Implications of Encoding/Decoding and Encrypting/Decrypting with variable buffers - encryption

I have a program that encrypts and decrypts data using a symmetric key.
During the encryption process I:
Encrypt the data
Base64 Encode it
During decryption:
Base64 decode it
Decrypt the data
It works fine. Now I'm trying to do the process on a streaming buffer. Let's assume the encryption is done with the above-mentioned program on the bulk of the data and only the decryption happens whilst streamed.
In this scenario does the buffer size/chunk-size with which I encoded the data matter when I decode it?
As in if I encoded the data in buffers of 3000 bytes should I also read up to 3000 bytes and decode? Or is it that this doesn't matter?
Also when decrypting, should I decrypt using the same buffer-size I used to pass the data into the Cipher?
I tried with varying values with the standalone program and it works fine. However, when I try to do it streamingly:
Get some bytes
Decode it
Decrypt it
Save to file
For the next set of bytes decrypted keep appending to the same file.
This way it seems to work for some sizes of data and not for others. And the final size of the data is like lexx by 2-4 bytes.
Am I missing some important principle here? Or is it that I might have made a mistake in the logic or a loop somewhere which causes some bytes being left out?
If it's the latter I will dig deeper to check it.
Thank You

THanks for the hints above. I was able to solve the issue I had.
As mentioned in the comments above the buffer size itself did not matter much when decoding and decrypting the data as a stream.
However, the reason for the problem I had was because I was initializing the CipherOutputStream for every new chunk of incoming data.
Instead, when I initialized it once at the beginning only and maintained it for all the chunks of a single encrypted-data package, the flow worked as usual and without issue.
CipherOutputStream cipherOutputStream = new CipherOutputStream(byteArrOutputStream, cipher);
This was done once for all the chunks in the stream and it worked.


Beep Sound when Decoding DSP TrueSpeech To PCM

I'm trying to decode array of bytes from DSP TrueSpeech to PCM.
When we convert this array as part of streaming (divide it to packets) we can hear some strange "Beep" tones after the decoding.
We tried to decode the entire WAV file in one piece and we didn't get those Beeps.
Currently we are using for it, but we tried also with NAudio and got the same reaults?
My questions:
1)Is anyone familiar with this kind of behavior?
2)Do you have an idea what can we do?
How are you performing the decode? Often codecs maintain internal state, so it's important that you don't keep closing and re-opening the codec for each block of audio that you receive. In NAudio, that means just one AcmStream/WaveFormatConversionStream that everything you receive is passed through.
Also, make sure it is only compressed audio that is being passed into the codec. Sometimes when you receive audio over the network it is contained within some kind of larger packet that contains timing or encoding metadata (e.g. RTP).
At the bottom line, we have the packet data(array of bytes) which we are sending to decode (return as PCM) and then we're writing the new decoded array of bytes in to the new WAV file.
We're defiantly going to try your suggestion regarding the stream with NAudio.
Regarding the bytes we're working on, they don't contain any garbage. We've wrote a tester that stream the file directly (without network) and got the same beep results.
Our solution is working so well with many other codecs (GSM and etc..) and only in true speech we're having this problem.
Therefore it seems to be like some behavior of True Speech codec, but we didn't find any documentation about it.
Thanks Again

Break XOR type encryption with whole Known text from virus

I was hit by a ransomware infection that encrypts the first 512 bytes at the top of the file and puts them at the bottom. Upon looking at the encrypted text it seems to be some type of XOR cipher. I know the whole plain text of one of the files that was encrypted, so i figured in theory i should be able to xor it to get the key to decrypt the rest of my files. Well i am having a very hard time with this because i don't understand how the creator xor'ed it really. Im thinking he would use a binaryreader to read the first 512 bytes into an array, XOR it, and replace it. But does that mean he XOR'ed it in HEX? or Decimal? Im quite confused at this point, but i believe i am simply missing something.
I have tried Xor Tool with python, and everything it attempts to crack looks like non sense. I also tried a python script called Unxor that you give the known plain text to, but the dump file it outputs is always blank.
Good Header file dump:
Encrypted Header file dump:
This may not be the best file example to see the XOR pattern, but its the only file i have that also has the original header 100% before encryption. In other headers where there is more changes the encrypted header changes with it.
Any advice on a method i should try, or application i should use to try and take this further? Thanks so much for your help!
P.S Stackoverflow yelled at me when i tried to post 4 links because im so new, so if you would rather see the hex dumps on pastebin than download the header files, please let me no. The files are in no way malicious, and are only the extracted 512 bytes and not a whole file.
To recover the keystream XOR the plaintext bytes with the cyphertext bytes. Do this with two different files so you can see if the ransomware is using the same keystream or a different keystream for each file.
If it is using the same keystream (unlikely) then your problem is solved. If the keystreams are different, then your easiest solution is to restore the affected files from backups. You did keep backups, didn't you? Alternatively research the particular infection you have got and see if anyone else has broken that particular variant, so you can derive the key(s) they used and hence regenerate the required keystreams.
If you have a lot of money then a data recovery firm might be able to help you, but they will certainly charge.
A rule of thumb to tell a decent cipher from a toy cipher is to encrypt a highly compressible file and try to compress it in its encrypted form: a dumb cipher will produce a file with a level of entropy similar to that of the original one, so the encrypted file will compress as well as the original one; on the other side, a good cipher (even without an initialization vector) will produce a file that will look like a random garbage and thus will not compress at all.
When I compressed your Enc-Header.bin of 512 bytes with PKZIP, the output was also 512 bytes, so the cipher is not as dumb as you expected — bad luck. (But it does not mean that the malware has no weak spots at all.)

Random access encrypted file

I'm implementing a web based file storage service (C#). The files will be encrypted when stored on the server, but the challenge is how to implement the decryption functionality.
The files can be of any size, from a few KB to several GB. The data transfer is done in chunks, so that the users download the data from say offset 50000, 75000 etc. This works fine for unencrypted files, but if encryption is used the entire file has to be decrypted before each chunk is read from the offset.
So, I am looking at how to solve this. My research so far shows that ECB and CBC can be used. ECB is the most basic (and most insecure), with each block encrypted separately. The way ECB works is pretty much what I am looking for, but security is a concern. CBC is similar, but you need the previous block decrypted before decrypting the current block. This is ok as long as the file is read from beginning to end, and you keep the data as you decrypt it on the server, but at the end of the day its not much better than decrypting the entire file server side before transferring.
Does anyone know of any other alternatives I should consider? I have no code at this point, because I am still only doing theoretical research.
Do not use ECB (Electronic Code Book). Any patterns in your plaintext will appear as patterns in the ciphertext. CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) has random read access (the calling code knows the key and the IV is the previous block's result) but writing a block requires rewriting all following blocks.
A better mode is Counter (CTR). In effect, each block uses the same key and the IV for each block is the sum of offset of that block from a defined start and an initial IV. For example, the IV for block n is IV + n. CTR mode is described in detail on page 15 in NIST SP800-38a. Guidance on key and IV derivation can be found in NIST SP800-108.
There are a few other similar modes such as (Galois Counter Mode) GCM.

How to distribute init. vector with data encrypted via a symmetric cipher?

I want to provide for the user a service of encrypting some data via symmetric cipher to a file. The user simply provide a key and he/she may provide an initialize vector for the cipher.
Is there a standard how the file should look like? It makes sense to fill the file with the encrypted data and show the corresponding initialize vector in a dialog window. It may seem reasonable to someone else that the initialize vector should be stored in the file with the encrypted data.
The important thing for me is that the result is useful for a user and he/she won't need to bother with adjustment of the result.
Thank for a comment!
It is common practice to provide the IV as the first block of the cyphertext file. That way the receiver just treats the first 8 bytes (DES) or 16 bytes (AES) as the IV and the rest of the file as the actual cyphertext.
Use the same format for the IV as you are using for the cyphertext: Base64, hex, byte data or whatever.
In principle, you can use any format you want, as long as the decrypting part of the program knows how to read it. For efficiency, having the initialization vector before the data seems a good idea.
If you want to encrypt files, a good idea would be to not create your own format (which leads to you having to do decisions like the one here), but use an existing file format (which then also is a cryptographic protocol).
I recommend the OpenPGP message format, as defined in RFC 4880 (or some subset thereof, if you don't need all features). This also has the advantage that your clients then can decrypt your files using any OpenPGP implementation (like pgp or gpg), if your program somehow ceases to work (of course, only if they have the key/password).
you should be fine if you store the IV together with the encrypted data in the file ...

Send fodder bytes until actual response data is ready?

I need to serve MP3 content that is generated dynamically during the request. My clients (podcatchers I can't configure) are timing out before I'm able to generate the first byte of the response data.
Is there a way to send fodder/throwAway data while I'm generating the real data, to prevent/avoid the timeout, but in a way that allows me to instruct the client to ignore/discard the fodder data once I'm ready to start sending the "real" data?
If the first few bytes of the encoded content are always the same then you could very slowly send back those bytes. I'm not familiar with the MP3 file format, but if the first few bytes are always some magic (and constant) header, this technique could work.
Once the file encoding gets started you could then skip the first few bytes (since you already sent them) and continue from there.
You could have a default, static "hi, welcome to Lance's stream!" stream go out while you're generating the real deal.
