Hosting providers for Matlab based Dot net application -

I have developed a Dot Net based web application that uses matlab code compiled into dlls and deployed it on local server with 'Matlab' instsalled. It works on local server well. However, I want to deploy it on a hosting domain for ease of access. But I dont know about any hosting providers that support working of matlab dlls with web application. Is there any suggestion about such hosting providers and how should I deploy it on a hosting domain.
PS: on my remote server i had to install Matlab to run that application when deployed on IIS server ie with just mcr instlled the application was not working.
I'm doing it for the first time so I dont know much about it.

On this paper explains how to put matlab on Amazon EC2
Amazon had AMI instances
The pre-built AMI offerings on Amazon have been depreciated and will no longer be available. You are able to work with Amazon or another cloud service provider to get you own machine instance and use your license there.
To best run MATLAB on a cloud instance, you will need your license configured as a Login Named User (LNU). If you have an Individual or Group license activated as a Standalone Named User , you can configure it as an LNU at [][3]
Also on windows azure
You can get any host provider with IAAS and apply matlba LNU license


How to deploy webapp in azure virtual machine

I am quite new to azure and need a quick pointer to how to host an website in Azure VM. Thanks for your help in advance.
A little background...
We were using a windows server 2012 R2 and were hosting the site in IIS 6. This was an intranet site. Now we are migrating to public cloud so that it is accessible over internet. For this we have acquired an Azure VM (Windows OS). We have installed Visual studio 2013 and SQL server 2012 here. I have installed azure core SDK too.
Here are my questions:
What do I use instead of IIS to host? (Because I am not able to find any related app in azure VM)
Do I need to buy any more licenses for the same?
Should I host it in IIS only and because it is in public cloud, will it be accessible over internet?
Appreciate your help!
Since you have chosen the Infrastructure as a service ( IaaS) route you have to simply replicate the setup that you have on premises.
if IIS component is not there you just have to enable it in windows features.
If you do not want to use IIS you can explore self hosted applications.
Since you have chosen the Windows server VM image and created the VM you do not need to pay for anything additional for windows license.
By default only 2 endpoints( ports) will be open in a Windows VM. 1 for remote desktop and other for powershell remoting.
refer this post for enabling endpoints for you hosted applications.
You have two options basically
Use Azure Paas - Here you would host your existing application as a Cloud service using a web role and a Azure SQL Database. This might mean some changes to the existing application but would need less management from you. You can find the migration steps here
Use Azure Iaas - This is pretty much what you are trying to do. Host your application to a VM and manage all the required software (IIS,Sql server etc) on your own. Although this option might be easier in terms of migrating your application it involves managing the infrastructure on your own. Here is a link on how to install IIS on a Azure VM.
You don't need any additional licenses since you are paying for the VM which includes all required licenses. In case you decide to use SQL Server as Iaas you can also use your existing SQL Server license when running SQL Server on an Azure VM.

How to deploy an ASP.NET project to Azure with WebDeploy

A little background (before I get downvoted to oblivion!)
I'm working on an intranet-hosted ASP.NET web application in a highly secure environment. At the moment it's deployed by building a package in Visual Studio, the zip file is copied onto the server and installed in IIS using WebDeploy (right-click -> Deploy -> Import Application).
What I'd like to do is deploy a sanitised version of this application to an Azure Web Site for demonstration purposes, however most of the standard Azure deployment methods do not apply to me because:
I work on a secure network so Visual Studio is blocked from connecting to Azure (rendering 95% of documentation irrelevant!)
installable software is strictly controlled on this network so I cannot install the Azure SDK needed to create Service Definitions, Configurations and Packages
The only machine I have access to which can connect to Azure is woefully underpowered and can only run puTTY, PowerShell and basic text editors.
At the moment, I have a Windows VM in Azure just running IIS and WebDeploy - this works but seems like overkill (and a good way to burn through my credit) when Web Apps in theory do everything I need.
What can I do?
Another option may be to checkin the WebDeploy package to a free subscription of Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS = TFS in the cloud) and then create a deployment pipeline in VSTS using the new Release Management features.
in that case:
1) FTP from your machine using your own FTP client or i would recommend to use PSFTP from Putty package.
2) Still WebDeploy, but use that to generate the needed files, then you can use PowerShell like that.
You can also use to connect to azure websites. It works with HTTP, only problem could be a corporate proxy.

Deploy to an Azure WebRole without Visual Studio

Is there a way I can deploy my entire website/webapp to an Azure WebRole without the need of Visual Studio?
Context: We have a test environment where there's an IIS hosted web app where our testers test (of course). The thing is, we want to grab that exact tested web app folder and deploy it "as is" to a WebRole.
Please avoid commenting on our procedure, we have been looking at it and we will eventually change it if we have to, I just need a 'simple' yes(how)/no answer.
IIS Web Deploy can be used to package/migrate/restore IIS applications. It can be enabled while deploying a web role as described in this article and allows to update the web role with the application as deployed in your test environment.
Be aware that only single instance cloud services are supported and that in case of a maintenance operation by the fabric controller, your service will be rolled back to the state created by the initial azure package deployment. (There once was a tool for syncing between multi-instance web deployments but sadly that did not work out too well and is no longer supported. Do not attempt to use or rebuild it.)
Installing and Configuring Web Deploy shows the steps to get web deploy for your local testing IIS while articles on using web deploy like this one show examples for calling the tool.
Another option to evaluate are azure websites and git deployment. This could provide you with a documented and reproducible form of deployment that is not prone to unwanted rollbacks while allowing the service to scale to multiple instances. This option might not work out if the application it too tied to the web roles infrastructure or contains code not suitable for the more restricted web sites environment.
A third option to look at is using CSPack as presented in this article. You basically create a service definition and package up the webapp manually without building it in Visual Studio or TFS.
Yes - make sure you have enabled Remote Access on your webrole. Then copy your web app from your local IIS folder to F:\sitesroot\0 (NOTE - may be E:\sitesroot\0 on same web roles).
Yes, you can write a programmatic interface against Web Deploy from your C# code. If you're deploying to Azure Web Sites, you could also use the Windows Azure Management Libraries to spin up new web sites or clouand deploy them.

IIS, EC2, Web Farm, Web Deploy and ELB

I'm a developer now developing my startup. I really don't know much about IIS setup. I will host my startup on Amazon EC2. And I want to know how can I scale my application if my traffic increase. I been reading about MS Deploy and Web Farm Framework here: . And I want a simple architecture, with not to much configuration. So I been looking an experience with an IIS web farm and Amazon ELBs. And I did not find any one.
So the question is:
It is possible to make a IIS web farm with Amazon ELBs?
Any experience on Ec2? IIS web deploy or WFF and/or without ELBs?
What you recommend for an easy web farm setup?
You can do almost anything you want with IIS on EC2. They are full servers (well window 2k8 datacenter edition) and you can open any ports you need to communicate between servers. Here is an explicit tutorial on how to set up WFF, for example, on EC2.
The question is, are you sure you need to build a web farm? If you simply want to have multiple servers running your code then you can accomplish this without anything more than IIS and the tools that EC2 provides.
You build your app so it uses shared resources (like a session state server, central location for storing user uploaded content), configure a server the way you like it, and capture a server image (AMI). You use this image when you configure AutoScaling to launch new instances based on server metrics (like CPU usage), and they would be automatically added to the load balancer when launched.
The last challenge is ensuring servers launched automatically are running your latest code. You can write a custom program to get the latest code from somewhere (like SVN) on server startup, or you can use something much simpler like Dropbox to handle the synchronization.

Should I use Windows Management Service or Remote Agent Service to publish to a remote server?

I have a remote web server that I have full administrator access over, and I want to deploy a website.
When I use Visual Studio's Publish tool, among other things which seem a bit less convenient (FTP etc), I have the option of using either Windows Management Service or Remote Agent Service. All the documentation says is this:
To publish remotely through Remote
Agent Service, use
http://RemoteComputerName. This option
is typically used to deploy a Web
application inside a network (in an
intranet scenario). You must have
appropriate permissions to perform the
deployment on the destination server.
To publish to a hosting site using
Windows Management Service, use the
value that is specified by the hosting
provider. You can typically use just a
server name (HostedRemoteServer) or a
complete URL that includes a server
name, a port number, and the Web
Deploy handler name
The hosting provider can tell you the
name of the server and the port
number, if applicable.
This isn't enough information for me to decide, though. Yeah, I'm not publishing over a network, but I do have full access over the machine I'm deploying to. At the same time, MsDeploy is the big fancy thing that Scott Hanselman describes in his talk and that I've been convinced as being the awesome way to deploy.
So which should I do? Are there any obscure security considerations or anything?
I recommend going the Management Service route. In addition to the msdeploy features, the Management Service feature gives you the ability to remotely administer IIS 7/7.5 from your machine. With all of your IIS servers in one console, you can easily export an application on one machine and import it onto another.
It seems like the most sophisticated msdeploy implementation from a security provisioning perspective and from a configuration perspective. The IIS manager allows you to easily configure details around the endpoint (SSL certificate, port, etc.). Well.. this is true on IIS 7/7.5 on Windows 2008 and R2, but not on Windows Vista or 7. For some strange reason, there is no UI for the Web Management settings on non-server SKU's.
The agent is basically a self contained web server without any of the user-level permissions capabilities. This is why it requires that the person doing the remote deployment has admin privileges on the target machine. It's feels like a simpler, bare metal implementation. Since you've already got IIS serving up HTTP/HTTPS and since IIS' HTTP implementation has kernel-level optimizations, you're not really gaining anything by going the agent route.
If you want to remotely administer Windows 2008 or R2 from Windows Vista/7, install this on your workstation: ... this was the icing on the cake for me.
