How to change the Kaa administration UI port from 8080 to another port in Ubuntu 16.4? - kaa

How do I change the Kaa administration UI port from 8080 to another port in Ubuntu 16.4?
I changed the admin_port field of the file but it doesn't work.


HTTP Loopback Connections are not enabled on this server - wordpress on docker

I have a wordpress official container with a dock port 80 mapped to 32795 external... when I go to administration area of wordpress I get this error:
Important: HTTP Loopback Connections are not enabled on this server. If you need to contact your web host, tell them that when PHP tries to connect back to the site at the URL http://localhost:32795/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php and it gets the error cURL error 7: Failed to connect to localhost port 32795: Connection refused. There may be a problem with the server configuration (eg local DNS problems, mod_security, etc) preventing connections from working properly.
I think the problem is that the site inside the container tries to communicate with the 32795 port instead of 80, but it can not because this door is only seen from the outside of the container...
I created a script inside the site with phpinfo, and I checked the loopback connections are on...
There is a solution for this? I have docker un windows with kitematic
I had a similar problem running WordPress with Nginx on Docker Desktop for Windows. I needed to add an entry to the container's hosts file that directed my domain to hit my ingress-nginx controller so that WordPress' loopback requests would work. Although my setup might be slightly different this might help you.
Open /Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts and copy the IP address that's next to host.docker.internal. Add an entry to the container's hosts file on startup that ties the domain to the hosts IP by doing one of the following. IP is what you copied from your machine's hosts file by host.docker.internal
Docker argument:
Docker compose:
- ""
- ip: "IP"
- ""
Problem is inside the container the opened port is 80 and docker is exposing 32795 for external connections
Wordpress configuration is pointing to port 32795, you might expose port 80 by doing docker run -p 80:80 and change wordpress configuration to use port 80
If you can't use port :80 a little bit more complicated solution is to use iptables port forwarding internally
➜ ~ docker run -d --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --cap-add=NET_RAW -p 5000:80 nginx
➜ ~ docker exec -it 835b039cc92bd9 bash
root#835b039cc92b:/# apt update -qqq ; apt install iptables -yqqq
root#835b039cc92b:/# iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -o lo -p tcp --dport 5000 -j REDIRECT --to-
port 80
root#835b039cc92b:/# apt install telnet -yqqq
root#835b039cc92b:/# telnet localhost 5000
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
telnet> quit
Connection closed.
root#835b039cc92b:/# exit
# from outside the container
➜ ~ telnet localhost 5000
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
telnet> quit
Connection closed.

pfsense 2.1.2 firewall port forwarding

What I am trying to do is pretty simple with most firewalls except with PFSense.
I would like remotely connect to my server via RDP like this :9999 being forwarded to :3389
I don't want to change the RDP Listening Port on the server.
1- Firewall - NAT -Port Forward: add o new
2- interface: WAN
3- Protocol: TCP
4- Destination port range: Other Custom: 9999 To Port: 9999
5- Redirect target IP: 192.168.1.x
6- Redirect target port: MS RDP (select this option)
save and try

Redirect traffic from docker container into localhost

I have a Docker host with a tunnel listening on There is a container that sends out traffic. I need to get this traffic into the tunnel.
The Docker host is running CentOS 7.2 and I have made the service inside the Docker container send everything to, which is the IP of the docker0 interface.
In firewalld, I have created a docker zone which looks like this:
docker (active)
interfaces: docker0
masquerade: yes
forward-ports: port=514:proto=udp:toport=514:toaddr=
rich rules:
Checking with tcpdump, there is traffic on docker0 on port 514 but there's no traffic on lo on port 514.
What am I doing wrong?
Check that your Docker version plays well with firewalld.
It was fixed just recently:
RedHat still recommends to disable firewalld with Docker version included in their repository (1.10.3 currently):

How to configure haproxy port range to range one by one?

I want to use haproxy to deploy one ftp proxy server. Here's scene:
ftp client <---> ftp-proxy-server(ip: <---> ftp-server(ip:
ftp server listen on port 21 for control command, data port range [20100-20199]
I had haproxy config on ftp-proxy-server:
listen ftp-proxy-server
mode tcp
server ftp-server
listen ftp-proxy-server
mode tcp
server ftp-server
Here's the question, I can successfully login ftp service from ftp-client, but failed to execute ls command which output "connection refused" message. I guess the reason is port mapping from ftp-proxy-server to ftp-server is random. So when ftp-client get a reserved port(e.g. 20101), but ftp-proxy-server may map it to another port(e.g. 20109), which is not the port ftp-server assigned to ftp-client.
I am think of one solution that configured 100 listens, one listen to one port, but it's complex to write the configure file. Is'there a simply configuration option to map port one by one? Just like ->, ->
Welcome any answer:)
You have to remove the port range from the server definition. The haproxy documentation shows that the same port from the source is used for the destination.
listen ftp-proxy-server
mode tcp
server ftp-server
For haproxy 1.5 on centos,
listen web *:8080-8090
mode tcp
server worker1
server worker2
For haproxy 1.7 on debian,
listen web
bind *:8080-8090
mode tcp
server worker1
server worker2

Connect to nginx (VirtualBox, Fedora) from Windows host

Fedora in VirtualBox running django dev server (bound to and nginx (listening to port 90)
I have NAT connection set up for the VM and port forwarding 8000 -> 8000, 8001 -> 90
I can see django as
But no response from
Any ideas?
Dumb question: Can the Fedora guest connect OK to nginx running locally?
Not so dumb question: Have you used tcpdump/wireshark/smartsniff or a similar tool to see if the traffic is making it through the host->guest at all? perhaps the Fedora firewall is blocking non-local connections to port 90?
Also, why not just add a "Host Only" second network adapter to the Fedora guest and forget about fiddling with the NAT settings?
