WordPress Form E-Mail delivering - wordpress

I 'm trying to fix a problem here in a wordpress eviremont which I'm also new to. I want to get a form running but it isn't sending emails. Currently I'm using Caldera Forms with the WordPress email system. What I want to do is that everytime somebody applies a form, I want to get a email with the content of the form and the user who applied to the form should get a normal autoresponder email. I think this should work without any email plugin or something else, but I'm not sure. I'm trying to fix a probleme here on a wordpress site which crashed after too many people visited this page. Now, the email system espacially the send and receive a email if somebody applied on a form, is not working anymore.. As mentinoed, I don't think that you need a email plugin to do that. I'm right?
Further, the emails get hostet by CrazyDomains. If I use the webmailer, I can receive and send emails from the emails on CrazyDomains.
Where could be the problem?
A plugin called Postman SMTP generates a log which also logs the form emails. This log says:
"250 OK" (I shorted the log). So, it means, the email should be send. For no reason, as already written, I do not receive and get emails with the form...
This plugin is connected with GMAIL API. I don't know why and for what that is...
I already deactivated all email plugins and tried different form plugins like Gravity Form or Contact Form. But same result...
How can I figure out whats the problem and how can I solve it?
I would be very happy about help.
Greetings and Thank You!

Here you can find a Quick config smtp https://www.crazydomains.com.au/help/getting-started-guide-email-hosting/#SDj5xkUTdbsVJ4mL.97.
Maybe email went in the spam section, or you had not configured good the smtp.
You can try to install https://it.wordpress.org/plugins/wp-mail-smtp/ and configure email sent from wordpress as say the crazydomains guide, so with the port 587 etc.


Failure to set up the WP Mail SMTP plugin to use the Gmail API in my WordPress website

I am trying to set up emails on my WordPress website using the WP Mail SMTP plugin and the Gmail API. (WordPress version 5.5.1; WP Mail SMTP Version 2.4.0)
The website I am trying to set this up on, https://souheganvalleychorus.org/ is part of a GSuite for non-profits domain.
I have followed the WP Mail SMTP setup instructions on:
with meticulous care. However, when I get to the final step, where I click on the WP Mail SMTP plugin's setup page, and click on "Allow plugin to send emails using your Google account", get prompted with some dialog boxes, choose the email address that I used to set up the Gmail API, it finally comes back with a webpage that says simply:
Back {a link}
the URL for this page is:
I have been pulling my hair out trying to figure out what is happening, and what I can do to fix it. The 'Unauthorized' provides absolutely no additional information.
I have previously set up the WP Mail SMTP plugin to use the Gmail API, on another website (also a GSuite for non-profits domain, but a different one), and succeeded in that case. I seem to recall having had some problems setting that one up, too, but don't remember how I resolved the issue. When you do something (especially with such an arcane interface as the Google API interface) once in a blue moon, you tend to forget the details. I have tried to compare the two Gmail API setups, and can find no difference that would explain the failure in the current case.
I sure would appreciate anyone's help in resolving this. Until I do, I can't send email from the website. I've also tried using WP Mail SMTP's "Other SMTP" option, with the Gmail SMTP credentials, but that fails to authorize, so I'm stuck...
Help! (and thanks!)

Not able to integrate MailChimp with my WordPress Site

I have created a new website using wordpress and elementor pro. Main purpose of building this website is to collect email IDs.
In return on email ID, I’m giving away an opt in.
The problem I’m having is when someone enters their email ID and clicks on “Sign up”, the opt in I have created in templates of mail chimp isn’t going in their mailbox (not even in spam).
I believe the issue to linking the opt in with that form. I’m not sure.
Can someone please guide me how do I fix this?
Thank you
When they click "sign up" the form is not supposed to send an email to you, it is supposed to send that user/email to your MailChimp list on MailChimp.com.
Therefore first check if the information goes to your MailChimp. If it does, you can then contact MailChimp support to get help on how to configure email notifications once a user is added to a list.
And if it is not sending to your list then the issue may be with your setup/API/plugin. We cannot troubleshoot that without a login access or link.

Wordpress-Contac tform7

i have problem with my wordpress contact form7, i am not getting any mail form my website when the user submit a form.i am using many forms in my contact form 7, i tried all the way,(it not working any mail server ie.smtp and php mailer) even i am not getting any response contact form while submit the form (ie. success or failed etc) just got the alert message (details sent successfully), i am checked my wordpress can sent a mail (ie . forgot password mail). i have to fix this issue quickly so pls some one help me to resolve (i updated all ie.wordpress and contact form) my wesite link is : http://www.maldentrans.com/contact-us
One of the things that prevent the Contact Form 7 from working correctly is the email you use with the form.
The general idea is that if you use one of the e-mail addresses from the public email services like Gmail or Yahoo they will be blocked and the form won't work. That happens due to numerous anti spam restrictions.
So if switch from the Form to the Mail panel in the Form settings make sure to use the email domain that matches your website. In your case this could be something like info#maldentrans.com.
Make sure to use that email in the following fields: To and From.
After you set it up - everything should work fine!

wordpress registration email

I am using wp_mail along with the plugin WP Mail SMTP, and the filter wpmu_signup_user_notification to send notification email to new users. The problem is some users are getting the emails and others are not getting the emails. The issue is not restricted to a specific domains: for example some gmail users are getting the notifications and others are not.
If anyone knows what might be causing this, I'll appreciate any help.
Thank you

Using Wordpress post via email with 000webhost

I'm using Wordpress 3.8 beta 1 running on 000webhost's free servers. I've created an email to post to my blog when I don't want to log in, but I can't seem to get it working.
Mail Server: mx.000webhost.com
Login Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx#onlinecalc.host56.com
Password: The correct password.
I sent a test post with the subject of "Testing WP-Email Post" and body of "I'm trying to use WordPress' post via email system." a few days ago, and the post still hasn't apperd on my blog!
I would suggest using Gmail here. Follow the steps below which have been found on:http://themefuse.com/blog/posting-to-wordpress-via-email-theres-a-safe-way-of-doing-this/
Using Gmail
Yes, Gmail will help us big time here.
Start by creating a new Gmail account with whatever username you wish.
You can even go with “secretemailformyblogposting#gmail.com” … it
truly doesn’t matter. What matters is what we’re going to do later on.
Go to your Gmail settings. Then “Forwarding and POP/IMAP” and enable
the “Enable POP for all mail (even mail that’s already been
downloaded)” feature. From now on your Gmail is supporting the
possibility of downloading messages via POP protocol (which WordPress
uses for email postings).
This next step is the crucial one. What we’re going to do here is
choose an email address which will be the only one allowed to send
anything to your new Gmail account, and therefore to post something to
your blog.
Go to “Filters” and “Create a new filter.” In the “from” field input
your primary email address and add a hyphen just before it. Example:
–yourmainemail#domain.com. Then press “Create filter with this
search.” Tick the “Delete it” checkbox, and press “create filter.”
That’s it.
From now on every email that hasn’t been sent from your own email
address will be immediately deleted.
