HTTP Status 404 or 400 if no such API endpoint exists? - http

Status code 400 Bad Request is used when the client has sent a request that cannot be processed due to being malformed.
Status code 404 Not Found is used when the requested resource does not exist / cannot be found.
My question is, when a client sends a request to an endpoint my API does not serve, which of these status codes is more appropriate?
Should an endpoint be considered a "resource", and thus a 404 be returned? My issue with this is that if the client only checks the status code, they cannot tell the difference between a 404 indicating that they got to the correct endpoint, but there was no result matching their query, versus a 404 indicating that they queried a non-existing endpoint.
Alternatively, should we expect that a client has prior knowledge of all available API endpoints, and thus treat their request as malformed and return a 400 if the endpoint they are trying to reach does not exist?
Maybe this depends on whether the endpoints are REST or not. If they are REST endpoints, the client should not need prior API knowledge, but be able to learn about all relevant API endpoints by navigating the API from a single root endpoint. In such a case, I guess 404 would be more appropriate.
In my specific case right now, this is an internal (non-REST) HTTP API, where I expect the client to have prior knowledge of all API endpoints, so I am leaning towards 400, to avoid issues where 404 from accessing the wrong endpoint could be misconstrued as a 404 indicating that what they sought from the correct endpoint could not be found.

As a convenience, many modern APIs provide human-readable endpoints for developer convenience. The intent of REST, however, is that URLs are treated as opaque - they may happen to contain semantic content, but can't be relied upon to do so. There's no such thing as a "malformed" URL. There's only a URL that points to something and a URL that doesn't.
Now, that's the REST dogma (and arguably also the HTTP 1.1 spec). That doesn't mean it's what you should do. If you have a single internal client for your API, and that's not going to change, you have a lot of flexibility in designing your own standards. Just make sure to document them, especially those that might confuse the guy straight out of college that they hire to replace you when you move on.


What is the most appropriate HTTP response from a backend service when attempting to remove an entry that no longer exists in the Database?

My team is developing a simple backend service that provides the operations ADD, GET and REMOVE a very simple item. All are triggered by an http request and they do not much besides adding, getting and removing the item from a database.
Regarding the specific scenario in which a REMOVE operation is triggered on a item that is not present in the DB (e.g. was removed before), our question is what should be the response of the service? We having been debating options like 200 + some specific message, 410 - resource gone, amongst other 2XX and 4XX possibilities, but we haven't reached a consensus.
I hope this is not Bikeshedding.
Thank you for your help.
What should be the response of the service?
It's important to highlight that status codes are meant to indicate the result of the server's attempt to understand and satisfy the client request. Having said that, 2xx status codes are unsuitable for this situation and should be avoided:
The 2xx (Successful) class of status code indicates that the client's request was successfully received, understood, and accepted.
The most suitable status code would be in the 4xx range:
The 4xx (Client Error) class of status code indicates that the client seems to have erred. Except when responding to a HEAD request, the server SHOULD send a representation containing an explanation of the error situation, and whether it is a temporary or permanent condition.
The 404 status code seems to be what you are looking for, as it indicates that the server can't find the requested resource:
6.5.4. 404 Not Found
The 404 (Not Found) status code indicates that the origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists. A 404 status code does not indicate whether this lack of representation is temporary or permanent; [...]
If you are concerned on how the client will understand the 404 reponse, you could provide them with a payload stating that such resource is no longer available.
And just bear in mind that ADD and REMOVE are not standard HTTP methods. Hopefully that was a typo and you are using POST (or PUT) and DELETE to express operations over your resources.

What should the HTTP Status Code of a Degraded Health Check Be?

I have a health check endpoint at /status that returns the following status codes and response bodies:
Healthy - 200 OK
Degraded - ?
Unhealthy - 503 Service Unnavailable
What should the HTTP status code be for a degraded response be? A 'degraded' check is used for checks that did succeed but are slow or unstable. What HTTP status code makes the most sense?
The most suitable HTTP status code for a "Degraded" status response from a health endpoint is nothing other than 200 OK.
I say this because I can't find any better code in the official Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Status Code Registry maintained by IANA, pointed to by [RFC7231] HTTP/1.1: Semantics and Content. Unofficial codes should be avoided, because they only make your API more difficult to understand.
You should design your APIs so that they become easy to use. Resource names, HTTP verbs, status codes, etc. should be more or less self-explanatory, so that people who already know "the REST language" can immediately understand how to use your API without having to decipher vague names or unusual status codes. Which brings me to the next part of my answer...
Other comments on your design
The most natural way to interpret a 5xx response to any request is that the operation in question failed.
So a 503 Service Unavailable response to a GET /status request means that the status checking operation itself failed. Such a response would only be useful if we can be certain that /status is a health endoint, as pointed out in the API Health Check draft referred to in Nkosi's answer:
A health endpoint is only meaningful in the context of the component
it indicates the health of. It has no other meaning or purpose. As
such, its health is a conduit to the health of the component.
Clients SHOULD assume that the HTTP response code returned by the
health endpoint is applicable to the entire component (e.g. a larger
API or a microservice).
But with a URL path of just /status, it is not completely obvious that this really is a health endpoint. From looking at the URL, we only know that it returns information about the status of something, but we can't really be sure what that "something" is.
Since you're also telling us that yes, it is in fact a health endpoint, I must suggest that you change the name to health. I would also suggest placing it under some base path, e.g. /things/health, to make it more clear which component it indicates the health of.
If, on the other hand, /status was actually a resource of it own, i.e. something that represents the status of some other component/thing (like its name currently suggests), then 200 OK is the only reasonable status for successful invocations, even if the thing that it indicates the status of is "Unhealthy". In that case, a 5xx would mean that no status could be obtained, and details in the response payload would be assumed to be related to a failure in the /status service itself.
So be careful with how you name things and what status codes you use!
Consider returning a custom code within the 2xx Success range that is not already taken within the known/common status codes. Similar to some of the unofficial codes not supported by any standard.
For example 218 This is fine (Apache Web Server)
Used as a catch-all error condition for allowing response bodies to flow through Apache when ProxyErrorOverride is enabled. When ProxyErrorOverride is enabled in Apache, response bodies that contain a status code of 4xx or 5xx are automatically discarded by Apache in favor of a generic response or a custom response specified by the ErrorDocument directive
After doing some research I came across a draft
Health Check Response Format for HTTP APIs: draft-inadarei-api-health-check-03
Where they also made similar suggestions
In case of the “warn” status, endpoints MUST return HTTP status in the 2xx-3xx range, and additional information SHOULD be provided, utilizing optional fields of the response.
where the warn status in the draft is healthy, with some concerns, which I believe aligns closely to your desired model.
While not definitive, I believe it provides some ideas to help with the eventual design.
I would be wary of splitting hairs like this on a healthcheck on the upstream server side. The service providing the healthcheck should be lightly (and concurrently) testing all its upstream dependencies based on its own set of policies or rules - request timeouts, connection failures and so on. In reality the healthcheck either works or it doesn't and the application shouldn't really need to be keeping track of the results of the healthcheck (other than capturing metrics about what happened). IMHO a stateful healthcheck is a recipe for disaster.
I typically use the following interface for application healthchecks:
204 - No Content, everything is working within tolerences
500 - Something failed, and here's some details in the response about what went wrong
Where it gets tricky depends on your architecture. You may have a VIP or reverse proxy that is interpreting this response and deciding if a given node is healthy or not, in which case it's going to either route the request to a healthy node or return the 503 Service Unavailable. This decision is going to made on some policy basis - x healthcheck requests failed over a y time period across z upstream services.
If you use a mesh then everyone can feed data back to the service registry to keep the health state up to date and it can be based on actual service calls rather than a healthcheck.
The client is perfectly placed to make a decision based on the health of services it depends on as they can keep track of the various responses from the service. Circuit breakers are an excellent way to handle that and can do it continuously on actual requests rather than just on the healthcheck. Circuit breaker libraries (such as resilience4j) will do this for you at the cost of setting up some policies about how many failed/slow requests constitute a bad service. Service Registrys like the netflix eureka can help with the discovery and ongoing monitoring.
Assuming you are referring to the status code of a liveness/healthcheck endpoint of a service - to distinguish from 200 OK a 203 likely seems applicable and in line with: despite being deprecated Warning: 199-header MAY carry details
align max-age with livenessProbe.periodSeconds
HTTP/1.1 203 Non-Authoritative Information
Warning: 199 - "FooBar Warning Details"
Content-Type: application/health+json
Cache-Control: max-age=10
Connection: close
{"status": "warn"}

Which HTTP status code should I use for a health-check failure?

I'm implementing a /_status/ endpoint which does some sanity checks on data in our database.
For example, we are collecting measurements and the status should go "bad" if the latest measurement is over an hour old.
I would like to point Pingdom at this URL to leverage their alerting infrastructure and tell us when something's wrong.
On a "good" status I will serve an HTML page with an HTTP 200 OK status. But what would an appropriate HTTP status code be for "bad"? Or would it be more correct not to convey this information via status code, but via HTML content instead?
Well... this is an old question, but I ended up here, so I thought I'd give my two cents here:
It seems pretty clear that a 2xx should be returned if all is OK
If health is not OK, I think it should return a 5xx result (4xx talks about the client being at fault in the request; 2xx and 3xx are all successful to some degree).
I think that a 5xx is correct because this is a special request that is answering about the state of the whole service. Also, because most Load Balancers offer liveliness checks based on response codes and not all offer a way to parse a more complex payload (other than perhaps a RegExp Match which can make the check brittle).
I agree with #Julien that a 500 (specifically) doesn't seem appropriate, and we've decided on 503 Service Unavailable.
503 seems to fit for a couple of reasons:
It's a 5xx family result code which indicates that something is going on on the server side.
It has a temporary nature to it indicating that it may recover.
We just had a similar discussion in our group. We decided for our purposes that the HTTP response codes should be reporting on your server's success or failure to honor the request. For a GET, this would mean whether or not you can respond with the requested resource. In this case, the requested resource is a health report, so as long as you're returning that successfully, it should be a 200 response.
We're returning JSON for our health check, with a top-level "isHealthy" field set to true or false. Our load balancer and other monitors will parse the JSON and use this field to determine if the system is healthy or not.
If you don't want to parse JSON in your monitors, you could try putting a custom response header to indicate binary health of the system, e.g., System-Health: true or System-Health: false. You might have better luck getting monitors which can check that.
If you really want to use a response code, I would recommend an additional endpoint called something like "health" which returns a "204 No Content" when healthy, and a "404 Not Found" when not healthy. In this case, the resource defined by the URL is, symbolically, the health of your system, and so if it's healthy, you can return a successful response. If it's unhealthy, then it's health can't be found, hence the 404.
If your data is 'bad' because there is a service failure (even if that is a backend job failing) then a HTTP 500 seems like a valid response. It indicates that something, somewhere is broken.
It isn't very specific, you're shrugging your shoulders and saying:
The 500 (Internal Server Error) status code indicates that the server
encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling
the request.
ietf rfc7231
If you ask for health and the server state is not healthy, I'm partial to 409 Conflict which "Indicates that the request could not be processed because of conflict in the current state of the resource" .
Some people might object that if you can respond then the request can be processed, but I disagree. Every error message is a response. The server defines resource semantics. If you ask for the good news resource and the server responds "here is bad news", it didn't give you what it defines to have offered at that resource.
In practice, it's much easier to say 2**="up" 4**="down" and pipe request counts into an availability metric and have a load balancer remove the server from its pool based on the response code. Coming up with ways to argue that "hey, we told you something, so 200 OK" just seems like missing the forrest for the trees to me.

Which HTTP status code to use for required parameters not provided?

I have several pages designed to be called with AJAX - I have them return an abnormal status code if they can't be displayed, and my javascript will show an error box accordingly.
For example, if the user is not authenticated or their session has timed out and they try to call one of the AJAX pages, it will return 401 Unathorized.
I also have some return 500 Internal Server Error if something really odd happens server-side.
What status code should I return if one of these pages was called without required parameters? (and therefore can't return any content).
I had a look at the wikipedia article on HTTP status codes, but the closest one I could find to the code I'm looking for was this:
422 Unprocessable Entity
The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors.
Edit: The above code is WebDAV specific and therefore unlikely to be appropriate in this case
Can anyone think of an appropriate code to return?
What status code should I return if one of these pages was called without required parameters? (and therefore can't return any content).
You could pick 404 Not Found:
The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI [assuming your required parameters are part of the URI, i.e. $_GET]. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent. The 410 (Gone) status code SHOULD be used if the server knows, through some internally configurable mechanism, that an old resource is permanently unavailable and has no forwarding address. This status code is commonly used when the server does not wish to reveal exactly why the request has been refused, or when no other response is applicable.
(highlight by me)
404 Not Found is a subset of 400 Bad Request which could be taken as well because it's very clear about what this is:
The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications.
This is normally more common with missing/wrong-named post fields, less with get requests.
As Luca Fagioli comments, strictly speaking 404, etc. are not a subset of the 400 code, and correctly speaking is that they fall into the 4xx class that denotes the server things this is a client error.
In that 4xx class, a server should signal whether the error situation is permanent or temporary, which includes to not signal any of it when this makes sense, e.g. it can't be said or would not be of benefit to share. 404 is useful in that case, 400 is useful to signal the client to not repeat the request unchanged. In the 400 case, it is important then for any request method but a HEAD request, to communicate back all the information so that a consumer can verify the request message was received complete by the server and the specifics of "bad" in the request are visible from the response message body (to reduce guesswork).
I can't actually suggest that you pick a WEBDAV response code that does not exist for HTTP clients using hypertext, but you could, it's totally valid, you're the server coder, you can actually take any HTTP response status code you see fit for your HTTP client of which you are the designer as well:
11.2. 422 Unprocessable Entity
The 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status code means the server
understands the content type of the request entity (hence a
415(Unsupported Media Type) status code is inappropriate), and the
syntax of the request entity is correct (thus a 400 (Bad Request)
status code is inappropriate) but was unable to process the contained
instructions. For example, this error condition may occur if an XML
request body contains well-formed (i.e., syntactically correct), but
semantically erroneous, XML instructions.
IIRC request entity is the request body. So if you're operating with request bodies, it might be appropriate as Julian wrote.
You commented:
IMHO, the text for 400 speaks of malformed syntax. I would assume the syntax here relates to the syntax of HTTP string that the client sends across to the server.
That could be, but it can be anything syntactically expressed, the whole request, only some request headers, or a specific request header, the request URI etc.. 400 Is not specifically about "HTTP string syntax", it's infact the general answer to a client error:
The 4xx class of status code is intended for cases in which the client seems to have erred. Except when responding to a HEAD request, the server SHOULD include an entity containing an explanation of the error situation, and whether it is a temporary or permanent condition. These status codes are applicable to any request method. User agents SHOULD display any included entity to the user.
The important part is here that you must tell the client what went wrong. The status code is just telling that something went wrong (in the 4xx class), but HTTP has not been specifically designed to make a missing query-info part parameter noteable as error condition. By fact, URI only knows that there is a query-info part and not what it means.
If you think 400 is too broad I suggest you pick 404 if the problem is URI related, e.g. $_GET variables.
I don't know about the RFC writers' intentions, but the status code I have seen used in the wild for that case is 400 Bad Request.
422 is a regular HTTP status code; and it is used outside WebDAV. Contrary to what others say, there's no problem with that; HTTP has a status code registry for a reason.
Read this carefully:
422 is a WebDAV-specific thing, and I haven't seen it used for anything else.
400, even though not intended for this particular purpose, seems to be a common choice.
404 is also a viable choice if your API is RESTful or similar (using the path part of the URI to indicate search parameters)
Description as quoted against 400
The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications.
(Emphasis mine)
That speaks of malformed syntax, which is not the case when the browser sends a request to the server. Its just the case of missing parameters (while there's no malformed syntax).
I would suggest stick with 404 :)
(Experts correct me if I am wrong anywhere :) )
I need to answer this old question because the most upvoted and accepted answer is plain wrong.
From RFC 9110 - HTTP Semantics:
The 400 (Bad Request) status code indicates that the server cannot or
will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be
a client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, invalid request
message framing, or deceptive request routing).
So 400 is what you have to use.
Do not use 404, because you will completely mislead the API consumer. 404 means that the resource was not found on the server:
The 404 (Not Found) status code indicates that the origin server did
not find a current representation for the target resource or is not
willing to disclose that one exists.

Passing params in the URL when using HTTP POST

Is it allowable to pass parameters to a web page through the URL (after the question mark) when using the POST method? I know that it works (most of the time, anyways) because my company's webapp does it often, but I don't know if it's actually supported in the standard or if I can rely on this behavior. I'm considering implementing a SOAP request handler that uses a parameter after the question mark to indicate that it is a SOAP request and not a normal HTTP request. The reason for this that the webapp is an IIS extension, so everything is accessed via the same URL (ex:, so to get the SOAP request to be processed, I need to specify that "command" parameter. There would be one generic command for SOAP, not a specific command for each SOAP action -- those would be specified in the SOAP request itself.
Basically, I'm trying to integrate the Apache Axis2/C library into my webapp by letting the webapp handle the HTTP request and then pass off the incoming SOAP XML to Axis2 for handling if it's a SOAP request. Intuitively, I can't see any reason why this wouldn't work, since the URL you're posting to is just an arbitrary URL, as far as all the various components are concerned... it's the server that gives special meaning to the parts after the question mark.
Thanks for any help/insight you can provide.
Lets start with the simple stuff. HTTP GET request variables come from the URI. The URI is a requested resource, and so any webserver should (and apache does) have the entire URI stored in some variable available to the modules or appserver components running within the webserver.
An http POST which is different from an http GET is a separate logical call to the webserver, but it still defines a URI that should process the post. A good webserver (apache being one) will again make the URI available to whatever module or appserver is running within it, then will additionally make available the variables which were sent in the POST headers.
At the point where your application takes control from apache during a POST you should have access to both the GET and POST variables and be able to do whatever control logic you wish, including replying with a SOAP protocol instead of HTML.
If you are asking whether it is possible to send parameters via both GET and POST in a single HTTP request, then the answer is "YES". This is standard functionality that can be used reliably AFAIK.
One such example is sending authentication credentials in two pieces, one over GET and the other through POST so that any attempt to hijack a session would require hijacking both the GET and POST variables.
So in your case, you can use POST to contain the actual SOAP request but test for whether it is a SOAP request based on the parameter passed in GET (or in other words through the URL).
I believe that no standard actually defines the concept of "HTTP parameters" or "request variables". RFC 1738 defines that an URL may have a "search part", which is the substring after the question mark. HTML specifies in the form submission protocol how a browser processing a FORM element should submit it. In either case, how the server-side processes both the search part and the HTTP body is entirely up to the server - discarding both would be conforming to these two specs (but fairly useless).
In order to determine whether you can post a search part to a specific service, you need to study this service's protocol specification. If the service is practically defined by means of a HTML form, then you cannot use a mix - you can't even use POST if the FORM specifies GET (and vice versa). If you post to a web service, you need to look at the web service's WSDL - which will typically mandate POST; with all data in a SOAP message. Etc.
Specific web frameworks may have the notion of "request variables" - whether they will draw these variables both from a search part and a request body, you need to find out in the product documentation.
I deployed a web application with 3 (a mobile network operator) in the UK. It originally used POST parameters, but the 3 gateway stripped them (and X-headers as well!). So beware...
allowable? sure, it's doable, but i'm leaning towards the spec suggesting dual methods isn't necessarily supposed to happen, or be supported. RFC2616 defines HTTP/1.1, and i would argue suggests only one method per request. if you think about your typical HTTP transaction from the client side, you can see the limitation as well:
$ telnet localhost 80
POST /page.html?id=5 HTTP/1.1
host: localhost
as you can see, you can only use one method (POST/GET, etc...), however due to the nature of how various languages operate, they may pick up the query string, and assign it to the GET variable. ultimately though, this is a POST request, and not a GET.
so basically, yes this functionality exists, is it intended? i would say no.
