Distinct colors for R input and output in Rnw chunks - knitr - r

I'd like to render R input and output code from the same Rnw chunk using two different colors so that they can be more easily interpreted. So far my attempts failed while using a custom CSS template, where any change in colors appear to systematically change both input and output.
Thank you for your time.


Print formatted mathematical operations in R

I have in R a mathematical operation like this:
x = 5
y = (x / 5) * 2
and I want to print y to console or pdf file so it looks like:
(x / 5) * 2 like on the paper
Can I do this using R basic functions or some kind of library?
#Yehor: you can use the power of RStudio and RMarkdown to combine text, code, and visualisations in output formats like pdf. Under the hood you need a bit more than "some kind of library". But if you use RStudio as your R editor, the infrastructure (what you need) is actually in place already. RStudio will ask to have a few packages installed when you open a RMarkdown file for the first time, but do not worry about this.
In RStudio open a new RMarkdown file. During the opening dialogue you can (pre-)select an output type, e.g. pdf. Please note that you can change this later.
The example that opens gives you an idea of what you can do. The magic happens when you hit the "knit-button" in the top bar of the editor pane. R/RStudio will render the document and interpret code-chunks. These chunks can include "just" code, code to produce tables and/or graphics.
For math & formulae, RMarkdown supports 2 ways of presenting LATEX:
inline equation
equation mode
(I) inline equation - within single dollar signs $
You can include an inline equation anywhere in the text part of the Rmd document. For example:
This is how I add a formula: $y := \frac{x}{5} * 2$ within a line using inline code.
(II) equation mode - statement within double dollar signs $$
For the equation mode use $$ and have this on a separate line in Rmd.
$$y := \frac{x}{5} * 2$$
Knitting the Rmd in RStudio renders the document into a pdf (you can also export to html, MS Word or even Powerpoint).
For example:
is produced with this minimal Rmd:
If you want to combine this with the calculation, you would add a "code-chunk".
In RMarkdown you can include R-code inside 3 backticks, e.g. {r} # R-stuff ...
Thus, the following code chunks performs the operation:
x <- 5
y <- (x/5) * 2
If you want to print the result "inline" in your text, you can add so-called inline code. This is done by having R-statement inside single backticks and a starting r, i.e. r ... within the text part of the Rmd. For example:
My result is `r y` as inline code.
This will print: My result is 2 as inline code.
You could include more sophisticated R-statements as inline code by separating each statement with a semi-colon (~end of command line). However, I recommend to do the fluffy stuff in a code chunk and use the inline for simple statements. It is much easier on the eye and for debugging.

Changing keywords to highlight in an RMarkdown document

I have been writing a document in bookdown where within the *.Rmd file I call a figure by using the following syntax
This differs slightly from the notation that you would use in a normal RMarkdown file exporting to latex which would be
The issue I am running into is that when I write something in bookdown the function calling the Figure is not being highlighted properly (see image below).
I have imported my own rsTheme (which is from my understanding, basically a .css file) but I don't see an option to add keywords to highlight.
But I would like for the entire function to be colored differently from the inline text (Photoshop version of desired output shown below)
Does anyone know how I would edit my *rsTheme file in order to accomplish this?

Formatting R output in an R Markdown documents

I have a code that generates a text output. For example:
pick <- sample(c("Alex", "Greta", "Zoe"), 1)
Is there a way of formatting the result in an R Markdown documents.
Say something like this if I wanted it to appear in bold on the report.
You can execute any R command in-text in an rmarkdown document without embedding it inside a chunk by placing it within ticks prefaced by the letter r (see below). You can then surround this r code with latex code, in this \bf{foo} for bold font, bookmarked by $. Try placing
The OP's chosen name is $\bf{`r sample(c("Alex", "Greta", "Zoe"), 1)`}$
inside an rmarkdown document. Or you could place the function in a chunk and then call it outside the chunk, anywhere in subsequent text, like this
The OP's chosen name is $\bf{`r pick`}$

How to hide figures in knitr, but create them as png?

I am currently doing some statistical analysis in R and use knitr to generate results and an overview document.
There are some additional plots, which I want to be done and saved as a .png (with specified file name and location), but not included in the generated .html file (too many of them, and they are not at the end).
Using dev.copy(png, ...) works fine for generating the plots, but the figures appear in the .html. If I specify fig.keep=none the .png files are created, but blank.
Is there some way to do what I want?
This is from knitr website:
fig.show: ('asis'; character) how to show/arrange the plots; four
possible values are
asis: show plots exactly in places where they were
generated (as if the code were run in an R terminal)
hold: hold all
plots and output them in the very end of a code chunk
animate: wrap
all plots into an animation if there are mutiple plots in a chunk
hide: generate plot files but hide them in the output document
fig.show = 'hide' worked for me.

Define commands for frequently used text in knitr

Is there a way to define a command that can be used as a short cut for frequently used text or html commands in knitr when compiling to html?
I use knitr to compile an rmkardown file (.Rmd) and the output is a html file (i.e., I press Knit HTML in RStudio).
To be more specific, let me add an example: I want to separate the percent sign by a hair space from the number before, which I achieve by typing, e.g., 5 %. It would be very convenient, if I could define a command, let's say \perc, that I can use instead, such that 5\perc would be equivalent to 5 %.
Is this at all possible and if yes, how can it be done?
You can define an R function and then call it inline. For example:
perc <- function(){
" %"
This is inline r code 5`r perc()`
I think you could also use it in chunks where the result would be 'asis'.
