Presenting relational data as columns in table - google-app-maker

Trying to figure out how to present/edit related data in a table, could really use a push in the right direction!
Broadly, this is looking at subscription data - I want to see how much each client is paying per month. If a client gets upsold halfway through the year - I need the data to reflect that.
So, I have a database of clients, and a database of months, with a Many-One relationship. I also have a "monthlyallocation" database related to both, so I can say Client A has $40 for Jun 2017, for eg. I'm looking to present the data like so in a table, and make the numbers editable:
Jun Jul Aug Sep
Client A 20 20 22 20
Client B 15 20 15 15
Client C null 11 11 12
So I can filter out months (columns), and I can filter out Clients (rows). Any help appreciated!
************EDIT - So I've managed to get partway there.
First, the datasource for the table needs to Client - since I want my table rows to be grouped by client.
Next, the page has a custom property "datenum" which I can change to help filter out columns.
Each column header now becomes #datasources.Months.items..MonthName[#properties.datenum + Insert Column Number Here]. As the datenum changes, the columns display different names. Great.
The last piece of the puzzle though - the values shown IN the table need to filter by the column header name. I can't do the "[#properties.datenum + Insert Column Number Here]" trick here, in case I'm missing a value.. If I did that, I could accidentally get the Sep value under Aug, for eg.
Really hope that makes sense - my first instinct is to make a script that takes the rows datasource, and the "MonthName[#properties.datenum + Insert Column Number Here]", and return the correct value, but maybe I'm just misunderstanding how binding works and there's a simpler way to do this.

For filtering out clients, check out this tutorial:
It shows how to create a data query with a filter, which is basically what you need for that.
Filtering out columns is a bit tougher, at least I haven't figured an easy way to do it yet.
DISCLAIMER: Out there, there are probably solutions that are much better than this one. This is just to give you a thought.
I've solved this problem by using a custom property List named 'isVisible' for the page the table is in. Then I've added a multi select named 'ColumnPicker' into the page.
After each change in the ColumnPicker, I sync the changes with isVisible. Each column's visibility (for both header and data parts) are connected to:[#widget.childIndex]
So using the widget's index, I relate it to the isVisible list.
Here's the sync function I'm using:
function syncColumnPickerValuesWithIsVisible(columnPickerWidget, newValues) {
setIsVisibleAllSameValue(columnPickerWidget, false);
newValues.forEach(function(element) {[element] = true;
So in the sync, I first set all isVisible values to false. Then I use the newValues array that the multi select provides to set the correct isVisible elements as true.
=> Items selected from the multi select are shown as columns in the table.


"Calculated columns cannot contain volatile functions like Today and Me" error message on Sharepoint

I try to add a new calculated column to sharepoint list that will show elapsed day. I enter name and write a formula like;
The data type returned from this formula is: Single line of text
When I want to save I get an error like
Calculated columns cannot contain volatile functions like Today and
Calculated Column Values Only Recalculate As Needed
The values in SharePoint columns--even in calculated columns--are stored in SharePoint's underlying SQL Server database.
The calculations in calculated columns are not performed upon page load; rather, they are recalculated only whenever an item is changed (in which case the formula is recalculated just for that specific item), or whenever the column formula is changed (in which case the formula is recalculated for all items).
(As a side note, this is the reason why in SharePoint 2010 you cannot create or change a calculated column on a list that has more than the list view threshold of 5000 items; it would require a mass update of values in all those items, which could impact database performance.)
Thus, in order for calculated columns to accurately store "volatile" values like "Me" and "Today", SharePoint would need to somehow constantly recalculate those column values and continuously update the column values in the database. This simply isn't possible.
Alternatives to Calculated Columns
I suggest taking a different approach entirely instead of using a calculated column for this purpose.
Conditional Formatting: You can apply conditional formatting to highlight records that meet certain criteria. This can be done using SharePoint Designer or HTML/JavaScript.
Filtered List views: Since views of lists are queried and generated in real time, you can use volatile values in list view filters. You can set up a list view web part that only shows items where Created is equal to [Today]. Since you can place multiple list view web parts on one page, you could have one section for today's items, and another web part for all the other items, giving you a visual separation.
A workflow, timer job, or scheduled task: You can use a repeating process to set the value of a normal (non-calculated) column on a daily basis. You need to be careful with this approach to ensure good performance; you wouldn't want it to query for and update every item in the list if the list has surpassed the list view threshold, for example.
I found some conversations about this issue. Many people suggest to creating a new Date Time column, visible is false, default value is Today's Date and it will be named as Today. Then we can use this column in our formulas.
I tried this suggestion and yes error is gone and formula is accepted but calculated columns' values are wrong. I setted column Today is visible and checked, it was empty. Default value Today's Date was not working. When I looking for a solution for this issue I deleted column Today carelessly. Then I realized calculated columns' values are right.
Finally; I don't know what is trick but before using Today keyword in your formulas if you create a column named as Today and after your formula saving if you delete Today column, it is working.
After #Thriggle's answer I realized this approach doesn't work like a charm. Yes, formula doesn't cause an error when calculated column saving but it works correctly only first time, in the next day the calculated column shows old values, because its values are static as Thriggle explained.

How to list unique values of a particular field in Kibana

I am having a field named rpc in my elasticsearch database and I am displaying it using Kibana. When I search in search bar of kibana like:
It display all the values of rpc field but I want to have only those value to be displayed which are unique.
I have been playing around with Kibana4 since a couple of weeks now. I find it intuitive and simple and the experience has been great till now. Following your question, I tried getting unique results via a Data Table visualization. Why? Because I personally find it easier to understand. Following are the steps:
1. Get unique count
Create the visualization (Visualize -> Data Table). First lets get
the count of how many unique entries we have for a particular field
(We will use this in the later part for verification). I'm using
clientip.raw but as I see, it will work just fine with any friendly
field name too.
2. Set the aggregation right
Set you aggregation back to count and have a Split Rows as follows. Not doing this will give you count 1 for each field value (since it is looking for unique counts) when you populate the table. Noteworthy part is setting the Top field to 0. Because Kibana won't let you enter anything else than a digit (Obviously!). This was the tricky part. Hit Apply and you'll get the results. Unique field values and the count of each of them.
3. Verification:
Going to the last page of the table, we see there are exactly 543 results. This is how I know it works.
What Next?
You save this visualization and add it to a Dashboard. There you can always check the request, query, response and other stats.
Just an addition to the above mathakoot answer.
For the user of newer version (which do not allow bucket size of 0 anymore) just set a value greater than the maximum number of result
And report the value in the Options>Per Page field
I am using Kibana 6 so the UI looks a bit different than the older answers here.
Here is what worked for me
Create a visualization from your query, I used a line graph type (don't think it matters)
Under Data, set metrics aggregation = "Unique Count" and set field to your field.
Set x-axis aggregation = "Terms" and set field to your field.
Set Size > your number of records
Under Metrics and Axes, disable drawing of the graph, circles, and labels (this really helps the UI not lag)
Run query and then click "Inspect" and download CSV
Metrics & Axes
I wanted to achieve something similar but I'm stuck with Kibana 3.1.
I simply added a panel of type "TERMS" and configured its Field = User-agent and left everything else on default values. This gave me a nice bar chart with one bar for each User-agent.

Crystal Report with Multiple Tables - Empty or Cartesian Product

I know this has been asked before..sort of. And that's why I'm posting. Basically I'm building a report in Crystal that relies, to keep this simple, at least 3 tables.
Table A is inner joined to table B by a unique ID. Table B has a child table that may or may not have data related to this unqiue ID.
As a general example table A is a customer table, table B is a product table and the child table is contains the product number. All customers have a product, but not all customers have product number in the child table. I hope I've explained that simply enough.
My issue is sort of between Crytal and Access and how to query this. When I'm writing behind something in VB it's easy enough to write and execute a query and display the result in the desired manner. However I can't seem to get my query straight... I either end up with a report with cartesian product as the resultset, which displays ok...except that even with the few records I have ends up being about 30k pages..or I end up with a blank dataset because the child table does not have corrisponding data to B.
Using outter joins I've managed to get my results within some amount of reason but not acceptable to a real world report. I'm sure this issue has come up but I can't seem to find any suitable answers and to be honest I'm not even sure what questions to ask being a Crystal n00b.
What I'm really after is the data from Table A, the data from Table B and children tables. While they are logically linked and can be linked with the ID field, it isn't necessary I don't think because I am taking a parameter value for the report of the ID field. And once the tables are filtered, no other action needs to be taken except to dump them back on the report.
So can anybody point me in the right direction? Can I set up individual datasoruces (unrelated) based perhaps in a seperate section? Should I build a tree of queries and logic in my DB to get what I need out? I've been racking my brain and can't seem to find the right solution, any and all advice is apreciated and if I can clarify anything or answer any questions I will.
Thanks in advance.
As per requested below:
ID fname lname
01 john smith
ID notifiedDate notifiedTime
01 10/10/2012 12:35PM
ID noteName
01 jane doe
This data is logically related and can be related in the DB. However it is not necessary as long as the ID parameter is passed to each table. Querying Section1 inner joined with Section2 works fine. But any other arrangements result in more rows than required and I end up with a report many times duplicated. What I really need is something like Section1 joined with Section2 and S2childAdmin as a freely availble table. Otherwise it multiplies my data or results in a null recordset (because it can return 0 rows)
I think this should help point you in the right direction, though it has been 5 years or so since I did heavy Crystal Reports work.
One option might be to join everything using Outer Joins like you stated you were, then use a Crystal Report 'group' on the Table A ID, with a group based upon Table B ID inside of that. So you would, in the actual 'Detail' area put your table C details if there were any, and then use the Group header/footer for Table A and Table B to show data specific to those objects.
Another possible solution that may fall short of your requirements but might get you thinking in another way, is to create your main report and in it, display the fields from table A. Then below those fields include a sub-report and pass in the unique ID from Table A. You will then have a query inside of the subreport that finds all of the Table B records with that Table A.ID value and displays their details.
At this point you run into a weakness of Crystal Reports (at least as of the last version I used) in that you cannot have a subreport inside of a subreport.

Using 'Filter by Column Value' and multi column filtering using a java vector - xPages

I have an xPage which I have built with 3 combo boxes and 1 view control. I would like to use the 'Filter by column value' option within the view control to provide the options to filter the values, allowing the user to display any combination of the combo boxes. e.g. Only comboBox1, or comboBox1 and comboBox2, or comboBox3 only, or comboBox1 and comboBox2 and comboBox3.
I used the example in the 'xPages Demonstration Application' ( or to do the multi-column filtering using a vector of non-categorized columns.
So, I have come across what appears to be a fairly major issue whereby the data needs to be sorted by date. Date is not one of the filters, but it needs to be the first column in order for the data to be sorted correctly. So my first column is a string, YYYYMMDD, to ensure the data is sorted correctly. I tried to use the sort option within the view control and that does not appear to work with the column filtering implemented in this manner.
So, as Date one of the criteria I am filtering by, I have passed that as an empty string - using the thought process that an empty string will select all (as in the url examples above).
The code I have used to do the filtering is:
var vtr:java.util.Vector = new java.util.Vector();
var t1 = sessionScope.Email;
var t2 = sessionScope.Own;
var t3 = sessionScope.Module;
#If(sessionScope.Own=="My calls",vtr.addElement(t1),vtr.addElement(""));
#If(sessionScope.Own=="My calls",vtr.addElement(""),vtr.addElement(t2));
return vtr;
What I have found is that not all data is being returned. I thought this might be due to the date field. So I removed it (changing the view and removing the first add element), and yet I still find that not all data is being returned. I suspect that this might be due to the empty strings being passed, or, that this does not actually work the way I had hoped.
Does anyone know if I can get this working the way I want it to, and if not, do you have any suggestion on how I can go about this?
Date is not needed as the first sortable column in the view. The first column does need to be sorted for the lookup to work just like the Notes view needs to be sorted for #DbColumn and #DbLookup to work. XPages uses the same underlining architecture. This example - - works without the data being sorted by Date.
My guess as to why your example isn't working is down to how your Notes view sorted. Try creating a new view with column 1 (email) ascending sort, column 2 (own) ascending sort, and column 3 (module) again ascending sort. You should be able to get vector filtering working in this situation.
If all that doesn't work for you, you might consider multi-layer category filtering (new to 853). This filtering type in XPages is related to how categoryFilter works but allow you to filter a view by the sub-category (or sub-categories) too. This technique might suit your scenario better. Hope this helps.

Handling SortOrder fields in SQL Server

In a specific table I have a SortOrder integer field that tells my page in which order to display the data. There are sets of data in the this field (based on a CategoryID field), and each set will have its own ordering. Users can add/remove/update records in this table.
My question is what is the best way to manage this SortOrder field? I would like to "reseed" it everytime a record is deleted or updated. Is this something I should be using a trigger for? Or should my code handle it and manage the reseeding?
What I used to do is use only odd numbers in the SortOrder field so upon changing the order, I would add or subtract 3 from the current value of the modified item and then do a reseed (order the items again using odd number indexes). Also I used to reseed after every insert or delete.
All you really have to worry about is swapping any two fields. All new entries go to the end and i'm sure you've got a mechanism by which the user can change the order. The order change, move up or down, really is a swap with a neighboring field. All you really care about is that all the fields are sorted properly. Don't let a mathematical sense of aesthetic drive you into creating something overly complex. (You'll end up with holes in your sequence after deletes are made but that's OK. It's an internal sequence marker used for ORDER BY. the numbers don't need to be made contiguous.)
