Updating a string in multiple locations in firebase - firebase

I'm making an app with database structure like this:
"Locations": {
"location1": {
"name": "Nice location"
"User_posts": {
"user1": {
"post1": {
"location_name": "Nice location",
"location_id": "location1",
"description": "Wow!"
"post2": {
"location_name": "Nice location",
"location_id": "location1",
"description": "Nice"
If I have to change location1 name, how to change all location_name's that all users posts have? I have to download all the data before and update it or there is other method?
I think that using location id only to get location name for every location when user enters his posts is not a good idea.

By duplicating data you improve your read performance/scalability at the cost of decreased write performance. This is a normal trade-off in NoSQL databases and in highly scaleable systems in general.
If you want to update the location_name of all posts, you will indeed have to query the posts and update each. If you need to do this regularly, consider keeping a separate lookup list for each location to find the posts where it used. Such an inverted index is another common occurrence in NoSQL databases.
I covered strategies for updating the duplicated data in my answer here: How to write denormalized data in Firebase
Coming from a relational/SQL background, this may initially feel uncomfortable, since it goes against the normalization rules we've been taught. To counter that feeling, I recommend reading NoSQL data modeling, watching Firebase for SQL developers and in general just read some more NoSQL data modeling questions.

You can add one more attribute to location1 , say isLocationOf , which will store all the user id or perhaps post id/post names. Like
"Locations": {
"location1": {
"name": "Nice location",
"isLocationOf": {
'post1': true,
'post2': true
Here isLocationOf is an attribute of Locations whose value is an object.Now if locations1's name gets changed then you can retrieve its isLocationOf object , iterate through it , get all posts id/name containing that location.Then use the post ids to update all entries having this address .
Also whenever you add new post , you have to add its post id/name to isLocation object.


firebase what is the best way/structure to retrieve by unique child key

I have a firebase database like this structure:
---groupname: 'group1'
---grouptype: 'sometype'
---groupname: 'group2'
---grouptype: 'someothertype'
Now, I am trying to pull groups of authenticated user. For example for uid1, it should return me group1id and group2id, and for example uid3 it should just return group2id.
I tried to do that with this code:
database().ref('groups/').orderByChild('groupMembers/' + auth().currentUser.uid).equalTo('true').on('value' , function(snapshot) {
console.log('GROUPS SNAPSHOT >> ' + JSON.stringify(snapshot))
but this returns null. if I remove "equalTo" and go it returns all childs under 'groups'.
Do you know any solution or better database structure suggestion for this situation ?
Your current structure makes it easy to retrieve the users for a group. It does not however make it easy to retrieve the groups for a user.
To also allow easy reading of the groups for a user, you'll want to add an additional data structure:
userGroups: {
uid1: {
group1id: true,
group2id: true
uid2: {
group1id: true,
group2id: true
uid3: {
group2id: true
uid3: {
group2id: true
Now of course you'll need to update both /userGroups and /groups when you add a user to (or remove them from) a group. This is quite common when modeling data in NoSQL databases: you may have to modify your data structure for the use-cases that your app supports.
Also see:
Firebase query if child of child contains a value
NoSQL data modeling
Many to Many relationship in Firebase

How to do Complex Querying with Firebase?

I'm creating my first app in Firebase. I have no experience with NoSQL, so working out my data structure is proving to be a challenge. Let's say my app is similar Reddit where users visit the site and read/write posts. I want the app to have a list view where it sorts the post data in several ways, however it is all centered around the date posts where submitted:
Show the latest posts in descending order.
Show the latest posts for a specific tag.
Show the most liked posts in descending order for the last day (24 hours).
I assume the data structure to look this:
"posts": {
"post_0": {
"content": "...",
"created_at": 1497112445748,
"likes": 100,
"tags": {
"tag_0": true,
"tag_2": true
"post_1": {
"content": "...",
"created_at": 1497112549374,
"likes": 30,
"tags": {
"tag_1": true
"post_2": {
"content": "...",
"created_at": 1497112640376,
"likes": 70,
"tags": {
"tag_1": true,
"tag_2": true
View 1
This is probably the easiest to resolve. I imagine the script to retrieve the data would be something like this:
const ref = firebase.database().ref("posts");
const query = ref.orderByChild("created_at").limitToLast(50);
query.on("child_added", (snapshot) => {
// Do stuff like add to array for sorting
View 2
This is where things get tricky. Since you can only have one orderBy* per query, the only way I can see to pull this off is to have a tags node that duplicates the date and post ID. For example:
"tags": {
"tag_2": {
"post_0": {
"created_at": 1497112445748
"post_2": {
"created_at": 1497112640376,
I've read this is the whole concept of denormalization and structuring your data around your views, but isn't there a better way?
View 3
I don't know how to solve this one at all. As the last 1 day is changing every time the view is requested and the likes are fluctuating often, how can I possibly structure my data around this view?
I've read that push keys, which would take place of the post_n key I have in my example, are sequential and can somewhat be relied on as a timestamp. I'm not sure if there's some way to take advantage of that.
I've found a few useful videos by the Firebase team and articles on Medium, but I'm afraid they don't go far enough for me to understand how to accomplish the needs of my app.
Common SQL Queries converted for the Firebase Database
Firebase Data Structures: Pagination
I'm just find this aspect of Firebase really confusing to get my head around to have it return the data I need for my views.
If anybody can provide me with an example of how to accomplish these things, it would be much appreciated! Thanks!

Advanced multiple search query in Firebase

This is my Firebase database inside "/articles", which has loads of articles inside. A user can (using his/her own article), list other articles that correspond to certain conditions. In order for a article to pass the query test, it has to be of category that the user's article has listed inside "tradableCategories", while also THAT article needs to have the user's article's category within its "tradableCategories".
Here’s the database structure:
"articles": {
"article1": {
"title": "Car",
"category": "vehicles",
"owner": "user1",
"tradableCategories": {
"furnishings": true,
"other": true,
"vehicles": true
"category_tradableCategories": {
"vehicles_furnishings": true,
"vehicles_other": true,
"vehicles_vehicles": true
"article2": {
"title": "Bike",
"category": "vehicles",
"owner": "user2",
"tradableCategories": {
"furnishings": true,
"other": true
"vehicles": true,
"category_tradableCategories": {
"vehicles_furnishings": true,
"vehicles_other": true,
"vehicles_vehicles": true
"article2": {
"title": "Couch",
"category": "furnishings",
"owner": "user2",
"tradableCategories": {
"furnishings": true,
"other": true,
"vehicles": true
"category_tradableCategories": {
"furnishings_furnishings": true,
"furnishings_other": true,
"furnishings_vehicles": true
user1 owns article1, which wants to find articles that are within furnishings, other and vehicles. Those articles that match the conditions also have to look for article1’s set category. The query can be done easily using SQL:
FROM articles
WHERE category = ’vehicles’ /* This is article1’s category */
AND find_in_set(category, :tradableCategories) /* :tradableCategories is a stringified, comma-separated set of article1’s tradableCategories: “furnishings,other,vehicles” */
AND NOT owner = ‘user1’
As you’ve seen in the database structure. I have included another object called “category_tradableCategories”. I’ve seen various answers here on Stack Overflow that explain how to search for items using two conditions combined into one. This could’ve worked but means that I have to initiate 3 Firebase queries since I cannot combine three (or more) different categories within tradableCategories.
I am afraid this is too complicated for Firebase, but if there is any efficient solution to this I’d like some help. Thank you!
In relational databases you often first define your data model to match with the data you want to store and then write queries for the use-cases of your app. In NoSQL databases you typically use the inverse logic: you make a list of your app's use-cases and then define your data model to match those.
If Firebase's API doesn't directly support the query you want to build, you'll typically have to change/augment your data model to allow that query. This will lead to storing more data and more complex updates, but the advantage is that you have faster and simpler read operations.
So in your scenario: you want a list of articles in one of three categories that is not owned by the current user. The most direct mapping of that requirement would be to literally store that list:
articlekey1: true
articlekey2: true
This would make the query trivial: ref.child("user_articles").child(currentUser.uid).child(categories).on("child_added"....
Now this may be taking the denormalization and duplication a bit too far. We'd need a separate list for each user/category combination. So an article in 3 categories with 10 users would end up in 60 lists.
More likely you'll want to keep these articles-per-categories in a single list across all users. For example:
articlekey1: uid1
articlekey2: uid2
articlekey3: uid1
articlekey1: uid1
articlekey2: uid2
articlekey1: uid1
articlekey3: uid1
Now you can get all article keys with category_1 with ref.child("articles_by_category_with_owner").child(category).on("child_added"... and then do the "not owned by the current user" filtering client-side.
In the above list I've also removed the multiple-categories. That does mean that you'll need to read a node for each category. But this is actually not as slow as you may expect, since Firebase pipelines these requests (see link below).
Further recommended reading/viewing:
NoSQL data modeling
Firebase for SQL developers
Questions/answers from this list
Speed up fetching posts for my social network app by using query instead of observing a single event repeatedly
Query based on multiple where clauses in firebase

Firebase .indexOn with complex DB structure

The current query you see below is not efficient because I have not setup the proper indexing. I get the suggestion Consider adding ".indexOn": "users/kxSWLGDxpYgNQNFd3Q5WdoC9XFk2" at /conversations in the console in Xcode. I have tried it an it works.
However, I need the user id after users/ to be dynamic. I've added a link to another post below that has tried a similar thing, but I just can't seem to get it. All help would be much appreciated!
Note: The console output user id above does not match the screenshot below, but does not matter to solve the problem I believe. Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks!
Here is the structure of my DB in Firebase:
"conversationsMessagesID" : "-KS3Y9dMLXfs3FE4nlm7",
"date" : "2016-10-19 15:45:32 PDT",
"dateAsDouble" : 4.6601793282986E8,
"displayNames" : [ “Tester 1”, “Tester 2” ],
"hideForUsers" : [ "SjZLsTGckoc7ZsyGV3mmwc022J93" ],
"readByUsers" : [ "mcOK5wVZoZYlFZZICXWYr3H81az2", "SjZLsTGckoc7ZsyGV3mmwc022J93" ],
"users" : {
"SjZLsTGckoc7ZsyGV3mmwc022J93" : true,
"mcOK5wVZoZYlFZZICXWYr3H81az2" : true
and the Swift query:
Links to other post:
How to write .indexOn for dynamic keys in firebase?
It seems fairly simple to add the requested index:
"rules": {
"users": {
".indexOn": ["kxSWLGDxpYgNQNFd3Q5WdoC9XFk2", "SjZLsTGckoc7ZsyGV3mmwc022J93", "mcOK5wVZoZYlFZZICXWYr3H81az2"]
More likely your concern is that it's not feasible to add these indexes manually, since you're generating the user IDs in your code.
Unfortunately there is no API to generate indexes.
Instead you'll need to model your data differently to allow the query that you want to do. In this case, you want to retrieve the conversations for a specific user. So you'll need to store the conversations for each specific user:
conversationsByUser {
"SjZLsTGckoc7ZsyGV3mmwc022J93": {
"-KS3Y9dMLXfs3FE4nlm7": true
"mcOK5wVZoZYlFZZICXWYr3H81az2": {
"-KS3Y9dMLXfs3FE4nlm7": true
It may at first seem inefficient to store this data multiple times, but it is very common when using NoSQL databases. And is really no different than if the database would auto-generate the indexes for you, except that you have to write the code to update the indexes yourself.

Structuring Relationships in Firebase

I've got two items in my Firebase: providers and services, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to structure and build relationships using Firebase's recommended flattened architecture approach.
My data looks something like this:
"services" : {
"hip_replacement" : {
"title" : "Hip Replacement"
"providers" : {
"the_blue_hospital" : {
"title" : "The Blue Hospital"
I would like to link these two items together so that if you were to visit the Hip Replacement page, The Blue Hospital would show up underneath it, if you were to visit The Blue Hospital page, Hip Replacement would show up underneath that. A two-way relationship, essentially.
What would be the best way to structure something like this? I was thinking along the following lines:
"services": {
"hip_replacement": {
"title": "Hip Replacement",
"providers": {
"the_blue_hospital": true,
"the_red_hospital": true
"providers": {
"the_blue_hospital": {
"title": "The Blue Hospital",
"the_red_hospital": {...
"the_green_hospital": {...
Is there a better way to achieve this or a more elegant solution? Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
The problem with joined data in Firebase is that you optimize for certain read or update use cases at the expense of others. In your sample above, creating or deleting a relationship between services and providers requires two separate updates to each "table". There's really nothing wrong with that, but it's not the only way to go.
For a modestly sized data set, you could have a "join table" that maps services to providers, similar to what might be done in the relational DB world. The data might look something like this:
"services": {
"hip_replacement": {}
"providers": {
"the_blue_hospital": {...},
"the_red_hospital": {...},
"the_green_hospital": {...}
"serviceProviders": {
"-JqD5JX0RUDTXsu7Ok3R": {
"provider": "the_blue_hospital",
"service": "hip_replacement"
"-JqDoKfyJqPkQlCXDvFM": {
"provider": "the_green_hospital",
"service": "hip_replacement"
"-JbE7Ji_JRz2bHgBdMWQ": {
"provider": "the_blue_hospital",
"service": "hip_replacement"
There are pros and cons of this approach:
Easy to add mappings in one place
Easy to delete mappings in one place
Flexible options to reformat the data for display, beyond the context of a single provider or service, such as an index.
You have load the whole data set. Firebase doesn't let you filter within a key, clients have to load the whole list, then filter in memory. I suspect this will work fine for hundreds of records, anyways, maybe for low thousands.
You have to do some client work to filter the list for display and merge it with the actual service and provider data. Again, if the data set isn't too big, underscore/lodash groupBy() can make short work of this.
You should consider:
How much updating and deleting will you do?
Is the join information really that simple? Would you need more records (display names, prices, etc.) that make maintenance on the join table more complicated than I suggested?

