Chrome console not running commands - console

Usually if you open the javascript console in Chrome, you can run something simple like:
And it'll return:
My console just keeps returning <-undefined for everything. I've restarted Chrome. Is there a setting or something I'm missing?


Ghost Inspector tests are failing on running

I record test using Ghost Inspector on a website. But when I run the test in Ghost Inspector, one of the buttons is always greyed (only in the test run), and the test fails. Not sure why this is happening. When I record the button is not greyed.
This is the console output in Ghost Inspector:
1788:23079 Uncaught Error: Error in attempt to create DIL instance
with DIL.c…pendency for DIL v8.0+: Invalid Visitor instance.
The same test if recorder and playback using Selenium IDE runs fine
I also tried exporting the failing test from Ghost Inspector as Selenium IDE (new) and opened in Selenium IDE, and test ran successfully
Without seeing the code/test its a bit hard to tell but I'll take a shot in the dark
1) could be ghost inspector test settings. I would go into settings at the top right corner when you are inside your test and look at browser settings. Make sure you're using the browser you want as well as the correct screen size.
2) Could be a timing issue. You might need to add an assertion to let the button load before trying to click that button.
If these don't help let us know a bit more about the test steps as well as the button you are targeting. what is its function and what are the circumstances when its supposed to be disabled.

Intern tests: cannot run local Firefox and Chrome tests together, Chrome will timeout and hang

I am trying to run functional tests with intern for Chrome and Firefox.
First, Chromedriver would not wait long enough for the page to load and element transitions to end and become visible, so I added sleep()'s in a few places and used pollUntil() to wait for the initial page load. None of this was necessary for Firefox.
I am able to run my tests on either Firefox, which all pass, or Chrome, which all pass half the time. But if I list both browsers in my Intern configuration, Chrome will fail all tests, the Chrome window will be frozen, and the chrome and chromedriver processes will remain running, detached from selenium webdriver process when I stop the webdriver from command line. The error I usually get from webdriver if I wait long enough is
Exception: timeout: Timed out receiving message from renderer: 600.000
I am running local selenium-server-standalone-2.45.0.jar and chromedriver v2.16 (Chrome v44, up to date) with Intern 3.0, on Windows7 64.
From what I've read, Chrome has issues with getting the active window, and when Firefox pops up, the Chrome processes are lost. I don't know if that would be an issue with the Firefox window or just other Chrome windows, though. Maybe it's bugging out when get() happens. Or just not loading all the way.
Is there anything I can do to run them together? Or will I have to run each browser separately until/if the chromedriver issues are taken care of? Any other suggestions? Thank you.

What are the click button and link command for PHPUnit Selenium?

I am writing test with the selenium and I export to phpunit.
But click command doesn't work for me. I am writing like that $this->click("css=input.login");. But it shows errors like that ERROR: Command execution failure. And I already tested mine element correct or not.
I can find it from this. And the answer is the following.
This might also be related to a Selenium bug with the recent Firefox release (FF 22 I think), see (will be fixed in Selenium 2.34).
See Details in here.

pyinstaller program not working if built without console

I have a small app that I'm trying to build against windows machines. The program creates an OpenVPN connection. If I build the program and run it it first opens a console as the program output. If I pass the -w parameter to pyinstaller to not build it with a console attached the program fails to run at all. It opens allright but the vpn connection is never created.
With the console everything works perfect.
I also have a basic logging for the application in place to see where my code might stop and nothing gets written. With console on my program spits out all kinds of logs.
I just don't know why my program could be performing perfectly with a console but doing nothing without one. Any ideas?
Gonna answer this myself. Make sure you don't print anything and also you redirect all stdout to a logger, file or whatever else instead of the console.
I was having a similar problem, but couldn't find any print/stdout statements going to console. I was using subprocess.Popen and redirecting stdout=subprocess.PIPE. I subsequently added stderr=subprocess.STDOUT and stdin=subprocess.PIPE and my program worked. This page (Python fails when using pythonw.exe) on subprocess failures helped me get it working.

Samples don't work in Google NaCl rev 18

I'm trying to use the latest Google NaCl SDK. Following the instructions at
I downloaded the naclsdk tool from their site, ran update, and got a pepper_18 folder.
I set NACL_SDK_ROOT to the pepper_18 folder, went in to 'examples' and ran make. Everything seemed to compile just fine.
I started Chrome, looked in about: flags and about: plugins, and verified that NaCl is enabled. I installed the SDK Examples app (from: and that works just fine.
Then I tried to run my locally built and hosted examples, going to http://localhost: 5301. The HTML loads fine but the NaCl content does not load. In the hello world examples, it says "Status: LOADING..." forever.
I double checked the HTTP server logs and I don't see any errors there. Is there another place I should be looking for logged errors?
Check for version mismatch
In Chrome navigate to about:version and check that the major version of Chrome is at least that of the Pepper version you used to build your examples.
Check the JavaScript console in Chrome for any errors
You can find it by clicking the wrench icon in the upper right-hand corner in Chrome and selecting Tools -> JavaScript Console.
Inspect the NaCl module for further information
In the JavaScript console, you can also inspect the embed element of the NaCl module. E.g., if the embed tag has id="nacl_module" you can inspect it by typing
theModule = document.getElementById('nacl_module');
Check Chrome's output to stdout/stderr
On Mac or Linux start Chrome from the terminal and look at the output on the console. E.g., on the Mac, you'd typically go
/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --enable-nacl
On Windows, Chrome does not write to the terminal if started from a command prompt. For this reason you need to redirect stdout/stderr from Chrome by setting the environment variables NACLLOG, NACL_EXE_STDOUT, and NACL_EXE_STDERR. Point them to different files, e.g.,
NACLLOG = c:\my_project\nacl.log
NACL_EXE_STDOUT = c:\my_project\nacl_stdout.log
NACL_EXE_STDERR = c:\my_project\nacl_stderr.log
Then (re-)start Chrome (making sure these environment variables are in effect).
Connect a debugger
Instructions on using the debugging support (currently only 64-bit Windows and 64-bit Linux) are available at
Restarting Chrome means closing all windows
When developing for Native Client one often restarts Chrome. It is important to close all Chrome windows; otherwise it hasn't actually restarted.
I muddled through a few issues which I will document in case they help others:
Neglected to 'make' the examples (got a clue to make them from the asker's description).
Chrome would not let me run non-store chrome apps. Went to chrome://flags and enabled Native Client and Native Client GDB-based debugging.
The JavaScript console said the demo's nmf file under .../debug/ was missing. I changed the make config to build Debug instead of Release based on this.
Chrome console complained NativeClient: NaCl module load failed: ServiceRuntime: failed to start; NaCl's GDB debug stub requires --no-sandbox flag on Windows. See crbug…. Tried running Chrome from cmd with --no-sandbox. This results in an alert You are using an unsupported command-line flag: --nosandbox. Stability and security will suffer. The aforementioned error went away, but the examples still would not run - no UI.
Went back to chrome://flags and disabled Native Client GDB-based debugging.
Then most of the examples worked. The Google Drive demo complains Error: must be run as a packged app.
have you confirmed that you've run from the examples folder? This script creates the localhost:5103 server that the apps can be ran from.
Also, what OS are you using?
