Passing the context to the watson conversation - watson-conversation

Needing help for passing the context to the Watson conversation at any point in the conversation, without influencing the flow.
it's possible?
API integration fetches the data and set to the conversation context. Two dialog boxes after I am use the context variable.
Thanks very much

Like #data_henrik said you can pass the context anytime. To take the user input:
To use it anywhere use the symbol $. Ex:
condition: if bot recognize $time
Then respond with: The time is #sys-time.


if-else conditions based on expect statement results

I'm working towards testrail integrations, i want to update testrail after each test pass/fail. Lets day if i've a test like below
it('rightpanel should exist', () => {
//some logic or preparatory work
// here i want to know whether above expect statement failed or passed.
// based on it, i want to update test rail by making a webservice call
we are using WDIO, is there a better way to integrate to testrail? No one replies on their community forum so, i'm asking here.
With mocha you can use a repoter to manage the results of your tests.
The default reporter is Spec, but if you use json-stream you can attach another process to this stream to send test reports to testrail while executing.
Otherwise, if you don't need to send them in real time, you can use the json reporter and parse them in a single call.
You can also check on github some existing reporter that connects directly to testrail:
complete list

Wanting to chain web requests and pass data down through them in Twilio Studio

So I'm playing with Twilio Studio, and building a sample IVR. I have it doing a web request to an API that looks up the customer based on their phone number. That works, I can get/say their name to them.
I'm having trouble with the next step, I want to do another http request and pass the 'customer_id' that I get in webrequest1 to webrequest2, but it almost looks like all the web requests fire right when the call starts instead of in order/serialized.
It looks sorta like this;
call comes in, make http request to lookup customer (i get their customer_id and name)
split on content, if customer name is present, (it is, it goes down this decision path)
do another http request to "get_open_invoice_count", this request needs the customer_id though and not their phone number.
From looking at the logs it's always got a blank value there, even though in the "Say" step just above I can say their customer_id and name.
I can almost imagine someone is going to say I should go use a function, but for some reason I can't get a simple function to do a (got) get request.
I've tried to copy/paste this into a function and I kind of think this example is incomplete:
var got = require('got');
got('', {json: true})
.then(function(response) {
callback(null, twiml);
.catch(function(error) {
If this is the right way to do it, I'd love to see one of these ^ examples that returns json that can be used in the rest of the flow. Am I missing something about the execution model? I'm hoping it executes step by step as people flow through the studio, but I'm wondering if it executes the whole thing at boot?
Maybe another way to ask this question is; If I wanted to have the IVR be like
- If I know who you are, i send you down this path, if I know who you are I want to lookup some account details and say them to you and give you difference choices than if you are a stranger.
---- how do you do this?
You're right -- that code excerpt from the docs is just a portion that demonstrates how you might use the got package.
That same usage in context of the complete Twilio Serverless Function could look something like this:
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
var twiml = new Twilio.twiml.MessagingResponse();
var got = require('got');
got('', { json: true })
.then(function(response) {
callback(null, twiml);
.catch(function(error) {
However, another part of the issue here is that the advice in this documentation is perfectly reasonable for Functions when building an app on the Twilio Runtime, but there are a couple of unsaid caveats when invoking these functions from a Studio Flow context. Here's some relevant docs about that:
This function would be acceptable if you were calling it directly from an inbound number, but when you use the Function widget within a Studio flow to return TwiML, Studio releases control of the call.
If you want to call external logic that returns TwiML from a flow, and want to return to that flow later, you need to use the TwiML Redirect widget (see "Returning control to Studio" for details).
However, you don't have to return TwiML to Studio when calling external logic! It sounds like you want to make an external call to get some information, and then have your Flow direct the call down one path or another, based on that information. When using a Runtime Function, just have the function return an object instead of twiml, and then you can access that object's properties within your flow as liquid variables, like {{widgets.MY_WIDGET_NAME.parsed.PROPERTY_NAME}}. See the docs for the Run Function widget for more info. You would then use a "Split Based On..." widget following the function in your flow to direct the call down the desired branch.
The one other thing to mention here is the Make HTTP Request widget. If your Runtime Function is just wrapping a call to another web service, you might be able to get away with just using the widget to call that service directly. This works best when the service is under your control, since then you can ensure that the returned data is in a format that is usable to the widget.

How to invoke an intent through a custom event by calling it from the dialogflow's inline fulfillment code?

Here is the image link of my problem statement better explained through a flow.
problem statement flow
I couldn't understand How this can be achieved.
Just starting with web-hooks and dialog flow.
Thanks in advance
In most cases, you probably don't want or need to trigger a different Intent.
Remember - Intents should match the user's input (usually what they say), not necessarily what you do or how you reply.
If you need to access the database for certain values - access it in the webhook for the Intent where you get the value. If you need to reply certain ways for some values and different ways for others - go ahead and do it.
You can use conv.followup in your dialogflow fulfillment to invoke the intent with custom event as below :
database().ref('/path').on('value', function(snapshot) {
if(snapshot.val == 'val'){
conv.followup('triggering-event'); //enter your event name here
// make sure you have defined the event in the intent to trigger !
Consider reading this before dealing with intents.
Hope that helps!

How to capture user comments in watson conversation where we cant define intent

Iam working on small flow in watson conversation.Currently I want to capture the comments given by the user,but Iam not sure what would be the intent or entity to be used if any in this case.
To be more clear,
1.In one dialog node,watson will give some data and ask to provide comments if required
2..If yes .It will ask for comments .Then user will provide some
3.On enter it should go to Thankyou node where it will display some acknowledgement
and jump back to main branch node.
Issue for me here is:
On which condition can I go to Thankyou node after user gives his comment since I cant
give any intent or entity.
Can someone help me with any ideas
If you wish your thanks you node to always execute, and say thanks for our feedback etc, then the easiest condition to add is simply "true" so just add the word true into the trigger / condition element, and the node will always be executed. This is also a great condition to add to any conversation flow as the last default node.

Meteor: show maintenance page in client side from a server side variable

I want to use reactive information on the client side to disable some functionalities while the server is performing an important heavy task.
I tried using a publication but even though the subscription in the client was inside an autorun it was not updating the field. I’m not sure if using a publication is the best option.
Let’s say I have a server variable called “IN_MAINTENANCE” and in the client side I want to load a specific template for the maintenance page, but never allowing the user to change this (The variable should only be defined in the server side).
How can I achieve this without storing anything in the Database?
Pretty sure you have to use the database for it to be a reactive update that applies to all users. You could use a settings variable, but that would require an app restart to take effect. This answer has code you can repurpose for this.
I think your first instinct was right in doing a publication. Reacting to a data change is the only way for the server to influence the client. Make sure that your publish and subscribe is working correctly, and then in your autorun function you can take the user (and all users) to the maintenance page.
This is a Meteor brain teaser right? The "without storing anything in the db" is the interesting bit.
Let's say that you have some publication that all clients are getting, whether logged in or not, and that is expected to return at least one document:
let query = ...
let options = ...
return MyCollection.find(query,options);
You could signal to the client by just returning nothing:
} else {
let query = ...
let options = ...
return MyCollection.find(query,options);
Then on the client you just look to see that the subscription is ready but empty and switch layouts based on that.
There are 100 solutions to this puzzle, this is just a particularly hacky one.
