How to install rword2vec package - r

Please provide me the steps how to install rword2vec. I referred to the previous posts and followed installation steps and got the error:
Downloading GitHub repo mukul13/rword2vec#master
from URL
Installation failed: Could not find build tools necessary to build rword2vec
I also tried to follow the steps regarding build tool provided in this link, but no success (I am using macOS).

Try installing Rtools (3.4 latest), mine showed similar error and automatically installed it. Hope it helps


Problem with installation of semMediation package on Ubuntu

I'm trying to install the semMediation package on Ubuntu through devtools:
Error: Failed to install 'unknown package' from GitHub:
HTTP error 404.
Not Found
Did you spell the repo owner (`cardiomoon`) and repo name (`semMediation`) correctly?
- If spelling is correct, check that you have the required permissions to access the repo.
What can it be?
There was a semMediation package on github. The author of the package wrote a tutorial on RPubs.[See below][1]
However, I don't see any repo with semMediation right now. Maybe because the author deleted the repo. 
But you can still search a repo name with "semMediation" in All Github, because someone might fork that repo. 
And be happy

Can not install processr and procesR on Windows

Following this question, I am trying to install the package (running R64 as admin on Windows):
However, I get the error message:
Error: Failed to install 'processr' from GitHub:
(converted from warning) cannot remove prior installation of package 'digest'
no matter which update option I select. Running the command .libPaths() I found the packages installation folder C:/Program Files/R/R-3.6.2/library and manually deleted the digest package and reinstalled it with package.install("digest"). But I still get the same error! I would appreciate it if you could help me understand what is the problem and how I can resolve it.
The simplest solution is to say no when install_github asks if it should replace digest.
If it still fails for some reason (and I can't see why; neither package requires a specific version of digest and you've reinstalled it in any case), then the problem is that devtools itself uses digest, so it can't be removed as long as devtools is loaded. So you can't use install_github.
You have a couple of options:
Clone the repo, then from the command line, run R CMD INSTALL . in that directory. Note that you'll need to insert the path to your R executable.
Install from the GitHub archive of the master branch: install.packages("")
The steps to install the markhwhiteii/processr package:
for testing the instalation:
Sent a PR on the GitHub repo.
and if you want to run R in the Jupyter environment just follow the instructions to install and regsiter the kernel:

How to install MVPARTwrap package in R version 3.6.1?

I am trying to install mvpart and MVPARTwrap packages in R version 3.6.1.
I install on my PC the folder of these two packages in zip version and load them in the relative folder of the package.
When I run the script library(mvpart) I get this message:
ERROR: 'mvpart' package was built before R 3.0.0: please reinstall it."
I try to load this library in the old version of R (version 2.15) and the message is
in install.packages (mvpart): object 'mvpart' not found".
I do not understand why it is impossible to load this package. Thanks so much.
Maybe the answer is no more relevant, but I just had to install those libraries so maybe it will still help someone later. I suggest the install from github as it will install dependencies, you need however to be able to compile the source. So here we go :
first install rtools if it is not already installed go here and follow the instruction
update/install devtools if necessary as described here
using this command, it should work now. you may be asked to update some packages, accept all

Quantstrat RStudio R Mac

I am trying to install the package Quantstrat on a Mac.
I searched for help in internet but I did not find a solution.
I already tried:
The error message I get is:
Downloading GitHub repo braverock/quantstrat#master
from URL
Installation failed: Could not find build tools necessary to build quantstrat
I solved the issue.
I just needed to open "Xcode" in the Macbook and accept the new terms and conditions. Then I tried again and I was able to download and install Quantstrat.

R's devtools - install from github with "configure" file

I have an R package on github that uses a "configure" script (since some of the C code depends on GSL libraries). I try installing the package using github_install() function from devtools package and get the error:
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
* installing *source* package ‘wrightscape’ ...
ERROR: 'configure' exists but is not executable -- see the 'R Installation and Administration Manual'
Not sure what to do -- are there such a thing as execute permissions for a file on github? is this a devtools issue or a configuration issue? (Installing the package from source works fine for me). The package is here.
This is now fixed in the latest version of devtools (0.7).
Git does not manage file permissions directly. It is usually the responsibility of a build or install script to adjust permissions correctly once the bits are delivered from git. There are third party tools that can help with this. See the discussion on SO question Retaining file permissions with Git.
Hope this helps.
I had a similar issue which was caused by my /tmp dir being mounted noexec, and solved by setting a different TMPDIR, as explained here
export TMPDIR=~/tmp
