How can I get taskID from a specific project on Workfront? - workfront-api

I tried to use this:
Get Error!
my point is to find a {taskID} that has a given {FieldValue} on the
specific {FieldName}.

Is FieldName a custom field or a system field? If it's the latter, that query should work, but if it's the former, you'll need to search for DE:{FieldName} as it's a Data Extension field.


Can you pass pre-defined values to a formio text field from a static query string

I have a simple formio form set up with a basic text field component that I want to pass a value to based on a link a user will click to open the form.
I have tried passing a value with simple URL query string values.
My text field is named projectNumber. Tried passing values with something like this - but it will not accept the value. I'm sure there is something simple I am missing. I have searched around quite a bit and gone through the formio documentation but have been unable to find anything related to what seems like a fairly simple scenario.
Has anyone else dealt with this situation and found a solution?

Is there a way to reference data contained in fields on related record using formula field?

I want to display the taxcode custom field on invoice records
According to Netsuite Help, the format for the formula would be like that:
{taxcode.customfieldid}, knowing that (taxcode is the field id for the taxcode field on the lines of invoice record. customfieldid is the field id for the custom field on the TaxCode record)
PS: customfieldid is a free-text
I have tried possibilities like:
But I still get this error "ERROR: Field 'taxcode.customfieldid' Not Found"
how can I fix this? Can anyone provide some guidance on this issue?
Generally Netsuite will only look one level away from the record you are on.
In your case you should create a new transaction line field (say custcol_tax_extra) and source that from the taxcode so when a tax code is selected that value is pulled up onto the line.
Then your xml:
<#list record.item as item>${item.custcol_tax_extra}...

Calculated_SQL Table - Search

i have done a calculated sql with a custom query.
Implemented a table from that data model.
Until here we are ok.
My problem is the next step:
In my custom query i have a field concatAll(that is all fields concatenated).
In my page i want to put a search box to do a "contains" search in my field concatAll and present those results in my table.
Anyone knows how to do this?
Tried multiple approaches, but could not have the result.
As #Pavel Shkleinik send to me this is possible using :params in the query of calculated_sql.
or ( like concat(CONCAT("%", ifnull(:concatAll,''), "%")))
and you put concatAll as a string parameter on datasource page.

Apachesolr query - filter by text in fields

I'm constructing an apachesolr query in my Drupal module programmatically and have had success with some aspects, but am still struggling with others.
So far, I have been able to construct a query that can search for specific text and limit the results based on terms to be filtered by with the following code:
$subquery_region->addFilter('tid', $term->tid);
$query->addFilterSubQuery($subquery_region, 'OR', 'AND');
What I'd like to achieve next is to be able to narrow the search further by adding a filter for finding certain text within a specific field in the node. Has anyone been able to do this.
I've been researching online and have tried lots of different ways such as adding the filter directly to the main search query
$query->addParam('fl', 'ss_my_field');
$query->addFilter("ss_my_field", "field_substring_to_search_for");
As well as breaking that out into a subquery to add to the main search query
$subquery_test = apachesolr_drupal_query("Test");
$subquery_test->addParam('fl', 'ss_my_field');
$subquery_test->addFilter("ss_my_field", "field_substring_to_search_for");
$query->addFilterSubQuery($subquery_test, 'OR', 'AND');
But none of these are working. They are returning an empty set, even though I know the substring exists in the field I'm adding as a filter and it has been indexed. I have verified through the apachesorl views module that the search index has been populated with that field and can see the substring exists.
Is there anything wrong with my syntax or the way I'm building the query?
If you know how to add filters for searching for text within certain fields, please share! It may not even be done with the addFilter function, but that's all I have been trying so far.
First you have to create an index for that specific field.
function hook_apachesolr_update_index(&$document, $node) {
$document->ss_your_field_name = $node->your_field_name;
where ss_* is the pattern.
ss_* -> String
is_* -> Integer
im_* -> Integer, Multivalued
After that you have to
1. delete the index - admin/settings/apachesolr/index
2. re-index the content
3. run the cron
4. check the filter that you created - admin/reports/apachesolr/index
Then, you can add filters
$query->addFilter("ss_your_field_name", "value");
Hope this helps you.
function hook_apachesolr_modify_query(&$query, &$params, $caller){
$subquery = apachesolr_drupal_query();
$subquery->add_filter("ss_my_field", "field_substring_to_search_for");
$query->add_subquery($subquery, "AND");

Using / in query strings

I am trying to use query strings in ASP.NET. I have a requirement of the following format
Here 1 denotes the ID of the profile. This means some info from id=1 will be fetched through the string
If this would have been website/2/?callback=? , then the id would be 2. My questions is to how do I use this /id/ as a query string so it can be used to fetch the profile ID. This was my first preference to use /id/ format otherwise I could look into fetching using two ?'s
If the id =1, I want to fetch ID=1 particulars from DB on this page. http://localhost/website/1/?callback=?
In your case the ID is in the PATH, not the query string. You can access the path via Request.Path in an ASPX page. From there you would need to do some string parsing to get at the portion of the path where you expect the ID to be.
In your case I would probably use something like int.Parse(Request.Path.Split(new char[] {'/'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1]), but please note that I've made that line pretty dense for brevity's sake. For starters, you should use int.TryParse() instead of int.Parse(). This code assumes that the ID will always be in the same place in the url. For example, it will work for "/website/2/" and "/user/2/", but not for "/website/somethingelse/2/".
UriTemplate might be a good choice for that sort of parsing. Not to mention, probably a bit more clear and explicit about what's happening.
Check out:
