1 sample t-test from summarized data in R - r

I can perform a 1 sample t-test in R with the t.test command. This requires actual sets of data. I can't use summary statistics (sample size, sample mean, standard deviation). I can work around this utilizing the BSDA package. But are there any other ways to accomplish this 1-sample-T in R without the BSDA pacakage?

Many ways. I'll list a few:
directly calculate the p-value by computing the statistic and calling pt with that and the df as arguments, as commenters suggest above (it can be done with a single short line in R - ekstroem shows the two-tailed test case; for the one tailed case you wouldn't double it)
alternatively, if it's something you need a lot, you could convert that into a nice robust function, even adding in tests against non-zero mu and confidence intervals if you like. Presumably if you go this route you'' want to take advantage of the functionality built around the htest class
(code and even a reasonably complete function can be found in the answers to this stats.SE question.)
If samples are not huge (smaller than a few million, say), you can simulate data with the exact same mean and standard deviation and call the ordinary t.test function. If m and s and n are the mean, sd and sample size, t.test(scale(rnorm(n))*s+m) should do (it doesn't matter what distribution you use, so runif would suffice). Note the importance of calling scale there. This makes it easy to change your alternative or get a CI without writing more code, but it wouldn't be suitable if you had millions of observations and needed to do it more than a couple of times.
call a function in a different package that will calculate it -- there's at least one or two other such packages (you don't make it clear whether using BSDA was a problem or whether you wanted to avoid packages altogether)


meta-analysis multiple outcome variables

As you might be able to tell from the sample of my dataset, it contains a lot of dependency, with each study providing multiple outcomes for the construct I am looking at. I was planning on using the metacor library because I only have information about the sample size but not variance. However, all methods I came across to that deal with dependency such as the package rubometa use variance (I know some people average the effect size for the study but I read that tends to produce larger error rates). Do you know if there is an equivalent package that uses only sample size or is it mathematically impossible to determine the weights without it?
Please note that I am a student, no expert.
You could use the escalc function of the metafor package to calculate variances for each effect size. In the case of correlations, it only needs the raw correlation coefficients and the corresponding sample sizes.
See section "Outcome Measures for Variable Association" # https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/metafor/versions/2.1-0/topics/escalc

Quantile Regression with Time-Series Models (ARIMA-ARCH) in R

I am working on quantile forecasting with time-series data. The model I am using is ARIMA(1,1,2)-ARCH(2) and I am trying to get quantile regression estimates of my data.
So far, I have found "quantreg" package to perform quantile regression, but I have no idea how to put ARIMA-ARCH models as the model formula in function rq.
rq function seems to work for regressions with dependent and independent variables but not for time-series.
Is there some other package that I can put time-series models and do quantile regression in R? Any advice is welcome. Thanks.
I just put an answer on the Data Science forum.
It basically says that most of the ready made packages are using so called exact test based on assumption on the distribution (independent identical normal-Gauss distribution, or wider).
You also have a family of resampling methods in which you simulate a sample with a similar distribution of your observed sample, perform your ARIMA(1,1,2)-ARCH(2) and repeat the process a great number of times. Then you analyze this great number of forecast and measure (as opposed to compute) your confidence intervals.
The resampling methods differs in the way to generate the simulated samples. The most used are:
The Jackknife: in which you "forget" one point, that is you simulate a n samples of size n-1 (if n is the size of the observed sample).
The Bootstrap: in which you simulate a sample by taking n values of the original sample with replacements: some will be taken once, some twice or more, some never,...
It is a (not easy) theorem that the expectation of the confidence intervals, as most of the usual statistical estimators, are the same on the simulated sample than on the original sample. With the difference that you can measure them with a great number of simulations.
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I can try to address your question, although this is hard since you don't provide any code/data. Also, I guess by "put ARIMA-ARCH models" you actually mean that you want to make an integrated series stationary using an ARIMA(1,1,2) plus an ARCH(2) filters.
For an overview of the R time-series capabilities you can refer to the CRAN task list.
You can easily apply these filters in R with an appropriate function.
For instance, you could use the Arima() function from the forecast package, then compute the residuals with residuals() from the stats package. Next, you can use this filtered series as input for the garch() function from the tseries package. Other possibilities are of course possible. Finally, you can apply quantile regression on this filtered series. For instance, you can check out the dynrq() function from the quantreg package, which allows time-series objects in the data argument.

How to take a Probability Proportional to Size (PPS) Unequal Probability sample using R?

I have very little programming experience, but I'm working on a statistics project and would like to generate an unequal probability sample where the inclusion probability of a unit is based on its size (PPS).
Basically, I have two datasets:
ds1 lists US states and the parameter I'm trying to estimate
ds2 has the population size of each state.
My questions:
I want to use R to select a random sample from the first dataset using inclusion probabilities based on the population of each state (second dataset).
Also is there any way to use R to calculate these Generalized Unequal Probability Estimator formulas?
Also just a note on the formulas: pi_i is inclusion probability and pi_ij is joint inclusion probability.
There is a package for the same in R - pps and the documentation is here.
Also, there is another package called survey with a bit of documentation here.
I'm not sure of the difference between the two and haven't used them myself. Hope this is what you're looking for.
Yes, that's called weighted sampling. Simply set the weight to the size of the state, strictly you don't even need to normalize them by 1/sum(sizes) although it's always good practice to. There are tons of duplicate posts on SO showing how to do weighted sampling.
The only tiny complication is that you need to do a join() of the datasets ds1, ds2. Show us what code you've tried if it's causing problems. Recommend you use either dplyr or data.table.
Your second question should be asked as a separate question, and is offtopic on SO, or at least won't get a great response - best to ask statistical questions at sister site CrossValidated

How do you use the rugarch package to include the stable distribution

In R, I would like to use rugarch and stabledist/fBasics packages together to fit a univariate time-series object to be modeled as an ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,1) process with the innovation term/conditional distribution term being modeled as a stable distribution. Is there a way to to this? given that the fBasics package allows one to have a dstable() function, which I'm guessing would be used to optimise a maximum-likelihood function.
And as a follow up, how would one go about simulating several thousand iterations of x days forward returns assuming it follows the same process. (I'm guessing here using the function rstable() with the parameters estimated above.)
Any other packages that you might think would do the job better would gladly be looked at as well.
Yes, you can use dstable and rstable, but they come from package stabledist...
If you want to estimate the stable parameters, you can use
fBasics::stableFit(data, type="mle")
to give you MLE estimate, but usually takes few minutes to compute.
Faster, but little less precise is the quantile method (implicit for stableFit, i.e. dont specify the type).
Then if you get the fit, you extract the resulting estimates from result#fit$estiamte and can use it in rstable to draw random variates..

Fitting a binormal distribution in R

As from title, I have some data that is roughly binormally distributed and I would like to find its two underlying components.
I am fitting to the data distribution the sum of two normal with means m1 and m2 and standard deviations s1 and s2. The two gaussians are scaled by a weight factor such that w1+w2 = 1
I can succeed to do this using the vglm function of the VGAM package such as:
fitRes <- vglm(mydata ~ 1, mix2normal1(equalsd=FALSE),
iphi=w, imu=m1, imu2=m2, isd1=s1, isd2=s2))
This is painfully slow and it can take several minutes depending on the data, but I can live with that.
Now I would like to see how the distribution of my data changes over time, so essentially I break up my data in a few (30-50) blocks and repeat the fit process for each of those.
So, here are the questions:
1) how do I speed up the fit process? I tried to use nls or mle that look much faster but mostly failed to get good fit (but succeeded in getting all the possible errors these function could throw on me). Also is not clear to me how to impose limits with those functions (w in [0;1] and w1+w2=1)
2) how do I automagically choose some good starting parameters (I know this is a $1 million question but you'll never know, maybe someone has the answer)? Right now I have a little interface that allow me to choose the parameters and visually see what the initial distribution would look like which is very cool, but I would like to do it automatically for this task.
I thought of relying on the x corresponding to the 3rd and 4th quartiles of the y as starting parameters for the two mean? Do you thing that would be a reasonable thing to do?
First things first:
did you try to search for fit mixture model on RSeek.org?
did you look at the Cluster Analysis + Finite Mixture Modeling Task View?
There has been a lot of research into mixture models so you may find something.
