Where is en-gb in my simulator language list? - ios-simulator

In Xcode 8, I'm trying to set my language to en-gb. It's not there. Is there a way to set my language to that variant?


RIDE.py for RobotFramework won't let me type more than one letter

I am using RIDE IDE for Robot Framework, however whenever I try to type in a cell in the test menu, it only lets me type one letter. any subsequent letters just reaplce the previous letters. My keyboard is not on insert mode. Does anyone know a solution to this problem?
You don't give any details about Operating System, Python and RIDE's versions, so it is very hard to help you.
My guess is that you are using RIDE with wxPython 4.1, and not the recommended version, 4.0.7.post2.
If this is the case, then you should go to the project page and read README.adoc or the F.A.Q. at wiki.

Should default language be english?

Setting the default language to English in admin/config/regional/language has been told by many developers as recommended.
But you can set it to another language as well? If you set in another language all your string translations will you use the other language as default for translations. But how about modules and the default language (source language) for translation that is default always using English as source language.
There is something really confusing here.
You can have English as default language ( set in your global configuration) but at the same time set for example Dutch as default (preferred language in your Content type (language settings) in admin/structure/types/manage/page?destination=/admin/structure/types
If you set Dutch as default language it will be the source language for your content translation.
English not default language was really a problem in Drupal 7, but Drupal 8 has greatly imporoved on that matter and so far only small glitches have been reported and might not be any at this time.
I have build Drupal 8 sites with non-english as default language without any problems.
I would suggest making this decision and change as early as possible in setting up the website and test that id does not have any side effects.
A content type default language different than the Site default is a flexibility offered by Drupal. And the two are used in different parts of the site. What part is consufing ?
For example the screenshot below shows a setup for the following scenario: A native GREEK responsible for WRITING content of this particular content type. The content would be written first in GREEK (3) and than allowed to be translated (1) in available languages. But we also allow an editor to choose another language as the source language (2).
Each one of those language settings is independent.

language translation in UTF-8 or unicode

In my Chinese properties file I have a code like :
FORGOT_YOUR_PASSWORD_TITLE =\u5fd8\u8bb0 ID/\u5bc6\u7801
I have tried with native to ASCII of java software
Now I have to modify it. I am not able to understand whether it is Unicode or other. I have used native to ascii & other tools to find it out. But I did not find. Can any one help me to understand which type of code is this??
It is unicode. I'm assuming windows - different ball game if it is linux.
Start the charmap utility that comes with windows.
Change to font to Arial Unicode MS.
Select Advanced View.
Type in each of the \u codes and click select.
You will end up with something like
Copy that and paste in Google translate. Change the other side to English - it will say Forgot Password.

Archetypes locale aware DateTime field

When saving a Spanish date string value into an Archetypes DateTimeField, the field ends up with a None value. I've read through the DateTimeField code and there is no locale code there at all. I am sure that this, like most things, has already been done somewhere in Plone, and I would like to know where, please.
If it hasn't yet been done, then I would appreciate any comments you might have about my plan. I have collected some information from Google and SO, and this is what I came up with:
1) I will subclass the Archetypes/Field.py/DateTimeField() in my own source.
2) I will use ##plone_portal_state/language() to get the current language code.
3) Then set locale, using locale.setlocale(local.LC_TIME, LANG_CODE).
4) I will convert the string value to a python datetime object.
5) I will use dt2DT to convert the value to zope DateTime.
6) I will then write the value.
This is a silly plan, but it is what I know, and I would love some clues.
Thank you!
I have similar problem, but what I want is to display local time such as Jan 01, 2012 in French in Spanish locale, however doing research I found out that locale.setlocale is not thread safe on most of the systems, so it's not a good idea to keep setting/unsetting it because it will probably set that particular locale for everyone using the site.
You still can install required locales for the selected languages, in Debian you can do this with:
#aptitude install locales
#dpkg-reconfigure locales
Select all the locale languages you need and the system would have them. There should be a way of translating month name formats, but I haven't found it yet.
Plone discussion -- http://plone.293351.n2.nabble.com/Plone-strftime-and-locales-question-td6602394.html
Python locale documentation page, scroll down to locale.setlocale -- http://docs.python.org/library/locale.html
EDIT: Also instead of locale.setlocale you might want to use babel package, as it appears to be thread-safe, I'm currently investigating that possibility for my own project.
Stack Overflow discussion -- https://stackoverflow.com/a/225106/86294
Babel on Pypi -- http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Babel

Adobe Flex fails on unicode / foreign input in Linux

I was learning flex for a few days now and suddenly noticed that input of unicode / foreign characters on Linux into TextInput, TextArea or RichTextEditor gives you unreadable text composed of several characters (seems like utf-8 is making things bad). On the other hand, output is flawless.
I was trying hard to find anything for the same issue on the internet, but only this old blog entry could be seen. Author produced temporary solution but it is not sufficient.
So if Windows allows unicode and Linux doesn't, what should I do? Maybe the problem is on my machine only? Did anybody come up with the same problem and maybe the solution?
I have Adobe Flash installed on my Sabayon Linux box.
Might have something to do with this bug:
Incorrect unicode input in linux
Which, apparently, will get fixed once FP 10.1 is released.
Just to further update the answer. Flex 4 components support unicode and the unicode characters can be typed into input controls using Google Chrome, Firefox 3.6+ and IE7+ .
For Java MySQL users
To allow utf8 data-write operations.
Database table and columns must be set to utf8_* encoding to make sure the unicode data can be stored in the tables.
