HashSet and Dictionary in TypeScript: export of Interface - dictionary

I think I need some feedback on my collection classes - still learning typescript and javascript and these implementations can surely be improved. I am looking forward to any suggestion. I think I do use the generic types in a useful way, any advice here would be appreciated.
The answer I am looking for most is removing the duplicate IHashTable definition from the end of both snippets and moving it to its own file, I cannot get that done it seems. I am even unsure if this IS an interface in the first place. It compiles and works this way, as far as I can see.
The collection types are incomplete and only define the basic most function at the moment. Once I am sure I use the language and its features correct the other functions should not be too difficult.
Here is my HashSet:
import { IHashable } from "./IHashable"
export class HashSet<T extends IHashable> {
private _items: HashTable<T>;
public constructor() {
this._items = {};
public Add(key: T): void {
let str: string = key.GetHash();
if (this._items[str] == null) {
this._items[str] = key;
else {
throw new RangeError("Key '" + str + "' already exists.");
public Contains(key: T): boolean {
let str: string = key.GetHash();
return this._items[str] != null;
interface HashTable<T> {
[key: string]: T;
I wonder if I can avoid the checking-before-adding in a way. The javascript-dictionary this relies on does allow duplicates, so to avoid them there is no other way than to check myself?
This is my Dictionary:
import { IHashable } from "./IHashable"
export class Dictionary<T1 extends IHashable, T2> {
private _items: HashTable<KeyValuePair<T1, T2>>;
public constructor() {
this._items = {};
public Add(key: T1, value: T2) {
let str: string = key.GetHash();
if (this._items[str] == null) {
let kvp: KeyValuePair<T1, T2> = new KeyValuePair(key, value);
this._items[str] = kvp;
else {
throw new RangeError("Key '" + str + "' already exists.");
public ContainsKey(key: T1): boolean {
let str: string = key.GetHash();
return this._items[str] != null;
public Get(key: T1): T2 {
let str: string = key.GetHash();
let kvp: KeyValuePair<T1, T2> = this._items[str];
if (kvp == null) throw new RangeError("Key '" + str + "' not found")
return kvp.Value;
export class KeyValuePair<T1 extends IHashable, T2> {
private _key: T1;
private _value: T2;
public get Key(): T1 { return this._key; }
public get Value(): T2 { return this._value; }
public constructor(key: T1, value: T2) {
this._key = key;
this._value = value;
interface HashTable<T> {
[key: string]: T;
Both rely on a definition of IHashable (hashABLE and hashTABLE: I should find other names.)
export interface IHashable {
GetHash(): string;
The dictionary looks a bit strange, it "wraps" my dictionary into a new type KeyValuePair and then uses this in the javascript dictionary. What I hope to gain by doing this is get my own type for key, in and out, as long as it offers a string by which it can be indexed. - No idea if that makes sense or is completly wrong.
What I am missing is the count of items in the collection, a way to remove items, and a way to iterate over the keys and the values.
Regarding iterating over I will post another question with my implementation of a list and a ForEach over it, hoping iterating the keys or values might be possible in the same way.
Probably the most important question I forgot here: How could the GetHash-Method be build for an own class? I was going to have a static number on my classes, and count up by 1 in the constructor before assign this number to each instance. This would guarantee uniqueness... is there something better?
Thanks for any tip!


java 8 how to use collection streams to check for presence of an object

I'm new to java 8 programming and would like to know what is the best way to rewrite the below using streams()/lambda's.
class Person {
String name;
int age;
public boolean checkPersonAboveAge(List<Person> persons, int age) {
for (Person person : persons) {
if (person.age > age) {
return true;
return false;
So far i tried:
public boolean checkPersonAboveAge(List<Person> persons, int age) {
Person p = persons.stream().filter(p -> p.age > age).findAny().orElse(null);
if (p != null) {
return true;
return false;
I read that with lamdba's the readability of code would improve, but looking at this example either i'm not using this feature right or missing something.
Your current stream attempt does indeed work, but it's an uncommon and not the best way to go about it.
You create an Optional object that you immediately throw away.
The code is not as compact as it can be.
Instead, utilise the anyMatch method which does exactly what you're trying to achieve.
return persons.stream().anyMatch(p -> p.age > age);

Java 8 Functional VS Imperative method

I have created a method to dynamically build rest URI based on Bean properties, initially it was imperative then I have refactored it to functional style, it's my first time doing functional programming.
both imperative and functional are working as expected, but I am not happy by the functional readability, functional seams an over kill for this method or it could be because i am still a novice functional programmer!
How would you refactor this method to more clean functional way?
Or would you keep it Imperative?
import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils;
import org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat;
import org.springframework.web.util.UriComponentsBuilder;
public String functionalBuildRestUri() throws Exception {
final UriComponentsBuilder uriBuilder = UriComponentsBuilder.newInstance().scheme("https")
//here is the functional
List<PropertyDescriptor> propDescList = Arrays.asList(BeanUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(getClass()));
//this part is readable and precis, but to enable it had to add 4 methods
.collect(Collectors.toMap(PropertyDescriptor::getName, propValue()))//conversion to map doesn't feel good to me how can I avoid it?
return uriBuilder.build().toUriString();
public String imperativeBuildRestUri() throws Exception {
final UriComponentsBuilder uriBuilder = UriComponentsBuilder.newInstance().scheme("https")
PropertyDescriptor[] propDescArray = BeanUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(getClass());
for (PropertyDescriptor propDesc : propDescArray) {
String propName = propDesc.getName();
if (!propName.equals("class")) {
Method getPropMethod = propDesc.getReadMethod();
Object propValue = getPropMethod.invoke(this);
if (propValue != null) {
if(propValue instanceof Date){
String dateStr = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).format((Date)propValue);
uriBuilder.queryParam(propName, ":"+dateStr);
uriBuilder.queryParam(propName, propValue);
return uriBuilder.build().toUriString();
All Those methods has been added after functional refactoring
// I couldn't avoid being imperative here, how can we refactor it to more functional style
private BiConsumer<String, Object> buildRestParam(final UriComponentsBuilder uriBuilder) {
return (propName, propValue) -> {
if (propValue instanceof Date) {
String dateStr = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).format((Date) propValue);
uriBuilder.queryParam(propName, ":" + dateStr);
} else {
uriBuilder.queryParam(propName, propValue);
private Predicate<? super PropertyDescriptor> notNullPropValue() {
return propDesc -> {
return propValue().apply(propDesc) != null;
private Predicate<? super PropertyDescriptor> notClassProp() {
return propDesc -> {
return !propDesc.getName().equals("class");
private Function<? super PropertyDescriptor, ? extends Object> propValue() {
return (propDesc) -> {
try {
return propDesc.getReadMethod().invoke(HotelOfferSearchCommand.this);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
Most of the verbosity of the new code has nothing to do with functional programming. You have refactored the code to put every lambda expression into a method of it’s own, which, of course, destroys one of the main advantages of lambda expressions, the compactness. Even if code is complex enough to justify the creation of a method, that method should perform actual work, then, you could use a method reference where a function is required.
The methods further suffer from an unnecessary (even discouraged, as being in a return type) use of wild cards. You also used the verbose syntax parameter -> { return expression; } where parameter -> expression would be possible.
There are other issues, like unnecessarily creating a distinct catch clause for each exception type, when all do the same or wrapping the array into a List before creating the Stream instead of streaming over the array directly or having code duplication, the last point applies to both, the imperative variant and the functional one.
You can just write:
public String functionalBuildRestUri() throws Exception {
final UriComponentsBuilder uriBuilder = UriComponentsBuilder.newInstance()
Function<PropertyDescriptor, Object> propValue = propDesc -> {
try { return propDesc.getReadMethod().invoke(HotelOfferSearchCommand.this); }
catch(ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }
.filter(propDesc -> !propDesc.getName().equals("class"))
.filter(propDesc -> propValue.apply(propDesc) != null)
.forEach(propDesc -> {
Object value = propValue.apply(propDesc);
if (value instanceof Date)
value = ":"+new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).format(value);
uriBuilder.queryParam(propDesc.getName(), value);
return uriBuilder.build().toUriString();
without any extra method.
This might not be the best option, as there is indeed one flaw, the absence of a tuple or pair type to hold two values to be passed through the stream. By using Map.Entry as a stand-in, but not populating a Map, we can express the operation as
public String functionalBuildRestUri() throws Exception {
final UriComponentsBuilder uriBuilder = UriComponentsBuilder.newInstance()
Function<PropertyDescriptor, Object> propValue = propDesc -> {
try { return propDesc.getReadMethod().invoke(HotelOfferSearchCommand.this); }
catch(ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }
.filter(propDesc -> !propDesc.getName().equals("class"))
.map(propDesc -> new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(
propDesc.getName(), propValue.apply(propDesc)))
.filter(entry -> entry.getValue() != null)
.forEach(entry -> {
Object value = entry.getKey();
if (value instanceof Date)
value = ":"+new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).format(value);
uriBuilder.queryParam(entry.getKey(), value);
return uriBuilder.build().toUriString();
or, alternatively
.filter(propDesc -> !propDesc.getName().equals("class"))
.map(propDesc -> new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(
propDesc.getName(), propValue.apply(propDesc)))
.filter(entry -> entry.getValue() != null)
.map(e -> e.getValue() instanceof Date?
new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(e.getKey(),
":"+new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).format(e.getValue())):
.forEach(entry -> uriBuilder.queryParam(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
With these two variants, the propValue function is evaluated only once per element instead of two times as in the first variant and your original code, where both, the check for null property value and the terminal operation evaluated it.
Note that there’s still room for improvement, e.g. there’s no reason to add the ":" after the format operation when you could make the colon a part of the format pattern string in the first place.
Whether this is an improvement over the loop, is something you have to decide yourself. Not every code has to be rewritten to a functional style. At least, as shown by the the examples above, it doesn’t have to be bigger than the imperative code…

Constraints on parameters in api interface

I've declared an API call in an interface and was wondering if it is possible to put constraints on some of the parameters. The API I'm accessing has these constraints as well and would like to enforce them in my program.
Call<RecipeResponse> getRecipes(
#Query("cuisine") String cuisine,
#Query("diet") String diet,
#Query("excludeIngredients") String excludeIngredients,
#Query("intolerances") String intolerances,
#Query("number") Integer number,
#Query("offset") Integer offset,
#Query("query") String query,
#Query("type") String type
How can I do this?
I know that it is possible to do this with POST request, and passing along an object via the RequestBody through the #Body annotation. Can I do this with a GET request too, where information is passed via the query string?
I think I ended up finding a solution. I've made a class SearchRecipeRequest in which I declare all possible parameters as class variables. In the setters I do the data validation such as checking for null on parameters that are required, or min/max value constraints on integers as specified by the endpoint. I then made a SearchRecipeRequestBuilder class to build such an object like so to make it easier to deal with all those possible parameters:
public class SearchRecipeRequestBuilder {
private String _cuisine = null,
_diet = null,
_excludeIngredients = null,
_intolerances = null,
_query = null,
_type = null;
private Integer _number = null,
_offset = null;
public SearchRecipeRequestBuilder() {}
public SearchRecipeRequest buildRequest() {
return new SearchRecipeRequest(_cuisine, _diet, _excludeIngredients, _intolerances, _number, _offset, _query, _type);
public SearchRecipeRequestBuilder cuisine(String cuisine) {
_cuisine = cuisine;
return this;
public SearchRecipeRequestBuilder diet(String diet) {
_diet = diet;
return this;
public SearchRecipeRequestBuilder excludeIngredients(String excludeIngredients) {
_excludeIngredients = excludeIngredients;
return this;
public SearchRecipeRequestBuilder intolerances(String intolerances) {
_intolerances = intolerances;
return this;
public SearchRecipeRequestBuilder query(String query) {
_query = query;
return this;
public SearchRecipeRequestBuilder type(String type) {
_type = type;
return this;
public SearchRecipeRequestBuilder number(Integer number) {
_number = number;
return this;
public SearchRecipeRequestBuilder offset(Integer offset) {
_offset = offset;
return this;
Which allows me to build the request like so:
SearchRecipeRequest request = new SearchRecipeRequestBuilder()
I then pass along that object to a different function that knows how to use the request object to pass it along to the API.
That's how I'm doing it right now, if someone has a better way I'd love to hear it. :)
I got the idea to use the Builder pattern from a different StackOverflow question: Managing constructors with many parameters in Java.

How can I check if a class belongs to Java JDK

I use an external library which return some List<?>.
I need to check if each object of this list is an Object of the JDK (String, int, Integer...).
Is this a proper solution?
List<?> list = externalLibrary.search(...);
for(clazz : list) {
if (clazz.getPackage().getName().startsWith("java.lang"))
// do something different
Is there a better one?
Depending on your definition of "object of the JDK" -- which could get quite fuzzy around the edges -- no, this isn't going to do it. The java.lang package is only a tiny part of all the classes included in the JDK.
You might check whether each object was loaded by the same ClassLoader that loaded java.lang.String -- i.e.,
if (theObject.getClass().getClassLoader() == "".getClass().getClassLoader()) ...
In general, a different ClassLoader will be used for system classes vs. application classes.
It is probably OK, just you have to check the following packages:
probably others...
We use the below class to check if the classes belongs to JDK
public class JDKClass {
private static Set<String> CS = new HashSet<String>();
static {
try {
File file = new File(System.getProperty("java.home"),
BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
String l;
while (true) {
l = r.readLine();
if (l == null) {
} else {
CS.add(l.replace('/', '.'));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public static boolean contains(String o) {
return CS.contains(o) || o.startsWith("java") || o.startsWith("com.sun")
|| o.startsWith("sun") || o.startsWith("oracle")
|| o.startsWith("org.xml") || o.startsWith("com.oracle");
private JDKClass() {
You can use ClassLoader.getSystemResources and then check from what jar is the class loaded (f.g. if it comes from rt.jar).
You will get URL's such as:
Example code taken from SLF4j:
private static String STATIC_LOGGER_BINDER_PATH =
private static void singleImplementationSanityCheck() {
try {
ClassLoader loggerFactoryClassLoader = LoggerFactory.class
Enumeration paths;
if (loggerFactoryClassLoader == null) {
paths = ClassLoader.getSystemResources(STATIC_LOGGER_BINDER_PATH);
} else {
paths = loggerFactoryClassLoader
List implementationList = new ArrayList();
while (paths.hasMoreElements()) {
URL path = (URL) paths.nextElement();
Personally I like class loader base answer. But it will return true also on StringBuilder. If you want to more narrow definition that is only "built-in" types, you can try to evaluate whether this is primitive type (such as int) or wrapper type (such as Integer) or String. You can write something like this:
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
public class Utils {
private static Map<String, Class<?>> SUBST_MAP = new TreeMap<String, Class<?>>();
private static Map<String, Class<?>> SIMPLE_MAP = new TreeMap<String, Class<?>>();
static {
SUBST_MAP.put(Byte.class.getName(), Byte.TYPE);
SUBST_MAP.put(Short.class.getName(), Short.TYPE);
SUBST_MAP.put(Integer.class.getName(), Integer.TYPE);
SUBST_MAP.put(Long.class.getName(), Long.TYPE);
SUBST_MAP.put(Float.class.getName(), Float.TYPE);
SUBST_MAP.put(Double.class.getName(), Double.TYPE);
SUBST_MAP.put(Boolean.class.getName(), Boolean.TYPE);
SUBST_MAP.put(Character.class.getName(), Character.TYPE);
SIMPLE_MAP.put(String.class.getName(), Boolean.TRUE);
* Gets the the class type of the types of the argument.
* if substPrimitiveWrapper is true,
* then if there is argument, that represent primitive type wrapper (such as Integer),
* then it will be substituted to primitive type (such as int).
* else no substitution will be done.
* #param arg object.
* #param substPrimitiveWrapper - wheteher to do primitive type substitution.
* #retrun class type.
public static Class<?> getClassType(Object arg, boolean substPrimitiveWrapper){
Class<?> classType = null;
String className = null;
Class<?> substClass = null;
if(arg != null ){
//making default classType
classType = arg.getClass();
className = classType.getName();
substClass = (Class<?>)SUBST_MAP.get(className);
if(substClass != null){
classType = substClass;
return classType;
* This method consider JDK type any primitive type, wrapper class or String.
* #param arg object
* #return where arg is JDK type or now.
public static boolean isJDKClass(Object arg){
Class<?> classType = getClassType(arg, true);
boolean isJDKClass = false;
// isJDKClass = true; //this is String, note that String is final
assert classType!=null;
String className = classType.getName();
Boolean isFound = (Boolean)SIMPLE_MAP.get(className);
isJDKClass = true; //this is predefined class
boolean isPrimitiveType = classType.isPrimitive();
isJDKClass = true; //this is primitive type or wrapper class
return isJDKClass;
You can also optionally add support for such classes like java.math.BigDecimal, java.util.Date, java.sql.Timestamp. Note, however, that they are not final, so I assumed that if somebody extended them even in the trivial way, it will not be considered as JDK class.
I think an easier solution is to thing of the problem this way:
write a method to identify all classes that are defined by you. In most cases, all user defined classes follow a pattern like com.something.something. Then if they do not belong to com.something.something, it is a JDK class

In Flex3, what type is an object property?

I have many Flex objects like this one:
public class MyData {
public var time: Date;
public var label: String;
I am populating this object from a DB record retrieved via AMF that looks something like this:
label: "Label",
incident: "2009-08-15 11:12:14.12233"
I want to write a generic value mapper for these object that, given a target object (instance of MyData here) and an input record, will be able to tell that MyData.time is a Date field and perform type mapping automatically. Something like this:
function map(obj, targetType): * {
var newInstance: * = new targetType();
for (var property: String in obj) {
if (getPropertyType(targetType, property) == Date) {
newInstance[property] = parseDate(obj[property]);
else {
newInstance[property] = obj[property];
function getPropertyType(type_var: Class, property: String): Class {
// .. this is what I have no idea how to do
Can someone fill in the blank here?
You possibly need something like describeType. And maybe you need to use getDefinitionByName() if you want to make to a real object. So something like this for the contents of your function:
var typeXml:XML = describeType(type_var[property]);
return getDefinitionByName(typeXml.type[0].#name);
I haven't compiled it. Just throwing it out there to see if it helps.
You can use the 'is' operator to check the type of an object.
The is operator
function map(obj, targetType): * {
var newInstance: * = new targetType();
for (var property: String in obj) {
if (obj[property] is Date) {
newInstance[property] = parseDate(obj[property]);
else {
newInstance[property] = obj[property];
If you need to map an Object variable to a variable class as MyData you can do the following
public class MyData
public var time: Date;
public var label: String;
function map(obj:Object):void
for (var property: String in obj)
this[property] = obj[property];
Note: The object obj must contain the exact "time" and "label" properties.
Hope it solves your problem
