Codename One connect css stylesheet - css

I am trying to use a css style sheet with a Codename one application.
So far I have downloaded the cn1css-ant-task.jar file and added it to the lib folder of my project. Further on, I followed the instructions given at and here Due to a conflict with node, I have chosen the Manual Installation.
The css-file is there but its contents don't reflect on the style of the application, so I presume the css file is not properly connected.
I have spent quite some hours on the net to figure out a solution, but to no avail.
To better show what I already have, I am adding a few screenshots. Help would be greatly appreciated.


Use of Ant Design Icons While Offline

I am working on a reactJS application that uses ant design for the UI. Recently we released this application to production where the computers are pretty locked down. This application is an intranet application and these computers have no internet access. So, because of that, the ant design icons on the modals were showing up as empty boxes. I did some digging and saw that the icons are using CSS classes.
For example, this is the CSS class for the red error "X" on the error modal:
I'm not too familiar with the CSS content attribute so I went to and read up on it a bit and tested this particular content value on their Try It page for this attribute and I got the empty box that I got in my production environment.
Does anyone know what needs to be done to import these icons into my project so that they can be used offline?
What I think is happening is that Ant Design is defining the CSS font definition with a URL to the corresponding font-file. Since the computers are offline, it cannot find those definitions.
In the documentation I see that they also provide SVG Icons, which should work completely offline. I think this is worth a try. The steps to implement this can be found here and it should be available from version 3.9.0:
Have you tried downloading the icon library into your project folder? Looks like they have assigned their own codes to their own icons so you'll need to have them offline.
You will nessd the css file tabler-icons.css and the woff file tabler-icons.woff and assign a font-family named tabler-icons within your style.css using #font-face

How to check CSS loaded size in Angular Application

Hope you all doing great.
I am using SCSS and Bootstrap in my Angular Application and as we know once Angular app runs, it converts these SCSS files to CSS version of it.
How can I check CSS file size generated as a whole for application as I need to show some reports for optimization tasks.
Any idea. I tried googling and here on Stack Overflow but couldn't find required solution. I can't even see any CSS file in Network tabs of Browsers.
Any Suggestion?
Assuming you are using Angular CLI for your project, which uses webpack internally...
Once you build a project. A dist directory is generated in the project root. Take a look into it and you'll find all the .js and .css bundles it might have generated.
Note - The size will vary based on what kind of build you do. For a production build, the sizes are going to be minimal, for other kinds of builds, if any, the sizes may differ.
You should go first in the Networks tab then reload the page. Once you reload it, click on CSS filter then you would see all the list of CSS included in your app, with the file size.
I didnt find any css generated in Network like above answer but I did a trick.
I went to webpack folder and there I found one generated CSS. ( Searched through a random CSS Selecto ).
I right clicked and saved it on desktop. If you check the properties of this CSS file, it shows the size in KB.

Target Angular 4 CSS to a single page div

Good afternoon.
Premise: I’m not a web developer and I have little familiarity with all these new names that emerge as mushrooms from one moment to the next. Then I ask you not to give nothing for granted.
My question is very simple: I want to target bootstrap 4 style only on a specific elements (e.g. a div) of my page: the rest of the page hasn't to be involved with this styles.
I notice that a colleague of mine used LESS on an older bootstrap version but I red that it is not support in Bootrastrap 4.
Any ideas?
I think to have found the solution but I'd like know if it is the right way.
Here my steps:
I downloaded Bootstrap 4 files using
npm install bootstrap#4.0.0-alpha.6
from dos prompt inside a local folder
Then I modified bootstrap.scss file placed inside node_modules\bootstrap\scss surrounding all code with a class (e.g. .thisismyclass{...})
I then downloaded Koala from this site
I added the entire local folder (where the boostrap files are) in the Koala UI.
Automatically it create the .css files near the scss files with the reference to my manually added class.
Now, in my page, I added the refernce to my new css and then I added my main class to the div which must use Bootstrap styles.
It's right?

ExtJS 6 - Missing CSS Statements after compilation

I have an extjs 6 application which is already compiled and the css files like they should be. This application wasn't compiled for a while and now it's generating a different (wrong) css file. Since someone else changed the app, I have no clue what has changed since the last compilation. I compile with sencha app build development and the following CSS files change:
There are a few more files in the folder which do not change.
Sencha Cmd
SDK Version (if neccessary)
I want to generate the same css like before. It seems there are just a few files which are not included within the compilation process, like:
What do I have to do, to get the old css? Is there some file with includes? Like classic\sass\src\view\main\Main.scss or something? I guess those includes are somewhere (since it already worked at least once) and maybe commented out or something.
What I've already tried
I tried to compile with different themes refered by the app.json attribute was builds->theme. I also tried a lot of playing around stuff, which I can't describe here in detail.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
If you have any questions leave a comment and I'll try to add it to my text!

Project or Workspace specific Indentation in Xcode4

Is there any way to setup different indentation values for a specific project or workspace?
I've started working on a new project that uses a different indentation level then I've been using, and I would love to be able to set a custom value for that project, or setup a workspace for it, so that I don't have to think about changing indentation values when moving between projects. I've searched around but haven't had any luck finding any discussion about it.
I came across this question/answer: Is it possible to set indent settings in Xcode per project (or per file, even)? This is the exact same problem that I have, however the solution does not seem to be available in Xcode 4.
Open the file inspector by choosing View > Utilities > File Inspector. Select the project file from the project navigator. Use the Text Settings section in the file inspector to set the indentation for the project.
