Was hoping to increase the height of the google map module in Divi but my CSS code is not working and do not understand why. I am pasting the following code within Advanced > Custom CSS > Main Element of the Map Module
.et_pb_map {
height: 440px;
Any suggestions would be very useful!
Absolute Map for Divi Theme
Add the following CSS in the Row Settings/ Custom CSS/ Column "1" Main Element (column number is where you will put the map):
Add a Class to Map Module. In this example the CSS Class is absolute_map
Add the following CSS in the Custom CSS box:
.absolute_map .et_pb_map {
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
Be happy!
Try to add padding instead of an explicit increase of height.
#map ,#map .et_pb_map {padding-bottom: 56.25%}
You might have to adjust the selector. Usually #map is enough though.
and adjust the padding percentage to modify the aspect ratio. This is responsive.
The reason why this might work is because padding creates more space for the background - map in the case of this iframe - to be painted thus expanding it.
Read more on this here
Working demo on JSFiddle
If you're customizing through that section (Advanced > Custom CSS > Main Element) of the Divi Builder, just add the property declaration not the entire CSS rule.
height: 440px;
no need to add css class in the advanced > custom css. just add the property value 440px.
use !important for overnight css
.et_pb_map {
height: 440px !important;
Just add !important to your css
.et_pb_map {
height: 440px !important;
Use below code.
Please use your google API key here in this js file.
If you wanted to increased/decreased height of map then do changes in #div_gmap.
#div_gmap {
height: 440px;
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=YOUR_API_KEY&callback=initMap"
async defer></script>
<div id="div_gmap"></div>
var map;
function initMap() {
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('div_gmap'), {
center: {lat: 22.3039, lng: 70.8022},
zoom: 12
If this thing is not working well then might need to check some of the css or any other framework causing this issue.
The best way to test out why the css dimension code doesnt work is to use chrome dev tool.
Press Shift+ Ctrl + I (or cmd + alt + I if you are safari user) and open up the web dev tool bar. Go to the Elements section and you will see styles controller. In the styles controller, you click on the elements you wanna check on the DOM side, in your case, it's probably <div class="et_pb_map">...</div>, or you can press ctrl+f to search et_pb_map.
After you have done that, you can go to the box viewer in the style tab and see why it doesnt work out.
I would say sometimes if you use padding/margin and didnt set overflow property well, it will crop out your elements. Or maybe your class is being overlapped by other class. You can use embed style to override that <div class="et_pb_map" style="...">...</div>, or simply put your class as the last class in the class attributes.
Example on using chrome web dev tool bar
Go to Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS and paste this code
.et_pb_map iframe {height: 400px !important; }
This will help you Check this jsfiddle
This is the only solution that worked for me. Assign a class to your map module i.e. .map-height and target it like this:
.map-height .et_pb_map {
height: 500px!important;
The simple approach is:
Go to Divi Theme Options
Scroll down to Custom CSS
Enter .et_pb_map {height:500px;}
Click Save Changes (the map will now change to 500px height)
I need to fix the Updates widget to have a top margin so it isn't covered by the header OR I need the widget to load on top of the header, not behind it.
Then I need to hide the 'Submit an idea' link.
I'm still new to CSS and the Submit link uses several classes so I don't know which to set to display none.
Any help or guidance is appreciated.
Without seeing your html and css it's hard to be absolutely positive but I gave the id frill in dev tools a property and value margin-top: 20px and that seems to solve your first question in dev tools. Since you are using bootstrap, in your custom CSS stylesheet you'll probably want to add:
#frill {
margin-top: 20px!important;
For the submit link you could give that link a class, like class="hide-link" in your html and then give that class a CSS rule of display: none; like:
.hide-link {
display: none!important;
I configured it according to https://help.frill.co/article/75-adding-the-widget
It's not really the right answer because what I was seeking was not done. But I removed the top elements instead.
I'm trying to reduce the height of a footer in my WordPress Website.
Apparently (check the picture linked) the style is directly in the div but I failed finding it in my WP files.
Can anyone help me with this?
Capture of the html inspector
When dev tools show styles like this. Its an indicator it's being controlled by JS.
position: relative;
height: 122px
As your JS is loading after your css (as it should be), you need to override the property after JS is called. This is one of the few times you should add !important to your css. So to override the JS height you need something like this
.site-footer .widget-area{
height: 400px !important;
I'm trying to add a google maps autocomplete input to my ionic app. It works pretty well except when I scroll. As shown on the image:
So I tried different things like changing the position of .pac-container but it doesn't solve the problem.
When I inspect the page, it seems that the results container loads at the end of the page, so it's not easy to make the block stick to the input bar.
I already searched everywhere and didn't fidn any suitable solution ? Does someone have an idea how to do it ?
(It's actually just a simple code like this:
function initialize() {
var options = {componentRestrictions: {country: 'uk'}, types: ['geocode']}
new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(
I have the same problem. My solution was:
//Set new top to autocomplete dropdown
newTop = $('#autocompleteInput').offset().top + $('#autocompleteInput').outerHeight();
$('.pac-container').css('top', newTop + 'px');
This update the dropdown position when container scrolls.
I just encountered the same problem when I was implementing the Autocomplete on a form inside a scrollable modal. If you only have one Autocomplete object then the solution is relatively easy.
First make sure that your element's parent has a relative position.
Then you need to select the .pac-container and append it to the parent.
.css({position: "relative"})
Finally set the .pac-container left and top position to be below your element. This needs to be done in a stylesheet with the !important declaration to ensure it overrides the inline styles set by Google's code.
// these values will need to be calculated based on your layout
.pac-container {
top: 40px !important;
left: 0px !important;
This obviously wont work if you have multiple Autocomplete objects on a single page. Luckily I figured out a way to handle that scenario and recently published it in a jQuery plugin designed to make autocompleting address forms a breeze.
I got the solution check the example no issue with position bug when scroll
function initAutocomplete() {
//....add this code just before close function...
}, 300);
In my case, I had to set the css as html,body{overflow-x:visible;} to make the pac-container fixed to the input field.
I was now able to reproduce the problem, the solution is simply adding position: relative to your wrapper box and position: absolute to your #autocomplete input.
I got the solution checking the example provided by the Google team.
I've updated your fiddle to match the solution, but it goes like this:
Your updated CSS:
.box {
position: relative;
height: 200vh;
#autocomplete {
position: absolute;
Since my input field is inside "ion-content", I implemented Nicolas Pennesi
's answer with ion-content's method:
onScroll($event) {
// his code here
I'm trying to fix an alignment issue that's caused by a row of social media share buttons, specifically the code generated by the Google+ button. I didn't set this site up and I'm not sure how the button was implemented, only know that it was part of an AddThis plugin or something.
The Google+ button seems to automatically generate a div with inline CSS styling:
<div class="google_plusone_iframe_widget" style="width:90px;height:25px;">
I need to get rid of the width and height, but how can I override it externally? I've tried the following but it didn't work:
div.google_plusone_iframe_widget[style] {width:auto!important; height:auto!important;}
Does anyone know how I can do that? Thank you in advance! Here is the page for reference, I am referring to the top left social media buttons:
Your CSS selector should be:
.google_plusone_iframe_widget {width:auto !important; height:auto !important;}
Remove that [style] attribute in your selector, and there's no need to specify the div tag.
Try to add this code #leftNav .addthis_toolbox .google_plusone_iframe_widget {width:auto!important; height:auto!important;} to make it.
Could please try this once #leftNav a.addthis_button_google_plusone .google_plusone_iframe_widget[style] {width:auto!important; height:auto!important;}
Please do try with this
#leftNav a.addthis_button_google_plusone.at300b .google_plusone_iframe_widget {
width: auto !important;
height: auto !important;
If it is inside iframe we can't apply any style or script for it.
The jQuery UI dialog has a dialogClass option, which is nice, since the dialog is nested directly within the document <body>. However when setting the modal option to true, a ui-widget-overlay div is also rendered directly within the body (as a sibling of the dialog div).
Is there a way to, in effect, apply an overlayClass when opening a jQuery UI dialog with modal: true?
I know we could apply custom css to the overlay by giving the <body> a class attribute, or by overriding the .ui-widget-overlay class directly. I'm looking for a solution that would make a css definition like the following work:
.my-custom-class.ui-widget-overlay {
opacity: .5;
Actually there is a really simple way to do this using the CSS.(So long as you downloaded the jQuery UI library). There should be a jquery style sheet entitled: "jqGrid-custom.css"
Simply go into the overlays section and adjust this line:
.ui-widget-overlay { background: #aaaaaa url(/img/ui-bg_flat_0_aaaaaa_40x100.png) 50% 50% repeat-x; opacity:.9;filter:Alpha(Opacity=90); }
There is no option for this. Looking at the source, there's not an easy way to jocky it in there either. For reference, here's the bit that adds the class:
var $el = (this.oldInstances.pop() || $('<div></div>').addClass('ui-widget-overlay'))
width: this.width(),
height: this.height()
You likely would be best to just customize / update your css to override / extend the default stylings.