Pact with Spring Cloud Streams - pact

I want to adopt to PACT contract for micro-services. I am using Spring Cloud Stream and I want to integrate contract with Kafka. Is it possible to do so?


How to efficiently develop spring-boot microservice that synchronise data in real-time with firestore of google firebase cloud?

The work method Firebase suggests and recommends is to link the Front-End application directly with the FireStore database service, and this provides real-time synchronization between the data in the Front-End application and the documents in FireStore, which is managed by the AdminSDK Firebase.
However, I would like to implement a business layer (following a micro-services architecture) with Spring-boot, but in this case it is up to me to manage the synchronization in real time between my micro-services and the front-end application.
So, How to efficiently develop spring-boot microservice that synchronise data in real-time with firestore of Google Firebase Cloud ?
Which framework or protocole I would use to brige this fonctionality ?
In my opinion, you could pass this by adding fabiomaffioletti (specific connector to firebase -- you could find it on github), you can refactor your entities by changing it to #FirebaseDocument("/people") to the entry point on firebase /people,
This denpendency would give the same actions as a normal repository by creating an interface anotate by repository that can give spring boot the possibility to scan the
public class PeopleRepository extends DefaultFirebaseRealtimeDatabaseRepository<People, long> {
Don't forget to add #EnableFirebaseRepositories on your main apllication class.
Finaly on your properties file add this properties to precise the firebase end-point:
firebase.realtime-database-url=[realtime database url]
Hope this would help you.
My apologize for my bad english :D

Spring Cloud Contract with Spring Kafka

Does Spring Cloud Contract support Spring Kafka message contract verification out of the box?
If you're using Spring Cloud Stream with a Kafka binder then yes it should work out of the box. Where out of the box means that either you can have the infra completely stubbed out (via the test binder) or you can connect to a real kafka instance and send real messages to it.
Here is a repo with examples of using spring-cloud-contract with messaging (stated under the producer section) which should apply to Kafka as well.
The example .groovy file with the contract is located here.

Service Bus architecture for ASP.NET Web API

I am developing a mobile application using Telerik Platform. The services consumed by the app are ASP.NET Web API RESTful services which are hosted on Azure. I'd like to build some resilience into the app by adding a service bus and have been looking at Azure Service Bus which seems to be what I'm looking for.
It's fairly new to me and I have a few questions.
Can Azure Service Bus be used for RESTful services that return data or are they fire-and-forget only?
For simple RESTful services is Azure Service Bus the way to go or Azure Storage Queue? When would you use one vs the other?
When would I use a Queue vs Topic / Subscription?
ASB is about messaging. You use messaging for communication between parts of your system/services. RESTful services can leverage ASB by translating a request into a message to perform some work. Emphasis on converting the intent into a message, to instruct about work that needs to take place, not execute the work itself.
ASB or ASQ is your choice. This is where you need to choose between the features and capabilities each provides. There's a good MSFT comparison documentation on it.
Queues vs Topics/Subscriptions - if you need to send a message to a single destination (a command) then queue is simpler. In case a message needs to be broadcasted to multiple receivers (events), topics/subscriptions are your friends.

Need an example of using design by contract in Symfony

I am trying to build an API proxy for an external API in my Symfony app. So my Symfony app uses design by contract principle. So a backend service to query the external API.
I need to use "coding by contract" principle with an interface so that the API is easily exchangeable with other services.
I am looking for an example which illustrates this concept.

How to configure Netflix Turbine to use basic auth when collecting data from Hystrix streams?

We're exposing Hystrix streams from severals services. These streams are exposed from the management port of each service which is protected by basic authentication. Is it possible to configure Turbine to use basic auth when contacting to (certain) Hystrix streams and if so how?
I submitted a pull request to Turbine that allows you to specify basic auth as a part of the URI. For example
