When ever I check to see how my page will look in landscape mode and then switch back to portrait mode, one of my UI labels flies off the screen. Pic below:
I have to bring it back, then I clear the constraints and then click "reset to suggested constraints" and it looks to be set in place but keeps changing by itself.
Below is picture of my constraints which xCode set up automatically for me with "Reset to Suggested Constraints". The label that is going off the screen is called "Last Reported"
I tried to reproduce the issue and it seems like and Xcode interface builder issue. The Layout in interface builder is not updated as expected, but running the UI on actual device works as expected.
Still one expects, while developing on interface builder, the view to be mimic the way it would behave on real device. And adding/removing constraints every time the orientation changes is pain.
Since this does not happen in the above case, and the layout is not updated, we can force the layout update on interface builder, by
Editor > Update frames. ('option' + 'command' + '=')
Change the constant value of any of the constraints applied and revert it back.
For this case the second option, updated the layout.
In our app we use multiple floating action buttons. With Gluon 4.4.4 we added them as layers, which had the following behaviour:
Each view had it's own FAB.
When changing the view, the FAB was hiding.
When changing back to the view, the FAB was showing.
Now, with Gluon 5.0.0 (FAB's as objects) the following happens:
The buttons get stacked over each other, when they are not hidden.
When they are hidden and we change back to a view, the FAB is no longer showing.
This led to a lot of trouble and unnecessary code lines. How can we improve this or how is it intended to be used?
We could imagine to use one FAB for the whole app and exchange it's content for each view - however, this ends up in a bigger mess as well, since it would have to be declared public etc.
Any help is appreciated :-)
You are looking for the new FloatingActionButton#showOn(View) method.
This method makes sure to automatically show and hide the FAB depending on the View's showing property, removing most of the boiler code required in earlier versions to achieve the same functionality.
From the Javadocs:
Makes sure that the FAB is automatically shown when the supplied view is shown. The FAB also automatically hides when the view is hidden. This allows the developer to not worry about calling show() and hide() methods explicitly.
Situation: As the central widget of my application I have a QMdiArea in tabbed mode (wrapped in a custom class that inherited from QMdiArea). When I now add the first QMdiSubWindow via addSubWindow() everything is still fine, meaning the window and its contents are maximized to take up all the space of the QMdiArea. However, as soon as I add a second sub window, the following problem arises:
Problem: The content of the second window is not displayed, but instead the content from the first continues to (despite the fact that the second tab visually has the focus), but is reduced in size. It only takes up a few pixels. But if I now switch back to the first sub window/tab (either by clicking into the size-reduced widget which then automatically goes back to max size or by selecting the first tab header) and then selecting the 2nd again, all is fine = the widget/editor of the 2nd tab is now displayed and is maximized.
But only until I close the second tab, in which case the content from the first is displayed (as expected), but again only in the small size!
Another related test case: 1st tab is created and is displayed full size as expected. If I now simply resize the overall QMainWindow, suddenly a faint border appears around the widget in my tab. So it appears to be in a mixed state between maximized and normal mode with borders. Does that create any new leads?
I am so far not using any explicitly defined layouts, but given that the first tab works fine and after manual back-and-forth switching all others as well, I assume that it should work without.
Do I need to set explicit layout objects? Why does it work for the first tab, but not the second?
Some code as a base: This is the logic executed in my custom QMdiArea class that takes care of adding the new children:
// Note: pEditor inherits from / is a QMdiSubWindow itself
pExisting = subWindowList().at(0);
Update: Added the hack proposed by N1ghtLight. Marked as such in the coding.
Update 2: Edited / correct problem description + new test-case with screenshot.
After many hours of comparing the example project from N1ightLight to my own implementation, I finally came across the central differences. There were in fact two issues at play:
For some reason I had the following line in the creation of my MDI sub windows, which apparently screwed up the size handling. Getting rid of this line removed any need for the previously proposed hack. Combined with the layouting proposed by N1ghtLight, all size changes are now handled gracefully.
setWindowState(Qt::WindowMaximized); // do not use that state!
The second part regarding the tab closing (closing one tab did not bring up the next tab in the expected manner and size), is actually explained in the Qt documentation:
When you create your own subwindow, you must set the Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose widget attribute if you want the window to be deleted when closed in the MDI area. If not, the window will be hidden and the MDI area will not activate the next subwindow.
Since I was creating my own sub windows I had to set that flag, but I never did because I wanted to prevent Qt from automatically deleting my content widget as well. My solution now is that I set the flag, but whenever a MDI child is about to be closed, I remove the link to the widget, so Qt cannot delete it.
void CustomMDIWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent* pEvent)
I will mark my own answer as the correct one, but will award the bounty to N1ightLight since his support eventually led to me finding the final solution.
The ugly workaround really can be the calling of setActiveSubWindow() twice: First for some available sub window and then for the newly created one. This should emulate the situation when you click on the first tab and then return to the second one.
In Xcode 4.3.1, I am having extreme difficulty whenever I try to change a build setting such as "Other Linker Flags".
If I double-click, a pop-up shows which ostensibly allows you to add/remove values. However, there is no "done" button and all key combinations I've tried (enter/command-enter/etc...) fail to commit the values I've entered.
It is possible to enter a value without the pop-up by /slow/-double-clicking (WTF, Apple?!?) the edit line. This works, but why the heck does is the pop-up the default double-click result when it seems to be totally useless, misleading and annoying?!?!
A similar question is Editing Build Settings in xcode 4 but bugloaf's question of what to do when there is no "done button" remained unanswered.
This is more to do with how to interact with popovers in OS X in general. "Transient" popovers force you to click outside them to dismiss. Whatever changes you make inside them should always be "committed" by the time the popover is dismissed. This is standard Mac behavior.
So to answer the unanswered question: Click outside the popover to dismiss/commit.
As you ssuggested, you can slow-double-click (once to select, pause, once to begin editing cell) to edit text cells inline without the popover. This is also standard Mac behavior.
The double-click action is a secondary effect and can be taken to mean "give me a bigger editor for this field" - this seems to be just Xcode behavior. File bug reports if you think there should be a better mechanism. Be prepared to describe a better mechanism.
I have a window, a label, a button, and an NSObject.
The first thing I want to do is change the NSObject's class to that of my custom controller.
The thing is, I can't seem to select it. Whatever object I select, the inspector panel says "No Selection". Why? I'm baffled.
accepted answer did not work for me, but answer by 'NSExplorer' did (In Xcode4, the new interface builder says "no selection"). i slightly modified answer from 'NSExplorer'
.. switch to another (non IB) file in the current tab
.. switch back to the IB file (eg. Main.storyboard)
the Attributes Inspector will magically show in the new tab.
I just had to close the assistant editor and the debug area and then it magically showed up. If you don't have the assistant editor open then all you need to do is open it, then close it again. That should fix it too.
If you don't know what the assistant editor is I have highlighted it in red:
Xcode 7.2
The interface builder in XCode 4 is incredibly buggy. I'm also having frequent issues like this. Have you tried closing XCode and re-opening your project? Sometimes, resizing the entire XCode window also seems to reset the interface builder layout.
Make sure you're selecting the objects from the XIB document panel (Where it says "Objects") on the left. Sometimes clicking the actual UI controls doesn't catch in the inspector panel, for whatever reason.
For me, I had the bottom, debugger stretched all away to the top. It said "no selection." By Taping on hide/open bottom debugger twice, you can get the main component back again.
If you have multiple windows, close the storyboard file and open it again, it worked for me
Short Version:
"How do you get a simple UITable drill down UINavigationController-styled non-full-screen modal dialog on the iPad?"
Long version:
I have a very specific set of requirements that I can't seem to get working...
I have a functioning iPad program that that needs to pop up a non-full-screen modal view. This modal needs to have a navigation controller and a simple drill-down table that displays a detailed view that I can have edit some values related to the selected item in the table.
Of course I am looking to have the regular "Back" and "Delete" buttons in the Navigation Bar.
I can handle the detailed view, what I am having issues with:
Non-full-screen popup (mine is
always full screen no matter what I
The Navigation controller will not display the Table View I tell it to and the navigation bar does not even have the title I assigned to it in IB.
I can't seem to get any of this working. If anyone has a step by step example of how to do this, that would be great,
P.S. I am not afraid of doing this 100% programmatically, but all the examples I have been trying to follow (and failing at extending to my problem) use IB.
As for the fullscreen issue, you need to set modalPresentationStyle to UIModalPresentationFormSheet or UIModalPresentationPageSheet on the controller you want to present modally. I'm not sure of a way to do this through IB.
As for your navigation controller/table view, I think more information is needed to provide an answer.