SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED error displayed while connecting to SignalR through Python - signalr

from requests import Session
from signalr import Connection
with Session() as session:
connection = Connection("https://localhost:443/Platform", session)
Signalhub = connection.register_hub('MessageRouteHubspot')
with connection:
When executing this I'm getting error requests.exceptions.
SSLError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:590)
How to bypass/ignore SSL verification??

Python's signalr-client uses WebSocket package to establish the connection. WebSocket package is then using OpenSSL to do SSL/TLS. It appears that the WebSocket client requires client CA (Certificate Authority) bundle to be passed as the environment variable WEBSOCKET_CLIENT_CA_BUNDLE.
Exporting this variable with the CA bundle including the certificates signing the original site's certificate should do the trick. Below is an example on my Ubuntu based system.
$ export WEBSOCKET_CLIENT_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
$ python


Airflow SambaHook authentication issue with SpnegoError and Kerberos?

I am trying to connect to a Samba server in Airflow using the SambaHook class. The Samba server requires Kerberos authentication.
I have already defined a Samba connection in Airflow using the following parameters:
Host,Schema and Extra {"auth": "kerberos"}
airflow connections add "samba_repo" --conn-type "samba" --conn-host "" --conn-schema "fld" --conn-extra '{"auth": "kerberos"}'
I'm trying to use the SambaHook class in Airflow to connect to a Samba server. When I run my code, I get the following error:
Failed to authenticate with server: SpnegoError (1): SpnegoError (16): Operation not supported or available, Context: Retrieving NTLM store without NTLM_USER_FILE set to a filepath, Context: Unable to negotiate common mechanism
However, when I use smbclient to connect to the same server using Kerberos authentication from the Docker terminal, it works fine with the command: smbclient //'myhost'/'fld' -c 'ls "\workpath\*" ' -k
What I tried: I set up a connection to the Samba server in Airflow using the SambaHook class and tried to use the listdirmethod to retrieve a list of files in a specific directory.
What I expected to happen: I expected the listdir method to successfully retrieve a list of files in the specified directory from the Samba server.
What actually resulted: Instead, I encountered the following error message:
Failed to authenticate with server: SpnegoError (1): SpnegoError (16): Operation not supported or available, Context: Retrieving NTLM store without NTLM_USER_FILE set to a filepath, Context: Unable to negotiate common mechanism

How can I skip ssl certificate verification on HTTPS connection using the OpenEdge.Net Libraries?

I am trying to to do a POST to an API endpoint using Openedge.
I have installed the ssl certificate of the place i am requesting from but the https request fails, telling me it can't find the ssl certificate of that place (in my /usr/dlc/certs).
"_errors": [
"_errorMsg": "ERROR condition: Secure Socket Layer (SSL) failure. error code -54: unable to get local issuer certificate: for 85cf5865.0 in /usr/dlc/certs (9318) (7211)",
"_errorNum": 9318
So, i have resorted to doing an insecure request, like curl does it with the --insecure or wget does it with "no-check-certificate"
I am using the OpenEdge.Net Libraries on OpenEdge 11.6
creds = new Credentials('', 'usersname', 'password').
oPayload = NEW JsonObject().
oRequestBody = new String('CustomerReference=xxx&NoOfParcelsToAdd=2').
oRequest = RequestBuilder:Post('', oRequestBody)// Add credentials to the request
:AcceptJson() :Request.
oResponse = ClientBuilder:Build():Client:Execute(oRequest).
I want to know, for this OpenEdge.Net Libraries is there a tag that i can put in order to skip the checking of the certificate?
I don't know of any option to skip verification but I do know that a common source of that error is that your certificate authority is not in $DLC/certs. The default list of certificate authorities is fairly narrow.
USING OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.IHttpClientLibrary.
USING OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.Lib.ClientLibraryBuilder.
oLib = ClientLibraryBuilder:Build()
oHttpClient = ClientBuilder:Build()

How to set up a secure connection between Filbeat and Elasticsearch using SSL

I'm unable to setup an SSL connection between Filebeat and Elasticsearch.
My knowledge is lacking when it comes to SSL. I'm using X-Pack to generate a certificate using the certutil command. bin/xpack/certutil ca generates a certificate authority under the name elastic-stack-ca.p12.
$ bin/x-pack/certutil cert --ca elastic-stack-ca.p12
Which I believe creates a certificate signed by that CA. This results in the file elastic-certificates.p12. From here I'm clueless.
I tried testing to see if the certificates work by setting up a HTTPS connection to ES.
I put true /path/to/elastic-certificates.p12 /path/to/elastic-certificates.p12 [ "/path/to/elastic-stack-ca.p12" ]
However, this brings up quite a few errors one of them being
caught exception while handling client http traffic, closing connection
When I add the https IP and the CA in Kibana it fails to connect with ES.
I would like to know how to successfully set up https. Also how can a SSL connection be established between two servers. One containing Filebeat, but no X-Pack and the receiving server with ES on it alongside X-Pack installed.
After adding those SSL settings in your elasticsearch.yml, you also need to add the password to the Elasticsearch keystore and truststore. You should've set a password when you ran the certutil command. You can do that with:
$ echo password | /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-keystore add --stdin
$ echo password | /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-keystore add --stdin
Make sure you restart Elasticsearch after making these changes.

Private certificate issue with chef server (knife ssl check - unable to get local issuer certificate)

I'm using open source chef12 server and I have created a private certificate for chef-server rather using self signed certificate. As i got error while using private certificate as below for "knife ssl check":
WARNING: There are invalid certificates in your trusted_certs_dir.
OpenSSL will not use the following certificates when verifying SSL connections:
c:/Users/test/.chef/trusted_certs/ unable to get local issuer certificate
I followed steps given in "" for private certificate adding server.crt and root.crt and configured the nginx server. But when i tried "knife ssl fetch" it downloaded server.crt and root.crt seperately in trusted_certs folder and getting the same error for "knife ssl check" again.
Please help me how to configure chef-server with private cert without error.

http: TLS handshake error from $ip:$port remote error: bad certificate

I am having k8s cluster on centos7.2 with 1 master and 2 slaves. The cluster is working fine as far as it is serving on port 8080 but when I tries to secure Kube-API server by using certificates, I felt into the above error after restarting the kube-apiserver service and it is continuously writing this error in my log file at /var/log/messages.
kube-apiserver is started as-
KUBE_API_TLS_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE="--tls-private-key- file=/home/abc/server.key"
KUBE_API_TOKEN_AUTH_FILE="--token-auth-file=/home/abc/token.csv" </br>
I am accessing API server using kubectl command as
kubectl --v=4 --server="https://$ip:6443" --certificate-authority="./ca.crt" --token="abcdTOKEN1234" get nodes
After that I am getting following error-
2930 helpers.go:153] Connection error: Get https://$ip:6443/api: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
2930 helpers.go:96] Unable to connect to the server: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
I performed same steps on ubuntu 14.04 and are working fine. I am not able to figure out where exactly I'm missing. Can anyone knows where I am wrong ? Thanks in advance.
