I have a QML app that's using a font family that has 5 weights—Light/Regular/Medium/Bold/Black—and 3 styles: Normal, Italic, and Condensed.
When I load both a 'normal' and 'condensed' style of the same weight they share the same family name; whichever style was loaded first is what is used:
FontLoader { source:"qrc:/fonts/DINPro-CondRegular.otf"; id:cond }
FontLoader { source:"qrc:/fonts/DINPro-Regular.otf"; id:norm }
Timer { running:true; onTriggered:console.log(id:norm.name==cond.name) } // outputs `true`
// This ends up using the condensed flavor
Text { text:'hi mom'; font { family:'DINPro' } }
Is there some way to tell a Text object to use a specific font file or FontLoader instance? There's an italic property for italic style, but no property for the 'condensed' flavor.
How can I use both normal and condensed styles of the font in the same document, and specify which to use for different Text?
I've found that for this particular font I can use the styleName property to control the various flavors. I just kept trying various style strings until I found ones that worked.
FontLoader { source:"qrc:/fonts/DINPro-Regular.otf" }
FontLoader { source:"qrc:/fonts/DINPro-CondRegular.otf" }
FontLoader { source:"qrc:/fonts/DINPro-CondMedium.otf" }
Text { text:'norm'; font { family:'DINPro'; styleName:'Regular' } }
Text { text:'bold'; font { family:'DINPro'; weight:Font.Bold; styleName:'Regular' } }
Text { text:'blak'; font { family:'DINPro'; weight:Font.Black; styleName:'Regular' } }
Text { text:'cond norm'; font { family:'DINPro'; styleName:'CondRegular' } }
Text { text:'cond bold'; font { family:'DINPro'; styleName:'CondBold' } }
Text { text:'cond blak'; font { family:'DINPro'; styleName:'CondBlack' } }
It feels like it's held together with tape and string, but it's working. If someone has a more robust way to handle this—especially to know exactly what strings will work for the styleName—I'll happily accept that answer instead of this one.
Everyone knows about how to set a background for Buttons, Popups etc via the background property of these elements. But I am wondering, how can I create such a property myself for my own custom elements? I found a way but it looks pretty ugly and I can't seem to find the qml code for Button, Popup etc where said property is defined. So i played a bit and came up with the idea of using Bindings like this:
Item {
id: root
property Item background: Rectangle {
color: "red"
Binding {
target: root.background
property: "parent"
value: root
Binding {
target: root.background
property: "anchors.fill"
value: root
when: root.background.parent == root
delayed: true
As mentioned that looks pretty tiresome if you need to declare a lot of properties of the child. So, how does Qt do it or what is the proper way of doing it?
// ItemWithBackground.qml
Item {
property alias background: backgroundLoader.sourceComponent
Loader {
id: backgroundLoader
anchors { fill: parent }
sourceComponent: Rectangle { color: 'red' } // default background implementation
// Usage example:
ItemWithBackground {
background: Rectangle {
color: 'green'
If you’re on a recent Qt version, have a look at using inline components. They allow you to create API’s like this easily.
I it possible to use an flat icon with different content name ? I want to add new icon to existing project so I download flaticon as font icon. But its conflict previous icon set.
.flaticon-alert:before { content: "\f100"; }
Is there any way to fix it ?
The icon fonts are fonts, so for 2 icon sets that use the same character ("content") you just have to ensure that the class name also specifies the font-face:
.flaticon-alert:before {
font-family: flaticon; // or name given in flaticon's #font-face css
flaticon.css example:
#font-face {
font-family: flaticon;
src: url(flaticon.woff);
What's the best way to increase font size of PNotify notifications ?
new PNotify({
title: "Title",
text: "Some information more.",
type: "notice"
From here
I don't see any built-in way to do that. You should add addclass: "someClass" to the initialization and then change the font size by writing .someClass .ui-pnotify-text { font-size: 1.25em } for the description text and .someClass .ui-pnotify-title { font-size: 1.25em } for the title into your custom CSS file.
I have a QtQuick/QML 5.6 project where I need to load 45 .ttf files representing weight variations of different (related) font families.
For example, here is a subset of the font files (three weights for two families):
I have added all 45 .ttf files to a .qrc in my project, but when I try to use the font family, it does not work:
Text { text:"So Thin"; font.family:"Encode Sans"; font.weight:Font.Thin }
Text { text:"Fatty"; font.family:"Encode Sans"; font.weight:Font.Bold }
If I add a single font loader for one font in each family, however, it works, for all weight variations of that font
FontLoader { source:"qrc:/fonts/EncodeSans-Regular.ttf" }
FontLoader { source:"qrc:/fonts/EncodeSansNarrow-Regular.ttf" }
Text { text:"So Thin"; font.family:"Encode Sans"; font.weight:Font.Thin }
Text { text:"Fatty"; font.family:"Encode Sans"; font.weight:Font.Bold }
I am surprised by this. It certainly appears to be using EncodeSans-Thin.ttf for the thin weight and EncodeSans-Bold.ttf for the bold weight, despite never mentioning those files in any FontLoader.
Edit: the above code does NOT work. Due to a separate bug I now know that Font.Thin was never working (was showing the Regular weight), and it's possible that bold was being simulated by the text renderer.
Am I supposed to add 45 FontLoader to my project, one for each TTF? Or is there a way to get all the TTF to be loaded with no need for FontLoader?
Repeater {
id: repeater
property var fontList: [] // e.g. Qt.resolvedUrl("qrc:///fonts/EncodeSans-Regular.ttf"), or load a list from resource/config files
model: ListModel {
id: listModel
FontLoader {
source: model.source
Component.onCompleted: {
for (var i = 0; i < fontList.length; i++) {
listModel.append({ source: fontList[i] })
edit: Given a list of strings and URLs you can use a repeater to load many fonts. Component.onCompleted: the script reads the list of URLS to load fonts from, and adds all of them to the list. Since the repeater model is a ListModel, the repeater will create new items when added to ListModel. Repositioning is also available to repeaters this way, but not used here.
Note: Loading the list of URLs is not given in this snippet.
My web application uses Arial as default font. But in a single place, the font family is ignored:
As you can see the labels on the left use Arial but in the popup DIV, it uses a serif font (probably New Roman Times, I'm not sure.)
I've styled the td directly and the content of the td is just an empty span plus the text.
When I toggle the checkboxes on the right, eventually IE9 will recalculate the styles and apply them properly.
Does anyone have any idea why IE ignores the CSS here?
Details: IE 9.0.29, Windows 7, ZK 6.5 as UI framework.
I've found these solutions but I don't know why they work when inheritance didn't:
.z-comboitem-text {
font-family: Arial !important;
tr td.z-comboitem-text {
font-family: Arial;
or using an inline style. If you use ZK 6, then use this code:
if( ZKUtils.isIE( 9 ) ) {
item.setWidgetListener( "onBind", "jq(this).find('.z-comboitem-text').css('font-family', 'Arial')" );
public static boolean isIE( int version ) {
Execution zkEnv = Executions.getCurrent();
if( ! "ie".equals( zkEnv.getBrowser() ) ) {
return false;
int actualVersion = zkEnv.getBrowser( "ie" ).intValue();
return version == actualVersion;