Woocommerce Processing Email Conditional Content - wordpress

I'm trying to create a block of conditional content on the Woocommerce processing email template, which normally would be easy, however, our issue lies in the fact that the client uses Woocommerce Deposits.
Here is the scenario:
Our client uses Woocommerce Deposits to allow multiple payments to be made on one product. Each time a payment is made, the system sends out a processing email. The client originally wanted a block of text added to the first email that goes out, but not any of the subsequent emails.
The original solution was to create (or re-purpose) a conditional that checks the product quantity in the cart, and then echoes the content if there is a product present. The developer who customized the site had left some code that we decided to test for this, and for the moment it seemed to work.
Here is the code:
$items = $order->get_items();
if (!empty($items['item_meta']['_original_order_id'][0])) {
echo '';
} else {
echo 'Content' };
But recently this seems to have stopped working, which I'm guessing is because we're not using the right code.
So right now we're looking for either the correct code used to accomplish this or another conditional we could use.
Edit: This is the original code we tried to adapt this conditional from
$items = $order->get_items();
$typeofpayment = sprintf( 'registration');
$origordernumber = "none";
$subject = sprintf( 'Thank You for Your Trip Payment');
if ( is_array( $items ) ) {
foreach( $items as $item ) {
if (!empty($item['item_meta']['_original_order_id'][0])) {
$origordernumber = $item['item_meta']['_original_order_id'][0];
$typeofpayment = sprintf( 'payment');
} }}?>


Print "custom label" for indicating type of post in the front end for Wordpress

I have a blog with different custom post types ("books", "interviews", "recipes", "events", etc...). those are all appearing in the home page with same format like a grid. I would like to print in the front end a "label" customized possibly, representing the kind/content of post.
For example:
if the post is a CPT "Book", I want to show in the grid cell "looking for a book?"
if the post is a CPT "Recipe", I want to show on same position, for specific post "hungry?"
Can you maybe help me in this? I guess I need some PHP code and set it with Elementor, but I am not a developer... :(
Thanks for any help.
I have been asked in comment to put a screenshot. this is a fake grid taken from internet (I know, ugly layout), presenting in descending order by date all posts, very different in domain (different custom post types), which I am able to do it. What I need is, depending by Post Type, to add a slogan like "watch the movie" or "hungry?" or "Interview with...", a static string totally dependent by the type of CPT.
fake sample from internet
Further integration to explain the context.
See the current home page of my site: click here
You see two "posts" in a grid (3 columns, published with "post" widget in elementor and a custom skin. This custom skin is linked to a "loop" template created with "ele custom skin". As you see by the pic, you have one post which is a recipe (custom post type "Recipe") and one is a book (custom post type is book). But here I can eventually find also a standard post. Now, when you see the "red dot", I would like to put a word, which is directly dependent by the post type:
if "recipe" --> "Hungry?"
if "book" --> "our book reviews"...
as a sample I have in this link click here for each loop in the grid, called using "shortcode" widget
and coded in snippets plugin following portion of php code
function HelloWorldShortcode() {
return '<p>Hello World!</p>';
add_shortcode('helloworld', 'HelloWorldShortcode');
Here is the code, from this code shortcode will be [vkh_display_post_tagline]
* Custom shortcode to display the tagline by the post type.
* Custom shortcode to display the tagline by the post type.
function vkh_display_tagline_by_post_type() {
global $post;
if ( ! $post || empty( $post ) ) {
// Uncomment the next line for debugging and to know if we're getting post type of not.
// return $post->post_type;
$heading = '';
switch ( $post->post_type ) {
case 'recipe':
$heading = __( 'Hungry?', 'your-text-domain' );
case 'book':
$heading = __( 'Our book reviews', 'your-text-domain' );
// Add more cases following above examples.
// If you have to assign anything default when a case doesn't match
// then write that here.
$heading = '';
// When heading is not empty return heading within the html tag.
if ( ! empty( $heading ) ) {
return '<h4 class="post-tagline">' . esc_html( $heading ) . '</h4>';
add_shortcode( 'vkh_display_post_tagline', 'vkh_display_tagline_by_post_type' );

WordPress shortcode to display message based on value used by plugin

I'm hoping someone can clue me in on how I can extract a plugin value and display it on my page using a short code. Specifically, when a user reaches the max allowable limit, I would like a notification message to appear on the page (in addition to its placement in a popup) Many tests and I have not been able to get this to work. MANY thanks in advance.
public function add_error_limit_message() {
if ( ! $this->limit_reached ) {
$message = apply_filters( 'woocompare_limit_reached_message', __( 'You have reached the maximum number of products for compare table.', 'woocommerce-compare' ) );
echo '<div class="woocompare-error"><p>' . wp_kses_post( $message ) . '</p></div>';
add_shortcode( 'limit-reached-message', 'add_error_limit_message' );
Your shortcode function should return the text string you want to insert in place of the shortcode, not echo it.
To track down "critical errors" (php errors) turn on WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY in your wp-config.php file. And try installing and activating the Query Monitor plugin. These will tell you enough about your php errors to track them down and fix them.

Wordpress Shortcode Output Buffering Renders Content When Saving Post in WP Admin

I have a WP shortcode that is giving me problems.
Basically, the shortcode just pulls content from another post using a couple of parameters. It then loads up a partial template.
The problem occurs in WP Admin when saving the page that contains the shortcode. When saving the page updates do in fact save correctly but the resulting page is a page that outputs the contents of the shortcode.
I'm using output buffering around get_template_part() for two reasons: 1. So I only have one instance of the template in my code - and - 2. Because the template is actually pretty substantial and appending all of it to an output variable would be a daunting task.
The shortcode works fine in every way except when saving the page.
Here is a video demonstrating the issue:
Here is my code:
function get_main_page_content( $atts ) {
$main_page_id = $atts['main_page_id'];
$section = $atts['section'];
$people_display_option = $atts['people_display_option'];
$GLOBALS['sc_display_option'] = $people_display_option;
if(have_rows('flexible_content', $main_page_id)):
while(have_rows('flexible_content', $main_page_id)): the_row();
if ( $section == 'agenda' ) {
if ( $section == 'people_cards' ) {
$output = ob_get_contents();
return $output;
add_shortcode('get_main_page_content', 'get_main_page_content');
It looks to me like ob_end_flush() is not needed and is redundant. That might be causing the OB to send twice, resulting in that code on your screen.
I'd be curious if your problem persists if you drop that line. Also, for a very simplified version of your exact usecase, check this blog post:

Wordpress shortcode linked to another DB

First thing first, this is my first shortcode attempt.
It is worthed mention that I'm also using woocommerce on my website.
Let's start:
I know that to add shortcodes into wordpress, you need to write something similar to the code below into the functions.php file: (this is just an example)
function myshortcode() {
return "This is a shortcode example!";
add_shortcode( 'mycode', 'myshortcode' );
and if i add [mycode] into the wordpress page editor, the preview shows my text correctly.
But what if i need to use a variable (in my case woocommerce order number) in the shortcode?
Let's say i need to compare woocommerce_order_number with my_custom_uid (inserted into another database, outside wordpress).
I usually use a db request like the one below, and usually it works fine (as before, this is only an example):
select 'my_custom_uid' from 'my_custom_database' where 'woocommerce_order_number' = '1234'
The problem is that i don't know the woocommerce_order_number (it changes everytime!), because this shortcode needs to go inside an html email body i need to send out to customers after they placed the order.
How can i get the customer woocommerce order (variable that changes everytime) so that i will be able to use it into my shortcode to link it to my custom_uid?
If the question is not clear enough, please feel free to ask for clarification!
thanks a lot
I don't see a reason to use a shortcode. If you want to add something to an email, you should use one of the hooks in the email. For example:
function kia_display_email_order_meta( $order, $sent_to_admin, $plain_text ) {
$some_field = get_post_meta( $order->id, '_some_field', true ),
$another_field = get_post_meta( $order->id, '_another_field', true ),
if( $plain_text ){
echo 'The value for some field is ' . $some_field . ' while the value of another field is ' . $another_field;
} else {
echo '<p>The value for <strong>some field</strong> is ' . $some_field. ' while the value of <strong>another field</strong> is ' . $another_field . '</p>';
add_action('woocommerce_email_customer_details', 'kia_display_email_order_meta', 30, 3 );
Note that the $order object is the first parameter available to the kia_display_email_order_meta function. So you'd be able to get the ID via $order->id. This should add the data after the customer address details, but there are other hooks available if woocommerce_email_customer_details isn't appropriate.
I finally managed to solve this, and here's what i did if someone is interested:
add_action('fue_before_variable_replacements', 'register_variable_replacements', 11, 4);
add_action('fue_email_variables_list', 'email_variables_list');
* This gets called to replace the variable in the email with an actual value
* #param $var - Modify this: array key is the variable name, value is the replacement
function register_variable_replacements($var, $email_data, $queue_item, $email){
global $wpdb;
// Look up UID from order number
$orderNumber = $var->get_variables()['order_number'];
$sql = " //Your sql statement here...//";
$results = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
$UID = $results[0]->meta_value;
$variables = array(
'uid' => $UID
function email_variables_list($email)
global $woocommerce;
<li class="var hideable var_subscriptions">
<img class="help_tip" title="<?php _e('Order UID', 'follow_up_emails'); ?>" src="<?php echo $woocommerce->plugin_url(); ?>/assets/images/help.png" width="16" height="16"/>
Now on your follow up email plugin, you can use {uid} as a variable and this will be replaced with the correct value on every email.
I though the best way was to use short code, but then i discovered this filter and i think this is the best way to handle this. This code is also pretty flexible and you can add as many variables as you want.
Hope this can help someone.

How to edit a post dynamically in wordpress plugin

I have created a small wordpress plugin that displays a list of people in a page via shortcode.
When the user clicks on one of the names from the list, a query_var gets set and my plugin catches the $_GET with the specific id of the person the user just clicked. All very well until now.
My problem is that now I want to display a page with the details (for the clicked element) but I dont seem to be able to edit the content or post that gets to the page and it returns me to the page with the list of people.
My question is how do I edit the post? I have tried adding a add_filter('the_content','my_func') to this, but this does not work since this hook is probably already passed.
I can access the post directly via get_content() or get_post(), but I dont seem to be able to make the page populated new data.
In other words... this does nore seem to work
$fid = $_GET['fid'];
global $wpdb;
$sql = "select * from fighters where fighter_id = {$fid} limit 1";
$fighter = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
$html = $this->_getFighterPageLayout($fighter);
$post = get_post();
$post->post_content = $html;
$post->title = 'test';
$post->private = false;
// or even just global $content = $html;
What am I doing wrong and what ways do I have to edit/update the content/post?
You have to use the hooks of Wordpress to update the content. This works with the add_filter function
Try something like this, it should works
function mytheme_content_filter( $content ) {
// Do stuff to $content, which contains the_content()
// Then return it
return $content;
add_filter( 'the_content', 'mytheme_content_filter' );
