Worldwind missing dependencies - jogl

Worldwind is giving an error about missing dependencies. The executable works on 8/10 computers (intel) all with the same software & versions (Windows 7 w/ Jre8), same graphics cards/drivers (recently new).
On the computers where Worldwind doesn't work, the error was UnsatisfiedLinkError -"gluegen-rt.dll: Can't load AMD 64-bit .dd on a IA 32-bit platform"
To fix this, I downloaded the JOGL dll files for Intel i856, removed the AMD files and the program gives me this error [1]:
Any suggestions/comments are greatly appreciated.

Turns out using the jogamp-fat.jar the computer was looking at the 32-bit version of java. Once I installed Java 64-bit version and changed the JAVA_HOME it worked. Thanks!


Can I build a PyInstaller binary for M1 Macs on an Intel Mac?

I have recently found out that PyInstaller now works on macOS Monterey, so I tried to build a binary. When testing on my Intel machine, it did work as expected. When testing it on an M1 MacBook, however, it failed to work because of "Damaged and cannot open". I think that was because of the incompatibility of Intel apps and M1 apps.
CLang has an option to build for a different architecture, but I don't know if PyInstaller has such parameter that does the same job.
Proof: From the picture, the app is clearly stated to be an "Intel" app.
Thanks for any ideas.
There is a target architecture in the .spec file. I'm have the opposite problem... built on M1 and need to target both.... in the middle of solving the problem but it may be as simple as specifying the Architecture in the .spec file.

Deployment of statically linked Qt application backward compatibility

This is my first attempt at making a Qt Application work on different systems.
I have opted for static linking method.I have already compiled the sources of Qt 5.5 and compiled my application with the static Qt. The executable is working fine on my computer.
My operating system is Ubuntu 15.04. But when I tried to run the same executable on Ubuntu 14.04 then I ran into trouble. The key details of the error message are given below. cxxabi_1.3.8 not found
I did a standard Google search and realised it was because I had a newer version of it on my machine, the machine where I had created the executable. There were so many different approaches to handle this problem. One of the solutions I saw involved shipping your own copy of with the executable. But when I tried to copy the .so file to a pen drive, there was a warning saying that the file system does not support such files.
My question is , what am I doing wrong ? Also if I wanted to make the executable target Ubuntu 10.04, what would be the correct procedure handling the backward compatibility issues. I know that one method would be to install the same OS on my machine and then create the executable , is there any other way?
libstd++ is backward compatible but not forward compatible, which means you can run a program with a newer version of libstdc++ than the one you compiled it with but not vice-versa. This is what you experienced.
One way to deal with this issue is using older OS versions as the build machine. When you for example use Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, you'll get this list of compatible target systems.
The build system you're using will probably limit available compilers. On Ubuntu 14.04 you get GCC 4.8, which is good for most C++11 and packages for clang 3.6 are available, which will give you full C++14 support.
Targeting Ubuntu 10.04 will be challenging if you do not want to use a stone age compiler.
The idea of shipping libstdc++ will not help you much because you'll run into the same problem with libc.

Aptana : java was started by returned exit code=13

windows 8.1 64 Bit , Aptana 3.4.2 , Java 64 Bit
Java :
Must you have 32-bit version of java, or may be you have both version [32-bit 64-bit] of java on same computer.
Make sure you have 32-bit version then must you specify the version that using in Aptana studio to do this :
1-Go to apatana folder and find the AptanaStudio3.ini file
"C:\Users\[YourUser]\AppData\Roaming\Appcelerator\Aptana Studio"
2- Add the java 32-bit version path to AptanaStudio3.ini using notepad
Package arch is 32-bit only for Windows OS. The 32-bit version of the JDK is required regardless of whether it is running on a 32-bit or 64-bit Windows system. You can download here from the official website.
I got the exact same error but I was on Windows 10 64-bit, Aptana 3.6.1, with only 64-bit JDKs.
After I downloaded 32-bit 1.7 JDK, I was able to open and run Aptana just fine.
I didn't need to modify the .ini file as AbuSitta had suggested.
I'll agree it might be misleading to some if you don't take a sharper look and see the "x86, x64" description at the download page.
In Windows OS, Aptana Only runs using Java 32 bit (JRE or JDK)
Am I late to the party ? Just started on ruby yesterday..and this was the recommended IDE in 3 of the 4 tutorials i saw..Spent the whole day trying to configure this.
Aptana Studio needs 32 bit jdk to be installed even on a 64 bit processor.. The "compatibility" suggested is a bit misleading..I just had to install the 32 bit jdk.. Did not modify the .ini file as #Osama Abusitta said. Just restarted the pc post installation for the effect to take place.
I got the Same Error. just install Java jdk.1.8 x86 (32bit) Version.
modify the .ini file
C:\Users\YOUR_USER\AppData\Roaming\Appcelerator\Aptana Studio\AptanaStudio3.ini
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_202\bin\javaw.exe
Aptana Studio 3

Qt 4.8.4 mingw (gcc 4.7) can compile but cannot run

i am new to Qt.
i am using Wnndows 8 with MinGW (gcc 4.7.2)
i have installed QtLibrary 4.8.4(the official site says Qt 4.84 should work with mingw 4.4)
After modified Windows environment variables, i installed Qt Creator 2.6 and setted the kit as well.
now i can compile the example program, but cannot run it, the error message I got is
Starting D:\usr\bin\Qt4\examples\opengl\2dpainting-build-Kit_3_14-Debug\debug\2dpainting.exe...
The program has unexpectedly finished.
D:\usr\bin\Qt4\examples\opengl\2dpainting-build-Kit_3_14-Debug\debug\2dpainting.exe exited with code -1073741502
i met the same problem with Qt 5.0.1 + MinGw 4.7.2 too.
i guess there is something wrong with "opengl", but don't know how to fix it.
please help.
Please try to place all required dlls into the directory where your exe is (see here).
Also make shure; if you are compilung in Debug you need eg. QtCored4.dll, but in release QtCore4.dll.
It all about x32 and x64 architectures,
If you compile cpp files in x64 mode and then link them with x32 qt the problem will occur.
try using the appropriate versions of windows and qt(both x32 or both x64)

Mac Qt4: PyQt 4.8 installation error (Need help)

hope someone of you can help me. I'm new to mac and qt, so please forgive me if I ask some dumb questions. So to the problem. I want to install PyQt 4.8 on the macbook (Mac OS X 10.6.4).
First I installed Qt 4.7 like in this description Then I installed sip 4.11.2 (without --arch=i386), here the how-to page ( After that I tried to install PyQt 4.8 (without --use-arch=i386), but I get an error. I googled it, no success. I don't know what to do. I try to build it from source, because I need to install a lot more packages, like qimage2ndarray. And I heard that with the .dmg (binary) you can have some trouble. May be someone can help me. Hope I don't need to reinstall the whole OS.
Here the error.
Olis-MacBook-Pro:PyQt-mac-gpl-4.8 opetra$ python build
Determining the layout of your Qt installation...
Error: Failed to determine the layout of your Qt installation. Try again using
the --verbose flag to see more detail about the problem.
OK guys, I solved the problem. I had to set the arch, in my case to x86_64, for all three. Not only for sip and PyQt. Without it, qt was compiling PowerPC arch as default. Don't know why, I have a macbook pro 2010 with an i5. Thought the configuration would automatic recognize that.
