT* This is in the System.Web.Http.Filters namespace, not System.Web.Mvc
public override void OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext actionContext)
var messages = actionContext.ActionArguments.Select(arg => GetLogMessage(arg.Value));
var logMessage = $"[{DateTime.Now}] Request to " +
$"{actionContext.ControllerContext.Controller}]:\n{string.Join("\n", messages)}";
public override void OnActionExecuted(HttpActionExecutedContext actionExecutedContext)
var result = actionExecutedContext.Response.Content as ObjectContent;
var message = GetLogMessage(result?.Value);
var logMessage = $"[{DateTime.Now}] Response from " +
private static void WriteToLog(string message)
// todo: write you logging stuff here
private static string GetLogMessage(object objectToLog)
if (objectToLog == null)
return string.Empty;
var type = objectToLog.GetType();
var properties = type.GetProperties();
if (properties.Length == 0)
return $"{type}: {objectToLog}";
var nonSensitiveProperties = type
.Select(property => $"{property.Name}: {property.GetValue(objectToLog)}");
return string.Join("\n", nonSensitiveProperties);
private static bool IsNotSensitiveData(PropertyInfo property) =>
property.GetCustomAttributes<SensitiveDataAttribute>().Count() == 0;
Sensitive Data Attribute
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]
public sealed class SensitiveDataAttribute : Attribute
Then, you can just add it to your WebApi controller (or a specific method in it):
public class ValuesController : ApiController
// .. methods
And finally your models can just add the SensitiveDataAttribute:
public class TestModel
public string Username { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
This does not make use of DataAnnotations,however, One way that comes to mind would be to use the serialization. If your payload is within a reasonable size you could serialize and deserialize your RequestType class when reading and writing to/from a log. This would require a custom serialization format or making use of the default, xml.
public class RequestType
public string SomeAttribute { get; set; }
public string AnotherAttribute { get; set; }
public string Password{ get; set; }
Using the above attribute will omit Password from serialization. Then you copuld proceed to Logger.Log(MySerializer.Serialize(MyRequest)); and your sensitive data will be omitted.
This link describes the approach in detail.
For xml serialization, simply use the XmlSerializer class.
public class MySerializationService
public string SerializeObject(object item)
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(item.GetType());
System.IO.MemoryStream aMemStr = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
System.Xml.XmlTextWriter writer = new System.Xml.XmlTextWriter(aMemStr, null);
serializer.Serialize(writer, item);
string strXml = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(aMemStr.ToArray());
return strXml;
public object DeSerializeObject(Type objectType, string objectString)
object obj = null;
XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(objectType);
obj = xs.Deserialize(new StringReader(objectString));
return obj;
Then using the above or similar methods you can read and write in a custom format.
Write :
string logData=new MySerializationService().SerializeObject(myRequest);
Read :
RequestType loggedRequest= (RequestType)new MySerializationService().DeSerializeObject(new RequestType().GetType(), logData);

How to prevent under-posting in ASP.NET Web API OData service?

I have created a very simple OData v4 controller. The controller basically contains Entity Framework-backed CRUD methods for the following Pet entity:
public class Pet
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
An important thing here is that Pet.Age is the non-nullable required property.
Here is the controller itself (only Post method is shown):
public class PetController : ODataController
private DatabaseContext db = new DatabaseContext();
// POST: odata/Pet
public IHttpActionResult Post(Pet pet)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest(ModelState);
return Created(pet);
// Other controller methods go here...
And this is my WebApiConfig controller configuration:
ODataConventionModelBuilder builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
config.MapODataServiceRoute("odata", "odata", builder.GetEdmModel());
Now if I want to create a new Pet in my database, I issue a POST request like this:
POST http://localhost:8080/odata/Pet
Content-type: application/json
{ Name: "Cat", Age: 5 }
However, I can simply omit the Age property in JSON request payload, so JSON deserializer will use a default value of 0, while I want a 400 Bad Request status to be returned instead. This problem is called under-posting.
It can be easily solved when using regular WebApi controllers (the solution is described here). You just create a PetViewModel and make your controller to accept a PetViewModel instead of an actual Pet entity:
public class PetViewModel
// Make the property nullable and set the Required attribute
// to distinguish between "zero" and "not set"
public int? Age { get; set; }
// Other properties go here...
Then in your controller you just convert PetViewModel to Pet entity and save it to the database as usual.
Unfortunately, this approach does not work with OData controllers: if I change my Post method to accept PetViewModel instead of Pet, I receive the following error:
System.Net.Http.UnsupportedMediaTypeException: No MediaTypeFormatter is available to read an object of type 'PetViewModel' from content with media type 'application/json'.
at System.Net.Http.HttpContentExtensions.ReadAsAsync[T](HttpContent content, Type type, IEnumerable'1 formatters, IFormatterLogger formatterLogger, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at System.Net.Http.HttpContentExtensions.ReadAsAsync(HttpContent content, Type type, IEnumerable'1 formatters, IFormatterLogger formatterLogger, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at System.Web.Http.ModelBinding.FormatterParameterBinding.ReadContentAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, Type type, IEnumerable`1 formatters, IFormatterLogger formatterLogger, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
So, is there any way to prevent under-posting when using OData controllers?
After some investigation I have solved this issue. Not sure if it is an "official" or preferred way of solving underposting problem in OData, but at least it works fine for me. So, for the lack of the official information, here is my recipe:
First, create a corresponding validation ViewModel for your OData entity:
public class PetViewModel
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
// Make the property nullable and set the Required attribute
// to distinguish between "zero" and "not set"
public new int? Age { get; set; }
Then, add your own ODataUnderpostingValidationAttribute. My implementation looks like this:
public class ODataUnderpostingValidationAttribute: ActionFilterAttribute
public ODataUnderpostingValidationAttribute(Type viewModelType)
ViewModelType = viewModelType;
public Type ViewModelType { get; set; }
public override async Task OnActionExecutingAsync(HttpActionContext actionContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Rewind requestStream so it can be read again.
var requestStream = await actionContext.Request.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();
if (requestStream.CanSeek)
requestStream.Position = 0;
// Read the actual JSON payload.
var json = await actionContext.Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
// Deserialize JSON to corresponding validation ViewModel.
var viewModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json, ViewModelType);
var context = new ValidationContext(viewModel);
var results = new List<ValidationResult>();
var isValid = Validator.TryValidateObject(viewModel, context, results);
if (!isValid)
// Throw HttpResponseException instead of setting actionContext.Response, so the exception will be logged by the ExceptionLogger.
var responseMessage = actionContext.Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, string.Join(Environment.NewLine, results.Select(r => r.ErrorMessage)));
throw new HttpResponseException(responseMessage);
await base.OnActionExecutingAsync(actionContext, cancellationToken);
After that, apply this custom filter to your ODataController:
public class PetController : ODataController
{ /* Implementation here */ }
Voila! Now you have everything in place. Underposting validation works fine.
You've got a couple options as I see it:
First In your controller you can check the integer value and if its below a certain value return 404.
if (Age <= 0)
return NotFound();
This could be labor intensive and if you're doing it for every controller method it's not very DRY.
Second in your Pet class you can use the DataAnnotations Attribute Range e.g.
[Range(0, 80, ErrorMessage = "Value for {0} must be between {1} and {2}")]
public int Age { get; set; }
Where Age can be a maximum of 80.
Lastly I think your a more permanent solution for you would be to create your own validation:
public class AgeValidation : ValidationAttribute {
public override bool IsValid(object value) {
if (Object.Equals(value, null)) {
return false;
int getage;
if (int.TryParse(value.ToString(), out getage)) {
if (getage == 0)
return false;
if (getage > 0)
return true;
return false;
Then in your Pet class add:
[AgeValidation(ErrorMessage = "Age is wack")]
public int Age { get; set; }
Borrowed from How to do Integer model validation in mvc 2

Integer value model validation

I have a regular Integer (Not nullable) in my model:
[Range(0, Int32.MaxValue - 1)]
public int PersonId
In my WebApi action, I accept an object that has that propery.
public IHttpActionResult Create([FromBody] Person person)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest("Some error message.");
//Do some stuff with person...
Now, altough there is a Required attribute on PersonId, when a person is posted to this action, the ModelState.IsValid property is true.
I guess this is because Person is created with default value, which is 0, I want to throw an error if there is no PersonId field in the incoming JSON / query string request.
I can set PersonId to be Nullable, but that doesn't make sense.
Is there any easy way to validate the field exists and the integer is larger than 0 ? (without custom validators for that simple requirement)
Setting the [Required] attribute doesn't do anything on an int, as far as I know. All [Required] does is make sure the value is not null.
You can set [Range(1, Int32.MaxValue)] to make sure that a correct value is added.
If you don't already do this, it might be a good idea to make a different model for your view and make the data annotations on this model. I use view models to make sure I don't pollute my "real" models with stuff that is not relevant to the whole domain. This way your PersonId can be nullable in your view model only, where it makes sense.
BindRequiredAttribute can be used to
Quoting from this nice blog post about [Required] and [BindRequired]
It works the same way as RequiredAttribute, except it mandates that
the value comes from the request – so it not only rejects null values,
but also default (or “unbound”) values.
So this would reject unbound integer values:
[Range(0, Int32.MaxValue - 1)]
public int PersonId
I tend to use int? (nullable int) in this case and then mark those as required. I then use myInt.Value throughout the code and assume it's safe to use because it wouldn't have passed validation otherwise.
and like #andreas said, I do make sure to use "view models" in times like this so I'm not polluting my view model as a business or data layer model.
Actually for missing not nullable integer parameters model validation doesn't work. There is JSON parsing exception which is thrown by Newtonsoft.Json.
You can have a following workaround to parse and include exceptions in model validations.
Create the custom validation attribute as following and register in WebApiConfig.cs.
public class ValidateModelAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute {
public override void OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext actionContext) {
// Check if model state is valid
if (actionContext.ModelState.IsValid == false) {
// Return model validations object
actionContext.Response = actionContext.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest,
new ValidationResultModel(100001, actionContext.ModelState));
public class ValidationError {
public string Field { get; }
public string Message { get; }
public ValidationError(string field, string message) {
Field = field != string.Empty ? field : null;
Message = message;
public class ValidationResultModel {
public int Code { get; set; }
public string Message { get; }
public IDictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>> ModelState { get; private set; }
public ValidationResultModel(int messageCode, ModelStateDictionary modelState) {
Code = messageCode;
Message = "Validation Failed";
ModelState = new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>>();
foreach (var keyModelStatePair in modelState) {
var key = string.Empty;
key = keyModelStatePair.Key;
var errors = keyModelStatePair.Value.Errors;
var errorsToAdd = new List<string>();
if (errors != null && errors.Count > 0) {
foreach (var error in errors) {
string errorMessageToAdd = error.ErrorMessage;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error.ErrorMessage)) {
if (key == "model") {
Match match = Regex.Match(error.Exception.Message, #"'([^']*)");
if (match.Success)
key = key + "." + match.Groups[1].Value;
errorMessageToAdd = error.Exception.Message;
} else {
errorMessageToAdd = error.Exception.Message;
ModelState.Add(key, errorsToAdd);
//Register in WebApiConfig.cs
// Model validation
config.Filters.Add(new ValidateModelAttribute());

How to add the UserId to posted data by Logged User in ASP.NET MVC 4

So what I'm doing might seem simple, but I don't know exactly how to do it.
I have already registered and logged in with an account (I'm using the default membership system used in ASP.NET MVC 4) and so I want to do add my UserId to some data I'm inserting to the database.
This is the model of the data I'm inserting:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
namespace Reroute.Models
public class Request
public int RequestId { get; set; }
// I want to add UserId based on my current session
public int UserId { get; set; }
public string OrderNumber { get; set; }
public string TrackingNumber { get; set; }
public string CurrentAddress { get; set; }
public string NewAddress { get; set; }
public string Comment { get; set; }
And the ActionResult (here's where I supposed I have to make the changes):
public ActionResult Create(Request collection)
//return RedirectToAction("Index");
return Content("Done! Added to DB");
return View();
use this it gets u the userid ...
You can save the UserId of the authenticated user in Session after logging in:
Session["UserId"] = userId;
or since you are using FormsAuthentication you can either use the UserData property as shown here or do a nice-that-will-do-trick:
public SignInUser(string name, string id) {
// store the userid
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(name + '|' + id, false);
then retrieve the Name and UserId like this:
public int CurrentUserId
var context = HttpContext.Current;
if (context == null) return 0;
return context.Request.IsAuthenticated
? Convert.ToInt32(context.User.Identity.Name.Split('|')[1])
: 0;
public string CurrentUserName
var context = HttpContext.Current;
if (context == null) return string.Empty;
return context.Request.IsAuthenticated
? context.User.Identity.Name.Split('|')[0]
: string.Empty;
You can have those method and properties in a class so you have them in one place, I actually do it that way. Now, you can call it in your controller like so:
public ActionResult Create(Request collection)
collection.UserId = _authProvider.CurrentUserId;
// if you want to use session, I prefer the FormsAuthentication approach
// you need to do additional check that the Session has not expired (not null)
collection.UserId = Session["UserId"];
//return RedirectToAction("Index");
return Content("Done! Added to DB");
return View();
_authProvider is an instance of the class that has the code I gave above.
This should work.
var loggedInUserName=Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name;
var user=Membership.GetUser(loggedInUserName);
var key = user.ProviderUserKey;
Assuming your Create also has a GET which is loaded up and used as the model for Create.cshtml, you would just need to set it explicitly in that ActionResult
public ActionResult Create()
Result model = new Result();
model.UserId = myUserId;
Then in your Create.cshtml you could have a hidden field for it:
#Html.HiddenFor(m => m.UserId)
I would still check in the POST to make sure the user doing the saving is allowed to be saving and hasn't spoofed your hidden field value to somebody completely different.
