Getting site-main and widget-area to sit in the centre of the page - css

My website is
The FB widget was to big for my widget area so I used the below code to adjust the width of the two sections of my page.
#primary.content-area {float: left;width: 70%;}
#primary.content-area .site-main{width:100%;}
I also modified the Penscratch theme so the custom header and navigation menu extend across the whole page.
An unintended consequence of all these changes is now when I zoom out on my website there is a massive imbalance of white space on both sides of my site.
I want to try and center align the content - area and widget - area.
I have not tried any possible solutions because I have been unable to find any information on Google to point me vaguely in the right direction. All the information I found on Google was related to other themes or just related to centering individual pictures, text and headers.
Update -
I tried one suggestion below. Now my code looks like this -
<div class="full-screen-template">
#primary.content-area {float: left;width: 70%;}
#primary.content-area .site-main{width:100%;}
#page {
margin: 0 auto;
<div class="mobile-template">
#primary.content-area {float: left;width: 100%;}
Unfortunately it has not seemed to solve my problem.

Try this to center align the content and widget area:
#page {
margin: 0 auto;
I think the reason it doesn't work is that you have HTML code inside .css file:
<div class="full-screen-template">
This probably stops the browser to go any further, so it never reaches the #page line.
I'm not sure what you try to achieve with HTML in css file but try to remove it to see if it fixes the issue.


why is my css and html not placing my items where i want them

I have just (i.e., today!) started with the CSS grid but it doesnt seem to work. Before that however I notice that every single tutorial about it uses class instead of id. Is this because you have to use classes and not ids? I used class anyway but it still didn't work!
OK... just a simple structure to start with. I want a header, LH column for nav, main area, and RH column for other stuff (css in external stylesheet) but the header text and picture just appear on the LHS rather than 200 pixels in.
display:grid | inline-grid;
grid-template-columns:200px auto 250px;
grid-template-rows: 300px auto;
and the HTML: (obviously inside the <body> tags!)
<div class="container">
<div class="header"><h1>Astronomy Speakers - Astronomical Societies</h1><img src="headerpic.jpg" alt="astrospe akers header" style="margin-left:40px" /></div>
for .container, you cannot have both grid and inline grid.
What I think happened here is you copied this code from a website that had grid | inline grid displaying as the options for the display property
The difference between class and Ids is that classes can be used several times on the same page,while Ids can only be used once on the same page. Also I did not see navbar used on your HTML code.

WooCommerce add to cart not working on mobile site or loading description

Hey probably sounds like a repeat questions. Tried all the solutions on stackoverflow but seem not to get the answer. (no adult nudity on this site)
Only does not run on mobile . You cant add anything to the cart nor click anywhere on that page to load description for instance.
There's a container that overlaps your div with id="container". It looks as though it's your search container that exists at the bottom underneath the product options.
<div id="container">
<div id="secondary" class="" role="complementary">
You need to either move this div somewhere or remove it. So you'll have to set up your markup to take that into consideration.
For example, in css I added:
#secondary {
float: left;
width: 100%;
This kept the search form in the bottom.

How can I prevent Internet Explorer from repeat displaying the same background image in every page of a print out using a print CSS stylesheet?

Here's a description of the problem: for starters, I have a background logo image displaying on the webpage version (screen media) at the top of the page spanning the entire width of the page (basically a masthead).
Then I added a print stylesheet and have been hiding and showing certain parts to optimize the experience for users and their printers .
However, and here's the problem, I noticed that on IE in every page of the print preview the logo image is being added to the top of every page in the print out when the page content is enough for more than one page in the total number of pages. So if there's enough content for 3 pages then in all those three pages the logo image appears at the top every page in the print out, when it should only appear in the 1st one.
I've checked my CSS and I can't find whats going on. I don't have the section that contains the CSS class that defines the background image repeated more than once. This only happens on IE. Not on Chrome nor Firefox.
Here's an excerpt of the HTML:
<div class="repeating-bg-img">
<div class="container">
<!-- /.inner content that is long enough for more than one page -->
</div><!-- /.container -->
</div><!-- /.repeating-bg-img -->
and here's an excerpt of the CSS in the print.css stylesheet with media = print :
.repeating-bg-img {
background: #ffffff url('../img/background-image.png') scroll repeat-x left top;
Has anyone encountered this before on IE? If so, do you have a fix for this?
I ran into the same problem today. One solution is a structure like this:
<div id="background" style="position: relative;">
<img src="bkgnd.png" style="position: absolute; z-index: -1;">
<div class="container" ...>
The basic idea is to take the image out of the flow but position it relative to its containing <div>. The z-index pushes it behind other elements. So this can be used as any kind of column header.
One upside to this is that the background image will print even if the "background images" option isn't set in the print dialog. I'd like to see a proper solution as well though.
Edit 2013/07/23:
It looks like the CSS3 property will be box-decoration-break. This isn't going to help with older versions of IE but the spec is available here:
If what you really want is a masthead, I also thought this might work:
#media print {
div#background { background: none; }
#page :first { background: url('bkgnd.png') center no-repeat;
margin: ...; }
But it looks like that is CSS3 as well. Chrome loads the image from the server but only honors the 'margin' attribute; Firefox and IE9 seem to ignore all of it.

Positioning social networking buttons with CSS

I am creating a website using Bootstrap found here:
My issue is that on the home page my social networking buttons for Twitter and Facebook found just underneath the <header> do not align horizontally if you look closely. I was hoping that by creating a separate CSS class class="like-btn" for the list item containing the facebook button I can make them align horizontally.
<div class="bs-docs-social">
<div class="container">
<ul class="bs-docs-social-buttons">
<li class="like-btn">
<!--facebook like button-->
<li class="follow-btn">
<!--twitter follow button-->
<li class="tweet-btn">
<!--twitter tweet button-->
However it looks like the facebook code for the like button is contained within an iframe which includes some CSS styles and unless my website happens to have the same matching protocol, domain and port as the Facebook iframe, I cannot not modify it because of Same Origin Policy.
I have noticed one CSS rule from facebook that if removed makes the buttons seem to align, but the border is removed from the bottom of the like button which is undesirable.
.pluginButtonSmall {
padding: 0 5px 2px;
Is there anything I can add to my .like-btn class to resolve the issue so the buttons align horizontally?
If that's causing the issue; maybe add a rule
.like-btn div {
padding: 0px;
.like-btn .pluginButtonSmall {
padding: 0px;
You might like to try a css rule something like...
.like-btn, .follow-btn, .tweet-btn {
float: left;
display: inline-block;
Use divs instead of ul> li and the use margin-top or padding-top on the social container elements to make them align horizontally. Usually you need to move them one or two pixels since not all social buttons have the same dimension.
At the bottom of they had this:
I used Chrome's developer's tools to see that the formatting came from this css file:
It has a license at the top that allows me to use it. So I downloaded it and made my own social media footer:
I found this thread because you are using the same class names as does, so I guess you are using bootstrap....

Construction of layout in CSS

How do i go about piecing each and every div together?
I'm learning how to code in CSS and i'm fairly new, and i want to piece 3 - 8 pieces of the divs in each row. Once i've pieced some together, they appear uneven inside the dreamweaver IDE (and also inside the browser display).
Also, how do i get to resize them automatically? I've been trying width:100%; but all i'm getting is weird resized shapes and sizes.
If you don't get what i mean, my webpage technically looks like this
| |
| background image 1 |
| | | | |
| bg img 2 | bg img 3 | bg img 4 | bg img 5 |
| | | | |
| |
| background image 5 |
| |
but everytime i put my divs in the same row with a containing div for each row, i.e
<div class="container">
<div id="bg1" width:100; height:20;>
<div id="bg2" width:150; height:20;>
<div id="bg3" width: 250; height:20; >
<div id="bg4" width:130; height:20;>
it gets all jumbled up at the same location. Am i doing something wrong?
Would appreciate if someone could tell me a step by step solution...
Once again, i want to go about doing:
Construction of website with CSS for the layout.
Auto resizing of entire page according to web browser size.
First, don't use inline styles for prototyping something when you're a beginner. They're too hard to edit live. It will slow the process way way down.
You sound new to this, but that's cool! We all started somewhere.
Create your 5 divs first, and give them each a unique ID. IDs are for things that only appear on the page once. Classes are for things that appear more than once, or might at some future point appear more than once.
Then link a css file that your a separate declaration for each div. You're on the right track with width=100% for responsive design, although in practice it's often something like 92% even for a "full-width" div, because a little spacing is nice, and borders and padding add to the overall width. A 90% width div with 6% padding is always wider than the window itself (greater than 100%) which makes for strange behavior, so keep the box model in mind from the start.
Here are some tips I wish somebody had broken down to me early on:
Nowadays things are a LOT easier than they used to be for rapid prototyping CSS. The best way to figure this stuff out is to edit the stylesheet live in Chrome Developer Tools. Download and install Chrome if you're not using it already. Control click on your div and choose "Inspect Element." Play around in the inspector, and see how all the CSS styles can be edited live by doubleclicking on them and entering new values. If you click the "resources" tab you can see your whole stylesheet at once, and similarly edit the properties, and even add new ones. The best way to see what's happening with sizing is to temporarily declare an outline like:
#mydiv1 {outline: 2px dashed red;}
because outlines don't add to the width of the element, unlike borders. Then when you're done you can remove the outline declarations. Also keep in mind that any changes to a document's CSS in Chrome Dev Tools will be lost when you navigate away. So copy and paste your work into a text editor as you go.
If you're interested in responsive design, which is great, once you're getting good at all of the above, buckle in and read Ethan Marcotte's book:
Marcotte's instructional approach is to start with pixels and then translate into percentages and ems in the stylesheet, but it doesn't need to be that way. You can design "live" with those variables in the browser.
hope this helps!
First of all, get rid of Dreamweaver. It's a hindrance. And has always been buggy. The sooner you get rid of that crutch, the better off you will be.
Secondly, looking at your example, I see a template for the old slice-n-dice photoshop into a table methodology. Replicating that with DIVs in CSS is rather pointless.
Third. If you truly need a table (data) keep it a table. Nothing wrong with that.
Fourth. The key to all of this is understanding floats and what contains floats. Most of the CSS grid systems base everything off of that. I'd take a look at 960.css and start playing with that a bit. It should help point you in the right direction of understanding what is going on.
You could use a <header> tag for the topmost part, and a <footer> tag for the bottom part. Clearly it works also with divs, but in my opinion it's cleaner that way.
That means that you'll have the following code:
<header id="img1">
<div id="img2">
<div id="img3">
<div id="img4">
<div id="img5" class="newrow">
<footer id="img6">
that could represent your desired structure pretty well. To style this, you can use CSS, and there are many possible solutions to the problem. One simple solution would be to set <header> and <footer> to 100% width, and to float all <div>s but the last one to the left, so that the remaining content (the other <div>s, in this case) will be on its right. Then you just have to set the width on all the <div>s, if you want you can even set it in percent, just make sure that it adds up to 100 or else you'll have a gap on the right. Also, you should put a margin-left on the last div to ensure that the content is placed properly.
This could be coded like this
body > header,
body > footer {
width: 100%;
clear: both;
body > div {
float: left;
#img2 {
width: 30%;
#img3 {
width: 10%;
#img4 {
width: 30%;
#img5 {
width: 30%;
body > div.newrow {
float: none;
margin-left: 70%;
You can see a little example of this code here, and you can grab it's code and play around with it here.
but like I said, there are many ways to achieve the layout you want, this is just one example.
As per your layout, what you want, Its better to have semantic HTML markup.
<div class="containerWrap">
<div class="fullWidth"><img src="/imagePath"/></div>
<ul class="container">
<li id="bg1"><img src="/imagePath"/></li>
<li id="bg2"><img src="/imagePath"/></li>
<li id="bg3"><img src="/imagePath"/></li>
<li id="bg4"><img src="/imagePath"/></li>
<div><img src="/imagePath"/></div>
CSS Would be
.containerWrap ul li{
list-style-type: none;
