lapply alternative to for loop to append to data frame - r

I have a data frame:
df<-structure(list(chrom = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L,
2L, 3L, 3L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L), .Label = c("1", "2", "3", "4"), class = "factor"),
pos = c(10L, 200L, 134L, 400L, 600L, 1000L, 20L, 33L, 40L,
45L, 50L, 55L, 100L, 123L)), .Names = c("chrom", "pos"), row.names = c(NA, -14L), class = "data.frame")
> head(df)
chrom pos
1 1 10
2 1 200
3 1 134
4 1 400
5 1 600
6 1 1000
And I want to calculate pos[i+1] - pos[i] on the sample chromosome (chrom)
By using a for loop over each chrom level, and another over each row I get the expected results:
for (c in levels(df$chrom)){
df_chrom<-filter(df, chrom == c)
df_chrom<-arrange(df_chrom, df_chrom$pos)
for (i in 1:nrow(df_chrom)){
dist<-(df_chrom$pos[i+1] - df_chrom$pos[i])
cat(c, i, df_chrom$pos[i], dist, logdist, "\n")
However, I want to save this to a data frame, and think that lapply or apply is the right way to go about this. I can't work out how to make the pos[i+1] - pos[i] calculation though (seeing as lapply works on each row/column.
Any pointers would be appreciated
Here's the output from my solution:
chrom index pos dist log10dist
1 1 10 124 2.093422
1 2 134 66 1.819544
1 3 200 200 2.30103
1 4 400 200 2.30103
1 5 600 400 2.60206
1 6 1000 NA NA
2 1 20 13 1.113943
2 2 33 NA NA
3 1 40 5 0.69897
3 2 45 NA NA
4 1 50 5 0.69897
4 2 55 45 1.653213
4 3 100 23 1.361728
4 4 123 NA NA

We could do this using a group by difference. Convert the 'data.frame' to 'data.table' (setDT(df)), grouped by 'chrom', order the 'pos', get the difference of 'pos' (diff) and also log of the difference
setDT(df)[order(pos), {v1 <- diff(pos)
.(index = seq_len(.N), pos = pos,
dist = c(v1, NA), logdiff = c(log10(v1), NA))}
, by = chrom]
# chrom index pos dist logdiff
# 1: 1 1 10 124 2.093422
# 2: 1 2 134 66 1.819544
# 3: 1 3 200 200 2.301030
# 4: 1 4 400 200 2.301030
# 5: 1 5 600 400 2.602060
# 6: 1 6 1000 NA NA
# 7: 2 1 20 13 1.113943
# 8: 2 2 33 NA NA
# 9: 3 1 40 5 0.698970
#10: 3 2 45 NA NA
#11: 4 1 50 5 0.698970
#12: 4 2 55 45 1.653213
#13: 4 3 100 23 1.361728
#14: 4 4 123 NA NA
Upon running the OP's code the output printed are
#1 1 10 124 2.093422
#1 2 134 66 1.819544
#1 3 200 200 2.30103
#1 4 400 200 2.30103
#1 5 600 400 2.60206
#1 6 1000 NA NA
#2 1 20 13 1.113943
#2 2 33 NA NA
#3 1 40 5 0.69897
#3 2 45 NA NA
#4 1 50 5 0.69897
#4 2 55 45 1.653213
#4 3 100 23 1.361728
#4 4 123 NA NA

We split df by df$chrom (Note that we reorder both df and df$chrom before splitting). Then we go through each of the subgroups (the subgroups are called a in this example) using lapply. On the pos column of each subgroup, we calculate difference (diff) of consecutive elements and take log10. Since diff decreases the number of elements by 1, we add a NA to the end. Finally, we rbind all the subgroups together using, lapply(split(df[order(df$chrom, df$pos),], df$chrom[order(df$chrom, df$pos)]),
function(a) data.frame(a, dist = c(log10(diff(a$pos)), NA))))
# chrom pos dist
#1.1 1 10 2.093422
#1.3 1 134 1.819544
#1.2 1 200 2.301030
#1.4 1 400 2.301030
#1.5 1 600 2.602060
#1.6 1 1000 NA
#2.7 2 20 1.113943
#2.8 2 33 NA
#3.9 3 40 0.698970
#3.10 3 45 NA
#4.11 4 50 0.698970
#4.12 4 55 1.653213
#4.13 4 100 1.361728
#4.14 4 123 NA


Binned physiological time series data in R: calculate duration spent in each bin

I have a dataset containing changes in mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) over time from multiple participants. Here is an example dataframe:
df=structure(list(ID = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L,
2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L), Time = structure(1:14, .Label = c("11:02:00",
"11:03:00", "11:04:00", "11:05:00", "11:06:00", "11:07:00", "11:08:00",
"13:30:00", "13:31:00", "13:32:00", "13:33:00", "13:34:00", "13:35:00",
"13:36:00"), class = "factor"), MAP = c(90.27999878, 84.25, 74.81999969,
80.87000275, 99.38999939, 81.51000214, 71.51000214, 90.08999634,
88.75, 84.72000122, 83.86000061, 94.18000031, 98.54000092, 51
)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -14L))
I have binned the data into groups: e.g. MAP 40-60, 60-80, 80-100 and added a unique flag (1, 2 or 3) in an additional column map_bin. This is my code so far:
#Mean Arterial Pressure
#Bin 1=40-60; Bin 2=60-80; Bin 3=80-100
output <- as_tibble(df) %>%
mutate(map_bin = case_when(
MAP >= 40 & MAP < 60 ~ map_bin[1],
MAP >= 60 & MAP < 80 ~ map_bin[2],
MAP >= 80 & MAP < 100 ~ map_bin[3]
For each ID I wish to calculate, in an additional column, the total time MAP is in each bin. I expect the following output:
Where map_bin_dur is the time in minutes that MAP for each individual resided in each bin. e.g. ID 1 had a MAP in Bin 3 for 5 minutes in total.
If you have Time column of 1 min-duration always you can use add_count -
output <- output %>% add_count(ID, map_bin, name = 'map_bin_dur')
# ID Time MAP map_bin map_bin_dur
# <int> <fct> <dbl> <chr> <int>
# 1 1 11:02:00 90.3 3 5
# 2 1 11:03:00 84.2 3 5
# 3 1 11:04:00 74.8 2 2
# 4 1 11:05:00 80.9 3 5
# 5 1 11:06:00 99.4 3 5
# 6 1 11:07:00 81.5 3 5
# 7 1 11:08:00 71.5 2 2
# 8 2 13:30:00 90.1 3 6
# 9 2 13:31:00 88.8 3 6
#10 2 13:32:00 84.7 3 6
#11 2 13:33:00 83.9 3 6
#12 2 13:34:00 94.2 3 6
#13 2 13:35:00 98.5 3 6
#14 2 13:36:00 51 1 1

Fill in values between start and end value in R

W (blue line below) in my data.frame represents where the water level in the river intersects the elevation profile.
In my data.frame, for each group in ID, I need to fill in values between the start and end value (W)
My data
> head(df, 23)
ID elevation code
1 1 150 <NA>
2 1 140 <NA>
3 1 130 W
4 1 120 <NA>
5 1 110 <NA>
6 1 120 <NA>
7 1 130 W
8 1 140 <NA>
9 1 150 <NA>
10 2 90 <NA>
11 2 80 <NA>
12 2 70 <NA>
13 2 66 W
14 2 60 <NA>
15 2 50 <NA>
16 2 66 W
17 2 70 <NA>
18 2 72 <NA>
19 2 68 W
20 2 65 <NA>
21 2 60 <NA>
22 2 68 W
23 2 70 <NA>
I want the final result to look like below
ID elevation code
1 1 150 <NA>
2 1 140 <NA>
3 1 130 W
4 1 120 W
5 1 110 W
6 1 120 W
7 1 130 W
8 1 140 <NA>
9 1 150 <NA>
10 2 90 <NA>
11 2 80 <NA>
12 2 70 <NA>
13 2 66 W
14 2 60 W
15 2 50 W
16 2 66 W
17 2 70 <NA>
18 2 72 <NA>
19 2 68 W
20 2 65 W
21 2 60 W
22 2 68 W
23 2 70 <NA>
I tried many things but my trials were not successful. Your help will be appreciated.
> dput(df)
structure(list(ID = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L,
2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L), elevation = c(150L,
140L, 130L, 120L, 110L, 120L, 130L, 140L, 150L, 90L, 80L, 70L,
66L, 60L, 50L, 66L, 70L, 72L, 68L, 65L, 60L, 68L, 70L), code = c(NA,
NA, "W", NA, NA, NA, "W", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "W", NA, NA, "W",
NA, NA, "W", NA, NA, "W", NA)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
You could do:
df %>%
mutate(code = coalesce(code, c(NA, "W")[cumsum(! %% 2 + 1]))
ID elevation code
1 1 150 <NA>
2 1 140 <NA>
3 1 130 W
4 1 120 W
5 1 110 W
6 1 120 W
7 1 130 W
8 1 140 <NA>
9 1 150 <NA>
10 2 90 <NA>
11 2 80 <NA>
12 2 70 <NA>
13 2 66 W
14 2 60 W
15 2 50 W
16 2 66 W
17 2 70 <NA>
18 2 72 <NA>
19 2 68 W
20 2 65 W
21 2 60 W
22 2 68 W
23 2 70 <NA>
We can try replace + cumsum
df %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(code = replace(code, cumsum(! %% 2 == 1, "W")) %>%
which gives
# A tibble: 23 x 3
ID elevation code
<int> <int> <chr>
1 1 150 NA
2 1 140 NA
3 1 130 W
4 1 120 W
5 1 110 W
6 1 120 W
7 1 130 W
8 1 140 NA
9 1 150 NA
10 2 90 NA
# ... with 13 more rows
You can create a helper function that creates a sequence between each start and end and assigns 'W' to it.
assign_w <- function(code) {
inds <- which(code == 'W')
code[unlist(Map(seq, inds[c(TRUE, FALSE)], inds[c(FALSE, TRUE)]))] <- 'W'
and apply it for each ID :
df %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(result = assign_w(code)) %>%
# ID elevation code result
#1 1 150 <NA> <NA>
#2 1 140 <NA> <NA>
#3 1 130 W W
#4 1 120 <NA> W
#5 1 110 <NA> W
#6 1 120 <NA> W
#7 1 130 W W
#8 1 140 <NA> <NA>
#9 1 150 <NA> <NA>
#10 2 90 <NA> <NA>
#11 2 80 <NA> <NA>
#12 2 70 <NA> <NA>
#13 2 66 W W
#14 2 60 <NA> W
#15 2 50 <NA> W
#16 2 66 W W
#17 2 70 <NA> <NA>
#18 2 72 <NA> <NA>
#19 2 68 W W
#20 2 65 <NA> W
#21 2 60 <NA> W
#22 2 68 W W
#23 2 70 <NA> <NA>
df %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(water_flag = (1 * ! * if_else(elevation < lag(elevation, default = 0), 1, -1),
water = if_else(cumsum(water_flag) == 1, "W", NA_character_))
First I tried to use fill but had no success. Then I learned here about the benefit of R's recycling property Rename first and second occurence of the same specific value in a column iteratively (Thanks to Ronak!)
# prepare data with renaming `start` and `stop` sequence
df$code[$code)] <- "NA"
df$code[df$code == 'W'] <- c('start', 'end')
# Now with different names of start and stop sequence I was able to implement `cumsum`
df <- df %>%
group_by(grp = cumsum(! %>%
dplyr::mutate(code = replace(code, first(code) == 'start', 'W'),
code = replace(code, code=='end', 'W')) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# A tibble: 23 x 3
ID elevation code
<int> <int> <chr>
1 1 150 NA
2 1 140 NA
3 1 130 W
4 1 120 W
5 1 110 W
6 1 120 W
7 1 130 W
8 1 140 NA
9 1 150 NA
10 2 90 NA
11 2 80 NA
12 2 70 NA
13 2 66 W
14 2 60 W
15 2 50 W
16 2 66 W
17 2 70 NA
18 2 72 NA
19 2 68 W
20 2 65 W
21 2 60 W
22 2 68 W
23 2 70 NA
This answer is similar to #Onyambu's: create an 'index' (ind) that increases by one each time a non-NA is encountered in the 'code' column. If the index value is divisible by 2 (i.e. it is an even number) insert "NA" into the new column. If the index is not divisible by 2, add a "W" into the new column. Then if there is a "W" in the 'code' or 'new' columns, replace the NA in the 'code' column with W and drop the 'new' column from the dataframe.
df %>%
mutate(ind = ifelse(cumsum(! %% 2 == 0, NA, "W")) %>%
mutate(code = ifelse(ind == "W" | code == "W", "W", NA)) %>%
#> ID elevation code
#>1 1 150 <NA>
#>2 1 140 <NA>
#>3 1 130 W
#>4 1 120 W
#>5 1 110 W
#>6 1 120 W
#>7 1 130 W
#>8 1 140 <NA>
#>9 1 150 <NA>
#>10 2 90 <NA>
#>11 2 80 <NA>
#>12 2 70 <NA>
#>13 2 66 W
#>14 2 60 W
#>15 2 50 W
#>16 2 66 W
#>17 2 70 <NA>
#>18 2 72 <NA>
#>19 2 68 W
#>20 2 65 W
#>21 2 60 W
#>22 2 68 W
#>23 2 70 <NA>
Though the question has been marked as solved(answer accepted) yet for further/future reference, there is a function fill_run in library runner which does exactly this.
fill_run replaces NA values if they were surrounded by pair of identical values. Since our additional requirement is to look at elevation too we can do something like this
df %>% group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(code = runner::fill_run(ifelse(!, paste(elevation,code), code), only_within = T))
# A tibble: 23 x 3
# Groups: ID [2]
ID elevation code
<int> <int> <chr>
1 1 150 NA
2 1 140 NA
3 1 130 130 W
4 1 120 130 W
5 1 110 130 W
6 1 120 130 W
7 1 130 130 W
8 1 140 NA
9 1 150 NA
10 2 90 NA
# ... with 13 more rows
Needless to say, you can again mutate non-NA values from code to W very easily, if required.

Ignore NA values of a column within a statement

Until now I've been working with a medium size dataset for an Ocupation Survey(around 200 mb total), here's the data if you want to review it:
I have the following code:
base<-tibble(ID_VIV=datos$ID_VIV, ID_PERSONA=datos$ID_PERSONA, EDAD=datos$EDAD, CONACT=datos$CONACT)
base$maxage <- ave(base$EDAD, base$ID_VIV, FUN=max)
base$Condición_I<-case_when(base$CONACT==32 & base$EDAD>=60 ~ 1,
base$CONACT>=10 & base$EDAD>=60 & base$CONACT<=16 ~ 2,
base$CONACT==20 & base$EDAD>=60 | base$CONACT==31 & base$EDAD>=60 | (base$CONACT>=33 & base$CONACT<=35 & base$EDAD>=60) ~ 3)
base <- subset(base, maxage >= 60)
base<- base %>% group_by(ID_VIV) %>% mutate(Condición_V = if(n_distinct(Condición_I) > 1) 4 else Condición_I)
And ended up with:
# A tibble: 38,307 x 7
# Groups: ID_VIV [10,499]
ID_VIV ID_PERSONA EDAD CONACT maxage Condición_I Condición_V
<chr> <chr> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1 10010000007 1001000000701 69 32 69 1 1
2 10010000008 1001000000803 83 33 83 3 4
3 10010000008 1001000000802 47 33 83 NA 4
4 10010000008 1001000000801 47 10 83 NA 4
5 10010000012 1001000001204 4 NA 60 NA 4
6 10010000012 1001000001203 2 NA 60 NA 4
7 10010000012 1001000001201 60 10 60 2 4
8 10010000012 1001000001202 21 10 60 NA 4
9 10010000014 1001000001401 67 32 67 1 4
10 10010000014 1001000001402 64 33 67 3 4
The Condición_I column value is a code for the labour conditions of each individual(row), some of this individuals share house (that's why they share ID_VIV), I only care about the individuals that are 60yo or more, all the NA are individuals who live with a 60+yo but I do not care about their situation (but I need to keep them), I need the column Condición_V to display another value following this conditions:
Condición_I == 1 ~ 1
Condición_I == 2 ~ 2
Condición_I == 3 ~ 3
Any combination of Condición_I ~ 4
This means that if all the 60 and+_yo individuals in a house have Condición_I == 1 then Condición_V will be 1 that's true up to code 3, when there are x.e. one person C_I == 1 and another one C_I == 3 in the same house, then Condición_V will be 4
And I'm hoping to get this kind of result:
A tibble: 38,307 x 7
# Groups: ID_VIV [10,499]
ID_VIV ID_PERSONA EDAD CONACT maxage Condición_I Condición_V
<chr> <chr> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1 10010000007 1001000000701 69 32 69 1 1
2 10010000008 1001000000803 83 33 83 3 3
3 10010000008 1001000000802 47 33 83 NA 3
4 10010000008 1001000000801 47 10 83 NA 3
5 10010000012 1001000001204 4 NA 60 NA 2
6 10010000012 1001000001203 2 NA 60 NA 2
7 10010000012 1001000001201 60 10 60 2 2
8 10010000012 1001000001202 21 10 60 NA 2
9 10010000014 1001000001401 67 32 67 1 4
10 10010000014 1001000001402 64 33 67 3 4
I know my error is in:
`#base<- base %>% group_by(ID_VIV) %>% mutate(Condición_V = if(n_distinct(Condición_I) > 1) 4 else` Condición_I)
Is there a way to use that line of code ignoring the NA values or is it my best option to do it otherway, I do not have to do it the way I'm trying and any other way or help will be much appreciated!
We can wrap with na.omit on the Condición_I column, check the number of distinct elements with n_distinct and if it is greater than 1, return 4 or else return the na.omit of the column
base %>%
group_by(ID_VIV) %>%
mutate(Condición_V = if(n_distinct(na.omit(Condición_I)) > 1)
4 else na.omit(Condición_I)[1])
# A tibble: 10 x 7
# Groups: ID_VIV [4]
# ID_VIV ID_PERSONA EDAD CONACT maxage Condición_I Condición_V
# <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
# 1 10010000007 1001000000701 69 32 69 1 1
# 2 10010000008 1001000000803 83 33 83 3 3
# 3 10010000008 1001000000802 47 33 83 NA 3
# 4 10010000008 1001000000801 47 10 83 NA 3
# 5 10010000012 1001000001204 4 NA 60 NA 2
# 6 10010000012 1001000001203 2 NA 60 NA 2
# 7 10010000012 1001000001201 60 10 60 2 2
# 8 10010000012 1001000001202 21 10 60 NA 2
# 9 10010000014 1001000001401 67 32 67 1 4
#10 10010000014 1001000001402 64 33 67 3 4
base <- structure(list(ID_VIV = c("10010000007", "10010000008", "10010000008",
"10010000008", "10010000012", "10010000012", "10010000012", "10010000012",
"10010000014", "10010000014"), ID_PERSONA = c("1001000000701",
"1001000000803", "1001000000802", "1001000000801", "1001000001204",
"1001000001203", "1001000001201", "1001000001202", "1001000001401",
"1001000001402"), EDAD = c(69L, 83L, 47L, 47L, 4L, 2L, 60L, 21L,
67L, 64L), CONACT = c(32L, 33L, 33L, 10L, NA, NA, 10L, 10L, 32L,
33L), maxage = c(69L, 83L, 83L, 83L, 60L, 60L, 60L, 60L, 67L,
67L), Condición_I = c(1L, 3L, NA, NA, NA, NA, 2L, NA, 1L, 3L
)), row.names = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
"10"), class = "data.frame")

Set value of a column to NA based on conditions in R

I have a data frame, a reproducible example is as follows:
structure(list(subscriberid = c(1177460837L, 1177460837L, 1177460837L,
1146526049L, 1146526049L, 1146526049L), variable = c("3134",
"4550", "4550", "5160", "2530", "2530"), value = c(1, 2, 2, 1,
2, 2), gender = c(2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2), cwe = c(NA, 50L, 50L, NA,
30L, 30L), hw = c(NA, 48L, 48L, NA, 26L, 26L), resp = c(NA_integer_,
NA_integer_, NA_integer_, NA_integer_, NA_integer_, NA_integer_
), cna = c(3L, 1L, 1L, 3L, 1L, 1L)), .Names = c("subscriberid",
"variable", "value", "gender", "cwe", "hw", "resp", "cna"), row.names = c(4L,
5L, 6L, 9L, 10L, 11L), class = "data.frame")
The actual data frame looks like this:
subscriberid variable value gender cwe hw resp cna
4 1177460837 3134 1 2 NA NA NA 3
5 1177460837 4550 2 2 50 48 NA 1
6 1177460837 4550 2 2 50 48 NA 1
9 1146526049 5160 1 1 NA NA NA 3
10 1146526049 2530 2 2 30 26 NA 1
11 1146526049 2530 2 2 30 26 NA 1
In the above df, row 5 and 6 are exactly the same. From row 5, I want to remove 48 and row 6 I want to remove 50. Essentially, I want to retain only one age in a row and set the other to NA. I tried using a for loop but that sets column values in the column that I refer in both the rows to NA.
for (i in 1:nrow(test)) {
test$hw[i] <- ifelse(!$cwe[i]) & !$hw[i]), NA, test$hw[i])
I am trying to set an if condition to identify if both the rows are same, then I want to iteratively remove one of the values from the first row and remove the other from the second.
The desired output is as follows:
subscriberid variable value gender cwe hw resp cna
4 1177460837 3134 1 2 NA NA NA 3
5 1177460837 4550 2 2 50 NA NA 1
6 1177460837 4550 2 2 NA 48 NA 1
9 1146526049 5160 1 1 NA NA NA 3
10 1146526049 2530 2 2 30 NA NA 1
11 1146526049 2530 2 2 NA 26 NA 1
You can use a combination of which() and duplicated() to receive duplicated rows.
Because you need to change values twice of the rows, you have to create a copy of the dataframe. Note that this will only work if the identical rows are always consecutive.
dfNA <- df
dfNA$hw[which(duplicated(df))-1] <- NA
dfNA$cwe[which(duplicated(df))] <- NA
# subscriberid variable value gender cwe hw resp cna
#4 1177460837 3134 1 2 NA NA NA 3
#5 1177460837 4550 2 2 50 NA NA 1
#6 1177460837 4550 2 2 NA 48 NA 1
#9 1146526049 5160 1 1 NA NA NA 3
#10 1146526049 2530 2 2 30 NA NA 1
#11 1146526049 2530 2 2 NA 26 NA 1
A possible solution :
# create a logical vector indicating if current row is identical to previous one
# N.B.:"paste",c(DF,sep="\r")) is used internally by "" function
rowStrings <-"paste", c(DF, sep = "\r"))
currRowIsEqualToPrev <- rowStrings[-1] == rowStrings[-length(rowStrings)]
# set first row hw = NA and second identical row cwe = NA
DF[c(FALSE,currRowIsEqualToPrev),'hw'] <- NA
DF[c(currRowIsEqualToPrev,FALSE),'cwe'] <- NA
> DF
subscriberid variable value gender cwe hw resp cna
4 1177460837 3134 1 2 NA NA NA 3
5 1177460837 4550 2 2 NA 48 NA 1
6 1177460837 4550 2 2 50 NA NA 1
9 1146526049 5160 1 1 NA NA NA 3
10 1146526049 2530 2 2 NA 26 NA 1
11 1146526049 2530 2 2 30 NA NA 1
Using lead and lag from dplyr package:
df1 %>%
group_by(subscriberid, variable) %>%
mutate(cwe = if_else(lead(cwe) == cwe, cwe, NA_integer_),
hw = if_else(lag(hw) == hw, hw, NA_integer_)) %>%
# # A tibble: 6 x 8
# subscriberid variable value gender cwe hw resp cna
# <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <lgl> <int>
# 1 1177460837 3134 1 2 NA NA NA 3
# 2 1177460837 4550 2 2 50 NA NA 1
# 3 1177460837 4550 2 2 NA 48 NA 1
# 4 1146526049 5160 1 1 NA NA NA 3
# 5 1146526049 2530 2 2 30 NA NA 1
# 6 1146526049 2530 2 2 NA 26 NA 1
I took a shot at it. This relies on using group_by from dplyr to find duplicate rows. This method assumes that rows can be reliably be identified as identical by using the subscriberid, variable, value, gender, resp, and cna columns alone.
Because it is operating within groups only, it will work even if a preceding non-identical row contains the same value for cwe (I did check this, but I would also confirm it for yourself if I were you).
ndf <- df %>%
group_by(subscriberid, variable, value, gender, resp, cna) %>%
mutate(cwe = na_if(cwe, lag(cwe)),
hw = na_if(hw, lead(hw))) %>%
# A tibble: 6 x 8
subscriberid variable value gender cwe hw resp cna
<int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1 1177460837 3134 1. 2. NA NA NA 3
2 1177460837 4550 2. 2. 50 NA NA 1
3 1177460837 4550 2. 2. NA 48 NA 1
4 1146526049 5160 1. 1. NA NA NA 3
5 1146526049 2530 2. 2. 30 NA NA 1
6 1146526049 2530 2. 2. NA 26 NA 1

Moving average and moving slope in R

I am looking to separately calculate a 7-day moving average and 7-day moving slope of 'oldvar'.
My sincere apologies that I didn't add the details below in my original post. These are repeated observations for each id which can go from a minimum of 3 observations per id to 100 observations per id. The start day can be different for different IDs, and to make things complicated, the days are not equally spaced, so some IDs have missing days.
Here is the data structure. Please note that 'average' is the variable that I am trying to create as moving 7-day average for each ID:
id day outcome average
1 1 15 100 NA
2 1 16 110 NA
3 1 17 190 NA
4 1 18 130 NA
5 1 19 140 NA
6 1 20 150 NA
7 1 21 160 140
8 1 22 100 140
9 1 23 180 150
10 1 24 120 140
12 2 16 90 NA
13 2 17 110 NA
14 2 18 120 NA
12 2 20 130 NA
15 3 16 110 NA
16 3 18 200 NA
17 3 19 180 NA
18 3 21 170 NA
19 3 22 180 168
20 3 24 210 188
21 3 25 160 180
22 3 27 200 184
Also, would appreciate advice on how to calculate a moving 7-day slope using the same.
Thank you and again many apologies for being unclear the first time around.
The real challenge is to create a data.frame after completing the missing rows. One solution could be using zoo library. The rollapply function will provide a way to assign NA value for the initial rows.
Using data from OP as is, the solution could be:
# Data from OP
df <- structure(list(id = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,
2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L),
day = c(15L,16L, 17L, 18L, 19L, 20L, 21L, 22L, 23L, 24L, 16L, 17L, 18L, 20L,
16L, 18L, 19L, 21L, 22L, 24L, 25L, 27L),
outcome = c(100L, 110L,190L, 130L, 140L, 150L, 160L, 100L, 180L, 120L, 90L, 110L, 120L,
130L, 110L, 200L, 180L, 170L, 180L, 210L, 160L, 200L)),
.Names = c("id", "day", "outcome"), row.names = c(NA, -22L), class = "data.frame")
# Make a list without missing day for each id
df_complete <- merge(
expand.grid(id=unique(df$id), day=min(df$day):max(df$day)),
df, all=TRUE)
# Valid range of day for each ID group
df_id_wise_range <- df %>% group_by(id) %>%
summarise(min_day = min(day), max_day = max(day)) %>%
# id min_day max_day
# 1 1 15 24
# 2 2 16 20
# 3 3 16 27
# Join original df and df_complete and then use df_id_wise_range to
# filter it for valid range of day for each group
df_final <- df_complete %>%
left_join(df, by=c("id","day")) %>%
select(-outcome.y) %>%
inner_join(df_id_wise_range, by="id") %>%
filter(day >= min_day & day <= max_day) %>%
mutate(outcome = outcome.x) %>%
select( id, day, outcome) %>%
# Now apply mean to get average
df_average <- df_final %>% group_by(id) %>%
mutate(average= rollapply(outcome, 7, mean, na.rm = TRUE, by = 1,
fill = NA, align = "right", partial = 7)) %>%
# The result
# id day outcome average
#1 1 15 100 NA
#2 1 16 110 NA
#3 1 17 190 NA
#4 1 18 130 NA
#5 1 19 140 NA
#6 1 20 150 NA
#7 1 21 160 140.0
#8 1 22 100 140.0
#9 1 23 180 150.0
#10 1 24 120 140.0
#11 2 16 90 NA
#12 2 17 110 NA
#13 2 18 120 NA
#19 3 19 180 NA
#20 3 20 NA NA
#21 3 21 170 NA
#22 3 22 180 168.0
#23 3 23 NA 182.5
#24 3 24 210 188.0
#25 3 25 160 180.0
#26 3 26 NA 180.0
#27 3 27 200 184.0
The steps to calculate moving slope are:
First create a function to return slope
Use function as as part of rollapplyr
#Function to calculate slope
slop_e <- function(z) coef(lm(b ~ a,[[2]]
#Apply function
z2$slope <- rollapplyr(zoo(z2), 7, slop_e , by.column = FALSE, fill = NA, align = "right")
a b mean_a slope
1 1 21 NA NA
2 2 22 NA NA
3 3 23 NA NA
4 4 24 NA NA
5 5 25 NA NA
6 6 26 NA NA
7 7 27 4 1
8 8 28 5 1
9 9 29 6 1
10 10 30 7 1
11 11 31 8 1
12 12 32 9 1
13 13 33 10 1
14 14 34 11 1
15 15 35 12 1
16 16 36 13 1
17 17 37 14 1
18 18 38 15 1
19 19 39 16 1
20 20 40 17 1
