How to remove custom fields from “WooCommerce Thankyou Order” email? - wordpress

I have added custom fields to my product. I don't want to display those into "WooCommerce Thankyou Order" email. Please, can someone tell me, how to hide the custom fields?
For ex: I want to hide the details that are highlighted email template

Go WooCommerce in the wordpress Dashboard, click on Email tab. At the end you have Email Template.
In order to override the default email template edit woocommerce/templates/emails/customer-process-proshop/woocommerce/emails/customer-processing-order.php
At least that's WooCommerce instructions says. I do not have a wordpress with commerece to test or check that file but I suppose in there you could decide what information is actually sent to the customer.


This field may not be blank notice at checkout page?

I only need Name and Email at checkout page so for that I'm using this WordPress plugin Checkout Field Editor to disable other fields but when I enter name and email and press place order its "This field may not be blank" and also at checkout page there is no Product Image Showing at checkout page.
p.s. I did researched for the solution from my side but didn't found any.

How to show catgories name on woocommerce order emails Table list

I want to show custom value on woocommerce order email. See this screen shot if any one know solutions then please inform me. How can i show custom value woocommerce order email.

Customizing Woocoomerce Cart page

Hi I want to add checkbox on my Cart page of woocommerce when user check the box it will automatically subscribe them for my product. I have bought woocommerce subcriber plugin but I don't know how to add checkbox which will have this functionality in cart page.
I will try to answer to the best of my knowledge given that I am not proficient with woocommerce. But the general idea is that, you add your checkbox on the cart page of the theme and pass the the value via form data(like name="subscribe" value="True/false") to the data handler(most probably the next page in the checkout cycle which would be delivery or payment options page), which will then call the plugin and pass the subscriber info to it. I would say that it would make sense to put the checkbox where you collect customer info but hey your site, your choice.
Sorry if this is a very generic answer and not a detailed one. I am very new to this myself. Best of luck.

How do I add my Shipping info to the 'thank you' page in WooCommerce (Wordpress)

I have a Wordpress site using WooCommerce for online transactions - on the order completed page (the thank you page) I see the Billing Address but not the Shipping Address (even when the addresses are different)
How do I get the Shipping Address to ALWAYS be displayed on this order confirmation page.
Edit order/order-details-customer.php , scroll to the bottom of the file, you'll notice the Shipping address has been wrapped in a conditional, just comment out the conditional and the shipping address will always be displayed.
You need to do this by overriding WooCommerce templates
Copy file from
and put it into
Take user shipping value from wp_user_meta table of wordpress. Its like override template. Add our field to that template.

woocommerce check out field

I use checkout by amazon or by paypal express checkout, when user clicks on amazon or on pay pal , when control comes back on my site after logging in paypal or on amazone, I have no extra checkout field, that I created using checkout field editor ('How did you find Us?'), Just the order summary is listed, how can I show my extra created field?
I use woocommerce plugin for shopping cart.
Checkout fields are only shown on checkout, when someone returns from a payment gateway (paypal in your case) by default they are logged in. So in order to show a text area after someone returns from paypal, you will have to edit the order summary template and add a check to it. So if the user is reffered from paypal, only then they will see your custom form.
A better way would be by using "woocommerce_payment_complete" hook and redirect the user to another page where you can add your custom functionality/ Gravity form shortcode or use contact form 7.
