How many times does this recursive function iterate? - recursion

I have a recursive function, as follows, where b >= 0
def multiply(a,b):
if b == 0:
return 0
elif b % 2 == 0:
return multiply(2*a, b/2)
return a + multiply(a, b-1)
I would like to know how many times the function will run in terms of a and b.

If binary representation of b (call it B) ends with 1, like xxxx1 than next call to multiply has B = xxxx0.
If B ends with 0, like xxxx0 than next value of B is xxxx.
With that, digit of binary representation of b adds one call if it is 0, and two calls if it is 1. Summing that total number of calls equals to length of initial B + number of ones in initial B.

I might be wrong here, but I think your function does not work the way you intend it. In recursion the most important thing as a propper ending criteria, since it will run forever elseways.
Now your ending criteria is a==0, but with each recursive call you do not decrease a. Just make a pen & paper simulation with a=5 and check if it would stop at any point.


In SML - Why doesn't simple recursion always return 0 if first expression met?

In a simple recursion with first if expression true then 0. if steps in the recursion keeps going until that first expression is true, why isn't 0 always returned?
fun stepping (n : int, number : int) =
if number > n
then 0
else 1 + stepping (n, number + 1)
It seems like the function stepping should add one onto number until number > n and then always return 0. Instead, it returns the number of times you went through the recursion cycle until number becomes greater than n.
The above code tests good in SML and gave me what I wanted - the number of steps incrementing by 1 until input "number" is greater than the input "n". But manually walking through the recursion steps, it seems like the return should always be 0 when the incremented "number" > the input "n". What am I missing?
I think you're mistaking the result of the final call to stepping in the recursive chain (which will always be zero) as being the ultimate value returned by the expression, but that is not the case. It is actually part of a larger equation that makes up the overall returned value.
For example, if we look at how the expression gets built up as each recursive call is made when evaluating stepping(3, 1), you end up with...
result = stepping(3, 1)
result = 1 + stepping(3, 2)
result = 1 + 1 + stepping(3, 3)
result = 1 + 1 + 1 + stepping(3, 4)
result = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0
result = 3
Let's say that I'm going to give you some money this year, according to this scheme:
you get nothing on the first of January
on all other days, you get one dollar more than I would have given you the day before
How much would I have to pay you today, the 20th of February?
Fifty dollars or nothing at all?
If you follow the calendar backwards, you will eventually reach January 1st, where the payment is zero, so would you expect to get nothing?
To answer your immediate question: the function does always return 0 if the first condition is met – that is, if number > n.
However, if the first condition isn't met – number <= n – it does not return 0 but 1 + stepping (n, number + 1).
It works exactly like of you called a function with a different name; that function computes a value and then this function adds 1.
It's not like returning a value from inside a loop, such as (pseudocode)
while (true)
if number > n
return 0
number = number +1
which is perhaps what you're thinking about.

How to find n as sum of dustinct prime numbers (when n is even number)

This problem gives you a positive integer number which is less than or equal to 100000 (10^5). You have to find out the following things for the number:
i. Is the number prime number? If it is a prime number, then print YES.
ii. If the number is not a prime number, then can we express the number as summation of unique prime numbers? If it is possible, then print YES. Here unique means, you can use any prime number only for one time.
If above two conditions fail for any integer number, then print NO. For more clarification please see the input, output section and their explanations.
At first you are given an integer T (T<=100), which is the number of test cases. For each case you will be given a positive integer X which is less than or equal 100000.
For every test case, print only YES or NO.
Input Output
10 YES
Case – 1 Explanation: 7 is a prime number.
Case – 2 Explanation: 6 is not a prime number. 6 can be expressed as 6 = 3 + 3 or 6 = 2 + 2 + 2. But you can’t use any prime number more than 1 time. Also there is no way to express 6 as two or three unique prime numbers summation.
Case – 3 Explanation: 10 is not prime number but 10 can be expressed as 10 = 3 + 7 or 10 = 2 + 3 + 5. In this two expressions, every prime number is used only for one time.
Without employing any mathematical tricks (not sure if any'd think as a mathematician I'd have more insight here), you will have to iterate over every possible summation. Hence, you'll definitely need to iterate over every possible prime, so I'd recommend the first step being to find all the primes at most 10^5. A basic (Sieve of Eratosthenes)[] will probably be good enough, though faster sieves exist nowadays. I know your question is language agnostic, but you could consider the following as vectorized pseudocode for such a sieve.
import numpy as np
def sieve(n):
index = np.ones(n+1, dtype=bool)
index[:2] = False
for i in range(2, int(np.sqrt(n))):
if index[i]:
index[i**2::i] = False
return np.where(index)[0]
There are some other easy optimizations, but for simplicity this assumes that we have an array index where the indices correspond exactly to whether the number is prime or not. We start with every number being prime, mark 0 and 1 as not prime, and then for every prime we find we mark every multiple of it as not prime. The np.where() at the end just returns the indices where our index corresponds to True.
From there, we can consider a recursive algorithm for actually solving your problem. Note that you might feasibly have a huge number of distinct primes necessary. The number 26 is the sum of 4 distinct primes. It is also the sum of 3 and 23. Since the checks are more expensive for 4 primes than for 2, I think it's reasonable to start by checking the smallest number possible.
In this case, the way we're going to do that is to define an auxiliary function to find whether a number is the sum of precisely k primes and then sequentially test that auxiliary function for k from 1 to whatever the maximum possible number of addends is.
primes = sieve(10**5)
def sum_of_k_primes(x, k, excludes=()):
if k == 1:
if x not in excludes and x in primes:
return (x,)+excludes
return ()
for p in (p for p in primes if p not in excludes):
if x-p < 2:
temp = sum_of_k_primes(x-p, k-1, (p,)+excludes)
if temp:
return temp
return ()
Running through this, first we check the case where k is 1 (this being the base case for our recursion). That's the same as asking if x is prime and isn't in one of the primes we've already found (the tuple excludes, since you need uniqueness). If k is at least 2, the rest of the code executes instead. We check all the primes we might care about, stopping early if we'd get an impossible result (no primes in our list are less than 2). We recursively call the same function for smaller k, and if we succeed we propagate that result up the call stack.
Note that we're actually returning the smallest possible tuple of unique prime addends. This is empty if you want your answer to be "NO" as specified, but otherwise it allows you to easily come up with an explanation for why you answered "YES".
partial = np.cumsum(primes)
def max_primes(x):
return np.argmax(partial > x)
def sum_of_primes(x):
for k in range(1, max_primes(x)+1):
temp = sum_of_k_primes(x, k)
if temp:
return temp
return ()
For the rest of the code, we store the partial sums of all the primes up to a given point (e.g. with primes 2, 3, 5 the partial sums would be 2, 5, 10). This gives us an easy way to check what the maximum possible number of addends is. The function just sequentially checks if x is prime, if it is a sum of 2 primes, 3 primes, etc....
As some example output, we have
>>> sum_of_primes(1001)
(991, 7, 3)
>>> sum_of_primes(26)
(23, 3)
>>> sum_of_primes(27)
(19, 5, 3)
>>> sum_of_primes(6)
At a first glance, I thought caching some intermediate values might help, but I'm not convinced that the auxiliary function would ever be called with the same arguments twice. There might be a way to use dynamic programming to do roughly the same thing but in a table with a minimum number of computations to prevent any duplicated efforts with the recursion. I'd have to think more about it.
As far as the exact output your teacher is expecting and the language this needs to be coded in, that'll be up to you. Hopefully this helps on the algorithmic side of things a little.

The Eight-Queen Puzzle in Programming in Lua Fourth Edition

I'm currently reading Programming in Lua Fourth Edition and I'm already stuck on the first exercise of "Chapter 2. Interlude: The Eight-Queen Puzzle."
The example code is as follows:
N = 8 -- board size
-- check whether position (n, c) is free from attacks
function isplaceok (a, n ,c)
for i = 1, n - 1 do -- for each queen already placed
if (a[i] == c) or -- same column?
(a[i] - i == c - n) or -- same diagonal?
(a[i] + i == c + n) then -- same diagonal?
return false -- place can be attacked
return true -- no attacks; place is OK
-- print a board
function printsolution (a)
for i = 1, N do -- for each row
for j = 1, N do -- and for each column
-- write "X" or "-" plus a space
io.write(a[i] == j and "X" or "-", " ")
-- add to board 'a' all queens from 'n' to 'N'
function addqueen (a, n)
if n > N then -- all queens have been placed?
else -- try to place n-th queen
for c = 1, N do
if isplaceok(a, n, c) then
a[n] = c -- place n-th queen at column 'c'
addqueen(a, n + 1)
-- run the program
addqueen({}, 1)
The code's quite commented and the book's quite explicit, but I can't answer the first question:
Exercise 2.1: Modify the eight-queen program so that it stops after
printing the first solution.
At the end of this program, a contains all possible solutions; I can't figure out if addqueen (n, c) should be modified so that a contains only one possible solution or if printsolution (a) should be modified so that it only prints the first possible solution?
Even though I'm not sure to fully understand backtracking, I tried to implement both hypotheses without success, so any help would be much appreciated.
At the end of this program, a contains all possible solutions
As far as I understand the solution, a never contains all possible solutions; it either includes one complete solution or one incomplete/incorrect one that the algorithm is working on. The algorithm is written in a way that simply enumerates possible solutions skipping those that generate conflicts as early as possible (for example, if first and second queens are on the same line, then the second queen will be moved without checking positions for other queens, as they wouldn't satisfy the solution anyway).
So, to stop after printing the first solution, you can simply add os.exit() after printsolution(a) line.
Listing 1 is an alternative to implement the requirement. The three lines, commented respectively with (1), (2), and (3), are the modifications to the original implementation in the book and as listed in the question. With these modifications, if the function returns true, a solution was found and a contains the solution.
-- Listing 1
function addqueen (a, n)
if n > N then -- all queens have been placed?
return true -- (1)
else -- try to place n-th queen
for c = 1, N do
if isplaceok(a, n, c) then
a[n] = c -- place n-th queen at column 'c'
if addqueen(a, n + 1) then return true end -- (2)
return false -- (3)
-- run the program
a = {1}
if not addqueen(a, 2) then print("failed") end
a = {1, 4}
if not addqueen(a, 3) then print("failed") end
Let me start from Exercise 2.2 in the book, which, based on my past experience to explain "backtracking" algorithms to other people, may help to better understand the original implementation and my modifications.
Exercise 2.2 requires to generate all possible permutations first. A straightforward and intuitive solution is in Listing 2, which uses nested for-loops to generate all permutations and validates them one by one in the inner most loop. Although it fulfills the requirement of Exercise 2.2, the code does look awkward. Also it is hard-coded to solve 8x8 board.
-- Listing 2
local function allsolutions (a)
-- generate all possible permutations
for c1 = 1, N do
a[1] = c1
for c2 = 1, N do
a[2] = c2
for c3 = 1, N do
a[3] = c3
for c4 = 1, N do
a[4] = c4
for c5 = 1, N do
a[5] = c5
for c6 = 1, N do
a[6] = c6
for c7 = 1, N do
a[7] = c7
for c8 = 1, N do
a[8] = c8
-- validate the permutation
local valid
for r = 2, N do -- start from 2nd row
valid = isplaceok(a, r, a[r])
if not valid then break end
if valid then printsolution(a) end
-- run the program
Listing 3 is equivalent to List 2, when N = 8. The for-loop in the else-end block does what the whole nested for-loops in Listing 2 do. Using recursive call makes the code not only compact, but also flexible, i.e., it is capable of solving NxN board and board with pre-set rows. However, recursive calls sometimes do cause confusions. Hope the code in List 2 helps.
-- Listing 3
local function addqueen (a, n)
n = n or 1
if n > N then
-- verify the permutation
local valid
for r = 2, N do -- start from 2nd row
valid = isplaceok(a, r, a[r])
if not valid then break end
if valid then printsolution(a) end
-- generate all possible permutations
for c = 1, N do
a[n] = c
addqueen(a, n + 1)
-- run the program
addqueen({}) -- empty board, equivalent allsolutions({})
addqueen({1}, 2) -- a queen in 1st row and 1st column
Compare the code in Listing 3 with the original implementation, the difference is that it does validation after all eight queens are placed on the board, while the original implementation validates every time when a queen is added and will not go further to next row if the newly-added queen causes conflicts. This is all what "backtracking" is about, i.e. it does "brute-force" search, it abandons the search branch once it finds a node that will not lead to a solution, and it has to reach a leaf of the search tree to determine it is a valid solution.
Back to the modifications in Listing 1.
(1) When the function hits this point, it reaches a leaf of the search tree and a valid solution is found, so let it return true representing success.
(2) This is the point to stop the function from further searching. In original implementation, the for-loop continues regardless of what happened to the recursive call. With modification (1) in place, the recursive call returns true if a solution was found, the function needs to stop and to propagate the successful signal back; otherwise, it continues the for-loop, searching for other possible solutions.
(3) This is the point the function returns after finishing the for-loop. With modification (1) and (2) in place, it means that it failed to find a solution when the function hits this point, so let it explicitly return false representing failure.

Recursive formula for recurrence that takes 2 arguments

I can create a recursive formula from recurrences where it only passes down one argument (something like $T(n/2)$). However, for a case like this where the value of $u$ and $v$ are different, how do I put them together? This is the problem:
The call to recursive function RecursiveFunction(n, n) for some n > 2
RecursiveFunction(a, b)
if a >= 2 and b >= 2
RecursiveFunction(u, v)
The end goal is to find the tight asymptotic bounds for the worst-case running time, but I just need a formula to start first.
There are in fact two different answers to this, depending on the relative sizes of a and b.
The function can be written as follows:
Where C is some constant work done per call (if statement, pushing u, v onto the call stack etc.). Since the two variables evolve independently, we can analyse their evolution separately.
a - consider the following function:
Expanding the iterative case by m times:
The stopping condition a < 2 is such that:
b - as before:
The complexity of T(a, b) thus depends on which variable reaches its stopping condition first, i.e. the smallest between m and n:

working with powers in ocaml

I am trying to write a recursive function that will return true if second number is power of first number.
For example:
find_power 3 9 will return true
find_power 2 9 will return false because the power of 2 is 8 not 9
This is what I have tried but I need a recursive solution
let rec find_power first second =
if (second mod first = 0)
return true
false ;;
A recursive function has the following rough form
let rec myfun a b =
if answer is obvious then
let (a', b') = smaller_example_of_same_problem a b in
myfun a' b'
In your case, I'd say the answer is obvious if the second number is not a multiple of the first or if it's 1. That is essentially all your code is doing now, it's testing the obvious part. (Except you're not handling the 0th power, i.e., 1.)
So, you need to figure out how to make a smaller example of the same problem. You know (by hypothesis) that the second number is a multiple of the first one. And you know that x * a is a power of a if and only if x is a power of a. Since x is smaller than x * a, this is a smaller example of the same problem.
This approach doesn't work particularly well in some edge cases, like when the first number is 1 (since x is not smaller than x * 1). You can probably handle them separately.
