Phonegap Local SQLite to remote MySQL - sqlite

I'm making an in-house application for a company and they want me to use Phonegap for the mobile application. After searching, I decided to go on and use SQLite plugin for the local storage but they have this requirement that when the device goes online all the data on the local storage will synced automatically to the remote MYSql db. I read about deferred functions in jQuery but I'm not quite familiar on how to use them.
Are there any alternatives to achieve this requirement?

I'm currently investigating to achieve a similar goal.
I need to develop an IONIC/Phonegap app that can potentially do CRUD operations with the followings DB engines: MySQL / Postgres / Microsoft SQL Server / Oracle (not simultaneously).
TypeORM seems to be the solution, but I still couldn't connect from Android device to remote MySQL DB.
If you work with TypeORM over NodeJS directly is very easy to have an example up and running and do some CRUD operations with the supported DB engines (just follow the examples and documentation in the previous link).
I'm asking at if anybody has achieved an Android-MySQL connection using TypeORM.


Migrating from MSAccessDB to SQLLite

I have a application written long time back using the MS Access as the configuration database. It was using OLEDB Provider (Jet Engine) for retrieving data from the configuration DB.
I intended to replace MS Access Db lightweight RDBMS which requires no additional installation requirements. Thinking of using SQLLite which seems to suite my needs. Wanted to check if anyone have invovled in migrating the data from MSAccess to SQL Lite. Is there an easy way to migrate the schema and data?
You can quite much transfer data and schema if you setup the ODBC driver for sqlite.
Once done then you can run append queries in Access to export to the sqlite database.
Of course with sqlite you don't get or have forms, reports or a coding language. So, you have to replace that part of Access with some other kind of development platform.
So, you need to get a ODBC driver for sqlite.
This one works well:
So, once you done the above, then you can link from access to sql lite. You can even edit data with Access forms, or even run access reports against data in sqlite.

How to encrypt SQLite DB in an electron app?

I have an electron app which persists data in an SQLite db stored in my machine. I have all the setup for the CRUD operation and the application works fine. Now I need to encrypt the SQLite DB file. I searched online for solution but all the solution are for pre-encrypted DB which is being decrypted inside Electron.
The requirement is, user will provide the password using which the app will encrypt the DB file and going forward user will provide the password to decrypt and perform the CRUD operation
Any idea how to achieve this?
P.S.: I have checked with SQLCipher docs and I don't find what I needed. So far, I am using sqlite3 node module to perform CRUD
Edit 1: I tried to use sqlite-cipher module and I was able to encrypt the db in a separate js file. but when I integrate the same with the electron ipcMain, the app closes due to high RAM consumption.
Any suggestions???
If you're using SQLite the best option is use SQLCipher. The problem is that you will have to compile new binaries to work and there are some limitations with the versions of SQLite and SQLcipher for node.
You can use this package:
or compiling manually, here you have an example
Encryption in electron app is a tricky thing.
This is because it can give you false sense of security.
You might encrypt your local db, but with electron it's so easy to decrypt it back that perhaps it's not worth it at all?
It's very easy to get sources of your electron app. Minification helps only a little bit, but this is not real protection.
There are many approaches you can take but they vary on circumstances.
The questions which needs to be answered are:
who are you trying to protect against?
is security critical or this is only basic measures so not everyone can get data from db at first
does the user using the app have admin user rights on the
are you accessing db directly through electron app, or some
kind of system wide service (deamon) is communicating with db and
passing results to electron app.
if previous is "yes" how do you communicate the
service with the electron app and how is this secured?
Take a look at source code access discussion:
and also check this article (especially the security part):

Move Azure database location for offline sync

I have been watching this tutorial on implementing offline sync in Xamarin using the Azure portal. at 21:15 - 21:32 the tutorial explains that the getTable(myCoolTable) method in
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MobileServices.SQLiteStore;
assumes that the location of your database in the Azure portal is at
/tables/myCoolTable although you are able to change this if you want. This is fine if you made your cloud database using their Easy Tables software but I did not. It is not explained how it is possible to change this path, so that I can point my local SQLite database to sync with my Azure cloud database which is stored in ClearDB.
How do I achieve this?
According to your description, I assumed that you could follow this official tutorial for creating an Azure Mobile App backend (for a simple way you could choose node.js backend which works with easy tables and when you adding new table in easy tables, it would automatically create the node.js backend for the related table. Also you could build the c# backend by yourself and deploy it to your mobile app) and download the Xamarin demo project, then follow this tutorial to enable offline sync for your mobile app. Additionally, you could refer to adrian hall's book about Data Access and Offline Sync for a better understanding of offline sync.

Does Sails.js or Meteor.js work with ArangoDB or OrientDB?

I'm planning to work on a social site and I would like to leverage both a document and graph database for all of the desired features. Is there a way to get Meteor.js or Sail.js (or any better) to work with ArangoDB or OrientDB? Or should I just stick with the bundled MongoDB and integrate something like allegrograph DB?
Sails.js has support for both of the databases you mention:
In addition to MongoDB, Postgres, and dozens of others.
Sails.js is a classic mvc client-server web application framwork, basically its ruby on rails implemented for node.js + webscockets, so mostly all you need to make it work with any backend database is make changes to the orm.
Meteor is a very different beast, it is a very opinionated realtime end to end web framework including client server and database, by behing very very opinionated it solves many of the common issues in realtime application, where you need to implement a mechanisms for very quickly updating all your clients of each others actions and take care of things like latency compensation, data collision resolution, and real time client version managment, This is implemented by using web sockets and the mongoDB's write ahead logging for triggres of data updates, making meteor somewhat coupled with mongo.
But you can make orientdb work pretty well with meteor using the new orientDB live query api. It is a pubsub implementation for query results, and can be used for efficent updates pushed from the db through the server directly to the client with very little overhead on the server. This is far from production ready and only currently works on the orient db 2.1 rc5 version.
I have implemented a small meteor demo application as an example
Please check on Meteorpedia the Alternative Database Post, they mention neo4j-livedata and minineo4j.
Here is the Atmosphere package: ostrio:neo4jdriver
Is there a specific economic or technological reason why you consider not to use the very well integrated mongoDB as the database of choice?
In addition to Travis answer I also recommend waterline-orientdb for Sails.js.

Cloud Base Sqlite Database in Livecode

I am working on a Livecode Aapplication. In this I need to use cloud base sqlite database. But I have not much knowledge about cloud base sqlite and how to implement it with Livecode Application. Could anyone explain to me, what is it and how can I use cloud base sqlite into Livecode?
An SQLite database is just a file which resides in the file system of the device. So each device will have its own database with its own data. If you want to store data in the cloud you have to do something on the server side.
If you want to have a solution on the server you might want to go for a PHP script. PHP has sqlite access built in. However you can use other scripting languages as well.
Or on another line something like . But there the data is not stored in relational tables but as JSON objects. Access is as well through the http protocol (restful).
Related question
See also here How to retrieve data from a server
Please do not forget to use the search box of this web site. E.g. by searching for
sqlite cloud
you get
which has as the first answer
A: Can I use the SQLite as a db storage for cloud-based websites?
So your question needs to be more specific.
