how to get previous matching value - r

how to get value of "a" if value of b matches with most recent previous value e.g - row$3 of b matches with previous row$1 ,row$6 matches with row$4
df <- data.frame(year = c(2013,2013,2014,2014,2014,2015,2015,2015,2016,2016,2016),
a = c(10,11,NA,13,22,NA,19,NA,10,15,NA),
b = c(30.133,29,30.1223,33,17,33,11,17,14,13.913,14))
year a b *NEW*
2013 10 30.133 NA
2013 11 29 NA
2014 NA 30.1223 10
2014 13 33 NA
2014 22 17 NA
2015 NA 33 13
2015 19 11 NA
2015 NA 17 22
2016 10 14 NA
2016 15 13.913 10
2016 NA 14 15

For OPs example case
One way could be is to use duplicated() function.
# Input dataframe
df <- data.frame(year = c(2013,2013,2014,2014,2014,2015,2015,2015,2016,2016,2016),
a = c(10,11,NA,13,22,NA,19,NA,10,15,NA),
b = c(30,29,30,33,17,33,11,17,14,14,14))
# creating a new column with default values
df$NEW <- NA
# updating the value using the previous matching position
df$NEW[duplicated(df$b)] <- df$a[duplicated(df$b,fromLast = TRUE)]
# expected output
# year a b NEW
# 1 2013 10 30 NA
# 2 2013 11 29 NA
# 3 2014 NA 30 10
# 4 2014 13 33 NA
# 5 2014 22 17 NA
# 6 2015 NA 33 13
# 7 2015 19 11 NA
# 8 2015 NA 17 22
# 9 2016 10 14 NA
# 10 2016 15 14 10
# 11 2016 NA 14 15
General purpose usage
The above solution fails when the duplicates are not in sequential order. As per #DavidArenburg's advice. I have changed the fourth element df$b[4] <- 14. The general solution would require the usage of another handy function order() and should work for different possible cases.
# Input dataframe
df <- data.frame(year = c(2013,2013,2014,2014,2014,2015,2015,2015,2016,2016,2016),
a = c(10,11,NA,13,22,NA,19,NA,10,15,NA),
b = c(30,29,30,14,17,33,11,17,14,14,14))
# creating a new column with default values
df$NEW <- NA
# sort the matching column
df <- df[order(df$b),]
# updating the value using the previous matching position
df$NEW[duplicated(df$b)] <- df$a[duplicated(df$b,fromLast = TRUE)]
# To original order
df <- df[order(as.integer(rownames(df))),]
# expected output
# year a b NEW
# 1 2013 10 30 NA
# 2 2013 11 29 NA
# 3 2014 NA 30 10
# 4 2014 13 14 NA
# 5 2014 22 17 NA
# 6 2015 NA 33 NA
# 7 2015 19 11 NA
# 8 2015 NA 17 22
# 9 2016 10 14 13
# 10 2016 15 14 10
# 11 2016 NA 14 15
Here, the solution is based on the base package' functions. I am sure there should other ways of doing this using other packages.


Discrepency in dplyr in R : n() and length(variable-name) giving different answers after group by

I think if I have any data frame, when I use group_by and then invoke n() OR if I use group_by and invoke length(any variable_name in the data frame) they should give me the same answer.
However today I noticed that this is not the case.
I am not allowed to post this data, but here is the code.
Can someone try to understand why total count and c2 are not the same?
Please note that in the used data frame, WAVE_NO and REF_PERIOD_WAVE will give rise to the same groups. I just used this for printing nicely. Also DATE_OF_INTERVIEW is all NA in WAVE_NO = 1 to 24.
con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("MySQL"), host = Sys.getenv("mydb"), db = "hhd", user = Sys.getenv("MY_USER"), password = Sys.getenv("MY_PASSWORD"))
asp <- tbl(con,"my_table")
> asp %>% group_by(WAVE_NO,REF_PERIOD_WAVE) %>%
summarise(total_count = n(), c2 = length(DATE_OF_INTERVIEW)) %>%
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'WAVE_NO'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
WAVE_NO REF_PERIOD_WAVE total_count c2
1 1 W1 2014 166744 NA
2 2 W2 2014 160705 NA
3 3 W3 2014 157442 NA
4 4 W1 2015 158443 NA
5 5 W2 2015 158666 NA
6 6 W3 2015 158624 NA
7 7 W1 2016 158624 NA
8 8 W2 2016 159778 NA
9 9 W3 2016 160511 NA
10 10 W1 2017 161167 NA
11 11 W2 2017 160847 NA
12 12 W3 2017 168165 NA
13 13 W1 2018 169215 NA
14 14 W2 2018 172365 NA
15 15 W3 2018 173181 NA
16 16 W1 2019 174405 NA
17 17 W2 2019 174405 NA
18 18 W3 2019 174405 NA
19 19 W1 2020 174405 NA
20 20 W2 2020 174405 NA
21 21 W3 2020 174405 NA
22 22 W1 2021 176661 NA
23 23 W2 2021 178677 NA
24 24 W3 2021 178677 NA
25 25 W1 2022 178677 11
26 26 W2 2022 178677 11
The problem is that while n() translates to COUNT in MySQL, length translates to length which gives the length of a string:
md <- lazy_frame(a = gl(5, 3), b = rnorm(15), con = simulate_mysql())
md %>%
group_by(a) %>%
summarize(n = n(), len = length(b))
# <SQL>
# SELECT `a`, COUNT(*) AS `n`, length(`b`) AS `len`
# FROM `df`
# GROUP BY `a`

Merging two dataframes creates new missing observations

I have two dataframes with the following matching keys: year, region and province. They each have a set of variables (in this illustrative example I use x1 for df1 and x2 for df2) and both variables have several missing values on their own.
df1 df2
year region province x2 ... xn year region province x2 ... xn
2019 1 5 NA 2019 1 5 NA
2019 2 4 NA. 2019 2 4 NA.
2019 2 4 NA. 2019 2 4 NA
2018 3 7 13. 2018 3 7 13
2018 3 7 15 2018 3 7 15
2018 3 7 17 2018 3 7 17
I want to merge both dataframes such that they end up like this:
year region province x1 x2
2019 1 5 3 NA
2019 2 4 27 NA
2019 2 4 15 NA
2018 3 7 12 13
2018 3 7 NA 15
2018 3 7 NA 17
2017 4 9 NA 12
2017 4 9 19 30
2017 4 9 20 10
However, when doing so using merged_df <- merge(df1, df2, by=c("year","region","province"), all.x=TRUE), R seems to create a lot of additional missing values on each of the variable columns (x1 and x2), which were not there before. What is happening here? I have tried sorting both using df1 %>% arrange(province,-year) and df2 %>% arrange(province,-year), which is enough to have matching order in both dataframes, only to find the same issue when running the merge command. I've tried a bunch of other stuff too, but nothing seems to work. R's output sort of looks like this:
year region province x1 x2
2019 1 5 NA NA
2019 2 4 NA NA
2019 2 4 NA NA
2018 3 7 NA NA
2018 3 7 NA NA
2018 3 7 NA NA
2017 4 9 15 NA
2017 4 9 19 30
2017 4 9 20 10
I have done this before; in fact, one of the dataframes is an already merged dataframe in which I did not encounter this issue.
Maybe it is not clear the concept of merge(). I include two examples with example data. I hope you understand and it helps you.
DF1 <- data.frame(year=rep(c(2017,2018,2019),3),
DF2 <- data.frame(year=rep(c(2016,2018,2019),3),
#Merge based only in df1
Merged1 <- merge(DF1,DF2,by=intersect(names(DF1),names(DF2)),all.x=T)
year region province x1 x2
1 2017 1 2 2.8365510 NA
2 2017 1 3 3.7557187 NA
3 2017 1 5 4.9208323 NA
4 2018 2 4 2.8241371 NA
5 2018 2 5 6.7925048 1.460993
6 2018 2 5 0.4090941 1.460993
7 2019 3 1 5.5352765 NA
8 2019 3 3 3.8236451 4.256681
9 2019 3 3 3.2746239 4.256681
#Merge including all elements despite no match between ids
Merged2 <- merge(DF1,DF2,by=intersect(names(DF1),names(DF2)),all = T)
year region province x1 x2
1 2016 1 3 NA 4.052034
2 2016 1 4 NA 2.062441
3 2016 1 5 NA 2.673038
4 2017 1 2 2.8365510 NA
5 2017 1 3 3.7557187 NA
6 2017 1 5 4.9208323 NA
7 2018 2 1 NA 0.469960
8 2018 2 2 NA 2.290813
9 2018 2 4 2.8241371 NA
10 2018 2 5 6.7925048 1.460993
11 2018 2 5 0.4090941 1.460993
12 2019 3 1 5.5352765 NA
13 2019 3 2 NA 1.398264
14 2019 3 3 3.8236451 4.256681
15 2019 3 3 3.2746239 4.256681
16 2019 3 4 NA 1.906663

R Modify dataframes to the same length

I've got a list containing multiple dataframes with two columns (Year and area).
The problem is that some dataframes only contain information from 2002-2015 or 2003-2017 and other from 2001-2018 and so one. So they differ in length.
list(structure(list(Year= c(2001,2002,2004,2005), Area=c(1,2,3,4), class ="data.frame"),
structure(list(Year= c(2001,2004,2018), Area=c(1,2,4), class ="data.frame",
(list(Year= c(2008,2009,2014,2015,2016), Area=c(1,2,3,4,5), class ="data.frame"))
How can I modify them all to the same length (from 2001-2018) by adding NA or better 0 for area if there is no area information for that year.
A = data.frame(Year= c(2001,2002,2004,2005), Area=c(1,2,3,4))
B = data.frame(Year= c(2001,2004,2018), Area=c(1,2,4))
C = list(A, B)
Then we have
Ref = data.frame(Year = 2001:2018)
New.List = lapply(C, function(x) dplyr::left_join(Ref, x))
with the desired result
Year Area
1 2001 1
2 2002 2
3 2003 NA
4 2004 3
5 2005 4
6 2006 NA
7 2007 NA
8 2008 NA
9 2009 NA
10 2010 NA
11 2011 NA
12 2012 NA
13 2013 NA
14 2014 NA
15 2015 NA
16 2016 NA
17 2017 NA
18 2018 NA
Year Area
1 2001 1
2 2002 NA
3 2003 NA
4 2004 2
5 2005 NA
6 2006 NA
7 2007 NA
8 2008 NA
9 2009 NA
10 2010 NA
11 2011 NA
12 2012 NA
13 2013 NA
14 2014 NA
15 2015 NA
16 2016 NA
17 2017 NA
18 2018 4
To make sure that all data.frames in the list share the same spelling of Year, do
lapply(C, function(x) {colnames(x)[1] = "Year"; x})
provided the first column is always the Year-column.

apply hpfilter to grouped variables with NAs using dplyr

I am trying to apply the hpfilter to one of the variables in my dataset that has a panel structure (id + year) and then add the filtered series to my dataset. It works perfectly fine as long as I do not have any NAs in one of the variables, but it yields an error if one of the ids has missing values. The reason for this is that the hpfilter function does not work with NAs (it yields only NAs).
Here's a reproducible example:
df1 <- read.table(text="country year X1 X2 W
A 1990 10 20 40
A 1991 12 15 NA
A 1992 14 17 41
A 1993 17 NA 44
B 1990 20 NA 45
B 1991 NA 13 61
B 1992 12 12 67
B 1993 14 10 68
C 1990 10 20 70
C 1991 11 14 50
C 1992 12 15 NA
C 1993 14 16 NA
D 1990 20 17 80
D 1991 16 20 91
D 1992 15 21 70
D 1993 14 22 69
", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
My approach was to use the dplyr group_by function to apply the hpfilter by country to variable X1:
# Organizing the Data as a Panel
df1 <- pdata.frame(df1, index = c("country","year"))
# Apply hpfilter to X1 and add trend to the sample
df1 <- df1 %>% group_by(country) %>% mutate(X1_trend = mFilter::hpfilter(na.exclude(X1), type = "lambda", freq = 6.25)$trend)
However, this yields the following error:
Error in `[[<`(`*tmp*`, col, value = c(11.1695436493374, 12.7688604220353, :
replacement has 15 rows, data has 16
The error occurs because the filtered series is shortened after applying the hp filter (by the NAs).
Since I have a large dataset with many countries it would be really great if there was a workaround, to maybe ignore the NAs when passing the series to the hpfilter, but not removing them. Thank you!
Here is a way to drop NA and calculate trend:
df2 <- df1 %>% group_by(country) %>%
filter(! %>%
pdata.frame(., index = c("country","year")) %>%
mutate(X1_trend = mFilter::hpfilter(X1, type = "lambda", freq = 6.25)$trend)
> df2
country year X1 X2 W X1_trend
1 A 1990 10 20 40 11.16954
2 A 1991 12 15 NA 12.76886
3 A 1992 14 17 41 14.18105
4 A 1993 17 NA 44 15.09597
5 B 1990 20 NA 45 15.17450
6 B 1992 12 12 67 14.38218
7 B 1993 14 10 68 13.45663
8 C 1990 10 20 70 12.75429
9 C 1991 11 14 50 12.71858
10 C 1992 12 15 NA 13.35221
11 C 1993 14 16 NA 14.38293
12 D 1990 20 17 80 15.32211
13 D 1991 16 20 91 15.61990
14 D 1992 15 21 70 15.47486
15 D 1993 14 22 69 15.14639
EDIT: To keep missing values in the final output, we do one more operation:
df3 <- merge(df1,df2, by = colnames(df1),all.x = T)
> df3
country year X1 X2 W X1_trend
1 A 1990 10 20 40 11.16954
2 A 1991 12 15 NA 12.76886
3 A 1992 14 17 41 14.18105
4 A 1993 17 NA 44 15.09597
5 B 1990 20 NA 45 15.17450
6 B 1991 NA 13 61 NA
7 B 1992 12 12 67 14.38218
8 B 1993 14 10 68 13.45663
9 C 1990 10 20 70 12.75429
10 C 1991 11 14 50 12.71858
11 C 1992 12 15 NA 13.35221
12 C 1993 14 16 NA 14.38293
13 D 1990 20 17 80 15.32211
14 D 1991 16 20 91 15.61990
15 D 1992 15 21 70 15.47486
16 D 1993 14 22 69 15.14639

Removing rows of data frame if number of NA in a column is larger than 3

I have a data frame (panel data): Ctry column indicates the name of countries in my data frame. In any column (for example: Carx) if number of NAs is larger 3; I want to drop the related country in my data fame. For example,
Country A has 2 NA
Country B has 4 NA
Country C has 3 NA
I want to drop country B in my data frame. I have a data frame like this (This is for illustration, my data frame is actually very huge):
Ctry year Carx
A 2000 23
A 2001 18
A 2002 20
A 2003 NA
A 2004 24
A 2005 18
B 2000 NA
B 2001 NA
B 2002 NA
B 2003 NA
B 2004 18
B 2005 16
C 2000 NA
C 2001 NA
C 2002 24
C 2003 21
C 2004 NA
C 2005 24
I want to create a data frame like this:
Ctry year Carx
A 2000 23
A 2001 18
A 2002 20
A 2003 NA
A 2004 24
A 2005 18
C 2000 NA
C 2001 NA
C 2002 24
C 2003 21
C 2004 NA
C 2005 24
A fairly straightforward way in base R is to use sum( along with ave, to do the counting, like this:
with(mydf, ave(Carx, Ctry, FUN = function(x) sum(
# [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3
Once you have that, subsetting is easy:
mydf[with(mydf, ave(Carx, Ctry, FUN = function(x) sum( <= 3, ]
# Ctry year Carx
# 1 A 2000 23
# 2 A 2001 18
# 3 A 2002 20
# 4 A 2003 NA
# 5 A 2004 24
# 6 A 2005 18
# 13 C 2000 NA
# 14 C 2001 NA
# 15 C 2002 24
# 16 C 2003 21
# 17 C 2004 NA
# 18 C 2005 24
You can use by() function to group by Ctry and count NA's of each group :
DF <- read.csv(
res <- by(data=DF$Carx,INDICES=DF$Ctry,FUN=function(x)sum(
validCtry <-names(res)[res <= 3]
DF[DF$Ctry %in% validCtry, ]
# Ctry year Carx
#1 A 2000 23
#2 A 2001 18
#3 A 2002 20
#4 A 2003 NA
#5 A 2004 24
#6 A 2005 18
#13 C 2000 NA
#14 C 2001 NA
#15 C 2002 24
#16 C 2003 21
#17 C 2004 NA
#18 C 2005 24
if you have more columns to check, you could adapt the previous code as follows:
res <- by(data=DF,INDICES=DF$Ctry,
return(sum($Carx)) <= 3 &&
sum($Barx)) <= 3 &&
sum($Tarx)) <= 3)
validCtry <- names(res)[res]
DF[DF$Ctry %in% validCtry, ]
where, of course, you may change the condition in FUN according to your needs.
Since you mention that you data is "very huge" (whatever that means exactly), you could try a solution with dplyr and see if it's perhaps faster than the solutions in base R. If the other solutions are fast enough, just ignore this one.
newdf <- df %.% group_by(Ctry) %.% filter(sum( <= 3)
