How can I nest clonable metabox fields on WP? - wordpress

I'm trying to create and use a metabox group of fields and display it on a site. I want to handle it like a blog but I don't want to create more and more subcategories and tags.

I do recommend Tran Ngoc Tuan Anh Plugin


Add custom Meta Data to Woocommerce Filter

I have created Custom fields for WooCommerce product using ACF PRO. I want to filter my products using custom fields but i could not find a way to do it manually.
I find some plugins to achieve this but they have conflict with my theme so i want to do it manually.

Add extra tab like page/post in wordpress for categories/products

I was wondering if there was any plugin or a way to add extra tab in Wordpress admin similar to page/post that would be called categories and inside of it have different categories + subcategories and inside them products? This is not an e-commerce site so I do not want to use woocommerce plugin...
It would look something like that:
Categories (Name of the tab) -> Category1 (ie. Tapes) -> SubCategory (ie. Isolating tapes-> Products
Would apprieciate any help! thank you
Despite that you can't create menu item structure like that you've described in your admin area without some complicated coding, you can create custom post types & custom taxonomies for it.
So, you can have the structure like this one:
- Products
- Product categories
You can make hierarchical categories list & assign any of it to any product.
Please refer to the codex on creation of the custom post & taxonomies
If you want the plugin, there are plenty of them. For example you can use this one:

How can I set up filters for my woocommerce products?

I use woocommerce and instead of marking my product page within the woocommerce>config>products section I use a woocommerce shortcode to insert my products into a page. Now whenever I try to use any sort of filter plugin it doesn't work. Is there a way to make filters work with this configuration?

How can I add custom field to editing wordpress category?

How can I add custom field (Second SEO-description) to taxonomy editor?
Try the plugin WordPress SEO by Yoast. this will get you some control over the Category meta.
Or if you really want meta data for each Cat. try Category Meta plugin.

Two different category boxes in WordPress

I want two category boxes for my articles. One box for topic-select and the other for project-select.
Do you know a PlugIn?
You want to add custom taxonomies I think.
You can do that either by:
a plugin called More Taxonomies
by generating a new taxonomy in functions.php or create a plugin with the new taxonomy code
