Blend HTML text with canvas - css

I am currently rendering a canvas below some HTML elements (currently a h1 and a span). The canvas contains a kaleidoscope based on an image with two major colors: one pretty dark (almost black), and one really bright, and it can be moved by moving the mouse. The HTML elements are rendered with a color: white style.
The problem I encounter is when the kaleidoscope renders a huge white part. The text becomes invisible. Is it possible to make the text display the negative color of the part of the canvas right under it ? So for example, if the part of the canvas under the text is white, the text would be black ? Here is a screenshot of the problem:

You can set the color to white and use css blending-mode difference:
mix-blend-mode: difference;

Sure, you can use the "difference" blending mode to make the text change color:
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "difference";
ctx.fillText(myText, x, y);
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
var toggle = false;
for(var x = 0, step = c.width / 16; x < c.width; x += step) {
toggle = !toggle;
ctx.fillStyle = toggle ? "#000" : "#fff";
ctx.fillRect(x, 0, step, c.height);
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "difference";
ctx.font = "32px sans-serif";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.fillText("ALTERNATING", c.width>>1, c.height>>1);
<canvas id=c></canvas>
Creative options: draw background slightly transparent to make white light-grey (setting the canvas element's CSS opacity), use shadow or outline for the text.


How can I change input blink caret style with easy css, js

I wonder how can I use css/javascript to adjust the blinking cursor inside the search box with CSS?
Is it possible to replace default blinkig caret to horizontal blinking icon
I don't think it is so hard. I made a quick example, which works in most modern browsers except Safari.
It draws the caret on a canvas, and sets it as a background of the input, on a position calculated from the browsers caret position.
It checks if the browser supports the caret-color css property, and if it doesn't it doesn't do anything, because both the system caret, and our caret will be visible in the same time. From the browsers I tested, only Safari doesn't support it.
$("input").on('change blur mouseup focus keydown keyup', function(evt) {
var $el = $(;
//check if the carret can be hidden
//AFAIK from the modern mainstream browsers
//only Safari doesn't support caret-color
if (!$el.css("caret-color")) return;
var caretIndex = $el[0].selectionStart;
var textBeforeCarret = $el.val().substring(0, caretIndex);
var bgr = getBackgroundStyle($el, textBeforeCarret);
$el.css("background", bgr);
//just an examplethis should be in a module scope, not on window level
window.blinkInterval = setInterval(blink, 600);
function blink() {
$("input").each((index, el) => {
var $el = $(el);
if ($el.css("background-blend-mode") != "normal") {
$el.css("background-blend-mode", "normal");
} else {
$el.css("background-blend-mode", "color-burn");
function getBackgroundStyle($el, text) {
var fontSize = $el.css("font-size");
var fontFamily = $el.css("font-family");
var font = fontSize + " " + fontFamily;
var canvas = $"carretCanvas");
//cache the canvas for performance reasons
//it is a good idea to invalidate if the input size changes because of the browser text resize/zoom)
if (canvas == null) {
canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
$"carretCanvas", canvas);
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.font = font;
ctx.strokeStyle = $el.css("color");
ctx.lineWidth = Math.ceil(parseInt(fontSize) / 5);
ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
//aproximate width of the caret
ctx.lineTo(parseInt(fontSize) / 2, 0);
var offsetLeft = canvas.getContext("2d").measureText(text).width + parseInt($el.css("padding-left"));
return "#fff url(" + canvas.toDataURL() + ") no-repeat " +
(offsetLeft - $el.scrollLeft()) + "px " +
($el.height() + parseInt($el.css("padding-top"))) + "px";
input {
caret-color: transparent;
padding: 3px;
font-size: 15px;
color: #2795EE;
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" />
If there is interest, I can clean it a bit and wrap it in a jQuery plugin.
Edit: forgot about the blinking, so I added it. A better way will be to add it as css animation, in this case the caret should be in a separate html element positioned over the input.
Changing the color of the caret is supported by the latest standards. But not changing its width is not, which I think is a shame because it is a question of accessibility for vision-impaired people.
One approach for implementing such a change yourself is first trying to figure out what is the position the caret is blinking at, then overlaying it with an element that looks like the caret but is perhaps wider etc.
Here's an article on how to go about doing such a thing. It's a good article but the end-solution is kind of complicated as a whole. But see if it solves your problem:
Here is perhaps a simpler explanation for how to find the care x-y position:
How do I get the (x, y) pixel coordinates of the caret in text boxes?

QML Canvas/Context2D fillText() unexpected behaviour

I am trying to code a text editor from scratch in C++ using Qt/QML. For drawing the text I use a Canvas with a Context2D , which looks roughly like this:
function drawString(text, x, y, font) {
var ctx = getContext("2d");
ctx.font = font;
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.fillText(qsTr(text), x, y);
In order to graphically represent a selected area, I want to invert the selecion, for instance place a black rectangle over an area and make the text white.
For this I will use ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "xor"
So the problem I ran into is: when I draw a text with the function above in black, and then afterwards paint the same text in the same location in white I would expect this canvas to be white again. Instead there is still some kind of outline of the text visible (like there is a shadow).
I already tried switching off all shadow parameters but it didn't solve my problem.
Here is a screenshot so you get a better idea of what it looks like:
Nevermind, I found the problem myself. The antialiasing property was set to true, which caused the effect. By setting it to false the text doesn't look as pretty but the shadow is gone.

CSS Saturate Filter on Canvas

I have a canvas which is currently drawing a grey scale diagram (JSBin example).
It's effectively a radial progress meter, that will be used a lot in the application. However, rather than colouring it with Javascript, I'd prefer to be able to give it a colour based on a class.
I thought it would be an ideal use case for CSS filters. I'd draw the default progress meter in gray, then use CSS filters to add saturation and do a hue rotation, in order to achieve blue, orange and green too.
canvas {
-webkit-filter: saturate(8);
The rule was supported and valid in Chrome, but the problem was, it doesn't seem to change the saturation at all.
I'm imagining that #aaa is transformed into it's HSL counterpart hsl(0, 0%, 67%). Then when I increase the saturation with a filter, it should become more saturated, but for the same hue.
I was hoping to end up with something like hsl(0, 50%, 67%) but instead, the filter doesn't seem to change the colour at all, no matter what value I use.
Any ideas?
It turns out if you draw the meter with some saturation initially, you can use the hue-rotate filter and then you can desaturate them to achieve grey scale again.,css,output
Conceptually, this isn't an answer. But in the meantime, it's a solution.
What about picking the color from the CSS style ?
canvas {
color: red;
function init() {
let canvas = document.getElementById('test'),
context = canvas.getContext('2d');
let style = window.getComputedStyle (canvas);
let color = style.color;
canvas.width = 300;
canvas.height = 300;
let x = canvas.width / 2,
y = canvas.height / 2;
context.beginPath( );
context.arc(x, y, 100, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
context.strokeStyle = color;
context.lineWidth = 20;
context.globalAlpha = 0.85;
context.arc(x, y, 100, 0, Math.PI + 0.3, false);
context.strokeStyle = '#eee';

Jaggies text when fillText in canvas in chrome

I am trying to draw text in canvas but the drawn text has jaggies especially in chrome 31.0.1650.
I have tried -webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased,text-shadow but all go in vain.
How to tackle this problem?
Thanks in advance.
Here is the style code:
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.004);
text-indent: -9999px;
The code in body:
<canvas id="my_canvas" height="300" width="2200"></canvas>
var canvas = document.getElementById("my_canvas");
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
context.imageSmoothingEnabled =true;
context.fillStyle = "BLACK";
context.font = "bold 100px Arial";
context.fillText("A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dOg", 50, 200);
This is an issue with the Chrome text engine.
There is a technique you can use to get around this though:
Setup an off-screen canvas double the size of the on-screen canvas
Draw the text to the off-screen canvas in scale: font size and position
Draw the off-screen canvas to main canvas scaled down (half in this case).
Live demo here
The difference is subtle (as expected) but improves the quality. Here is an enlargement:
Sidenotes: CSS does not affect content of the canvas, only elements. Image smoothing is enabled by default and affects only images but not text or shapes (we will use this though for this technique).
var scale = 2; // scale everything x2.
var ocanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var octx = ocanvas.getContext('2d');
ocanvas.width = canvas.width * scale; // set the size of new canvas
ocanvas.height = canvas.height * scale;
// draw the text to off-screen canvas instead at double sizes
octx.fillStyle = "BLACK";
octx.font = "bold " + (100 * scale) + "px Arial";
octx.fillText("A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dOg", 50*scale, 200*scale);
// key step is to draw the off-screen canvas to main canvas
context.drawImage(ocanvas, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
What happens is that we are introducing interpolation in the mix here. Chrome will draw the text very rough also to the off-screen canvas, but after the text becomes rasterized we can deal with it as an image.
When we draw the canvas (aka image) to our main canvas at half the size, interpolation (sub-sampling) kicks in and will low-pass filter the pixels giving a smoother look.
It will of course take more memory but if result is important that is a small price to pay nowadays.
You will probably notice that other values than 2 doesn't work so well. This is because the canvas typically uses bi-linear interpolation rather than bi-cubic (which would allow us to use 4). But I think 2x serves us well in this case.
Why not using transform, ie. scale() ? Chrome's text engine (or the way it's used) does not rasterize the text at 1x and then transforms it. It takes the vectors, transforms them and then rasterize the text which will give the same result (ie. scale 0.5, draw double).

CSS Skew only container, not content

I'm having trouble figuring out how to make the following layout work. I'm not restricted to pure CSS - I know JS will be involved to make it cross-browser - but a CSS solution would be awesome. Here's what I am trying to achieve:
I've tried the following code, skewing the container and then skewing the image in the opposite direction, but it just gives me a square image. Chrome inspector shows me that the container is being skewed properly, but skewing the image back makes it square again. Adding an overflow:hidden to the container kind of works but the edges of the angle become jagged. Here's what I have tried:
Please help! :)
Need to tweak the positioning and the size of the container so you can crop it, and apply the backface-visibility rule:
.skew {
-webkit-backface-visibility : hidden; /* the magic ingredient */
-webkit-transform : skew(16deg, 0);
overflow : hidden;
width : 300px;
height : 260px;
position : relative;
left : 50px;
border : 1px solid #666
.skew img {
-webkit-transform : skew(-16deg, 0);
position : relative;
left : -40px;
} <- before (aliased) <- after (anti-aliased)
In lieu of a CSS solution, you could also achieve the effect by using a canvas and some JS; and compositing a series of cropped images onto that canvas. The benefit of the canvas method being that you'll potentially get smoother edges on the crops, and it is potentially a bit better supported.
A canvas element in HTML;
<canvas id="mycanvas"></canvas>
And JS;
var img1 = new Image();
var img2 = new Image();
var img3 = new Image();
img1.src = '../my/image1.jpg';
img2.src = '../my/image2.jpg';
img3.src = '../my/image3.jpg';
var can = document.getElementById("mycanvas");
var ctx = can.getContext('2d');
var imgs = [img1, img2, img3]; //array of JS image objects that you've set up earlier
can.width = 1000;
can.height = 100;
for (var i=0; i < imgs.length; i++) {
ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
ctx.lineTo(800 - (200 * i), 0);
ctx.lineTo(900 - (200 * i), 100);
ctx.lineTo(0, 100);
ctx.drawImage(imgs[i], 0, 0);
The code is just off the top of my head - I haven't tested it. But basically - lets say you have a canvas that is a maximum of 1000px wide and 100px high. What happens above is, you set up a clipping area with a diagonal line across the canvas from point (800,0) to (900,100) and then draw the image into that clipping area... Then set up a new clipping path 200 pixels shorter for each image (note the '200 * i' bit).
Obviously the math needs to be adjusted for an arbitrary number of images and so on... But the idea is there.
A bit trickier than pure CSS maybe - but as I said - possibly a bit better supported cross-browser (IE's notwithstanding...).
Did a quick test - looks like you need to set the canvas dimensions - and also obviously wait for all images to load properly before you can composite them on the canvas.
