CSS absolutely positioned menus on M&S's mobile website, how? - css

Not sure if this is the appropriate place to ask this, if not, where? It is a code question, but the code is on a website and hard to paste here.
I'm looking at M&S's mobile site, and their slide in menu system to be specific. If you go to http://www.marksandspencer.com in Chrome, open the dev tools and use the device toolbar, it should display as if on a mobile device.
The menu is series of div's inside a nav. The div's are position: absolute;, but somehow the content doesn't get cut off at the bottom, the page expands to the height of the menu, even when it's way past the bottom of the footer.
Obviously positioning an element absolutely takes it out of the normal flow, and so would be cut off at the bottom of the footer.
Can anyone see how they've managed to achieve this..? That is, having their absolutely positioned div's not cut off. I can't see any manual setting of a height property anywhere.
To see the effect, go to the home page, set the viewport width to about 500px, then open the menu, clicking on 'Men' then 'Clothing'. This leads to the menu being higher than the content of the page.
Looking at the div with classes mcp-nav-primary__submenu-container is-active you can see it's position: absolute;.
I'm not asking for someone to write code for me.
I'm asking if anyone can see how M&S have achieved this effect..?

You learn something new every day. Apparently nothing has to be done to achieve this. The window expands by itself. Note however that the height of the body and html does not expand. And if you set overflow: hidden on the body it is cut off as you expected.
See this fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/uhqtk13a/


Unwanted top padding inside div ONLY when responsive

Whoever is reading this, please, help me out. i have a simple website, a header with a dropdown menu for when it goes responsive and below there's the main content div, called 'porta-contenido' and with only an image inside. header has a position fixed and z-index:1, so 'porta-contenido' has a relative position and top property so it doesn't get behind the header. Now, all is working correctly, but when i try it on mobile, 'porta-contenido' shows an unwanted top padding (you can see it is that div specifically because of the color yellow). i've no idea why this is happening, if i set an element inside this div it will be fine in desktop mode, but when on mobile, it shows the padding.
You can see the website sample here: http://iniziografico.pe/beta/portafolio.html (you can check the mobile effect if you reduce the size of the browser)
And here's the html and css:
Thanks in advance.
It looks like div#header has position: relative applied under your 480 break-point. Changing this to position: absolute looks like it clears it up.

z-index troubles, advanced z-indexing

I'm looking to figure out the z-indexing for the floating social bar at this link (scroll down the page for it to show up):
Currently, the way that I have the containing div set, in order to be in the fixed position to the side, is at 100% with a fixed div. This is covering the content so the links in the content are not target-able.
The problem is the facebook like button. How do I get the z-indexing set correctly so that the facebook box shows up on top but the hyperlinks in the content are target-able?
You could perhaps set the width of the sidebar container instead of making it 100% and then make use of
overflow: visible;
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/CFCDS/3/
(excuse my margins—they are just there to get everything to look a bit more like you had it.)

CSS positioning of fixed social button div relative to another div or container

Honestly, before this problem I kinda thought that I actually knew something about css positioning, but it looks that I do not.
Here is what I have, I need to position the social buttons div on the left of the container and make it fixed so it does not move, but only until the bottom of that div is lined up with the bottom of the container in which it was positioned then it will need to scroll further. I do not know if I am explaining my self so that everyone can understand what I mean here so please take a look at the following example
The div with all facebook, twitter, G+ and print buttons is scrollable until it is aprox. 10px below the top of the browser, then it stops and continues to scroll only after the bottom of it is lined up with the container that it is placed in to.
Please help, I am kinda stack with it
This isn't a CSS question unless you're willing to make-do with position: sticky, which probably isn't what you're looking for. (Reading about it here)
If you're looking for a jQuery solution, then you could use ScrollFollow, where you can specify a container parent for the fixed-scrolling item.

CSS: content that overflows div

Actually I don't know how to find solution to this problem and how to name it.
Here's the link to my site:
The problem is that I have page divided into 3 standard parts: top, content, footer. Between content and footer there's also facebook div to put social plug-in. What happens is that content of both divs (facebook and footer) stays under content div, but both divs actually goes up to content area (you can see dark background div right under header and behind content div).
I won't show you a code, because I don't know where the problem is. The best way is to check how this is written with web developer and firebug browser plugins.
Does anybody know solution to this problem?
Your problem is a classic problem of floats not clearing.
Look for information on .clearfix.
Basically the div#contents, has a height of 0, because #box_left and #box_right are floated, so div#contents is not containing them, and because of this your page gets all messed up.
Another tip is that instead of using position:relative and asigning a top:30px value, use margin-top:30px.
You need to clear your floats right after your #content div closes.

don't search underneath fixed div

the layout of my html page has a fixed div on top of the page. the content div then has a margin-top to compensate for the fixed div.
However, when the content gets scrolled down, if I do a search on page, the browser would sometimes show matches that would be underneath the fixed div, i.e. invisible.
For example, go to http://mincovlaw.com/services/worldwide_enforcement_checkup, scroll down a little bit, and do several searches for "know". You will see that the one closer to the top of the page will be found but will be hidden underneath the fixed div.
Is there a better way to achieve the same looks, while retaining the functionality of a search that does not get hidden?
Simple answer: no, because that's exactly what you're doing: hiding content. Think of it as if content ceased to exist, that's exactly what you're doing and what you're looking for. Anyway, I doubt many people will search in the page, it's not THAT common
