I use below mentioned code to send mails, can I change the format of table which will pasted on mail body, I want to send nicely formatted/compacted table in mail body.
first6 is my data.frame
date2 <- paste("My subject of mail", Date, sep = " - ")
newdir <- paste("output", Sys.time(), sep = "_")
dir.create(newdir)#, showWarnings = FALSE)
mydoc = bsdoc( title = 'my document')
options( "ReporteRs-fontsize" = 8 )
mydoc = addParagraph(mydoc, value = "Hi All, \n\nPlease check attached summary.")
mydoc = addParagraph(mydoc, value = "Summary:")
MyFTable = FlexTable( data = first6, add.rownames = FALSE, header.cell.props = cellProperties( background.color = "#FAEBD7" )
, header.par.props = parProperties(text.align = "center" ))
MyFTable = setColumnsColors( MyFTable, j=1, colors = '#F0F8FF' )
MyFTable[ , ] = parProperties( text.align = 'center')
MyFTable = setColumnsColors( MyFTable, j=ncol(first6), colors = '#F0F8FF' )
mydoc = addFlexTable( mydoc, MyFTable )
writeDoc( mydoc, file = "op2.html" )
send.mail(from = "abc#xyz.com",
to = c("abc#xyz.com"),
subject = date2,
body = "op2.html",
html = TRUE,
smtp = list(host.name = "smtp.gmail.com", port = 465, user.name = "abc#xyz.com", passwd = "xyz#123", ssl = TRUE),
authenticate = TRUE,
send = TRUE)
Sorry if this doesn't answer your question, but I think you need to use the right tool for the right job.
In column A : Names of the people
In column B : E-mail addresses
In column C:Z : Filenames like this C:\Data\Book2.xls (don't have to be Excel files)
The Macro will loop through each row in "Sheet1" and if there is a E-mail address in column B
and file name(s) in column C:Z it will create a mail with this information and send it.
Sub Send_Files()
'Working in Excel 2000-2016
'For Tips see: http://www.rondebruin.nl/win/winmail/Outlook/tips.htm
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim cell As Range
Dim FileCell As Range
Dim rng As Range
With Application
.EnableEvents = False
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With
Set sh = Sheets("Sheet1")
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
For Each cell In sh.Columns("B").Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
'Enter the path/file names in the C:Z column in each row
Set rng = sh.Cells(cell.Row, 1).Range("C1:Z1")
If cell.Value Like "?*#?*.?*" And _
Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(rng) > 0 Then
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
With OutMail
.to = cell.Value
.Subject = "Testfile"
.Body = "Hi " & cell.Offset(0, -1).Value
For Each FileCell In rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
If Trim(FileCell) <> "" Then
If Dir(FileCell.Value) <> "" Then
.Attachments.Add FileCell.Value
End If
End If
Next FileCell
.Send 'Or use .Display
End With
Set OutMail = Nothing
End If
Next cell
Set OutApp = Nothing
With Application
.EnableEvents = True
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub
You can find other options at the link below.
I am trying to connect to a socket using a client that is running Tkinter. The script runs a banking app allowing users to log in. The user data is stored in an SQLite database. When running the socket and client scripts the Tkinter window launches and the user is able to log in. However, when the user logs out and tries to log in as another user the program gets stuck.
LogInCommand() I think is getting stuck as it only fails when running again. I believe it has to do with how I am discounting from the socket. However, I need the socket to constantly run for the app to work.
Socket :
import socket
import sqlite3
Connection = sqlite3.connect('BankAccounts.sqlite')
st = socket.socket() #Creating a socket object. Second socket is the class.
print("socket ready")
st.bind(("Localhost",8080)) #Creating the socket using port 8080 (IP address + port number)
st.listen(100) #Only allowing a maximum of two connections at a time.
print("waiting for connections")
while True:
Client, address = st.accept() #Creating two variables and setting them equal to the accept object method.
# print("connected with", address)
cdata = Client.recv(1024).decode()
print("in loop")
if not cdata:
if "*li#" in cdata:
data = cdata.split("*li#")
cred = data[1].split("##")
sql = "SELECT * FROM bankusers"
curser = Connection.execute(sql)
username = cred[0]
password = cred[1]
for row in curser:
if row[0] == username and row[1] == password:
balance = str(row[2])
login = ("*Suc*"+balance)
Client :
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import *
from Bank import *
import socket
root = Tk()
Client = socket.socket()
import json
login = "Failed"
import sqlite3
Connection = sqlite3.connect('BankAccounts.sqlite')
def localuser(username,password,balance):
user1 = {
"username": username,
"password": password,
"balance" : balance
return user1
def sqlupdate():
with open("bankusers.json","r") as file:
reader = json.load(file)
balance2 = reader["balance"]
username2 = reader["username"]
sql = f"UPDATE bankusers SET balance = {balance2} where username = '{username2}'"
def updatenewuser(username, amount):
sql1 = f"Select * from bankusers where username = '{username}' "
data = Connection.execute(sql1)
for row in data:
newbalance = int(row[2]) + int(amount)
sql2 = f"Update bankusers Set balance = {newbalance} where username = '{username}'"
print("The user does not exist")
def logout():
label1 = Label(root,text = "Username")
label2 = Label(root,text = "Password")
global usernamebox
global passwordbox
usernamebox = Entry(root,width = 20)
passwordbox = Entry(root,width = 20)
buttonLogin = Button(root,text = "Login",width=10, command=LoginCommand)
canvas.create_window(230,100,window = label1)
canvas.create_window(230,150,window = label2)
canvas.create_window(400,100,window = usernamebox)
canvas.create_window(400,150,window = passwordbox)
canvas.create_window(400,200,window = buttonLogin)
def pay():
if name.get()==username1:
trylabel = Label(root,text= "You are unable to send money to yourself",)
sql2 = f"SELECT * FROM bankusers where username = '{username1}'"
curser = Connection.execute(sql2)
for row in curser:
if int(amountbox.get()) <= row[2]:
newamount = row[2] - int(amountbox.get())
with open("bankusers.json", "w") as file:
user = localuser(username1,password1,newamount)
label1 = Label(root,text="Transaction Succsfull")
backbut = Button(root,text= "Done", command=mainscreen)
label1 = Label(root,text = "Transaction Failed. Please ensure you have suffcient funds for this transaction")
backbut = Button(root,text= "Done", command=mainscreen)
label1 = Label(root,text = "Transaction Failed. Please check recipient name and amount")
backbut = Button(root,text= "Done", command=mainscreen)
def transact():
global name
label1 = Label(root,text = "Person Receiving:")
label2 = Label(root,text = "Amount:")
name = Entry(root,width = 20)
global amountbox
amountbox = Entry(root,width = 20)
paybutt = Button(root,text = "Pay", command = pay)
backbutton = Button(root,text = "Back",command = mainscreen)
canvas.create_window(450,100,window = name)
def LoginCommand():
count = 1
li = "*li#"
cred = li+usernamebox.get()+"##"+passwordbox.get()
message = Client.recv(1024).decode()
if "*Suc*" in message:
count = 0
login = "Succsess"
global username1
global password1
global balance1
username1 = usernamebox.get()
password1 = passwordbox.get()
balance1 = message.split("*Suc*")
user = localuser(username1,password1,balance1[1])
with open("bankusers.json", "w") as file:
if count == 1:
global label2
label2 = Label(root,text = "Login Failed. Please Try Again")
canvas.create_window(400,250,window = label2)
def mainscreen():
with open("bankusers.json","r") as file:
reader = json.load(file)
balance2 = reader["balance"]
label1 = Label(root, text = f"Available Balance: R{balance2}")
buttonLogout = Button(root,text = "Log Out", command=logout)
buttonTrans = Button(root,text = "Transact", command=transact)
canvas.create_window(400,100,window = label1)
canvas.create_window(450,200,window = buttonTrans)
root.title("Raindrop Bank")
canvas = Canvas(root, width = 800, height = 400)
label1 = Label(root,text = "Username")
label2 = Label(root,text = "Password")
usernamebox = Entry(root,width = 20)
passwordbox = Entry(root,width = 20)
buttonLogin = Button(root,text = "Login",width=10, command=LoginCommand)
canvas.create_window(230,100,window = label1)
canvas.create_window(230,150,window = label2)
canvas.create_window(400,100,window = usernamebox)
canvas.create_window(400,150,window = passwordbox)
canvas.create_window(400,200,window = buttonLogin)
Hello I would like to assign a dbConnection to a R6 class but it fails.
LastProfilZdb <- R6Class(
classname = "LastProfilZdb",
public = list(
name = NULL,
zp = NULL,
data = NULL ,
zp_id = function() {
pool::poolWithTransaction(self$db_server, function(conn){
DBI::dbGetQuery(conn, paste0("SELECT ZP_ID FROM
ZP_ID WHERE LP_ZP = '", self$zaehlpunkt,
"' OR ZP_NAME_SAP = '", self$zaehlpunkt, "'"))
initialize = function(){
message("Init Data Base Connection")
self$db_server <- pool::dbPool(drv = odbc::odbc(),
dsn = "Oracle",
schema = "schema" )
finalize = function() {
message("Closing Data Base Connection")
private = list(
# db Connection is stored in the calss so we don't need to care any more
# This way, input data can be collected in a neat way,
# and stored inside our object.
db_server = NULL
This fails with error:
Error in self$db_server <- pool::dbPool(drv = odbc::odbc(), dsn = "Oracle", :
cannot add bindings to a locked environment
What can I do?
I have read most of the posts concerning an error of this type but neither applies to my case. I am new in R, working on an assignment for school based on Nolan and Lang's book Data Science Case Studies in R. I am working on using stats to identify spam, url for the code can be found here, which require working with files from http://spamassassin.apache.org/old/publiccorpus/ (which are pretty big)
Now the problem I am facing is the following (just posting the chunks of code where I have encountered the issue):
sampleSplit = lapply(sampleEmail, splitMessage)
processHeader = function(header)
# modify the first line to create a key:value pair
header[1] = sub("^From", "Top-From:", header[1])
headerMat = read.dcf(textConnection(header), all = TRUE)
headerVec = unlist(headerMat)
dupKeys = sapply(headerMat, function(x) length(unlist(x)))
names(headerVec) = rep(colnames(headerMat), dupKeys)
headerList = lapply(sampleSplit,
function(msg) {
processHeader(msg$header)} )
contentTypes = sapply(headerList, function(header)
names(contentTypes) = NULL
hasAttach = grep("^ *multi", tolower(contentTypes))
boundaries = getBoundary(contentTypes[ hasAttach ])
boundary = boundaries[9]
body = sampleSplit[[15]]$body
bString = paste("--", boundary, sep = "")
bStringLocs = which(bString == body)
eString = paste("--", boundary, "--", sep = "")
eStringLoc = which(eString == body)
diff(c(bStringLocs[-1], eStringLoc))
### This code has mistakes in it - and we fix them later!
processAttach = function(body, contentType){
boundary = getBoundary(contentType)
bString = paste("--", boundary, "$", sep = "")
bStringLocs = grep(bString, body)
eString = paste("--", boundary, "--$", sep = "")
eStringLoc = grep(eString, body)
n = length(body)
if (length(eStringLoc) == 0) eStringLoc = n + 1
if (length(bStringLocs) == 1) attachLocs = NULL
else attachLocs = c(bStringLocs[-1], eStringLoc)
msg = body[ (bStringLocs[1] + 1) : min(n, (bStringLocs[2] - 1),
na.rm = TRUE)]
if ( eStringLoc < n )
msg = c(msg, body[ (eStringLoc + 1) : n ])
if ( !is.null(attachLocs) ) {
attachLens = diff(attachLocs, lag = 1)
attachTypes = mapply(function(begL, endL) {
contentTypeLoc = grep("[Cc]ontent-[Tt]ype", body[ (begL + 1) : (endL - 1)])
contentType = body[ begL + contentTypeLoc]
contentType = gsub('"', "", contentType )
MIMEType = sub(" *Content-Type: *([^;]*);?.*", "\\1", contentType)
}, attachLocs[-length(attachLocs)], attachLocs[-1])
if (is.null(attachLocs)) return(list(body = msg, attachInfo = NULL) )
else return(list(body = msg,
attachDF = data.frame(aLen = attachLens,
aType = attachTypes,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)))
bodyList = lapply(sampleSplit, function(msg) msg$body)
attList = mapply(processAttach, bodyList[hasAttach],
lens = sapply(attList, function(processedA)
body = bodyList[hasAttach][[2]]
processAttach = function(body, contentType){
n = length(body)
boundary = getBoundary(contentType)
bString = paste("--", boundary, sep = "")
bStringLocs = which(bString == body)
eString = paste("--", boundary, "--", sep = "")
eStringLoc = which(eString == body)
if (length(eStringLoc) == 0) eStringLoc = n
if (length(bStringLocs) <= 1) {
attachLocs = NULL
msgLastLine = n
if (length(bStringLocs) == 0) bStringLocs = 0
} else {
attachLocs = c(bStringLocs[ -1 ], eStringLoc)
msgLastLine = bStringLocs[2] - 1
msg = body[ (bStringLocs[1] + 1) : msgLastLine]
if ( eStringLoc < n )
msg = c(msg, body[ (eStringLoc + 1) : n ])
if ( !is.null(attachLocs) ) {
attachLens = diff(attachLocs, lag = 1)
attachTypes = mapply(function(begL, endL) {
CTloc = grep("^[Cc]ontent-[Tt]ype", body[ (begL + 1) : (endL - 1)])
if ( length(CTloc) == 0 ) {
} else {
CTval = body[ begL + CTloc[1] ]
CTval = gsub('"', "", CTval )
MIMEType = sub(" *[Cc]ontent-[Tt]ype: *([^;]*);?.*", "\\1", CTval)
}, attachLocs[-length(attachLocs)], attachLocs[-1])
if (is.null(attachLocs)) return(list(body = msg, attachDF = NULL) )
return(list(body = msg,
attachDF = data.frame(aLen = attachLens,
aType = unlist(attachTypes),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)))
readEmail = function(dirName) {
# retrieve the names of files in directory
fileNames = list.files(dirName, full.names = TRUE)
# drop files that are not email
notEmail = grep("cmds$", fileNames)
if ( length(notEmail) > 0) fileNames = fileNames[ - notEmail ]
# read all files in the directory
lapply(fileNames, readLines, encoding = "latin1")
processAllEmail = function(dirName, isSpam = FALSE)
# read all files in the directory
messages = readEmail(dirName)
fileNames = names(messages)
n = length(messages)
# split header from body
eSplit = lapply(messages, splitMessage)
# process header as named character vector
headerList = lapply(eSplit, function(msg)
# extract content-type key
contentTypes = sapply(headerList, function(header)
# extract the body
bodyList = lapply(eSplit, function(msg) msg$body)
# which email have attachments
hasAttach = grep("^ *multi", tolower(contentTypes))
# get summary stats for attachments and the shorter body
attList = mapply(processAttach, bodyList[hasAttach],
contentTypes[hasAttach], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
bodyList[hasAttach] = lapply(attList, function(attEl)
attachInfo = vector("list", length = n )
attachInfo[ hasAttach ] = lapply(attList,
function(attEl) attEl$attachDF)
# prepare return structure
emailList = mapply(function(header, body, attach, isSpam) {
list(isSpam = isSpam, header = header,
body = body, attach = attach)
headerList, bodyList, attachInfo,
rep(isSpam, n), SIMPLIFY = FALSE )
names(emailList) = fileNames
Everything runs fine right up to:
emailStruct = mapply(processAllEmail, fullDirNames,
isSpam = rep( c(FALSE, TRUE), 3:2))
emailStruct = unlist(emailStruct, recursive = FALSE)
sampleStruct = emailStruct[ indx ]
save(emailStruct, file="emailXX.rda")
I get the error Error in textConnection(header) : all connections are in use, therefore it doesn't recognize "emailStruct", which I need later on. I seriously don't know how to overcome it so that I can continue with the rest of the code, which requires some of these variables to work.
When you run textConnection() you are opening a text connection, but you are never closing it. Try closing it explicitly after you read from it
read.dcf(tc<-textConnection(header), all = TRUE)
[I'm trying to quote the app user for multiple date range inputs. However, the number of date range inputs could be different every time. For example, this time I have 3 periods and next time I may have 17 periods to grab. How should I code the endDate to have R grab the last date range input automatically?]
ui <-fluidPage(
dateRangeInput('dateRange1', label = 'period1', start = '', end = '' ),
dateRangeInput('dateRange2', label = 'period2', start = '', end = '' ),
dateRangeInput('dateRange3', label = 'period3', start = '', end = '' ),
dateRangeInput('dateRange4', label = 'period4', start = '', end = '' ),
dateRangeInput('dateRange5', label = 'period5', start = '', end = '' ),
dateRangeInput('dateRange6', label = 'period6', start = '', end = '' ),
dateRangeInput('dateRange7', label = 'period7', start = '', end = '' ),
dateRangeInput('dateRange8', label = 'period8', start = '', end = '' ),
dateRangeInput('dateRange9', label = 'period9', start = '', end = '' ),
dateRangeInput('dateRange10', label = 'period10', start = '', end = '' ),
dateRangeInput('dateRange11', label = 'period11', start = '', end = '' ),
dateRangeInput('dateRange12', label = 'period12', start = '', end = '' ),
dateRangeInput('dateRange13', label = 'period13', start = '', end = '' ),
dateRangeInput('dateRange14', label = 'period14', start = '', end = '' ),
dateRangeInput('dateRange15', label = 'period15', start = '', end = '' ),
dateRangeInput('dateRange16', label = 'period16', start = '', end = '' ),
dateRangeInput('dateRange17', label = 'period17', start = '', end = '' ),
dateRangeInput('dateRange18', label = 'period18', start = '', end = '' ),
dateRangeInput('dateRange19', label = 'period19', start = '', end = '' ),
dateRangeInput('dateRange20', label = 'period20', start = '', end = '' ),
actionButton("submit", "Submit")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$submit, {
startDate = input$dateRange1[1]
endDate = ???
To save typing energy we can use a wrapper function when it makes sense.
dateRanger <- function(range, label, start, end) {
lst1 <- Map(dateRangeInput, range, label=label, start=start, end=end)
c(lst1, list(actionButton('submit', "Submit")))
dr <- dateRanger(paste0("dateRange", 1:20),
paste0("period", 1:20), '', '')
f2 <- do.call('fluidPage', unname(dr))
all.equal(f1, f2)
#[1] TRUE
You could get a list of all of the dateRangeXX inputs using
dateRanges <- grep('dateRange', names(input), value = T)
You would then extract the minimum and maximum values by converting the dateRange inputs into a matrix of dates and calculating the start and end dates.
dateMatrix <- sapply(dateRanges, function(x) {input[[x]]})
dateMin <- min(dateMatrix[ ,1], na.rm = T)
dateMax <- max(dateMatrix[ ,2], na.rm = T)
So i've created 5 different arrays for labels These are
Dim ovsoLabels As Label(), customerLabels() As Label, itemNameLabels() As Label, quantityLabels() As Label, topRightItemNameLbls(5) As Label
Dim indexLabels() As Label
After that I have a function that assigns those variables to actual labels.
'assign labels to array
ovsoLabels(0) = oVSO10
ovsoLabels(1) = oVSO11
ovsoLabels(2) = oVSO12
ovsoLabels(3) = oVSO13
ovsoLabels(4) = oVSO14
customerLabels(0) = custLbl20
customerLabels(1) = custLbl21
customerLabels(2) = custLbl22
customerLabels(3) = custLbl23
customerLabels(4) = custLbl24
itemNameLabels(0) = nameLbl1
itemNameLabels(1) = nameLbl2
itemNameLabels(2) = nameLbl3
itemNameLabels(3) = nameLbl4
itemNameLabels(4) = nameLbl5
quantityLabels(0) = quantLbl1
quantityLabels(1) = quantLbl2
quantityLabels(2) = quantLbl3
quantityLabels(3) = quantLbl4
quantityLabels(4) = quantLbl6
indexLabels(0) = indexLbl10
indexLabels(1) = indexLbl11
indexLabels(2) = indexLbl12
indexLabels(3) = indexLbl13
indexLabels(4) = indexLbl14
After that I call the function in my timer tick
and this is what i'm triying to do (Not quoteArray has numbers in it 0 - infinity)
For i = 0 To 4
If quantityArray(i) = Nothing Then
ElseIf quantityArray(i) = 0 Then
quantityLabels(i).ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Green
customerLabels(i).ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Green
itemNameLabels(i).ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Green
ovsoLabels(i).ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Green
indexLabels(i).ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Green
quantityLabels(i).ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Black
customerLabels(i).ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Black
itemNameLabels(i).ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Black
ovsoLabels(i).ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Black
indexLabels(i).ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Black
End If
This is my first post, so tell me if I can format better. The error I'm getting is that it tells me that there is no object and I need to use the keyword new. Not sure what that means, thanks!