Good way to delete all data according to criteria/child's value in Firebase database admin? - firebase

I want to clean up this userPublic by deleting all of its child node which has isTesting == true. I am using Firebase's cloud function. My approach would be :
const userPublic = admin.database().ref("/userPublic")
const testsInUserPublic = userPublic.orderByChild("isTesting").equalTo(true)
testsInUserPublic.once("value", dataSnapshot => {
// ???
Since I can only call .remove() on reference and not snapshot but to filter the child I want it returns snapshot, how can I get the reference from snapshot? (I would like to know the key XXX-XXX-XXX of each filtered child, so I can concatenate with userPublic and .remove() them one by one)
Also, even if I can get all the references that I want to remove I think deleting them one by one by calling .remove() then wait for promise, then call the next one does not sounds like an optimal way. Are there any way to remove all of them in one go?
If it involves calling .update() on the top userPublic node, I would have to fetch everything, remove the one with isTesting and then put the remaining back for update. This sounds like it is not efficient compared to the filtering way. As eventually the one with .isTesting is only about 5% of all data. Or is this actually the approach everyone is using?

You're almost there. All that's left is to create a single multi-location update from the results of your query:
const userPublic = admin.database().ref("/userPublic")
const testsInUserPublic = userPublic.orderByChild("isTesting").equalTo(true)
testsInUserPublic.once("value", snapshot => {
var updates = {};
snapshot.forEach(function(child) {
updates["/userPublic/"+child.key] = null;
Doing this with promises would not be too different:
testsInUserPublic.once("value", snapshot => {
var promises = [];
snapshot.forEach(function(child) {
Promise.all(promises); // this returns a promise that resolves once all deletes are done, or that rejects once one of them fails
Performance of this will be very similar, since Firebase pipelines the requests over a single connection. See


How do I know if there are more documents left to get from a firestore collection?

I'm using flutter and firebase. I use pagination, max 5 documents per page. How do I know if there are more documents left to get from a firestore collection. I want to use this information to enable/disable a next page button presented to the user.
limit: 5 (5 documents each time)
orderBy: "date" (newest first)
startAfterDocument: latestDocument (just a variable that holds the latest document)
This is how I fetch the documents.
collection.limit(5).orderBy("date", descending: true).startAfterDocument(latestDocument).get()
I thought about checking if the number of docs received from firestore is equal to 5, then assume there are more docs to get. But this will not work if I there are a total of n * 5 docs in the collection.
I thought about getting the last document in the collection and store this and compare this to every doc in the batches I get, if there is a match then I know I've reach the end, but this means one excess read.
Or maybe I could keep on getting docs until I get an empty list and assume I've reached the end of the collection.
I still feel there are a much better solution to this.
Let me know if you need more info, this is my first question on this account.
There is no flag in the response to indicate there are more documents. The common solution is to request one more document than you need/display, and then use the presence of that last document as an indicator that there are more documents.
This is also what the database would have to do to include such a flag in its response, which is probably why this isn't an explicit option in the SDK.
You might also want to check the documentation on keeping a distributed count of the number of documents in a collection as that's another way to determine whether you need to enable the UI to load a next page.
here's a way to get a large data from firebase collection
let latestDoc = null; // this is to store the last doc from a query
const dataArr = []; // this is to store the data getting from firestore
let loadMore = true; // this is to check if there's more data or no
const initialQuery = async () => {
const first = db
.startAfter(latestDoc || 0)
const data = await first.get(); => {
// console.log("",;
dataArr.push(; // pushing the data into the array
//! update latest doc
latestDoc =[ - 1];
//! unattach event listeners if no more docs
if (data.empty) {
loadMore = false;
// running this through this function so we can actual await for the
//docs to get from firebase
const run = async () => {
// looping until we get all the docs
while (loadMore) {
console.log({ loadMore });
await initialQuery();

Firebase functions update trigger behavior for realtime database

my code looks like below:
exports.XXX = functions.database.ref("/global/tokenEarned")
.onUpdate(async (change, context) => {
let newValue = change.after.val();
const oldValue = change.before.val()
if(oldValue !== newValue){
const diff = newValue - oldValue
const resp = await db.ref("/global").once("value")
const respData = resp.val()
await db.ref("global").update({"totalDivi" : respData.totalDivi + divi})
return null
As you can see that i am updating the attribute "totalDivi" whenever another attribute "tokenEarned" gets updated with the difference between new and old value.
this works as expected. However, how this will work in a situation when multiple people are updating the value of tokenEarned? will firebase queue the above function calls in the order value gets updated by multiple users?
Will firebase queue the above function calls in the order value gets
updated by multiple users?
No, there is no guarantee that the executions will follow any ordering, like ordering of triggering of events. The Cloud Function could even be executed simultaneously, in parallel’ if several server instances are spun up.
Depending on your exact use case you may need to go for another solution.

How to query an array of objects in a Firebase Cloud Function, to get a matching object and then update

I am using a scheduled task in a Firebase Cloud Function to query an array which contains a number of objects that need to be updated if a matching condition exists. My current attempt is using the 'array-contains' method to get the objects, then loop over them to find a matching condition which will then batch update the items. This is my data structure:
I need to find an object that is <= the current time, and also if the 'active' value = false.
export const liveMeetingsTrigger = functions.runWith( { memory: '1GB' }).pubsub
.schedule('every 1 minutes').onRun(async context => {
const now =;
const liveMeetings = await admin.firestore().collection('fl_content').where('meeting', 'array-contains', 'liveMeetingDate').get();
const batch = admin.firestore().batch();
liveMeetings.forEach(doc => {
if( <= now && == false){
return await batch.commit();
I have also tried using an exact object in the query instead of just using 'liveMeetingDate', but still get no results back, any help would be great - thanks.
Debugging: As the array I am trying to reach is inside of the (map) object 'liveMeetings' i have tried the dot notation (liveMeetings.meeting) with no success. Also trying a new collection with the the 'meeting' array at top level has provided no success.
Simple logging in the console (liveMeetings.size) shows that nothing is being returned on the query, so therefore the logging does not even reach the loop in the code.
As explained in this anwser the following query will not work:
const liveMeetings = await admin.firestore().collection('fl_content').where('meeting', 'array-contains', 'liveMeetingDate').get();
because the meetings array contain some objects, instead of "simple" or primitive data (e.g. string, number...).
You could query it with the exact objects, like:
const obj = {active: false, liveMeetingDate: ..., meetingId: ..., ....};
const liveMeetings = await admin.firestore().collection('fl_content').where('meeting', 'array-contains', 'obj').get();
Another approach would be to create a new collection which contains the similar documents (same Document ID) but with a meeting Array that contains only the liveMeetingDate property.
Finally, note that since your Array is within a map, you need to do
await admin.firestore().collection('fl_content').where('liveMeetings.meeting', 'array-contains', ...).get();
(PS: I don't mark this question as duplicate since you expressly ask for more help in the comments of the duplicate question/answer)

How to Remove Arrays of Element in Firebase Cloud Firestore using Ionic 4

In My Cloud Firestore database structure looks like this. Now, I'd like to delete index positions based on Index 0, Index 1 like this.
const arrayLikedImagesRef = {imageurl: image, isliked: true};
const db = firebase.firestore();
const deleteRef = db.collection('userdata').doc(`${phno}`);
likedimages: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.arrayRemove(arrayLikedImagesRef)
As explained here, “bad things can happen when trying to update or delete array elements at specific indexes”. This is why the Firestore official documentation indicates that the arrayRemove() function will take elements (strings) as arguments, but not indexes.
As suggested in this answer, if you prefer using indexes then you should get the entire document, get the array, modify it and add it back to the database.
You can't use FieldValue to remove array items by index. Instead, you could use a transaction to remove the array items. Using a transaction ensures you are actually writing back the exact array you expect, and can deal with other writers.
For example (the reference I use here is arbitrary, of course, you would need to provide the correct reference):
db.runTransaction(t => {
const ref = db.collection('arrayremove').doc('targetdoc');
return t.get(ref).then(doc => {
const arraydata =;
// It is at this point that you need to decide which index
// to remove -- to ensure you get the right item.
const removeThisIndex = 2;
arraydata.splice(removeThisIndex, 1);
t.update(ref, {likedimages: arraydata});
Of course, as noted in the above code, you can only be sure you are about to delete the correct index when you are actually inside the transaction itself -- otherwise the array you fetch might not line up with the array data that you originally selected the index at. So be careful!
That said, you might be asking what to do given that FieldValue.arrayRemove doesn't support nested arrays (so you can't pass it multiple maps to remove). In that case, you just want a variant of the above that actually checks values (this example only works with a single value and a fixed object type, but you could easily modify it to be more generic):
const db = firebase.firestore();
const imageToRemove = {isliked: true, imageurl: "url1"};
db.runTransaction(t => {
const ref = db.collection('arrayremove').doc('byvaluedoc');
return t.get(ref).then(doc => {
const arraydata =;
const outputArray = []
arraydata.forEach(item => {
if (!(item.isliked == imageToRemove.isliked &&
item.imageurl == imageToRemove.imageurl)) {
t.update(ref, {likedimages: outputArray});
(I do note that in your code you are using a raw boolean, but the database has the isliked items as strings. I tested the above code and it appears to work despite that, but it'd be better to be consistent in your use of types).

Cloud Functions retrieve List from Firebase Database

I'm triggering a Cloud Function using Http Request.
The issue is to retrieve the entire List of Objects I have, without an event to then loop through them.
The List is under the account/userId Node.
Here is what I use but I get nothing:
return admin.database().ref('/account/' + userId).once('value').then(function (snap) {
let data = snap.val();
Without seeing your database structure it is a bit difficult to write an answer and be 100% sure it is a correct one, but the following should do the trick:
return admin.database().ref('/account/' + userId).once('value').then(function (snap)
snap.forEach(function(child) {
const childKey = child.key; // <- here you get the key of each child of the '/account/' + userId node
const childVal = child.val(); // <- and here you get the values of these children as JavaScript objects
In case this is not exactly what you are looking for, please update you Question with your database structure and the entire code of your Cloud Function.
