Split column value in sqlite - sqlite

Am new to sqlite in my learning I come across the subString function so in my exercise, My table name is t1 and my column value is Partha000099 I want to increment by 1 eg., Partha000100 when i try with
am getting output as 000099 when I increment by 1 with the below query
am getting output as 100, Now my question is how to construct it back as I expect
I tried with the below query,
SELECT 'Partha' || SUBSTR(MAX(ID),6)+1 FROM t1
am getting output as 1. Please some one help me.

While my solution will work, I would advice you against this type of key generation. "SELECT MAX(ID)+1" to generate the next key will be fraught with problems in more concurrent databases and you risk generating duplicate keys in a busy application/system.
It would be better to split the key into two columns, one with the group or name 'Partha', and the other column with an automatically incremented number.
However, having said that, here's how to generate the next key like your example.
You need to:
Split the key into two
Increment the numeric part
Convert it back to a string
Pad it to 6 digits
Here's the SQL that will do that:
SELECT SUBSTR(ID, 1, 6) || SUBSTR('000000' || (SUBSTR(MAX(ID), 7)+1), -6) FROM t1;
To pad it to 6 digits, I prepend 6 zeroes, then grab the last 6 digits from the resulting string with this type of expression
SUBSTR(x, -6)
The reason why you got 1 was that your expression was grouped like this:
SELECT .... + 1
And the .... part, your string concatenation, was then attempted converted to a number, which resulted in 0, thus 0+1 gives 1.
To get the unpadded result you could've just added some parenthesis:
SELECT 'Partha' || (SUBSTR(MAX(ID),6)+1) FROM t1
^ ^
This, however, would also be wrong as it would return Partha1, and that is because SUBSTR(..., 6) grabs the 6th character and onwards and the 6th character is the final a in Partha, so to get Partha100 you would need this:
SELECT 'Partha' || (SUBSTR(MAX(ID),7)+1) FROM t1


What's the best way to extract 2nd number from a string

I have something like below stored in a table column. I need only 133 extracted from this.
015.133.Governmental Affairs
When I do
select regexp_substr('015.133.Governmental Affairs', '\.*+[[:digit:]]+*',1,2) from dual;
The result is .133
If I do
regexp_substr('015.133.Governmental Affairs', '\*+[[:digit:]]+*',1,2)
it returns nothing. What's correct expression here?
The trick with coming up with a good regex is to be able to explain it in plain language first.
Editing to explain better hopefully.
Here I am matching zero or more digits where followed by a literal period. The 4th argument to REGEXP_SUBSTR (2) is which occurrence of this pattern to match on. Note the pattern consists of 2 groups as defined by being surrounded by parentheses. The 6th argument to REGEXP_SUBSTR says when a match is found to return the 1st subgroup (the numbers, not the period), if you put a 2 there you'd get the period that follows the number 133.
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR('015.133.Governmental Affairs', '([[:digit:]]*?)(\.)', 1, 2, NULL, 1) AS nbr
FROM dual;
1 row selected.
Here's something adapted from this question: How to extract group from regular expression in Oracle?
'015.133.Governmental Affairs',
The regex looks for a string that starts with a series of digits, then ., then more digits, then another ., then the rest of the string. It then replaces the entire match (which is the entire string) with \1, which is whatever was in that second set of digits, inside the parentheses.

SQLite3 - Calculated SELECT with padding and concatenation

I have the following SQLite table (a stub of the real table which has a few other columns)
A typical entry in this table would be along the lines of
INSERT INTO fingers(id,intLL,fracLat,fracLng) VALUES(1,12899,42513,4025);
From time-to-time I need to query this table to pull out rows for matching intLL values in such a way that a calculated value meets a variable condition. For example
SELECT * FROM fingers WHERE intLL = 12899 AND ('8508' = (CAST((ROUND(CAST(fracLat AS REAL)/500))
Transform the fractLat and fracLng columns by dividing them by 10,250 or 500. The CAST AS REAL is required to prevent the default integer division that would be performed by SQLite
Round the decimal result to the closest integer. After rounding you will by default get a value with a trailing .0. The CAST AS INTEGER ensures that this is removed
Concatenate the two parts. The concatenation is going wrong. In the present case the concatenated result would be 858 which is not what I want
Compare against an incoming value: 8508 in this case.
My questions
How can I pad the two parts with 0s when required prior to concatenation so as to ensure that they have the same number of digits
Is there a simpler way of achieving this?
One way to pad 0s is to concatenate 00 at the start of the number and with SUBSTR() return the last 2 chars.
Also, you can divide by 500.0 to avoid integer division:
SELECT * FROM fingers
WHERE intLL = 12899
AND '8508' = SUBSTR('00' || CAST(fracLat / 500.0 AS INTEGER), -2) ||
SUBSTR('00' || CAST(fraCLng / 500.0 AS INTEGER), -2)
Another way to do it is with the function printf() which formats a number:
SELECT * FROM fingers
WHERE intLL = 12899
AND '8508' = printf('%02d', fracLat / 500.0) ||
printf('%02d', fraCLng / 500.0)
See the demo.

How to cast a column into decimal of varying significant digits in Oracle

I have a column that is stored in ###0.0000000000 format. In a report I'm generating I need it to only show a few significant digits. Problem is the number needed changes based on the product with a default of 2. There's a column in another table that provides the required digits per each product.
I've tried a few things so far but it seems to not like it and throws a syntax error.
Cast(A.Price as Numeric(10,coalesce(B.Sig_Digits,2)))
That threw an error so I tried making the coalesce part a column and aliasing it in case the coalesce broke it, and that didn't work either. Round will take a column as an argument but I don't want it to round. Other than an ugly
case when Sig_digits = 1 then to_char(price,'###0.0') when Sig_digits = 2...
etc. what other options are there? This is a very large report, with 100+ columns and a few million rows so I'd prefer to not do the case when.
Use TO_CHAR with RPAD to add 0s to the end of the format model to the correct number of decimal places:
SQL Fiddle
Oracle 11g R2 Schema Setup:
CREATE TABLE table_name ( value, sig ) AS
SELECT 123456789.123456789, 7 FROM DUAL;
Query 1:
SELECT TO_CHAR( value, RPAD( 'FM999999999990.', sig + 15, '0' ) )
FROM table_name
| TO_CHAR(VALUE,RPAD('FM999999999990.',SIG+15,'0')) |
| 123.46 |
| 123456789.1234568 |

Find range of values between 2 columns in Oracle DB

Hi I have a table with 2 columns with range, so for e.g If Range Start = ABC1/000/0/0000 and Range END = ABC1/000/0/1022 .
I have to get all the values between this range and then join this with another table. Can you let me know how can I get all the values in DUAL table. I am using Oracle 11g.
Basically I need to make a list with first value as ABC1/000/0/0000 second as ABC1/000/0/0001 till ABC1/000/0/1022.
I have no idea what you mean by "storing values temporarily in DUAL". DUAL is a singe column table with a single value!
However, something like this might be what you want. If its not, then perhaps you could elaborate on your problem a little further
select blah
from another_table
where somekey in
( select blah
from table
where col between <rangeStart> and <rangeEnd>
So, it seems you need a few things.
Separate the "last value" from a slash-separated string, such as
ABC1/000/0/0000. It is best to do this with standard substr() and
instr() functions, not with regular expressions (for faster
execution). In instr() we can use a negative argument for
occurrence, to indicate "counting from the end of the string".
Something like this:
select range_from, substr(range_from, instr(range_from, '/', -1) + 1
from ...
Actually, you will need to convert this to a number with to_number() for further processing, and you will also need to capture the substring up to the last slash (similar use of substr() and instr(). And you will need to do the same for range_to.
Generate all the numbers from the first value to the last value. This is easily done with a connect by level query (hierarchical query). Some care must be taken since we may need to do this for several input rows (input ranges) at once.
Then put everything back together and use the result in further processing.
I will assume that the range_from string contains at least one slash, that the substring between the last slash and the end of the string represents a non-negative integer in character format, and the range_to similarly contains at least one slash and the substring from the last slash to the end of the string represents a non-negative integer. It is your responsibility to guarantee that this integer is greater than or equal to the one from range_from. In the output I will use the same substring UP TO the last slash as I find in range_from; if the requirement is that range_to must have the same initial substring, it is your responsibility to guarantee that.
I will also assume that the width (number of characters) of the "number" part (the last token in the strings) is not known beforehand and must be calculated in the query.
test_data( id, range_from, range_to ) as (
select 1, 'ABC1/000/0/2033', 'ABC1/000/0/2035' from dual union all
select 2, 'xyz/33/200' , 'xyz/33/200' from dual union all
select 3, '300/LMN/000' , '300/LMN/003' from dual
-- end of test data; SQL query begins below this line
select id, stub || lpad(to_char(from_nbr + level - 1), len, '0') as val
from (
select id, stub, length(from_str) as len, to_number(from_str) as from_nbr,
to_number(to_str) as to_nbr
from (
select id, substr(range_from, 1, instr(range_from, '/', -1)) as stub,
substr(range_from, instr(range_from, '/', -1) + 1) as from_str,
substr(range_to , instr(range_to , '/', -1) + 1) as to_str
from test_data
connect by level <= 1 + to_nbr - from_nbr
and prior id = id
and prior sys_guid() is not null
order by id, level -- if needed
-- --------------------
1 ABC1/000/0/2033
1 ABC1/000/0/2034
1 ABC1/000/0/2035
2 xyz/33/200
3 300/LMN/000
3 300/LMN/001
3 300/LMN/002
3 300/LMN/003

Sqlite Update with Substring only returns first row data

I have a table (Raw_Data) with a numerical column (WorkingData).
When I test the following SELECT I return the data I require (1st digit of the numeric value)
SELECT substr([WorkingData], 1, 1) FROM Raw_Data
I now wish to take this value & insert it into another colum in the same table so I try :-
UPDATE Raw_Data SET [FirstDigit] = (SELECT substr([WorkingData], 1, 1) FROM Raw_Data)
This code uses the first digit from the first row & places that value into every row in the the FirstDigit column. Sqlite seems to interperate the SQL command as "identify the first digit of the value found in the first row in the table & use that as the FirstDigit for every subsequent value irrespective of the actual value".
eg of UPDATE comamnd results:-
Row WorkingData First Digit
1 54987 5
2 3267 5
3 19 5
Where am I going wrong with my SQL command please?
UPDATE Raw_Data SET First_Digit=SUBSTR(WorkingData, 1, 1)
WHERE Raw_Data.row=Raw_Data.row;
Screen shot
