get cell background c# google spreadsheet -

I would like to read data from google spreadsheet using
I want to get cell background color and the comment of this cell.
any idea?
also, is there a way to address a cell like an excel cell property that you can get;set all his attributes?

To receive the background-color you need to "IncludeGridData" on your "Get" request
In C# this is attached to the request Object.
SpreadsheetsResource.GetRequest request = sheetsService.Spreadsheets.Get(spreadsheetId);
request.Ranges = ranges;
request.IncludeGridData = true;
Data.Spreadsheet response = request.Execute();
A good documentation with examples for many languages can be found at:

Follow the reading data guide
Reading a single range
To read a single range of data out of a spreadsheet, use a spreadsheets.values.get request:
Use the .NET Quickstart for your reference.


Writing a function that scrapes dataset that appears only after typing in values and clicking a button

I am trying to write a function that will take a list of dates and retrieve the dataset as found on
I am using PROC IML in SAS to execute R-code (since I am more familiar with R).
My problem is within R, and is due to the website.
First, I am aware that there is an API but this is an exercise I really want to learn because many sites do not have APIs.
Does anyone know how to retrieve the datasets?
Things I've heard:
Use RSelenium to program the clicking. RSelenium got taken off of the archive recently so that isn't an option (even downloading it off of a previous version is causing issues).
Look at the XML url changes as I click the "submit" button in Chrome. However, the XML in the Network tab doesn't show anything, whereas on other websites that have different methods of searching do.
I have been looking for a solution all day, but to no avail! Please help
First, you need to read the terms and conditions and make sure that you are not breaking the rules when scraping.
Next, if there is an API, you should use it so that they can better manage their data usage and operations.
In addition, you should also limit the number of requests made so as not to overload the server. If I am not wrong, this is related to DNS Denial of Service attacks.
Finally, if those above conditions are satisfied, you can use the inspector on Chrome to see what HTTP requests are being made when you browse these webpages.
In this particular case, you do not need RSelenium and a simple HTTP POST will do
resp <- POST("",
read.csv(text=rawToChar(resp$content), header=FALSE)
You can perform the same http processing in a SAS session using Proc HTTP. The CSV data does not contain a header row, so perhaps the XML Format is more appropriate. There are a couple of caveats for the treasurydirect site.
Prior to posting a data download request the connection needs some cookies that are assigned during a GET request. Proc HTTP can do this.
The XML contains an extra tag container <bpd> that the SAS XMLV2 library engine can't handle simply. This extra tag can be removed with some DATA step processing.
Sample code for XML
filename response TEMP;
filename respfilt TEMP;
* Get request sets up fresh session and cookies;
proc http
method = "get"
url =""
* Post request as performed by XML format button;
* automatically utilizes cookies setup in GET request;
* in= can now directly specify the parameter data to post;
proc http
method = "post"
in = 'priceDate.year=2018&priceDate.month=5&'
url =""
out = response
* remove bpd tag from the response (the downloaded xml);
data _null_;
infile response;
file respfilt;
if _infile_ not in: ('<bpd', '</bpd');
put _infile_;
* copy data collections from xml file to tables in work library;
libname respfilt xmlv2 ;
proc copy in=respfilt out=work;
Reference material
REST at Ease with SASĀ®: How to Use SAS to Get Your REST
Joseph Henry, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC

Using Json.NET to parse result returned by Google Maps API

I am trying to use google map api's web service to make a web request, and get the json string, and then get the latitude and longitude I need for the input address.
Everything is fine. I got the json string I need.
Now I am using to parse the string.
I don't know why, but I simply cannot convert it into a JArray.
Here is the json string
Can anyone teach me how to write the c# code to get the lat and lng in geometry > location?
Here is my codes and the bug screenshot
You have a few options when using JSON.NET to Parse the JSON.
The best option, IMHO, is to use Serialization to pull the object back into a structured type that you can manipulate as you could any other class. For this you can see serialization in the JSON.NET documentation (I can also post more details if that isn't clear enough).
If all you want is to grab the address, as you listed in your question, you can also use the LINQ feature to pull that information back. You could use code similar to the following to pull it off (the key lies in the SelectToken method to pull back the details you need).
Dim json As Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject
json = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(jsonString)
You can also use all the normal power of Linq to traverse the JSON as you'd expect. See the LINQ documentation as well.
[I realize this is an old question, but in the off chance it helps someone else...]
The problem here is that json["results"] is a JArray, but you are not querying it like one. You need to use an array index to get the first (and only, in this case) element, then you can access the objects inside it.
string address = json["results"][0]["formatted_address"].Value<string>();
To get the latitude and longitude you can do:
JToken location = json["results"][0]["geometry"]["location"];
double lat = location["lat"].Value<double>();
double lng = location["lng"].Value<double>();

Why won't Google Calendar load my dynamically generated ICS file?

I've been given the task of creating an ICAL feed of conference calls for members of our organization. I created a handler in ASP.NET that loops through our database, gets the call data from the database, and creates output that appears valid to me based on what I've read of the ICAL format, and the examples I've seen/disassembled.
Outlook 2007 reads the resulting output and displays the calendar, no problem (screenshot here shows how it renders).
30 Boxes also has no problem with it. (see test here).
But when I try to load the same output into Google Calendar, I get the message "We could not parse the calendar at the url requested":
What's wrong with my output that's causing Google to reject it? You can see the temporary data I'm testing with at this URL: This is a snapshot of the output from my .ASHX file, unaltered except the phone numbers and passcodes have been sanitized.
Edit with additional Info:
I just tried the following
Created a copy of my test file called "icaltest-1googevent.ics"
Deleted all the VEVENT data from the file
Exported one of my Google calendars to ICS
Copied one VEVENT from Google's exported data into my test file
Attempted to subcribe to icaltest-1googevent.ics in Google Calendar.
I still got an error message. So I'm guessing the issue isn't with my VEVENT data, but with something else about the file. Maybe there's something wrong with my VCALENDAR definition?
the severinghaus ics validator seems to think there is something funny ( a ? ) before the BEGIN CALENDAR
In my testing google was a lot fussier/rigourous/pedantic - once you get it working with the validator and google it should work in most places.
After lots of trial-and-error, and comparing my output with Google's, I got it working. There were a few problems with my ICS file:
Unescaped characters (I didn't know I had to escape commas!)
Inconsistent line return characters. They didn't show up in my text editor, but I had to use .NET's String.remove() to remove "\r" from my output to get Google to recognize it
The file was missing VCALENDAR:END. Apparently Outlook doesn't much care. Google does.
I had not one, but three funny characters before the BEGIN:VCALENDAR, decimal codes 239, 187, 191.
I found them thanks to the link above, thanks!
It turns out they're a prefix called BOM in UTF-8, you can read up on it here:
Google doesn't handle this, but after stripping these three characters from the file and uploading to the server, I was able to susbribe to that calendar in Google Calendar (from URL).
I hope this helps someone passing by this page in the future...
I had similar problem until I realised that opening the generated .ics file in Notepad++ wasn't in UTF-8. I was using a method to convert my string to a byte array, but wasn't using an encoder for this, so no matter what content headers I used, the file would never be generated using UTF-8. This simple fix resolved the UTF-8 generation and Google is now happy with my feed:
var utf8 = Encoding.UTF8;
byte[] utfBytes = utf8.GetBytes(myString);
myString= utf8.GetString(utfBytes, 0, utfBytes.Length);

Best method to populate XML from SQL query in ASP.NET?

I need to create a service that will return XML containing data from the database. So I am thinking about using an ASHX that will accept things like date range and POST an XML file back. I have dealt with pages pulling data from SQL Server and populating into a datagrid for visual display but never into XML for delivery, what is the best way to do this? Also if an ASHX and POST isn't the best method for delivery let me know... thanks!
EDIT: These answers are great and pointing me in the right direction. I should have also mentioned that the XML format has already been decided so I can't use any automatically generated one.
Combining linq2sqlwith the XElement classes, something along the lines:
var xmlContacts =
new XElement("contacts",
(from c in context.Contacts
select new XElement("contact",
new XElement
new XElement("name", c.Name),
new XElement("phone", c.Phone),
new XElement("postal", c.Postal)
Linq2sql will retrieve the data in a single call to the db, and the processing of the XML will be done at the business server. This splits the load better, since you don't have the sql server doing all the job.
Have you tried DataSet.WriteXml()?
You could have this be the output of a web service call.
Sql Server 2005 and above has a "FOR XML AUTO" command that will convert your recordset to XML for you. Then you just have to return a string from your ASHX.
Beginning with SQL Server 2000, you can return query results as XML. For absolute control of them, use the "FOR XML EXPLICIT" command. You can use any format you desire that way.
It's as easy as writing your result to the raw output then. For added points, you can return the result set to a XPathDocument, pass it through an XSL transformation, and send the results out in any format you choose (HTML vs XML at the click of a button perhaps).
you can obtained that to a datatable and then call myTable.WriteXML()
if you are populating classes with the your database results then add the serializable attribute to the header your classes, and use the XMLSerializer
Converting an automatically generated format into a specified one is a job for xslt. Just find a way to run the output from the tool through an xslt filter.
Oracle has a great product for doing exactly this job - the oracle XDK. But it's a java thing, not ASP as far as I know.
For an example, this XHTML
is generated automatically from this XML, which is generated by oracle
Of course, you are not after XHTML, but some other XML format. But XSLT will do the job.

Deleting / Replacing A Node in E4X (AS3 - Flex)

I'm building a listing/grid control in a Flex application and using it in a .NET web application. To make a really long story short I am getting XML from a webservice of serialized objects. I have a page limit of how many things can be on a page. I've taken a data grid and made it page, sort across pages, and handle some basic filtering.
In regards to paging I'm using a Dictionary keyed on the page and storing the XML for that page. This way whenever a user comes back to a page that I've saved into this dictionary I can grab the XML from local memory instead of hitting the webservice. Basically, I'm caching the data retrieved from each call to the webservice for a page of data.
There are several things that can expire my cache. Filtering and sorting are the main reason. However, a user may edit a row of data in the grid by opening an editor. The data they edit could cause the data displayed in the row to be stale. I could easily go to the webservice and get the whole page of data, but since the page size is set at runtime I could be looking at a large amount of records to retrieve.
So let me now get to the heart of the issue that I am experiencing. In order to prevent getting the whole page of data back I make a call to the webservice asking for the completely updated record (the editor handles saving its data).
Since I'm using custom objects I need to serialize them on the server to XML (this is handled already for other portions of our software). All data is handled through XML in e4x. The cache in the Dictionary is stored as an XMLList.
Now let me show you my code...
var idOfReplacee:String = this._WebService.GetSingleModelXml.lastResult.*[0].*[0].#Id;
var xmlToReplace:XMLList = this._DataPages[this._Options.PageIndex].Data.(#Id == idOfReplacee);
if(xmlToReplace.length() > 0)
delete (this._DataPages[this._Options.PageIndex].Data.(#Id == idOfReplacee)[0]);
this._DataPages[this._Options.PageIndex].Data += this._WebService.GetSingleModelXml.lastResult.*[0].*[0];
Basically, I get the id of the node I want to replace. Then I find it in the cache's Data property (XMLList). I make sure it exists since the filter on the second line returns the XMLList.
The problem I have is with the delete line. I cannot make that line delete that node from the list. The line following the delete line works. I've added the node to the list.
How do I replace or delete that node (meaning the node that I find from the filter statement out of the .Data property of the cache)???
Hopefully the underscores for all of my variables do not stay escaped when this is posted! otherwise this.&#95 == this._
Thanks for the answers guys.
I tried the replace several different ways. For some reason it would never error, but never update the list.
I figured out a solution. The issue wasn't coming from what you suggested, but from how the delete works with Lists (at least how I have it in this instance).
The Data property of the _DataPages dictionary object is list of the definition nodes (was arrived at by a previous filtering of another XML document).
<Definition Id='1' />
<Definition Id='2' />
I ended up doing this little deal:
//gets the index of the node to replace from the same filter
var childIndex:int = (this._DataPages[this._Options.PageIndex].Data.(#Id == idOfReplacee)[0]).childIndex();
//deletes the node from the list
delete this._DataPages[this._Options.PageIndex].Data[childIndex];
//appends the new node from the webservice to the list
this._DataPages[this._Options.PageIndex].Data += this._WebService.GetSingleModelXml.lastResult.*[0].*[0];
So basically I had to get the index of the node in the XMLList that is the Data property. From there I could use the delete keyword to remove it from the list. The += adds my new node to the list.
I'm so used to using the ActiveX or Mozilla XmlDocument stuff where you call "SelectSingleNode" and then use "replaceChild" to do this kind of stuff. Oh well, at least this is in some forum where someone else can find it. I do not know the procedure for what happens when I answer my own question. Perhaps this insight will help someone else come along and help answer the question better!
Perhaps you could use replace instead?
var oldNode : XML = this._DataPages[this._Options.PageIndex].Data.(#Id == idOfReplacee)[0];
var newNode : XML = this._WebService.GetSingleModelXml.lastResult.*[0].*[0];
oldNode.parent.replace(oldNode, newNode);
I know this is an incredibly old question, but I don't see (what I think is) the simplest solution to this problem.
Theo had the right direction here, but there's a number of errors with the way replace was being used (and the fact that pretty much everything in E4X is a function).
I believe this will do the trick:
oldNode.parent().replace(oldNode.childIndex(), newNode);
replace() can take a number of different types in the first parameter, but AFAIK, XML objects are not one of them.
I don't immediately see the problem, so I can only venture a guess. The delete line that you've got is looking for the first item at the top level of the list which has an attribute "Id" with a value equal to idOfReplacee. Ensure that you don't need to dig deeper into the XML structure to find that matching id.
Try this instead:
delete (this._DataPages[this._Options.PageIndex].Data..(#Id == idOfReplacee)[0]);
(Notice the extra '.' after Data). You could more easily debug this by setting a breakpoint on the second line of the code you posted, and ensure that the XMLList looks like you expect.
