Calculate position of a point on an arc - math

I'm building a gauge. I took off from an example that was a half circle, see from the image:
To transform percentage into the angle the original chart had these three functions:
percToDeg: function (perc) {
return perc * 360;
percToRad: function (perc) {
return this.degToRad(this.percToDeg(perc));
degToRad: function (deg) {
return deg * Math.PI / 180;
Now this all looks and works great, however I wanted to adjust the gauge so that the arc extends another 45 degrees in both directions, see this:
However now percToDeg function doesn't work anymore. Can you please help me figure out a function that for a given percentage places the point (tip of the needle in my case) of on the arc correctly - 0% should be 225 degrees, 50% 90 degrees and 100% -45 degrees?

You want to use something called linear interpolation, with your starting range being [0, 100] and your destination range being [225, -45].
The general equation for this, for an x in range [a, b] to y in range [c, d]
y = c + (x - a) * (d - c) / (b - a)
In your case,
a = 0
b = 100
c = 225
d = -45
For example, if you want to find where 50 maps to in the range:
y = 225 + (50 - 0) * (-45 - 225) / (100 - 0)
y = 225 + 50 * -270 / 100
y = 225 - 135
y = 90


Moving slowly an initial angle until it reach a final angle

I will try to be very descriptive with this. I'm editing a game right now and the scenario is a 3D area.
I have an initial angle, writen as a direction vector, and another vector which haves different coordinates. As we know, the angle between 2 vectors is given by the formula: Theta = ACos( DotProduct( vec1, vec2 ) / ( VectorLength( vec1 ) * VectorLength( vec2 ) ) )
So let's describe the scenario: I'm currently programming some kind of stationary weapon, a sentry gun, this thing moves slowly his "head", shooting bullets to enemies. That angle rotation thing is my problem.
Let's imagine this: I have my sentry gun on a empty 3D area, and a "enemy" spawns over there. I can currently get the direction vector of my sentry's view angle, and the direction vector between my sentry and the player. Let's guess, using the formula described, his separation angle is 45 degrees. My sentry gun thinks (calls a function) at every 0.1 seconds, and I want to move his head 5 degrees at every thinking function until it reach the the player (ie, both vectors are nearly equal), and that means it will reach the player (if player keeps on its position...) in 0.9 seconds (5 degrees from 45)
How I can move sentry's view angle slowly until it reach a target? In 2D is easily but know I'm fighting with a 3D scenario, and I'm currently lost with this.
Any help would be appreciated, and about coding, I will be grateful with a pseudocode. Thanks! (and sorry for my english)
What you need is called SLERP - spherical linear interpolation
Your starting direction vector is p0 there, goal direction is p1, Omega is your Theta, and t parameter varies in range 0..1 with needed step
Delphi example for 2D case (it is easy to control)
p0, p1: TPoint;
i, xx, yy: Integer;
omega, InvSinOmega, t, a0, a1: Double;
P0 := Point(0, 200);
P1 := Point(200, 0);
omega := -Pi / 2;
InvSinOmega := 1.0 / Sin(omega);
Canvas.Brush.Color := clRed;
Canvas.Ellipse(120 + P0.X, 120 + P0.Y, 120 + P0.X + 7, 120 + P0.Y + 7);
Canvas.Ellipse(120 + P1.X, 120 + P1.Y, 120 + P1.X + 7, 120 + P1.Y + 7);
for i := 1 to 9 do begin
t := i / 10;
a0 := sin((1 - t) * omega) * InvSinOmega;
a1 := sin(t * omega) * InvSinOmega;
xx := Round(P0.X * a0 + P1.X * a1);
yy := Round(P0.Y * a0 + P1.Y * a1);
Canvas.Brush.Color := RGB(25 * i, 25 * i, 25 * i);
Canvas.Ellipse(120 + xx, 120 + yy, 120 + xx + 9, 120 + yy + 9);

pixel coordinates on diamond

I got an image with a couple of diamond put side by side like on the image below
The only coordinates I know on the image are the top corners (green text).
When I click on the image I get the coordinates of that point, but I'm not able to get which diamond I'm on.
For example I click on the red dot, how do I know that x:260, y:179 = the top diamond ?
And the blue belongs to the left ? etc...
Thank you very much for your help.
I finally used Canvas, but I think SVG would have worked as well for what I needed to do.
I see two possible approaches: direct check whether a point is inside a diamond and using affine transformations. I will describe both.
Direct point position check
To determine whether a point is inside a diamond you have to check its deviation from the middle point of a diamond. You have to put the X and Y deviations in proportion with the X and Y extents of the diamond, you will get two factors. For all points inside the diamond the sum of the modulo values for these factors is smaller or equal 1. In code this looks like this:
var dx = Math.abs(coords[0] - middle[0]);
var dy = Math.abs(coords[1] - middle[1]);
if (dx / size[0] + dy / size[1] <= 1)
alert("Inside diamond");
alert("Outside diamond");
So all you have to do now is determining the middle point for each diamond (size is the same in all cases) and checking whether the point you are testing is located inside them.
Working example:
Affine transformations
Using affine transformations you can change the corner coordinates of your top diamond into (0,0), (1,0), (0,1) and (1,1). If you then apply the same transformation to the point you need to test, determining which diamond it belongs to becomes trivial.
First you will need a translation vector to move the (225,2) point into the origin of coordinates. Let's say that you have four coordinates determining your top diamond (left and right coordinate, top and bottom coordinate):
var topDiamond = [[113, 2], [337, 227]];
Then the translation vector to move the top point of the diamond to the zero coordinate would be:
var translationVector = [-(topDiamond[0][0] + topDiamond[1][0]) / 2,
You can apply it to the original coordinates like this:
function add(vector1, vector2)
return [vector1[0] + vector2[0], vector1[1] + vector2[1]];
topDiamond = [add(topDiamond[0], translationVector),
add(topDiamond[1], translationVector)];
Then you will need a rotation matrix:
var angle = -Math.atan2(topDiamond[1][1] - topDiamond[0][1],
topDiamond[1][0] - topDiamond[0][0]);
var rotMatrix = [[Math.cos(angle), -Math.sin(angle)],
[Math.sin(angle), Math.cos(angle)]];
After the multiplication with this matrix the points (225,2) and (337,114.5) are aligned on the X axis. But what you have now is a trapeze, you now need a horizontal shear transformation to get the other side of the diamond aligned on the Y axis:
function multiply(matrix, vector)
return [matrix[0][0] * vector[0] + matrix[0][1] * vector[1],
matrix[1][0] * vector[0] + matrix[1][1] * vector[1]];
var point = [topDiamond[0][0], (topDiamond[0][1] + topDiamond[1][1]) / 2];
point = multiply(rotMatrix, point);
var shearMatrix = [[1, -point[0] / point[1]], [0, 1]];
After multiplication with this matrix you have a rectangle now. Now you only need a scaling matrix to make sure that the X and Y coordinates of the corners have the value 0 and 1:
point = multiply(shearMatrix, point);
var point2 = [topDiamond[1][0], (topDiamond[0][1] + topDiamond[1][1]) / 2];
point2 = multiply(rotMatrix, point2);
point2 = multiply(shearMatrix, point2);
var scaleMatrix = [[1/point2[0], 0], [0, 1/point[1]]];
And there you have it, now you can apply these transformations to any point:
add(translationVector, [260, 179])
This gives you 0.94,0.63 - both values are in the (0..1) range meaning that it is the top diamond. With [420,230] as input you get 1.88,0.14 - X in (1..2) range and Y in 0..1 range means right diamond. And so on.
Working example:
In the retrospective, this was probably too much work for a simple geometrical figure like a diamond.
Essentially, what you have there is possibly an isometric view of 4 tiles (based on your comment about the diamonds appearing as trapezoids).
One quick way of doing this is to create 2 lines that are parallel with the "axes" of the "diamonds" (but still are crossing with each other...this is important as well). In the example image given, that would mean two lines that are vertical to each other but rotated by 45 degrees. In the isometric case, the lines will not be vertical to each other but at some other angle depending on your view.
Once you have these two lines you can create a "hitTest()" function that will be taking the coordinates of the point that was clicked and will be evaluating the two line equations. You are not really interested on the actual number returned by the line equations but only the signs. The sign shows you which side of the line does your point resides.
This means that your "diamonds" will correspond to these sign pairs (one sign for each line equation) [-,-], [-,+], [+,-], [+,+].
(Please note that the sign depends on the way that the line was defined, in other words for a given point P, the sign from some line equation (L) will be different if the line was defined as running "from left to right" or "from right to left", or more generally the sign will be the reverse for reciprocal directions.)
A bit more information about the form of the line equation you need can be obtained from here
Using matrices, you can derive a quick formula for which diamond is selected.
You want a transformation from (x,y) into "diamond-space". That is, a coordinate system where (0,0) is the top diamond, (1,0) is the one below to the right, and (0,1) below to the left.
A * x = y
where A is the transformation, x is the image coordinates, and y is the diamond-coordinates. To deal with the translation ((0,0) not being the same point in both spaces), you can add another row to the vectors, which is always 1.
You can transform multiple vectors at the same time, by putting them beside each other, so they form a matrix.
[ a b dx ] [ 225 337 113 ] [ 0 1 0 ]
[ c d dy ] * [ 2 114 114 ] = [ 0 0 1 ]
[ 0 0 1 ] [ 1 1 1 ] [ 1 1 1 ]
^ ^ ^-left ^-^-^--- new coordinates for each point
| '-right
'-top diamond
To solve for the coefficients in the first matrix, you need to divide by the second matrix (or multiply by the inverse).
[ a b dx ] [ 0 1 0 ] [ 225 337 113 ]^-1
[ c d dy ] = [ 0 0 1 ] * [ 2 114 114 ]
[ 0 0 1 ] [ 1 1 1 ] [ 1 1 1 ]
The result is:
[ a b dx ] [ (1/224) (1/224) (-227/224) ]
[ c d dy ] = [ (-1/224) (1/224) (223/224) ]
[ 0 0 1 ] [ 0 0 1 ]
To put this into program code:
function getDiamond(x, y) {
return [(x + y - 227) / 224, (-x + y + 223) / 224];
> getDiamond(260,179); // red
[0.9464285714285714, 0.6339285714285714]
> getDiamond(250,230); // green
[1.1294642857142858, 0.90625]
> getDiamond(189,250); // blue
[0.9464285714285714, 1.2678571428571428]
> getDiamond(420,230); // yellow
[1.8883928571428572, 0.14732142857142858]
If you look at the integer parts, you can see which diamond the coordinate corresponds to. The red one is at (0.94, 0.63) which is in region (0,0) pretty close to the edge of (1,0).
NB. The blue and green points in OP is drawn in the wrong location (or given wrong coordinates), so the result of my function places them in a different relative location.
If you do the calculations symbolically, you end up with this:
[ a b dx ] [ (y2 - y0)/M -(x2 - x0)/M -(x0*y2 - y0*x2)/M ]
[ c d dy ] = [-(y1 - y0)/M (x1 - x0)/M (x0*y1 - y0*x1)/M ]
[ 0 0 1 ] [ 0 0 1 ]
where M = x1*y2 - x2*y1 - y0*x1 + y0*x2 + x0*y1 - x0*y2.
Point 0 being the position of top diamond, point 1 being the position of right diamond, and point 2 being the position of left diamond.
Here is a function to calculate this:
function DiamondMaker(topx,topy, leftx,lefty, rightx,righty)
var M = topx*lefty - topx*righty +
leftx*righty - leftx*topy +
rightx*topy - rightx*lefty;
var a = -(topy - righty)/M;
var b = (topx - rightx)/M;
var dx = -(topx*righty - topy*rightx)/M;
var c = (topy - lefty)/M;
var d = -(topx - leftx)/M;
var dy = (topx*lefty - topy*leftx)/M;
return function(x, y) {
return [a * x + b * y + dx, c * x + d * y + dy];
var getDiamond = DiamondMaker(225,2, 337,114, 113,114);
// (same example as before)
All you need - just stady what is roration. Here is link:
You should rotate you point in order to make sides of squares in parrallel with coordinate's grid. Point of rotaion should be 1 corner of dimonds you will threat as 0,0 diamond. After rotaion you can easily define how many daimond you point away from 0,0

Given two points on a circle relative to their degrees, what is the degrees between them?

Note: I'm using Lua.
So, I'm trying to find out the degrees between two points on a circle. The problem is between something like 340 and 20, where the correct answer is 40 degrees, but doing something like
function FindLeastDegrees(s, f)
return ((f - s+ 360) % 360)
print(FindLeastDegrees(60, 260))
-- S = Start, F = Finish (In degrees)
Which works all all situations except for when trying to figure out the distance between the two. This below code is my next failed attempt.
function FindLeastDegrees(s, f)
local x = 0
if math.abs(s-f) <= 180 then
x = math.abs(s-f)
x = math.abs(f-s)
return x
print(FindLeastDegrees(60, 260))
I then tried:
function FindLeastDegrees(s, f)
s = ((s % 360) >= 0) and (s % 360) or 360 - (s % 360);
f = ((f % 360) >= 0) and (f % 360) or 360 - (f % 360);
return math.abs(s - f)
print(FindLeastDegrees(60, 350))
--> 290 (Should be 70)
So that failed. :/
So how would you find the shortest amount of degrees between two other degrees, and then if you should go clockwise or counterclockwise (Add or subtract) to get there. I'm entirely confused.
A few examples of what I'm trying to do...
FindLeastDegrees(60, 350)
--> 70
FindLeastDegrees(-360, 10)
--> 10
Which seems so hard! I know I will have to use...
Absolute Values?
I would also like it to return if I should add or subtract to get to the value 'Finish'.
Sorry for the lengthy description, I think you probably have got it.... :/
If the degrees are in the 0 to 360 range, the % 360 part can be skipped:
function FindLeastDegrees(s, f)
diff = math.abs(f-s) % 360 ;
return math.min( 360-diff, diff )

Computing the 3D coordinates on a unit sphere from a 2D point

I have a square bitmap of a circle and I want to compute the normals of all the pixels in that circle as if it were a sphere of radius 1:
The sphere/circle is centered in the bitmap.
What is the equation for this?
Don't know much about how people program 3D stuff, so I'll just give the pure math and hope it's useful.
Sphere of radius 1, centered on origin, is the set of points satisfying:
x2 + y2 + z2 = 1
We want the 3D coordinates of a point on the sphere where x and y are known. So, just solve for z:
z = ±sqrt(1 - x2 - y2).
Now, let us consider a unit vector pointing outward from the sphere. It's a unit sphere, so we can just use the vector from the origin to (x, y, z), which is, of course, <x, y, z>.
Now we want the equation of a plane tangent to the sphere at (x, y, z), but this will be using its own x, y, and z variables, so instead I'll make it tangent to the sphere at (x0, y0, z0). This is simply:
x0x + y0y + z0z = 1
Hope this helps.
you mean something like:
const int R = 31, SZ = power_of_two(R*2);
std::vector<vec4_t> p;
for(int y=0; y<SZ; y++) {
for(int x=0; x<SZ; x++) {
const float rx = (float)(x-R)/R, ry = (float)(y-R)/R;
if(rx*rx+ry*ry > 1) { // outside sphere
} else {
vec3_t normal(rx,sqrt(1.-rx*rx-ry*ry),ry);
It does make a nice spherical shading-like shading if I treat the normals as colours and blit it; is it right?
Sorry, I'm not familiar with those aspects of C++. Haven't used the language very much, nor recently.
This formula is often used for "fake-envmapping" effect.
double x = 2.0 * pixel_x / bitmap_size - 1.0;
double y = 2.0 * pixel_y / bitmap_size - 1.0;
double r2 = x*x + y*y;
if (r2 < 1)
// Inside the circle
double z = sqrt(1 - r2);
.. here the normal is (x, y, z) ...
Obviously you're limited to assuming all the points are on one half of the sphere or similar, because of the missing dimension. Past that, it's pretty simple.
The middle of the circle has a normal facing precisely in or out, perpendicular to the plane the circle is drawn on.
Each point on the edge of the circle is facing away from the middle, and thus you can calculate the normal for that.
For any point between the middle and the edge, you use the distance from the middle, and some simple trig (which eludes me at the moment). A lerp is roughly accurate at some points, but not quite what you need, since it's a curve. Simple curve though, and you know the beginning and end values, so figuring them out should only take a simple equation.
I think I get what you're trying to do: generate a grid of depth data for an image. Sort of like ray-tracing a sphere.
In that case, you want a Ray-Sphere Intersection test:
Your rays will be simple perpendicular rays, based off your U/V coordinates (times two, since your sphere has a diameter of 2). This will give you the front-facing points on the sphere.
From there, calculate normals as below (point - origin, the radius is already 1 unit).
Ripped off from the link above:
You have to combine two equations:
Ray: R(t) = R0 + t * Rd , t > 0 with R0 = [X0, Y0, Z0] and Rd = [Xd, Yd, Zd]
Sphere: S = the set of points[xs, ys, zs], where (xs - xc)2 + (ys - yc)2 + (zs - zc)2 = Sr2
To do this, calculate your ray (x * pixel / width, y * pixel / width, z: 1), then:
A = Xd^2 + Yd^2 + Zd^2
B = 2 * (Xd * (X0 - Xc) + Yd * (Y0 - Yc) + Zd * (Z0 - Zc))
C = (X0 - Xc)^2 + (Y0 - Yc)^2 + (Z0 - Zc)^2 - Sr^2
Plug into quadratic equation:
t0, t1 = (- B + (B^2 - 4*C)^1/2) / 2
Check discriminant (B^2 - 4*C), and if real root, the intersection is:
Ri = [xi, yi, zi] = [x0 + xd * ti , y0 + yd * ti, z0 + zd * ti]
And the surface normal is:
SN = [(xi - xc)/Sr, (yi - yc)/Sr, (zi - zc)/Sr]
Boiling it all down:
So, since we're talking unit values, and rays that point straight at Z (no x or y component), we can boil down these equations greatly:
X0 = 2 * pixelX / width
Y0 = 2 * pixelY / height
Z0 = 0
Xd = 0
Yd = 0
Zd = 1
Xc = 1
Yc = 1
Zc = 1
A = 1 (unit ray)
= 2 * (0 + 0 + (0 - 1))
= -2 (no x/y component)
= (X0 - 1) ^ 2 + (Y0 - 1) ^ 2 + (0 - 1) ^ 2 - 1
= (X0 - 1) ^ 2 + (Y0 - 1) ^ 2
= (-2) ^ 2 - 4 * 1 * C
= 4 - 4 * C
From here:
If discriminant < 0:
Z = ?, Normal = ?
t = (2 + (discriminant) ^ 1 / 2) / 2
If t < 0 (hopefully never or always the case)
t = -t
Z: t
Nx: Xi - 1
Ny: Yi - 1
Nz: t - 1
Boiled farther still:
Intuitively it looks like C (X^2 + Y^2) and the square-root are the most prominent figures here. If I had a better recollection of my math (in particular, transformations on exponents of sums), then I'd bet I could derive this down to what Tom Zych gave you. Since I can't, I'll just leave it as above.

How to map atan2() to degrees 0-360

atan2(y, x) has that discontinuity at 180° where it switches to -180°..0° going clockwise.
How do I map the range of values to 0°..360°?
here is my code:
CGSize deltaPoint = CGSizeMake(endPoint.x - startPoint.x, endPoint.y - startPoint.y);
float swipeBearing = atan2f(deltaPoint.height, deltaPoint.width);
I'm calculating the direction of a swiping touch event given the startPoint and endPoint, both XY point structs. The code is for the iPhone but any language that supports atan2f() will do.
Solution using Modulo
A simple solution that catches all cases.
degrees = (degrees + 360) % 360; // +360 for implementations where mod returns negative numbers
Positive: 1 to 180
If you mod any positive number between 1 and 180 by 360, you will get the exact same number you put in. Mod here just ensures these positive numbers are returned as the same value.
Negative: -180 to -1
Using mod here will return values in the range of 180 and 359 degrees.
Special cases: 0 and 360
Using mod means that 0 is returned, making this a safe 0-359 degrees solution.
(x > 0 ? x : (2*PI + x)) * 360 / (2*PI)
Add 360° if the answer from atan2 is less than 0°.
Or if you don't like branching, negate the two parameters and add 180° to the answer.
(Adding 180° to the return value puts it nicely in the 0-360 range, but flips the angle. Negating both input parameters flips it back.)
#erikkallen is close but not quite right.
theta_rad = atan2(y,x);
theta_deg = (theta_rad/M_PI*180) + (theta_rad > 0 ? 0 : 360);
This should work in C++: (depending on how fmod is implemented, it may be faster or slower than the conditional expression)
theta_deg = fmod(atan2(y,x)/M_PI*180,360);
Alternatively you could do this:
theta_deg = atan2(-y,-x)/M_PI*180 + 180;
since (x,y) and (-x,-y) differ in angles by 180 degrees.
I have 2 solutions that seem to work for all combinations of positive and negative x and y.
1) Abuse atan2()
According to the docs atan2 takes parameters y and x in that order. However if you reverse them you can do the following:
double radians = std::atan2(x, y);
double degrees = radians * 180 / M_PI;
if (radians < 0)
degrees += 360;
2) Use atan2() correctly and convert afterwards
double degrees = std::atan2(y, x) * 180 / M_PI;
if (degrees > 90)
degrees = 450 - degrees;
degrees = 90 - degrees;
#Jason S: your "fmod" variant will not work on a standards-compliant implementation. The C standard is explicit and clear (, "the fmod functions"):
if y is nonzero, the result has the same sign as x
is actually just a verbose rewriting of:
Your third suggestion, however, is spot on.
Here's some javascript. Just input x and y values.
var angle = (Math.atan2(x,y) * (180/Math.PI) + 360) % 360;
This is what I normally do:
float rads = atan2(y, x);
if (y < 0) rads = M_PI*2.f + rads;
float degrees = rads*180.f/M_PI;
An alternative solution is to use the mod () function defined as:
function mod(a, b) {return a - Math.floor (a / b) * b;}
Then, with the following function, the angle between ini(x,y) and end(x,y) points is obtained. The angle is expressed in degrees normalized to [0, 360] deg. and North referencing 360 deg.
function angleInDegrees(ini, end) {
var radian = Math.atan2((end.y - ini.y), (end.x - ini.x));//radian [-PI,PI]
return mod(radian * 180 / Math.PI + 90, 360);
angle = Math.atan2(x,y)*180/Math.PI;
I have made a Formula for orienting angle into 0 to 360
angle + Math.ceil( -angle / 360 ) * 360;
double degree = fmodf((atan2(x, y) * (180.0 / M_PI)) + 360, 360);
This will return degree from 0°-360° counter-clockwise, 0° is at 3 o'clock.
A formula to have the range of values from 0 to 360 degrees.
f(x,y)=180-90*(1+sign(x))* (1-sign(y^2))-45*(2+sign(x))*sign(y)
The R packages geosphere will calculate bearingRhumb, which is a constant bearing line given an origin point and easting/northing. The easting and northing must be in a matrix or vector. The origin point for a wind rose is 0,0. The following code seems to readily resolve the issue:
wind_matrix<-cbind(windE, windN)
wind$wind_dir<-bearingRhumb(c(0,0), wind_matrix)
wind$wind_dir<-round(wind$wind_dir, 0)
theta_rad = Math.Atan2(y,x);
if(theta_rad < 0)
theta_rad = theta_rad + 2 * Math.PI; //if neg., add 2 PI to it
theta_deg = (theta_rad/M_PI*180) ; //convert from radian to degree
theta_rad = Math.Atan2(y,x);
theta_rad = (theta_rad < 0) ? theta_rad + 2 * Math.PI : theta_rad;
theta_deg = (theta_rad/M_PI*180) ;
-1 deg becomes (-1 + 360) = 359 deg
-179 deg becomes (-179 + 360) = 181 deg
For your application I suspect you don't need exact degrees and would prefer a more approximate compass angle, eg 1 of 16 directions? If so then this code avoids atan issues and indeed avoids floating point altogether. It was written for a video game so uses 8 bit and 16 bit integers:
349.75d 11.25d, tan=0.2034523
\ /
\ Sector /
\ 0 / 22.5d tan = ?2 - 1
15 | 1 33.75
| / 45d, tan = 1
14 | 2 _56.25
| / 67.5d, tan = 1 + ?2
13 | 3
| __ 78.75
12---------------+----------------4 90d tan = infty
| __ 101.25
11 | 5
10 | 6
9 | 7
// use signs to map sectors:
static const int8_t map[4][5] = { /* +n means n >= 0, -n means n < 0 */
/* 0: +x +y */ {0, 1, 2, 3, 4},
/* 1: +x -y */ {8, 7, 6, 5, 4},
/* 2: -x +y */ {0, 15, 14, 13, 12},
/* 3: -x -y */ {8, 9, 10, 11, 12}
int8_t sector(int8_t x, int8_t y) { // x,y signed in range -128:127, result 0:15 from north, clockwise.
int16_t tangent; // 16 bits
int8_t quadrant = 0;
if (x > 0) x = -x; else quadrant |= 2; // make both negative avoids issue with negating -128
if (y > 0) y = -y; else quadrant |= 1;
if (y != 0) {
// The primary cost of this algorithm is five 16-bit multiplies.
tangent = (int16_t)x*32; // worst case y = 1, tangent = 255*32 so fits in 2 bytes.
determine base sector using abs(x)/abs(y).
in segment:
0 if 0 <= x/y < tan 11.25 -- centered around 0 N
1 if tan 11.25 <= x/y < tan 33.75 -- 22.5 NxNE
2 if tan 33.75 <= x/y < tan 56.25 -- 45 NE
3 if tan 56.25 <= x/y < tan 78.75 -- 67.5 ExNE
4 if tan 78.75 <= x/y < tan 90 -- 90 E
if (tangent > y*6 ) return map[quadrant][0]; // tan(11.25)*32
if (tangent > y*21 ) return map[quadrant][1]; // tan(33.75)*32
if (tangent > y*47 ) return map[quadrant][2]; // tan(56.25)*32
if (tangent > y*160) return map[quadrant][3]; // tan(78.75)*32
// last case is the potentially infinite tan(90) but we don't need to check that limit.
return map[quadrant][4];
