Well, currently I have something like this:
And I would like to add categories appears before filters, like this:
My form code:
$formFilter = $this->createFormBuilder()
->add('_', EntityType::class,array(
'class' => 'loicFilterBundle:Filter',
'multiple' => true,
'expanded' => true,
'choice_label' => function($value) {
return ($value->getName());
->add('Appliquer filtres', SubmitType::class)
How to add categories before ?
Thanks for help :) .
I finally succeeded by doing it in the twig view(but also need to let group by in the controller):
{{ form_start(form) }}
{% for group in form.filterfilter.vars.choices %}
<div class="col-xs-2">
<h3>{{ group.label }}</h3>
{% for value in group.choices %}
{{ form_widget(form.filterfilter[value.value]) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{{ form_end(form) }}
What about using the group_by option (see doc) ?
Something like :
$formFilter = $this->createFormBuilder()
->add('_', EntityType::class,array(
'class' => 'loicFilterBundle:Filter',
'multiple' => true,
'expanded' => true,
'choice_label' => function($value) {
return $value->getName();
'group_by' => function($value) {
return $value->getCategory()->getName();
->add('Appliquer filtres', SubmitType::class)
I'm (obviously) new to Symfony/Sonata, I have a problem where Sonata admin is wrapping my date choice onto 3 lines.
$form = $this->createFormBuilder($statsForm)
->add('startDate', 'date', array('years' => range(2015, date('Y')), 'format' => 'y-M-d', 'widget' => 'choice'))
->add('endDate', 'date', array('years' => range(2015, date('Y')), 'format' => 'y-M-d', 'widget' => 'choice'))
{{ form_start(form) }}
<div class="col-md-3">
{{ form_widget(form) }}
{{ form_end(form) }}
In your case you have to choose the sonata_type_date_picker type in your form:
->add('startDate', 'sonata_type_date_picker')
->add('endDate', 'sonata_type_date_picker')
The documentation reference:
In my action, I have this:
$formBuilder = $this->createFormBuilder($myEntity);
// (...)
->add('myInnerEntities', 'collection', array(
'label' => 'My inner entities',
'type' => new InnerEntityType(),
'allow_add' => true,
'allow_delete' => true,
'by_reference' => false,
'options' => [
'InnerEntityTypeField1' => [
'label' => 'Change this image'
'InnerEntityTypeField2' => [
'label' => 'Change the caption'
In the 'options' of the collection of InnerEntityType, I'm trying to override the options of the fields of each InnerEntityType in the collection.
The above code doesn't work. How could I achieve that, with of course avoiding to create several InnerEntityType classes with different label (or other options) values ?
<ul class="tags" data-prototype="{% filter escape %}{% include 'yourBundle:formviewfolder:prototype.html.twig' with {'form': form.collectionname.vars.prototype} %}{% endfilter %}">
{{ form_errors(form.collectionname) }}
{{ form_widget(form.collectionname) }}
create one prototype.html.twig in main form view folder as following
<div >
{{ form_row(form.InnerEntityTypeField1,{'label':'your label'}) }}
<div >
{{ form_row(form.InnerEntityTypeField2,{'label':'your label'}) }}
I'm trying to integrate two collections into one form.
this is my code:
->add('Depart', 'collection', array('type' => new DepartType(), 'allow_add' => true, 'allow_delete' => true))
->add('Options', 'collection', array('type' => new OptionsType(), 'allow_add' => true, 'allow_delete' => true))
{{ form(form.Options) }}
{{ form(form.Depart) }}
But, when I post the form, only the first collection: options is sent to the control.
{{ form(form.Depart) }}
{{ form(form.Options) }}
if I change the order as above, the collection:Depart is sent, how to resolve the problem?
Hope it will work for you:
{{ form_start(form) }}
{{ form_row(form.Depart) }}
{{ form_row(form.Options) }}
{{ form_end(form) }}
Like in the topic, i have problem with CSRF token missing. This is my form:
->add('email', 'email', array(
'label' => 'Adres e-mail'
->add('userFirstname', 'text', array(
'label' => 'Imię',
'required' => false
->add('userLastname', 'text', array(
'label' => 'Nazwisko',
'required' => false
->add('userBusiness', 'entity', array(
'label' => 'Firma',
'required' => false,
'class' => 'Cloud\CrmBundle\Entity\RelationContact',
'query_builder' => function(EntityRepository $er) {
return $er->createQueryBuilder('u')->where("u.type = 'b'");
'empty_value' => true
->add('old_password', 'password', array(
'label' => 'Stare hasło',
'mapped' => false,
'required' => false
->add('new_password', 'repeated', array(
'first_options' => array(
'label' => 'Nowe hasło'),
'second_options' => array(
'label' => 'Powtórz nowe hasło'),
'mapped' => false,
'required' => false,
'type' => 'password'
My view:
<div class="form-horizontal">
{{ form_row(form.email) }}
{{ form_row(form.userFirstname) }}
{{ form_row(form.userLastname) }}
{{ form_row(form.userBusiness) }}
{{ form_row(form.old_password) }}
{{ form_row(form.new_password) }}
What's wrong guys? Any ideas? :( I just don't understand this strange error... What could cause that ?
Probably you've to add this _token by hand because you're trying to display form manually:
{{ form_widget(form._token) }}
Symfony2 set a hidden field with the required informations. For this you have to include the hidden fields with:
{{ form_widget(form._token) }}
if you don't want the CSRF-Protection then you can disable the dunction in your parameters file.
Disable symfony 2 csrf token protection on ajax submit
If you use form_start and form_end symfony will add the token field to the form automatically
<div class="form-horizontal">
{{ form_start(form) }}
{{ form_row(form.email) }}
{{ form_row(form.userFirstname) }}
{{ form_row(form.userLastname) }}
{{ form_row(form.userBusiness) }}
{{ form_row(form.old_password) }}
{{ form_row(form.new_password) }}
{{ form_end(form) }}
I'm using FOSUserBundle, and I want to add a few HTML elements to the registration form. Actually, I did and I can see the added properties to the User class in my form. The issue is that I want those fields (first name, last name, date of birth, etc..) to get the look and feel of my CSS template (bootstrap).
I succeeded to do that for the login page by overriding it, since the HTML are explicitly declared. I want to do the same for the register page, however it seems confused to me, because here's the content of :
{% extends "FOSUserBundle::layout.html.twig" %}
{% block fos_user_content %}
{% include "FOSUserBundle:Registration:register_content.html.twig" %}
{% endblock fos_user_content %}
{% trans_default_domain 'FOSUserBundle' %}
{{ form_widget(form) }}
How can I access to the elements that I see in the page from this code ?
Try this
<div class="form-group {% if form.plainPassword.first.vars.errors %}has-error{% endif %}">
<label class="col-lg-2 control-label">Password:</label>
<div class="col-lg-5">
{{ form_widget(form.plainPassword.first, {'attr': {'class': 'form-control input-lg', 'placeholder': 'Enter password', 'required': 'required'}}) }}
{% for errorItem in form.plainPassword.first.vars.errors %}
<label class="control-label has-error" for="{{ form.plainPassword.vars.id }}">{{ errorItem.message }}</label>
{% endfor %}
<div class="col-lg-5">
{{ form_widget(form.plainPassword.second, {'attr': {'class': 'form-control input-lg', 'placeholder': 'Enter password again', 'required': 'required'}}) }}
It works for me.
Please see the official documentation here: "Overriding Forms". You will need to create a custom registration form type class, declare it as a service, and tell FOSUserBundle to use it.
To customize the template, see "Overriding Templates". In your case, you could create app/Resources/FOSUserBundle/views/Registration/register.html.twig.
replace form_widget(form) with something like:
in your custom RegistrationFormType class, you could add a class to the username field with:
->add('username', null, array('label' => 'form.username', 'translation_domain' => 'FOSUserBundle', 'attr' => array('class'=>'myClass')))
also see form docs on rendering fields by hand: http://symfony.com/doc/current/book/forms.html#rendering-a-form-in-a-template
Here is how I addressed this problem using FOSUserBundle, PUGXMultiUserBundle & BraincraftedBoostrapBundle:
Per FOSUserBundle documentation, add a UserBundle as a child of FOSUser. Create a custom RegistrationFormType that includes the following, where only the attr and label_attr arrays are added:
->add('email', 'email', array(
'label' => 'form.email',
'translation_domain' => 'FOSUserBundle',
'attr' => array(
'placeholder' => 'E-mail',
'label_attr' => array(
'class' => 'sr-only',
->add('username', null, array(
'label' => 'form.username',
'translation_domain' => 'FOSUserBundle',
'attr' => array(
'placeholder' => 'Username',
'label_attr' => array(
'class' => 'sr-only',
->add('plainPassword', 'repeated', array(
'type' => 'password',
'options' => array('translation_domain' => 'FOSUserBundle'),
'first_options' => array('label' => 'form.password',
'attr' => array(
'placeholder' => 'Password',
'label_attr' => array(
'class' => 'sr-only',
'second_options' => array('label' => 'form.password_confirmation',
'attr' => array(
'placeholder' => 'Confirm password',
'label_attr' => array(
'class' => 'sr-only',
'invalid_message' => 'fos_user.password.mismatch',
The registration form template then looks like this:
<form action="{{ path('volunteer_registration') }}" method="POST" class="form-inline">
{{ bootstrap_set_style('form-inline') }}
{{ form_row(form.firstName) }}
{{ form_row(form.lastName) }}
{{ form_row(form.username) }}
{{ form_row(form.email) }}
{{ form_row(form.plainPassword) }}
{{ form_row(form.plainPassword.second) }}
{{ bootstrap_set_style('') }}