I tried to establish one connection between BIRT and Oracle but it's not working.
I received this error message :
First download an oracle JDBC driver from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/features/jdbc/index-091264.html
take the .jar e.g. called ojdbc8.jar.
Then use use Manage Divers... menu and add the just downloaded .jar. This will add new entries to the driver dropdown menu. Now select the Oracle driver entry from the menu e.g. oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver (v12.2)
I'm running Access 2016 (64 bit) on Windows 10 and only recently noticed this problem. I have several functioning databases that already have a number of working links to tables on two or more External Machine Data Sources. When attempting to add a new link I go through the usual procedure of clicking on "External Data", "ODBC Database" select "Link to the data source by creating a linked table" then go on to select the desired Machine Data Source; at this point the list of available tables comes up and everything seems fine. The problem arises when I select a new table (one I do not already have a link to), click the "Save password" box then proceed: I ultimately end up with an "ODBC--call failed" error that specifies "Error while executing the query (#1)". The first thing I would normally suspect would be a problem with the ODBC driver configuration but all my pre-existing external links continue to function just fine; I only encounter problems when attempting to add new links. How can I find out more about the query mentioned in the error message? Is this "query #1" a universal thing or could it be specific to the way my particular ODBC driver config is set up?
The FoxPro ODBC on my machine is only able to connect to certain tables in the ODBC Connection. When I try to connect to specific tables in the same connection I receive the error [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Not a table.( #123). However, I am successfully connected to other tables without an issue. I know these tables I am unable to connect to aren't corrupted because I am able to view the data in them using Visual Fox Pro.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
First I'd use the Visual FoxPro OLEDB driver instead of ODBC. It's faster and more fully featured.
Then check whether the TableValidate setting is affecting it. To check that, back up the data then open the table exclusively in Visual FoxPro and issue the following in the command window:
append blank
go bottom
This will append and then delete a blank record, forcing the header counters to be recalculated. Then try it via the connection.
Also try turning tablevalidate off for the OLE DB driver as follows.
Create a text file called CONFIG.FPW in the same location as vfpoledb.dll, on a 64-bit machine this will be in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\Ole DB'.
In the text file just put one line:
And retry.
First: Do not use ODBC driver UNLESS your tables are VFP6 and earlier compatible. The last ODBC driver released was only for 6 and earlier. If you still need to use ODBC then check Sybase ADS driver. It is compatible with later versions too and local mode is for free.les
Second:Be sure that the tables you are trying to open are really not corrupted (not a table error is often occurs when the header info is off by pne record = you can check the details on "Not A table" entry on foxwikis. You might be looking into two different files when you check from VFP and through OLEDB driver. You can specify the fullpath to be sure.
I am just a new programmer., can someone please give me a step by step procedure on how to connect my eclipse program to sqlite?
from http://wiki.eclipse.org/Connecting_to_SQLite
1) Download the SQLite drivers from: [1]. The actual zip file with the driver is at [2]. Expand the zip somewhere locally and note the location.
2) Put the sqlite_jni.dll from the zip into your JRE's bin directory. The driver requires this file to be in the java library path.
3) In Eclipse with DTP 1.0 installed (preferably the final build or a nightly build dated 110806 or later), go to the Preferences (Window->Preferences) and select the Connectivity->Driver Definitions page.
4) Select the "Generic JDBC" category in the Available Driver Definitions tree and click "Add...".
5) Select "Generic JDBC Driver->Generic JDBC Driver" in the Available Driver Templates tree. Give the new generic JDBC driver a name like "javasqlite JDBC driver". Click OK.
6) Click "Add Jar/Zip" and select the sqlite.jar from the driver zip you expanded in step 1. Click Open.
7) In the Properties table, select the Driver Class property and click the "..." button. If the jar is accessible, you will see a dialog appear with at lease one class in the list. Select "SQLite.JDBCDriver". Click OK.
8) Also in the Properties table, select the Driver URL property and type the following: jdbc:sqlite:/DRIVE:/dirA/dirB/dbfile
9) Click OK on the Edit Driver Definition dialog. You should see your new driver appear in the driver list on the Driver Definitions preference page.
10) Click OK to close the Preferences dialog.
11) If the Data Source Explorer is not open, open the Connectivity->Data Source Explorer view from the Window->Show View menu or open the Database Development perspective from the Window->Open Perspective.
12) In the Data Source Explorer, right-click on the Databases category and select New...
13) In the New Connection Profile wizard's Wizard Selection Page, choose the SQL Model-JDBC Connection entry in the list and click Next.
14) Give your new profile a name like "SQLiteTestDB". Click Next.
15) In the "Select a driver from the drop-down" combo box, select your new SQLite driver definition. Modify the file path in the sample URL to match the path to your local SQLite database.
16) Click "Test Connection" to verify you can connect to your database.
17) Click Finish to create the profile.
18) In the Data Source Explorer, right-click on the new profile and select Connect. You should see content appear in the tree beneath the profile. Browse through your database to view available tables and their columns.
hi I am trying to add sqlite driver into my netbeans 6.9.1 project, these are the steps that I have done :
adding the the sqlitejdbc-v056.jar into the the libraries of my project
in "services" tab in netbeans, creating a driver with a name of "SQLite" ,adding the driverfile and finding the driver class (org.sqlite.JDBC) for the Driver.
now by right clicking on the driver and selecting "Connect Using", I have to add a JDBC URL connection for this driver, but any kind of URL that I add I keep getting this message :
Unable to add connection. cannot establish a connection to jdbc:sqlite:/ using org.sqlite.JDBC -unable to find a suitable driver-.
please let me know how to create this connection for a simple database.
If you are working on windows, change all backslashes to slashes in your path. This one I'm using right now:
I use Netbeans IDE (6.5) and I have a SQLite 2.x database. I installed a JDBC SQLite driver from zentus.com and added a new driver in Nebeans services panel. Then tried to connect to my database file from Services > Databases using this URL for my database:
but it fails to connect. I get this exception:
org.netbeans.modules.db.dataview.meta.DBException: Unable to Connect to database : DatabaseConnection[name='jdbc:sqlite://home/farzad/netbeans/myproject/mydb.sqlite [ on session]']
at org.netbeans.modules.db.dataview.output.SQLExecutionHelper.initialDataLoad(SQLExecutionHelper.java:103)
at org.netbeans.modules.db.dataview.output.DataView.create(DataView.java:101)
at org.netbeans.modules.db.dataview.api.DataView.create(DataView.java:71)
at org.netbeans.modules.db.sql.execute.SQLExecuteHelper.execute(SQLExecuteHelper.java:105)
at org.netbeans.modules.db.sql.loader.SQLEditorSupport$SQLExecutor.run(SQLEditorSupport.java:480)
at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Task.run(RequestProcessor.java:572)
[catch] at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Processor.run(RequestProcessor.java:997)
What should I do? :(
The current version of Zentus SQLiteJDBC is v053, based on SQLite 3.6.1. It will not open a 2.x SQLite database. Perhaps you can use SQLite 2.x command line tool to .dump your database, and the Sqlite3 command line tool to .load it. The use Zentus SQLiteJDBC to access the new SQLite 3.x database.
Alternatively, use a JDBC driver that supports SQLite 2 such as this one.
It's againg me...
I have made two mistakes during my first attempt. After setting CLASSPATH as a system variable (hope I didn’t broke smth else :)), putting sqlite_jni.dll to the system32 folder and correcting JDBC url I have got a success :)
I also have downloaded their SQLite ODBC wrapper. Installed it and made a connection to my SQLite2 database via ordinary and UTF8 based ODBC driver. I also used built in NetBeans JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver to be able to set up this connection.
All three connections have been created but:
ordinary ODBC driver: I see text data in a wrong encoding. All other columns are displayed correctly
UTF8 ODBC driver: I don’t see text data at all. All other columns are displayed correctly
JDBC driver: I don’t see any column at all. "Select * from my_any_table" always returns an empty single column
I have Russian based data in my database.
So...currently I have returned to sqlite command line interface :))