Way to find UUID of other domU's - xen

Let there be two domU's - domU(1) and domU(2)
How can we find the UUID of domU(2) from domU(1)
Can you please tell?


Gremlin/Neptune: sort edges by vertex property

Using the gremlin console connected remotely to a Neptune DB instance, I am grabbing all edges with a specific label and want to sort them by the id of the out vertex. I'm getting this error: "code":"UnsupportedOperationException","detailedMessage":"com.amazon.neptune.storage.volcano.ast.CutoffNode cannot be cast to com.amazon.neptune.storage.volcano.ast.AbstractGroupNode".
Sample data:
Queries and outputs:
"com.amazon.neptune.storage.volcano.ast.CutoffNode cannot be cast to
I expect the result of that last one to be the same as the first. I've tried the same traversal in a TinkerGraph and didn't get an error, so judging by that and the message it's specifically a Neptune problem. Googling hasn't brought up anything.
Is there a traversal that will do what I'm looking for? What am I doing wrong?
I will look into why the error is being thrown but in the near term I think this workaround should work. Please let me know if it does not.

Overpass does not find all cinemas - Overpass API documentation

In the openstreetmap overpass API-documentation there is the following example:
Why does this query does not give the Kinopolis (in Bonn Bad Godesberg) as a result? See here: http://rpubs.com/hrbrmstr/overpass for the results from the API. The following two images illustrate that it really is <100m by foot.
Unfortunately i wasnt able to show it graphically on the openstreetmap... I dont know how to get the busstop as startingpoint of a route in the web interface...
Here is the Google-Maps version.
Since you've asked for cinema nodes only in your example query, the result will not include way 42473787. Here's how your query should look like to return ways with amenity=cinema instead:
out meta;
To get both nodes and ways in one query, simply use a union:
out meta;
Try it in overpass turbo!

ModelService.saveAll method details

Could anyone please explain ModelService.saveAll and ModelService.save difference. In saveAll array is passed? Please explain below code
ModelService.saveAll([startedWorkOrder.getOwner(), woTimer.getOwner()]).then(function(){
Here woTimer is local resource and startedWorkOrder is actual MBO. So how is data saved in server?

Using cfs:http-publish

I'm trying to use the cfs:http-publish package at https://github.com/CollectionFS/Meteor-http-publish. While I've got the GET - /api/list functionality working, I don't know how to obtain a single document:
(GET - /api/list/:id - find one published document).
Can someone provide a curl example of this, assuming a certain collection of objections.
eg: {a:3, b:2}, {a:4, b:3}, and requiring to obtain the object with {a:3}.
You need to put it in the query function.
HTTP.publish({collection: myList},function( ){
return myList.find(this.query);
this.query contains the data you sent with your request.
curl http://localhost:3000/api/myList?a=3
I don't know enough about mongo to know if this is a potential security risk, if anyone can comment on that please do.

Neo4J indexing how to

I'm new to graphdb and Neo4J, so I thougt it would be a great start to buy their new graph db book, but has been very disappointed as I can't even follow along in the book.
The problem is that I don't understand the indexing, how it works and they don't even explain, like for example this code:
CREATE (alice {username: 'Alice'}), (bob {username: 'Bob'}), (charlie {username: 'Charlie'}),
(davina {username: 'Davina'}), (edward {username: 'Edward'}), (alice)-[:ALIAS_OF]->(bob);
And when I type in this:
START bob=node:user(username='bob'), charlie=node:user(username='Charlie'), davina=node:user(username='Davina'), edward=node:user(username='Edward')
CREATE(bob)-[:EMAILED]->(charlie), (bob)-[:CC]->(davina),(bob)-[:BCC]->(edward)
I get following error: ==> MissingIndexException: Index user does not exist
Could someone please explain to me how I index the "user".
Neo4j uses a inverted index powered by Lucene by default. So knowing it would help you understand better. I wrote a blog on this to get you started.
Now, the problem in your query is that you are asking neo4j to search for bob in index user under key username. For this to work you need to either enable auto-indexing or programatically control it.
