IE11 does not react to conditional comments [duplicate] - css

I have been driving myself nuts trying to get comment conditionals to work and I'm not having any luck can someone explain what I'm doing wrong?
Here is my code:
<!--[if IE 10]>
IE IS VERSION 10<br />
<!--[if !IE]><!-->
Browser is not IE
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
What is happening is frustratingly inconsistant. When I load the page with the above code in IE8 it get the message "IE IS LESS THAN VERSION 9" Great right? No because when I load the SAME PAGE in IE10 I get the message "Browser is not IE"
Why does it think that IE10 is not an IE browser?! I've been crawling page after page but there doesn't seem to be any thing wrong with my code from what I've found.

CSS Solution:
If you want to apply only CSS base on browser then you can try:
#media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active), (-ms-high-contrast: none) {
/* Put your IE-only styles here. Works for IS 10 & IE 11*/
JavaScript Solution:
IE 10 does not support conditional statements.
Conditional statements in Internet Explorer 10.. It will treat conditional comments as regular HTML comments, and ignored entirely.
Use a feature detection library such as Modernizr instead of browser detection.
found a solution on impressivewebs in this comment:
Here is Demo to test
The solution is:
if (Function('/*#cc_on return document.documentMode===10#*/')()) {
alert('IE 10');
} else {
alert('Not IE 10');
doesn’t need conditional comments;
works even if comment stripping compression/processing;
no ie10 class added in Internet Explorer 11;
more likely to work as intended with Internet Explorer 11 running in Internet Explorer 10 compatibility mode;
doesn’t need standalone script tag (can just be added to other JavaScript code in the head).
doesn't need jQuery to test

I'm surprised that no one has added in a css-only solution. If you just want to use css, then use a statement like this:
#media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active), (-ms-high-contrast: none) {
/* Put your IE-only styles here. Works for IS 10 & IE 11*/
This way you don't have to rely on jquery, or any html markup. Just post it in the css and you are good to go.
Now, is it a hack? Likely. This depends on using the microsoft high-contrast tag, but since no other browser uses the ms tag then you should be good to go.
Finally, check out these pages for more info:
Blog Post
MS Site on the contrast tag

IE 10, 11 and upward no longer support conditional comments.
See this answer:

Try add the following meta tag near the top of the page to opt into Internet Explorer 9 behavior:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE9">
This is because conditional comments has been removed in Internet Explorer 10 standards and quirks modes for improved interoperability and compliance with HTML5. This means that Conditional Comments are now treated as regular comments, just like in other browsers. This change can impact pages written exclusively for Windows Internet Explorer or pages that use browser sniffing to alter their behavior in Internet Explorer.

IE 10 dropped conditional comments.
You can do something similar in javascript like this:
if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version === 10) {
// stuff here (like adding an IE10 class to the body or html tag


#media print doesn't work in IE 8,7

I googled in here, and tried to print only the div's i want.
used this,
#media print
#top_area { display: none; }
#left_area { display: none; }
#buttom_area { display: none; }
#contents_area { display: block; }
and it works fine in chrome and over IE9.
But the problem is under IE8.
It just immediately shutdowns the browser :(
Any good solution?
Internet Explorer versions before IE9 do not support media queries.
If you're using the #media print directive to provide a print stylesheet to modern browsers, you can take advantage of Internet Explorer's conditional comments to target specific versions of IE and deliver a print stylesheet to them. You will, of course, need to have a separate print.css for these versions of IE to consume.
For example, in your HTML's <head>:
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print" href="print.css" />
This code snippet says, "if I am a version of Internet Explorer BEFORE IE9, use this print stylesheet". Versions of IE9 and up will not use this stylesheet.
This way, modern browsers that understand the #media directive get the benefit of not having an additional http request for the print stylesheet, while providing a fallback for browsers that do not support #media.
Windows Internet Explorer 9 introduces support for media queries. That is why it is not working for you in IE 8
This is not supported in IE8. Possible workarounds are suggested at IE8 support for CSS Media Query. Hope this helps. :-)

Does this reliably work in IE8?

For media queries, does this work well in IE8?
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src="css3-mediaqueries.js"></script>
I don't have any machine or VM with IE8 to test it. I have tested it in IE9 using IE8 compatibility mode. It seems to work until I refresh the page. Then the media queries don't work anymore.
The JS file is from Google and enables media query functionality for older browsers.
Yes, it works on IE8. But the best approach would be to provide a fallback for all browsers that don't support mediaqueries.
To achieve it, you need Modernizr with MQ test and yepnope:
(this bundle also comes with html5shiv, useful if you're using HTML5)
After including it in your <head> section, test mqs and load the fallback conditionally:
{ test : Modernizr.mediaqueries , nope :'css3-mediaqueries.js' }

Media query not working in IE9

I'm having a strange problem that only occurs with IE9. I'm working on a web page that has a desktop layout, and a mobile layout. Same HTML, different CSS. The problem happens with the code below:
#media only screen and (min-device-width: 768px) and (max-device-width: 1024px), only screen and (max-device-width: 640px)
All browsers, with the exception of IE9, show desktop site as needed. Mobile browsers correctly show the mobile layout. The problem with IE9 is that it also shows the mobile layout.
Now if I remove the words "only" and "screen" from the above code, IE9 then correctly displays the desktop site. The problem is, then the mobile browsers also display the desktop site. I've done some research on this, and haven't seen anything on this issue.
Thanks for reading,
Just in case anyone is crawling SO for an answer to this, the above two answers aren't solving the core problem which is answered here - CSS media query not working in IE 9
Basically inline CSS3 media queries DO work in IE9 but you have to disable Compatibilty mode -
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9">
The above meta tag needs to be placed before any other meta tags otherwise IE9 will default to compatibility mode on and will subsequently not work.
From what I can tell, it comes down to IE9 not interpreting "min-device-width" and "max-device-width".
According to it does not support those properties, only "min-width" and "max-width".
In addition, states that the browser is supposed to ignore properties that it does not recognize. Not so with IE9 it seems.
Yes, use the #media (max-width: 860px) instead of max-device-width.
IE 9 just gave me a heart attack. The project media queries did not work.
Then after some minutes of googling, you have to include the CSS in the HTML.
Inline styles only!
What a drag these IE browsers are!
I usually add this to my projects and it's been working for me so far:
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script><![endif]-->
IE compatibility mode solves the issue.
Go to Compatibility View Settings and disable the option Display intranet sites in Compatibility View.

css print query not working

I have this code in my main CSS file but when I print preview it isn't hiding the contents.
#media print {
#flash { display:none; } }
When I add a linked print stylesheet it works as it should.
Any ideas?
What browser are you using? Its probably because the browser doesn't support this way of declaring print styles.
I would advice to stick to the best practice (if you can) and use
<link rel="stylesheet" media="print" href="print.css" type="text/css" />
More info here.
Just make sure you do not have the media="screen" attribute in your link to your stylesheet. That will cause it not to apply when printing.
either add 'print' to the attribute media="screen, print" or leave the attribute off completely
"The browser support for media queries is surprisingly decent. For the queries in this particular demo (utilizing min and max widths), current version of Firefox, Safari (including Mobile), Chrome, and Opera are all supporting it. Internet Explorer 9 will be supporting it, but 8 and below do not. If I wanted to deliver the best possible experience in IE 8 and below, I'd either fake it with JavaScript like I did in this article, or use an IE specific stylesheet and style it in the same style as the most common browser width according to analytics.
Note that milage may vary on individual types of queries. For example, the iPhone supports the width queries but does not support the orientation queries. The iPad supports both."
-- excerpted from

Identify Browser and OS with CSS?

I know it is not the correct thing to do to code specific CSS for specific Browsers or OS's but in a site I am building there are certain elements which do not render well in specific browsers. For example certain elements are not supported in IE8 or look weird in small iphone display.
Therefore my question is - using just CSS is it possible to identify the users browser and os and allow me to code different display option?
Dank u wel.
Sadly I dont believe it possible with just pure css for each system.
However you can use combination of css and js to see system.
See here:
You cannot sniff OS or browsers with CSS but you can use #media queries to target different screen sizes, for example:
#media screen and (max-width: 1000px) { ... }
Above is for small desktop and laptop screens.
#media screen and (max-width: 700px) { ... }
Above is for the iPad and VERY small desktop/laptop screens.
#media screen and (max-device-width: 480px) { ... }
Above is for iPhone 3GS- and mobile devices in general.
However, the new iPhone 4 with Steve Jobs's all-singing all-dancing "retina" display means that it has a pixel ratio of 2-1 meaning 1 pixel actually appears to the browser as 2x2 pixels making its resolution (960x640 - meaning it will trigger the iPad layout rather than the mobile device layout) so this requires ANOTHER media query (only so far supported by webkit):
#media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) { ... }
To target different browsers you need to use HTML if statements:
<!--[if IE]>
According to the conditional comment this is Internet Explorer
<!--[if IE 5]>
According to the conditional comment this is Internet Explorer 5
<!--[if IE 5.0]>
According to the conditional comment this is Internet Explorer 5.0
<!--[if IE 5.5]>
According to the conditional comment this is Internet Explorer 5.5
<!--[if IE 6]>
According to the conditional comment this is Internet Explorer 6
<!--[if IE 7]>
According to the conditional comment this is Internet Explorer 7
<!--[if gte IE 5]>
According to the conditional comment this is Internet Explorer 5 and up
<!--[if lt IE 6]>
According to the conditional comment this is Internet Explorer lower than 6
<!--[if lte IE 5.5]>
According to the conditional comment this is Internet Explorer lower or equal to 5.5
<!--[if gt IE 6]>
According to the conditional comment this is Internet Explorer greater than 6<br />
Then just link your CSS stylesheet inside these conditionals
To target devices depending on screen size, use CSS media queries:
#media screen and (max-device-width: 10cm) {/* Small screen, like iphone */ }
You can target IE versions with conditional comments:
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<style>/* IE5,6,7,8 */</style>
You'll want to use conditional comments to serve IE-specific stylesheets and media queries to handle the mobile browsers.
<!--[if IE 8]>
... load stylesheets, JS or whatever here.
For media queries, see and... well,
You could always use the CSS hacks outlined here:
Well, there are browser CSS hacks which exploit known bugs in CSS parser engines, but it’s not recommended to use these unless you know what you’re doing.
selector { property: value; } /* regular, valid CSS */
selector { *property: value; } /* will only work in IE7 and older IEs */
selector { _property: value; } /* will only work in IE6 and older IEs */
For distinguishing between the different media types (print, screen, mobile, etc.) have a look at the CSS Media Type rules. For browser specific hacks, have a look at this article.
It is not possible to identify a browser or OS with CSS. It is for presentation only. You can target browsers with CSS hacks, but this will only serve the CSS to the browser, not detect it.
You can use JS to detect the browser like the CSS browser selector plugin does.
I would do it via server side (php or whatever you're using). What you do is you put the browser/os specific css in a separate file and load it if that browser is detected (which you can detect via server side scripting with a simple if statement)
Change CSS for specific OS:
I wrote this function that recognize if your OS is XP or different and puts specific CSS as consequence.
function changeStyle() {
var css = document.createElement('link');
css.type = 'text/css';
if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Windows NT 5.1")!=-1){ /* if is windowsXP */
css.href = 'styleXP.css';
} else {
css.href = 'style7.css';
return false;
