This is how it looks on Google Colab when rendered,
The actual script
# Notation
Here is a summary of some of the notation you will encounter.
|General <img width=70/> <br /> Notation <img width=70/> | Description<img width=350/>| Python (if applicable) |
|: ------------|: ------------------------------------------------------------||
| $a$ | scalar, non bold ||
| $\mathbf{a}$ | vector, bold ||
| **Regression** | | | |
| $\mathbf{x}$ | Training Example feature values (in this lab - Size (1000 sqft)) | `x_train` |
| $\mathbf{y}$ | Training Example targets (in this lab Price (1000s of dollars)). | `y_train`
| $x^{(i)}$, $y^{(i)}$ | $i_{th}$Training Example | `x_i`, `y_i`|
| m | Number of training examples | `m`|
| $w$ | parameter: weight, | `w` |
| $b$ | parameter: bias | `b` |
| $f_{w,b}(x^{(i)})$ | The result of the model evaluation at $x^{(i)}$ parameterized by $w,b$: $f_{w,b}(x^{(i)}) = wx^{(i)}+b$ | `f_wb` |
However, in my local Jupyter Notebook/Lab it doesn't render correctly, I installed these extensions in Jupyter Lab
still it won't render and looks something like this
Try this below, as it is close:
# Notation
Here is a summary of some of the notation you will encounter.
| General <br> Notation <br /> | Description | Python (if applicable) |
| :-: | :----: | :- |
| $$a$$ | scalar, non bold ||
| $$\mathbf{a}$$ | vector, bold ||
| **Regression** | | | |
| $$\mathbf{x}$$ | Training Example feature values (in this lab - Size (1000 sqft)) | `x_train` |
| $$\mathbf{y}$$ | Training Example targets (in this lab Price (1000s of dollars)). | `y_train`
| $$x^{(i)}, y^{(i)}$$ | $$i_{th}$$Training Example | `x_i`, `y_i`|
| m | Number of training examples | `m`|
| $$w$$ | parameter: weight, | `w` |
| $$b$$ | parameter: bias | `b` |
| $$f_{w,b}(x^{(i)})$$ | The result of the model evaluation at $$x^{(i)}$$ parameterized by $$w,b$$: $$f_{w,b}(x^{(i)}) = wx^{(i)}+b$$ | `f_wb` |
Yields in classic notebook in session launched here:
Most of the issue is explained by here; it seems you need to use double dollar signs when embedding latex in a table. So for all but the first few rows, I simply did find replace to double the dollar sign symbols, and then pasted that in. ( I later realized I needed to hand edit the $$x^{(i)}, y^{(i)}$$ line.) The first few rows I did by hand trying to understand how they matched and attempting to control the alignment.
I cannot say what is going on with the alignment. According to here and even using that code there's a way to align left the first column. It kept messing up the table though incorporating that and the latex.
My ANTLR4 grammar in file power.g4 is this:
assign : id '=' expr ;
id : 'A' | 'B' | 'C' ;
expr : expr '+' term
| expr '-' term
| term ;
term : term '*' factor
| term '/' factor
| factor ;
factor : expr '**' factor
| '(' expr ')'
| id ;
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;
When I run command
antlr4 power.g4
This error occurred:
error(119): power.g4::: The following sets of rules are mutually left-recursive [expr, factor, term]
What can I do?
To avoid the left recursion error, put all forms of an expr in one rule, ordered by desired precedence:
expr : '(' expr ')'
| expr '+' expr
| expr '-' expr
| expr '*' expr
| expr '/' expr
| expr '**' expr
| id
Can you help me with this example? How should i do left recursion elimination with this size? i know how to do it for simpler examples.
Expr1 ::= Number
| String
| `true`
| `false`
| `undefined`
| Expr1 `+` Expr1
| Expr1 `-` Expr1
| Expr1 `*` Expr1
| Expr1 `%` Expr1
| Expr1 `<` Expr1
| Expr1 `===` Expr1
| Ident AfterIdent
| `[` Exprs `]`
| `[` `for` `(` Ident `of` Expr `)` ArrayCompr Expr `]`
| `(` Expr `)`
Is this the solution?
Expr1 ::= Number ExprB
| String ExprB
| `true` ExprB
| `false` ExprB
| `undefined` ExprB
| Ident AfterIdent ExprB
| `[` Exprs `]`
| `[` `for` `(` Ident `of` Expr `)` ArrayCompr Expr `]`
| `(` Expr `)`
ExprB ::= ϵ
| `+` Expr1 ExprB
| `-` Expr1 ExprB
| `*` Expr1 ExprB
| `%` Expr1 ExprB
| `<` Expr1 ExprB
| `===` Expr1 ExprB
The trick I've learned is to introduce constructive non-terminals to get fewer grammar rules at any one spot. You'll still have some nasty expansions inherent in the language, but you can make the process easier at each step.
Scalar ::= Number | String | `true` | `false` | `undefined`
Op ::= '+' | '-' | '*' | '%' | '<' | '==='
OpExpr ::= Expr1 Op Expr1
ParenExpr ::=
`[` Exprs `]`
| `[` `for` `(` Ident `of` Expr `)` ArrayCompr Expr `]`
| `(` Expr `)`
Expr1 ::=
| OpExpr
| ParenExpr
| Ident AfterIdent
There are two main gains here. One is that if you're implementing the parser, the rules now more closely match the families of processing. You can take certain common actions upon the classified reductions. The second is that you can simplify your elimination of recursion: you have the same quantity of terminals to begin an Expr1, but only one rule to expand, the definition of OpExpr.
I know that I haven't completed the exercise for you, but I hope that this helps enough to get you moving. You might also want to check out operator precedence grammars: they handle some of this in elegant fashion, depending on your application.
I need to convert this from EBNF to BNF.
<statement> ::= <ident> = <expr>
<statement> ::= IF <expr> THEN <statement> [ ELSE <statement> ] END
<statement> ::= WHILE <expr> DO <statement> END
<statement> ::= BEGIN <statement> {; <statement>} END
Also, I'm stuck on this one:
E -> E+T | E-T | T
T -> T*F | T/F | F
F -> (E) | VAR | INT
VAR -> a | b | c
INT -> 0 | 1 | 2| 3 | 4| 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
After modifying the grammer to add a ^ operator, What is the leftmost derivation that your grammar assigns to the expression a^2^b*(c+1)? You may find it convenient to sketch the parse tree for this expression first, and then figure out the leftmost derivation from that.
I added G -> F^G | G and then got G 2 G b E as my answer but am not sure if that is correct.
Should I manually apply the production rules to find out the language generated by this grammar? This is tedious, is there any trick/tip to speed up things?
G = {{S, B}, {a, b}, P, S}
P = {S -> aSa | aBa, B -> bB | b}
EDIT: I found Matajon's answer a good one, that is thinking about each language generated by non-terminal symbol and then combine them.
But I'm still stuck when I have to solve some complicated examples like this:
G = {{S, R, T}, {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, P, S}
P = {S -> A | AS | BR | CT,
R -> AR | BT | C | CS,
T -> AT | B | BS | CR,
A -> 0 | 3 | 6 | 9,
B -> 1 | 4 | 7,
C -> 2 | 5 | 8}
Crazy, isn't it? Taken from past exams (programming languages course).
I don't know any general trick, but usually it helps to think about the language generated from each non-terminal.
In your example language generated from B is obviously L(B) = {b}^+. Then you think about S rules, using the first rule, you can generate sentencial forms {a^n.S.a^n | n >= 1}. If you use second rule on these sentencial forms or on S alone you can generate sentencial forms {a^n.B.a^n | n >= 1}.
Rest is pretty easy, you combine these two things and get L(G) = {a^n.b^+.a^n | n >= 1}
By the way, in the definition of grammar terminals and nonterminals are sets, not tuples. And third component is production rules, not start symbol. So you should write G = {{S, B}, {a, b}, P, S}.
Actually, there is a way to solve your second example without much thinking just by following something like a cookbook. Because, language generated by your second context-free grammar is in fact regular.
When you substitute rules for A, B and C to first three rules, you get
P' = {S -> 0 | 3 | 6 | 9 | 0S | 3S | 6S | 9S | 1R | 4R | 7R | 2T | 5T | 8T
R -> 0R | 3R | 6R | 9R | 1T | 4T | 7T | 2 | 5 | 8 | 2S | 5S | 8S
T -> 0T | 3T | 6T | 9T | 1 | 4 | 7 | 1S | 4S | 7S | 2R | 5R | 8R}
And P' is regular grammar. Because of that, you can convert it to nondeterministic finite automaton (there is really simple way, look for it) and then convert resulting NFA to the regular expression (this is not so simple but if you follow an algorithm and don't get lost, you should be ok). And it from regular expression it is easy to tell what language it describes.
Also, once you have NFA for this language you can look at it and determine what it does logically (it has something to do with counts of 1,4,7 and 2,5,8 in the word and mod 3 of their difference. Think it through, it is your homework, afterall :-) )
Of course, if you don't context-free grammar generating regular language you can't use this trick. There is no general way to tell what language the grammar generates (language equality problem for CFG's is undecideable), you have to think about every single example and look for similarities and patterns in it's logical structure.
I think you'll just need to apply the production rules.