QSqlTableModel, QTableView change columns not updated - qt

I have a SQL model that connects to a single table, this table will change the number of columns depending on certain conditions during the execution of the program. The model is connected to a QTableView.
I have a function that controls the number of columns at the end of the function i have a call to model->select(), to update the information of the model and tableView->reset(), to what i thought would rearrange the view adding or taking away columns.
The problem is that the view does not change from the original number of columns that it had. If i reduce the number i can see that the data change and show empty on the missing columns. Is there a command for the tableView to resize it self?
Editing the question
in the constructor of the class i'm reading the table and setting it to the view:
header = new QSqlTableModel(parent,data->m_db);
Every time that that the number of columns is changed is an SQL procedure to change the number of columns:
void ImportProcess::copyTable(QString oldTable, QString newTable)
QSqlQuery queryOld, queryNew;
queryOld.prepare("select * from :oldTable");
if(queryOld.record().isEmpty()==true) return; //Old table was empty, nothing to copy
int oldColumn=queryOld.record().count();
QString replaceLine="insert into "+newTable+" values(";
replaceLine.append(", "+queryOld.value(1).toString());
for(int y=0;y<(oldColumn < ui->columns->value() ? oldColumn : ui->columns->value());y++)
replaceLine.append(", "+QString::number(queryOld.value(y+2).toFloat()));
Then the header file is updated, and here is where I thought that the tableview will be redrawn:
void ImportProcess::updateHeadingTable()
QSqlQuery query;
query.exec("delete from C"+QString::number(markTime.toSecsSinceEpoch())+"T");
QString description= ui->Week->isChecked() == true ? "Week" : "Size";
query.exec("insert into C"+QString::number(markTime.toSecsSinceEpoch())+"T (id, description) values (101, '"+description+"')");
for(int x=0;x<ui->columns->value();x++)
query.exec("update C"+QString::number(markTime.toSecsSinceEpoch())+"T set col"+QString::number(x)+" = '30'");

I believe you forgot about some protected methods:
void QAbstractItemModel::beginInsertColumns(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last);
void QAbstractItemModel::beginRemoveColumns(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last);
void QAbstractItemModel::endInsertColumns();
void QAbstractItemModel::endRemoveColumns();
Every time the number of column about to be change you should call first or second method. After change you should call third or fours method.
You can read about these methods in Qt documentation.


QT QtableWidgetItem display formated data and sort by original data

In a column in a QTableWidget I want to display some double values. By doing the following, I get my desired display:
double value = 1234.567;
QTableWidgetItem* qti = new QTableWidgetItem(QString::number(value , 'f', 4));
Now, if I enable sorting on the table and sort the values in this column, it will sort as strings. So 90.0000 will come be "larger" than 800.0000 for example (9 > 8).
If I do this instead:
QTableWidgetItem* qti = new QTableWidgetItem();
qti->setData(Qt::DisplayRole, value);
QTableWidgetItem* qti = new QTableWidgetItem(QString::number(value , 'f', 4));
qti->setData(Qt::DisplayRole, value);
I can sort my column correctly, but I "lose" the formmating (12.0000 is displayed as 12).
I've also tried like this:
QTableWidgetItem* qti = new QTableWidgetItem();
qti->setData(Qt::UserRole, value);
qti->setData(Qt::DisplayRole, QString::number(value, 'f', 4));
How can I format the display of the values, while still enabling sorting?
(In all code snippets above, the QTableWidgetItems' are added by:
table->setItem(rowNumber, colNumber, qti);
where table is a QTableWidget)
You do it wrong. Let's do it right. The solution is to subclass QTableWidgetItem.
class CustomTableWidgetItem : public QTableWidgetItem
CustomTableWidgetItem(const QString txt = QString("0"))
bool operator <(const QTableWidgetItem& other) const
qDebug() << "Sorting numbers";
return text().toFloat() < other.text().toFloat();
// text() is part of QTableWidgetItem, so you can write it as QTableWidgetItem::text().toFloat() as well
Example insertions
ui->tableWidget->setItem(0, 0, new CustomTableWidgetItem(QString::number(90.0005, 'f', 4)));
ui->tableWidget->setItem(1, 0, new CustomTableWidgetItem(QString::number(800.0003, 'f', 4)));
ui->tableWidget->setItem(2, 0, new CustomTableWidgetItem(QString::number(200.0010, 'f', 4)));
ui->tableWidget->setItem(3, 0, new CustomTableWidgetItem(QString::number(200.0020, 'f', 4)));
Sorting behaviour is as expected
PS: Remember to turn off sorting before you insert bew items.
Another way of doing this is by using QStyledItemDelegate attached to the double column(s). It need not do much except implement the QStyledItemDelegate::displayText() function.
For further details, see QTableView and display of doubles at Qt Centre.
Here's what I came up with, based on Mangesh's answer, for a similar problem displaying a percentage:
class percentageItemC : public QStyledItemDelegate
QString displayText(const QVariant &value, const QLocale &locale) const
return QString::asprintf("%0.3lf%% ", value.toDouble());
} percentageItem;
That's any number of digits to the left of the decimal, 3 to the right, and a long float with a percent sign. Then, do a
ui->twMyTable->setItemDelegateForColumn(1, &percentageItem);
in yer form's class. I can also re-use them for other columns, and presumably rows.
This method doesn't slow things down with extra text to float conversions. You can also have nice extras, like commas, percent signs and currency signs in it. I have this for currency:
class currencyItemC : public QStyledItemDelegate
QString displayText(const QVariant &value, const QLocale &locale) const
return locale.toCurrencyString(value.toDouble()) + " ";
} currencyItem;
I use:
QTableWidgetItem *item = new QTableWidgetItem();
item->setData(Qt::EditRole, number);
to create the table items. It is smart about these: it creates a QVariant, and then sorts based on the type. This way, you don't have to set the underlying data to a string, but it can be any type it has a sort for.
The columns sort numerically like they're s'posed to, but they display in any format ya like. ;}
From my point of view the best option to solve this problem is to create new class with usage of setData() with Qt::UserRole to store unformatted data. In this setup you can store real data and text together. This has more memory consumption but you doesn't need to convert from string to int/float/etc.
I've tested many other roles Qt::EditRole, Qt::DisplayRole, etc and they are overwriting stored data/text and you can't store both values.
Here is my final solution of class displaying % percent values (python code)
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtCore
class PercentTableWidgetItem(QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem):
# Float value
value: float = 0
def __init__(self,
value: float = 0
''' Constructor.'''
# Set variables
self.value = value
# Set item data
self.setData(QtCore.Qt.UserRole, value)
def __lt__(self, other: QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem):
''' Operation < for sorting.'''
value = other.data(QtCore.Qt.UserRole)
return (value is not None) and (self.value < value)
Usage in code as simple as below
table = QTableWidget()

How to set data source for a list view to contain custom data ? (and associate with QTableView)

I am trying to get listview and tableview working together.
The listview must be used for display, the tableview must be used for editing data. The tableview is created on demand in a popup widget (and it may never be needed).
I populate the listview, on start, from a text file - each row a line, with 2 entries separated by a tab. Easy.
The tableview will have to edit 2 columns separately... also, on listview click, I must be able to retrieve the first part of the split...
I have created a model subclass of QStringListModel.
QListView *m_myView = new QListView();
StringList *m_myList = new StringList();
QTextStream in(&myFile);
while (!in.atEnd())
QString temp = in.readLine();
class StringList : public QStringListModel
void append (const QString& string)
insertRows(rowCount(), 1);
QModelIndex m = index(rowCount() - 1);
setData(m, string, Qt::EditRole);
QStringList splist = string.split('\t');
setData(m, splist.at(0), Qt::ToolTipRole);
if(splist.size() > 1)
setData(m, splist.at(1), Qt::StatusTipRole);
setData(m, "", Qt::StatusTipRole);
qDebug() << data(m, Qt::EditRole).toString()
<< data(m, Qt::ToolTipRole).toString()
<< data(m, Qt::StatusTipRole).toString();
The EditRole displays correctly, the others display empty strings.
It seems that QStringListModel is incapable of storing anything except EditRole.
So I am left with 2 options - either do the split on each selection, and also when creating the table view, or - what I would like to try but don't know how - create a QStandardItemModel that can act as data sources for both the listview and the tableview, and can easily retrieve the partial data I require on click.
I thought I can simply use it to set the data on listview (like they do here).
QListView *m_myView = new QListView();
QStandardItemModel *m_myList = new QStandardItemModel();
QTextStream in(&myFile);
int r = 0;
while (!in.atEnd())
QString temp = in.readLine();
QStringList splist = temp.split('\t'); // assume I know there will be 2 strings always
QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(splist.at(0));
m_myList->setItem(r, 0, item);
QStandardItem *item1 = new QStandardItem(splist.at(1));
m_myList->setItem(r, 1, item1);
connect(m_myListView, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)),
this, SLOT(listChangedSlot(QModelIndex)));
But this will only set the first string in the listview, I really need both, and I still don't know how to retrieve the data
void listChangedSlot(QModelIndex index)
qDebug() << m_myList->item(index.row(), 0)->data().toString()
<< m_myList->item(index.row(), 1)->data().toString();
} // shows empty strings
In the loading section, try:
QStringList splist = temp.split('\t');
splist.append(QString()); // so I don't need to test
QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(temp);
m_myList->setItem(r, 0, item);
QModelIndex idx = m_myList->index(r, 0);
QMap<int, QVariant> roles;
roles.insert(Qt::UserRole + 1, QVariant(splist.at(0)));
roles.insert(Qt::UserRole + 2, QVariant(splist.at(1)));
roles.insert(Qt::DisplayRole, QVariant(temp));
m_myList->setItemData(idx, roles);
This works - displays fine and gets the correct content on click - but seems to be unusable for the tableview.
(And seems I am doing twice the work, with setItem and setItemData - so technically storing the content 3 times).
How can I get my listview have a datasource with 2 string items, show both, be able to set it on a tableview, and be able to retrieve the first item on click ?
I figured out a way to share the data source between the listview and tableview:
I create 3 columns - column 0 with the combined components, and columns 1 and 2 with the separated components.
The listview will display only column 0. For tableview, I will hide column 0.
The data I require for processing will be stored in columns 1 and 2. user edit of the data in tableview will require, upon accepting changes, the edit of corresponding column 0.

QTableView: how to edit non-editable cells in the program?

How should this be done by using the model->setData() method call?
I have derived a class called "MyStandardItemModel" from QStandardItemModel. I have made my third and fourth columns non-editable by overriding the protected virtual flags method. This is how it goes:
#define TX_PACKET_COLUMN (4u)
#define RX_PACKET_COLUMN (5u)
Qt::ItemFlags MyStandardItemModel::flags(const QModelIndex& index) const
if (index.column() == TX_PACKET_COLUMN || index.column() == RX_PACKET_COLUMN)
return (QStandardItemModel::flags(index) & ~Qt::ItemIsEditable);
return QStandardItemModel::flags(index);
//Set model
Having this done, I am not able to edit the cells in the third and fourth column.
Now, I want that when I double click on these cells, a pop-up dialog comes up. I will modify some data in the editable field of that dialog, and then copy it back to the non editable cells inside the code.
I tried to just write a doubleclick() handler for the QTreeView and just copy some data to the cells just to see if it is possible to copy data to the non-editable cells.
This operation is failing, and the data is not written into the non-editable cells.
Here you can find the double click handler:
void MainWindow::on_testCaseTableView_doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &index)
QVariant variant;
variant.toString() = "AA";
if((index.column() == TX_PACKET_COLUMN)||(index.column() == RX_PACKET_COLUMN))
model->setData(index, variant); // set new value
The setData(..) operation is clearing the already written data in the cells, but string "AA" is not getting written. Please suggest how to copy some data to non-editable cells inside the code.
QVariant set is empty. Nothing needs to be wrong in your model. Error is on this line:
variant.toString() = "AA";
change to:
QVariant variant("AA"); // just for testing anyway
As I indicated in my comment, you have to fix this first issue:
instead of:
QVariant variant;
variant.toString() = "AA";
you should write
QVariant variant = QLatin1String("AA");
In general, you would look into the setData(...) implementation for such cases whether you emit the data changed signal properly and so forth, but here you are entering a prior issue which can lead to problems, so let us fix that.
Note, you should use QLatin1String to avoid the unnecessary explicit conversion from raw char* to QString. This is a good practice in general, and this is available with Qt 4 as well as Qt 5.
Although, you could also use the QStringLiteral macro for creating a QString very efficiently with template magic out of your raw literal, but that requires C++11.

Why doesn't QTableView row count update?

I created a QAbstractTableModel called PresetTableModel, and connected it to a QTableView. I implemented the rowCount, columnCount, and data functions. Everything works if I have rowCount return a fixed number, but as soon as I get it to return a variable value, the list view doesn't show any rows. The debug statement in the code below shows the size value starting at 0, but changing to 9 once the list gets populated.
int PresetTableModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex & /*parent*/) const
qDebug() << preset_list.count();
return preset_list.size();
Is there something else I need to do to force it to update the number of rows?
When modifying the underlying data, you must use the model's notification mechanism to notify the views. E.g, when appending data:
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), preset_list.size(), preset_list.size()+1); //notify that two rows will be appended (rows size() and size() + 1)
endInsertRows(); //notify views that you're done with modifying the underlying data
Accordingly, you have to call beginRemoveRows() and endRemoveRows() when removing rows, and emit dataChanged() when existing entries are updated.
On a side note, your rowCount() method should read
if (!parent.isValid())
return preset_list.size(); //top-level: return list size
return 0; //list item: no further children (flat list)
to limit the depth. Otherwise each item in the list has again preset_list.size() entries.
i use:
void refresh() {
emit dataChanged(index(0, 0),
index(rowCount(), columnCount())); // update whole view
emit layoutChanged();

How to sort data in QTableWidget?

I have a QTableWidget and the first column contains numbers from 1 to 1000. Now I need to sort the table based on this first column.
I'm using the function sortItems(int column, Qt::AscendingOrder), but it is displayed as:
1, 10, 100, 1000, 101, 102, ...
Yet I need this result:
1, 2, 3 ,4...., 1000.
I'm using a CSV file for populating the table.
The values are sorted as strings because you stored them as such in the model.
The QVariant can remember the original type of the data if you let it do the conversion itself, and the comparison operator from that type will be used when sorting:
// Get the value from the CSV file as a numeric type
int valueFromCsvFile = ...;
// don't do this
QTableWidgetItem *item = new QTableWidgetItem(QString::number(valueFromCsvFile));
// but do this instead
QTableWidgetItem *item = new QTableWidgetItem;
item.setData(Qt::EditRole, valueFromCsvFile);
The cell editor will also adapt to the type of the QVariant:
QSpinBox for int,
QDoubleSpinBox for double and float,
QDateTimeEdit for QDateTime
The easiest way is probably to subclass QTableWidgetItem and then implement the < operator to be smart about the fact that you're sorting numbers and not strings.
class MyTableWidgetItem : public QTableWidgetItem {
bool operator <(const QTableWidgetItem &other) const
return text().toInt() < other.text().toInt();
Then when you're populating your table you can pass it instances of your custom items that know how to sort themselves properly instead of the generic ones.
One way that worked in my situation was
1) before filling the table, turn off sorting:
2) pad the number strings with blanks and make all strings in the column have the same length:
(' '+numStr)[-4:]
3) after filling the table, turn on sorting:
This fixed the row sorting problem and the numerical order.
I don't know if the accepted answer used to work, but with Qt5.1, it doesn't.
In order to work, the operator< definition has to match the virtual definition from qtablewidget.h.
Another interesting addition is to sort items that have numbers, but start with a currency sign ($ or € for instance) or end with %.
Here is the updated code:
class TableNumberItem : public QTableWidgetItem
TableNumberItem(const QString txt = QString("0"))
bool operator < (const QTableWidgetItem &other) const
QString str1 = text();
QString str2 = other.text();
if (str1[0] == '$' || str1[0] == '€') {
str1.remove(0, 1);
str2.remove(0, 1); // we assume both items have the same format
if (str1[str1.length() - 1] == '%') {
str2.chop(1); // this works for "N%" and for "N %" formatted strings
double f1 = str1.toDouble();
double f2 = str2.toDouble();
return str1.toDouble() < str2.toDouble();
Then, you add the items that contain numbers using something like this:
myTableWidget->setItem(row, col, new TableNumberItem("$0"));
Note that this class must be used with numbers only, it will not sort strings correctly (as is also the case with the accepted answer).
I had same problem and the The answer of #Chris worked for me!
but a little modification is need. I can't comment. so I write here.
class MyTableWidgetItem : public QTableWidgetItem {
bool operator <(const QTableWidgetItem &other) const
if (text()=="")
return text().toDouble() > other.text().toDouble();
return text().toDouble() < other.text().toDouble();
