How to achieve idempotent lambda function? - amazon-dynamodb

I have a pipeline like this -
table 1(dynamo db) -> aws lambda -> table 2 (dynamo db)
So whenever there is any update hapeens in table 1 then lambda gets trigered. So lambda basically batch read( 1000 records) from table 1 , then perform a batch compute to come up with the list of records that's needed to be updated in table 2. Table 2 basically maintains the count of certain event happening in table 1.
So problem is if we send the same batch of records twice then it will increment the count in table 2 twice.
Why am i considering this as during outage on one of the lambda function ( the number of lambda running is 1:1 relation with the number of partitions in dynamo db ) while it had performed some of the writes operation, it will resend the last batch read.
To avoid this one way can be to store the sequence number of the records we have already computed and store that in table 2. So when ever we update we can check if its already computed. But we need to maintain the size of that list else we will get performance issue. But what size it should be is an issue.
What should be the write approach to handle these kind of issues?


DynamoDB Stream is showing up both INSERT and UPDATE for a new record insertion

I'm seeing 2 events (INSERT and MODIFY) on my DynamoDB table which is a global table with one global secondary index.
As a result configured trigger(lambda) is executing for 2 times for single insertion, adding extra processing cost.
I couldn't see any documentation that explains about 2 events for single DB insertion.
Can anyone help me understand it?

Dynamodb query expression

I have a dynamodb with a given hashkey (userid) and sort key (ages). Lets say if we want to retrieve the elements as "per each hashkey(userid), smallest age" output, what would be the query and filter expression for the dynamo query.
I don't think you can do it in a query. You would need to do full table scan. If you have a list of hash keys somewhere, then you can do N queries (in parallel) instead.
[Update] Here is another possible approach:
Maintain a second table, where you have just a hash key (userID). This table will contain record with the smallest age for given user. To achieve that, make sure that every time you update main table you also update second one if new age is less than current age in the second table. You can use conditional update for that. Update can either be done by application itself, or you can have AWS lambda listening to dynamoDB stream. Now if you need smallest age for each use, you still do full table scan of the second table, but this scan will only read relevant records, to it will be optimal.
There are two ways to achieve that:
If you don't need to get this data in realtime you can export your data into a other AWS systems, like EMR or Redshift and perform complex analytics queries there. With this you can write SQL expressions using joins and group by operators.
You can even perform EMR Hive queries on DynamoDB data, but they perform scans, so it's not very cost efficient.
Another option is use DynamoDB streams. You can maintain a separate table that stores:
Table: MinAges
UserId - primary key
MinAge - regular numeric attribute
On every update/delete/insert of an original query you can query minimum age for an updated user and store into the MinAges table
Another option is to write something like this:
storeNewAge(userId, newAge)
def smallestAge = getSmallestAgeFor(userId)
storeSmallestAge(userId, smallestAge)
But since DynamoDB does not has native transactions support it's dangerous to run code like that, since you may end up with inconsistent data. You can use DynamoDB transactions library, but these transactions are expensive. While if you are using streams you will have consistent data, at a very low price.
You can do it using ScanIndexForward
YourEntity requestEntity = new YourEntity();
DynamoDBQueryExpression<YourEntity> queryExpression = new DynamoDBQueryExpression<YourEntity>()
equeryExpression.setIndexName(IndexName); // if you are using any index

Change the schema of a DynamoDB table: what is the best/recommended way?

What is the Amazon-recommended way of changing the schema of a large table in a production DynamoDB?
Imagine a hypothetical case where we have a table Person, with primary hash key SSN. This table may contain 10 million items.
Now the news comes that due to the critical volume of identity thefts, the government of this hypothetical country has introduced another personal identification: Unique Personal Identifier, or UPI.
We have to add an UPI column and change the schema of the Person table, so that now the primary hash key is UPI. We want to support for some time both the current system, which uses SSN and the new system, which uses UPI, thus we need both these two columns to co-exist in the Person table.
What is the Amazon-recommended way to do this schema change?
There are a couple of approaches, but first you must understand that you cannot change the schema of an existing table. To get a different schema, you have to create a new table. You may be able to reuse your existing table, but the result would be the same as if you created a different table.
Lazy migration to the same table, without Streams. Every time you modify an entry in the Person table, create a new item in the Person table using UPI and not SSN as the value for the hash key, and delete the old item keyed at SSN. This assumes that UPI draws from a different range of values than SSN. If SSN looks like XXX-XX-XXXX, then as long as UPI has a different number of digits than SSN, then you will never have an overlap.
Lazy migration to the same table, using Streams. When streams becomes generally available, you will be able to turn on a Stream for your Person table. Create a stream with the NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES stream view type, and whenever you detect a change to an item that adds a UPI to an existing person in the Person table, create a Lambda function that removes the person keyed at SSN and add a person with the same attributes keyed at UPI. This approach has race conditions that can be mitigated by adding an atomic counter-version attribute to the item and conditioning the DeleteItem call on the version attribute.
Preemptive (scripted) migration to a different table, using Streams. Run a script that scans your table and adds a unique UPI to each Person-item in the Person table. Create a stream on Person table with the NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES stream view type and subscribe a lambda function to that stream that writes all the new Persons in a new Person_UPI table when the lambda function detects that a Person with a UPI was changed or when a Person had a UPI added. Mutations on the base table usually take hundreds of milliseconds to appear in a stream as stream records, so you can do a hot failover to the new Person_UPI table in your application. Reject requests for a few seconds, point your application to the Person_UPI table during that time, and re-enable requests.
DynamoDB streams enable us to migrate tables without any downtime. I've done this to great effective, and the steps I've followed are:
Create a new table (let us call this NewTable), with the desired key structure, LSIs, GSIs.
Enable DynamoDB Streams on the original table
Associate a Lambda to the Stream, which pushes the record into NewTable. (This Lambda should trim off the migration flag in Step 5)
[Optional] Create a GSI on the original table to speed up scanning items. Ensure this GSI only has attributes: Primary Key, and Migrated (See Step 5).
Scan the GSI created in the previous step (or entire table) and use the following Filter:
FilterExpression = "attribute_not_exists(Migrated)"
Update each item in the table with a migrate flag (ie: “Migrated”: { “S”: “0” }, which sends it to the DynamoDB Streams (using UpdateItem API, to ensure no data loss occurs).
NOTE: You may want to increase write capacity units on the table during the updates.
The Lambda will pick up all items, trim off the Migrated flag and push it into NewTable.
Once all items have been migrated, repoint the code to the new table
Remove original table, and Lambda function once happy all is good.
Following these steps should ensure you have no data loss and no downtime.
I've documented this on my blog, with code to assist:
I'm using a variant of Alexander's third approach. Again, you create a new table that will be updated as the old table is updated. The difference is that you use code in the existing service to write to both tables while you're transitioning instead of using a lambda function. You may have custom persistence code that you don't want to reproduce in a temporary lambda function and it's likely that you'll have to write the service code for this new table anyway. Depending on your architecture, you may even be able to switch to the new table without downtime.
However, the nice part about using a lambda function is that any load introduced by additional writes to the new table would be on the lambda, not the service.
If the changes involve changing the partition key, you can add a new GSI (global secondary index). Moreover, you can always add new columns/attributes to DynamoDB without needing to migrate tables.

Understanding the ORA_ROWSCN behavior in Oracle

So this is essentially a follow-up question on Finding duplicate records.
We perform data imports from text files everyday and we ended up importing 10163 records spread across 182 files twice. On running the query mentioned above to find duplicates, the total count of records we got is 10174, which is 11 records more than what are contained in the files. I assumed about the posibility of 2 records that are exactly the same and are valid ones being accounted for as well in the query. So I thought it would be best to use a timestamp field and simply find all the records that ran today (and hence ended up adding duplicate rows). I used ORA_ROWSCN using the following query:
select count(*) from my_table
However, the count is still more i.e. 10168. Now, I am pretty sure that the total lines in the file is 10163 by running the following command in the folder that contains all the files. wc -l *.txt.
Is it possible to find out which rows are actually inserted twice?
By default, ORA_ROWSCN is stored at the block level, not at the row level. It is only stored at the row level if the table was originally built with ROWDEPENDENCIES enabled. Assuming that you can fit many rows of your table in a single block and that you're not using the APPEND hint to insert the new data above the existing high water mark of the table, you are likely inserting new data into blocks that already have some existing data in them. By default, that is going to change the ORA_ROWSCN of every row in the block causing your query to count more rows than were actually inserted.
Since ORA_ROWSCN is only guaranteed to be an upper-bound on the last time there was DML on a row, it would be much more common to determine how many rows were inserted today by adding a CREATE_DATE column to the table that defaults to SYSDATE or to rely on SQL%ROWCOUNT after your INSERT ran (assuming, of course, that you are using a single INSERT statement to insert all the rows).
Generally, using the ORA_ROWSCN and the SCN_TO_TIMESTAMP function is going to be a problematic way to identify when a row was inserted even if the table is built with ROWDEPENDENCIES. ORA_ROWSCN returns an Oracle SCN which is a System Change Number. This is a unique identifier for a particular change (i.e. a transaction). As such, there is no direct link between a SCN and a time-- my database might be generating SCN's a million times more quickly than yours and my SCN 1 may be years different from your SCN 1. The Oracle background process SMON maintains a table that maps SCN values to approximate timestamps but it only maintains that data for a limited period of time-- otherwise, your database would end up with a multi-billion row table that was just storing SCN to timestamp mappings. If the row was inserted more than, say, a week ago (and the exact limit depends on the database and database version), SCN_TO_TIMESTAMP won't be able to convert the SCN to a timestamp and will return an error.

Unable to delete oldest table partition

I'm using the 11g interval partitioning feature in one of my tables. I set it up to create 1 day partitions on a timestamp field and created a job to delete data 3 months old. When I try to delete the oldest partition I get the following error:
ORA-14758: Last partition in the range section cannot be dropped
I would have thought that "Last" refers to the newest partition and not the oldest. How should I interpret this error? Is there something wrong with my partitions or should I in fact keep the oldest partition there at all time?
Yes, the error message is somewhat misleading, but it refers to the last STATICALLY created partition (in your original table DDL before Oracle started creating the partitions automatically. I think the only way to avoid this is to create an artifical "MINVAL" partition that you're sure will never be used and then drop the real partitions above this.
[Edit after exchange of comments]
I assume this test case reproduces your problem:
( t_time DATE
insert into test values(TO_DATE('08-29-2009', 'MM-DD-YYYY'));
insert into test values(TO_DATE('09-1-2009', 'MM-DD-YYYY'));
insert into test values(TO_DATE('09-3-2009', 'MM-DD-YYYY'));
insert into test values(TO_DATE('09-10-2009', 'MM-DD-YYYY'));
When I do this I can drop partitions p0,p1, and p2 but get your error when attempting to drop p3 even though there is a system-generated partition beyond this.
The only workaround I could find was to temporarily redefine the table partitioning by:
alter table test set interval ();
and then drop partition p3. Then you can redefine the partitioning as per the original specification by:
alter table test set INTERVAL(NUMTODSINTERVAL(1, 'DAY'));
All correct in dpbradley's answer. But it could be done more safe way if you're dropping oldest partition(s):
In fact it is enough just to reset interval like this :
alter table test set interval ();
alter table test set INTERVAL(NUMTODSINTERVAL(1, 'DAY'));
And then drop partition oldest partition.
Otherwise there is a risk if drop partition fails then table will have no interval. So need to catch all exceptions and handle this.
