cannot bring up image by javafx application - javafx

I am new to Stack overflow and asking generally questions in an open forum. I am aiming to display a gif file using javafx. I have created a directory inside the directory that host my class file and I cannot bring the file to show-up.
source code
error message
Anyone has faced this issue?

Thanks for the help Eric and jewelsea. I obtained the picture show after I added the image folder in my build path and it worked.
add image to build path library
In eclipse: Go to folder project -> build path/configure path-> add image folder containing image to build path library


Next Image component throws 404 error in production, works fine in development

I have a bunch of images in a hidden gallery, only shown when a user clicks on a certain button.
On the development server, everything is fine, no errors or issues, but when I deploy my website and open the gallery the images don't show and throw a 404 error in the console (I included the required props).
When I replace the <Image/> component with <img>, everything is fine on the development server and live. Can anyone please help? I searched a lot and I didn't find anything like this issue.
My solution:
I had the same issue and solved it by renaming the image file names.
How the issue arose:
I had renamed the images, only changing uppercase to lowercase letters. This resulted in the files being wrongly named in my github repository. After a rename with new characters, the files were correctly updated on github.
Image Optimization using Next.js' default loader is not compatible with next export.
Possible solutions:
Use next start, which starts the Image Optimization API.
Use Vercel to deploy, which supports Image Optimization.
Configure a third-party loader in next.config.js.
That means: Only assets that are in the public directory at build time will be served by Next.js. Files added at runtime won't be available
To solve this problem. I just used next-optimized-images for static image and next/image for images from the cloud.
Kindly read this article for more understanding:
Create a folder on root call it 'static' which is bassically /static/imagename.png
Set the source to the image like so;
<img src="/static/imagename.png" />
This should load the static image in file both in dev environment and build file.

Navigate to directory of files in shiny

I'd like to store multiple html files in a a folder. I'd like to be able to provide a link to the folder so that the user can pick a html file to view.
The issue is that if I try to navigate to the html file I get this message:
The application failed to start.
The application exited during initialization.
Which makes me think that shiny is treating it as an app and looking for a ui.R and server.R file. I read somewhere that I need a www folder but couldn't find any documentation.
How do I go about achieving this?
You can use the following link to understand the architecture
Also for quick references:
This cheat-sheet can be helpful
Cheat-Sheet link

How is MVC changing the paths to jqueryui images?

The graphics for my jQueryUI date picker were not showing up; when I looked in the network trace I saw that I was getting a 404, but the image exists in my project but the path to the image in the trace was incorrect.
The ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png file is in ~/Content/themes/base/images and the jquery.ui.datepicker.css file is loaded. Looking in the css file it references the graphic url(images/ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png). The images folder is in the same folder as the css so the path looks correct to me. So why is it trying to find the file at /Content/images?
I am getting same issue as you when I deploy to production server which has IIS 6. But if I deploy to my local IIS, it works fine.
I did quick fix by copying the "iquery > images" to "content > images", but this is not a good fix.
If you find any other solution, please kindly share me.

IExpress - create exe with custom icon

With the help of IExpress I created an exe from a bat file and would like to set a custom icon for the exe. Is this possible?
Try Resource Hacker. It worked here with a test IExpress installer.
Step-by-step instructions:
Create your IExpress package as normal.
Launch Resource Hacker, then open your IExpress-generated executable.
In the Action menu, choose Replace Icon …
Open the file that contains the icon you want to use, then click Replace.
Save the file in Resource Hacker. This will get you two files:
Your new file: package.exe
Your original file: package_original.exe
If the icon for package.exe looks wrong on your computer, this is expected behaviour due to the old icon being cached by Explorer. To clear the icon cache, you can execute:
ie4uinit.exe -show
(This will only be a problem on the computer that you used to edit the file; other computers should show the correct icon straight away.)
As a workaround you can create a shortcut of the exe file and then set a custom icon to it.

Adding a new language to Xcode4 localization?

The app in question is already localized into a few languages, but I'm adding a new one. When I choose to add the new language to Localizable.strings, it places it in the root of the project directory. I'd ideally like it inside Resources, then a directory for the language, but I don't see an option to change the location when creating the localization or afterward. If I move it in Finder, there's no option to tell Xcode where I moved it to, it just colors the filename red and can't find it.
Any help appreciated :)
After moving a file in Finder go back to Xcode, select the file, then open the File Inspector (View - Utilities - Show File Inspector). Click the little arrow near the file name and navigate to the new location.
Sorry can't help you with why Xcode places the files under root directory and not .lproj. My Xcode here does it
