Gemius AMP Tag implementation GTM - google-analytics

Is there a way to use an gemius-tag in GTM?
The Gemius Tag is allowed in amp pages as a hardcoded tag , but i can't figure out how to implement it using GTM. There is no template available and there is no way of using custom html.

Gemius does not provide a GTM Template and after further investigation do not intend to do so, because they simply do not trust Tag Managers.


Add Google Ads custom variable to the existing Pixel via Google Tag Manager

I've created a Google Ads custom variable client_id and would like to add it to the existing Pixel that is set up on the website via GTM. However, I cannot find any documentation on how to do it via Google Tag Manager. There're instructions on how to
do it by adding a custom variable to an event snippet on the website, but there's no information regarding its setup via GTM.
Does anyone know how to add a Google Ads custom variable to the existing Pixel via GTM? Also, this variable needs to be dynamic as it should pick up different values.
Here's how the existing Google Ads tag looks:
Any suggestions would be helpful. Thank you in advance!

Adding custom fields to Google Ads Conversion Tag in GTM

A client gave me a conversion event code using gtag / global site tag...
gtag('event', 'conversion', 
{ 'send_to': 'AW-XXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXX', 
    'customField1': 'submitted', 
    'customField2': 'something',
...which I am trying to implement via Google Tag Manager. However, I don't see a way to add custom fields (customField1, customField2) via the Google Conversion tag in GTM.
Am I missing something? Or using the wrong tag?
Thanks in advance.

Problem of link tracking on AMP pages Via GTM & Google Analytics

I can't track outbound link click tracking on amp pages with Google Tag Manager.
I used before Event Label ${outboundLink} - but now I don't get the link details. Instead of, I get (not set) on Google Analytics.
How can I know what is the problem and how to get data of the link details when click on the link on amp pages?
Before you can consume the user defined AMP variable, "outboundLink", you need to declare the variable as an element level data attribute and set its value. To do this you would decorate your a tag with data-vars-some-arbitrary-variable-name. For your code, ${outboundLink}, you want data-vars-outbound-link="[replace with your IRL]". Once you set the variable, you can consume it with the standard camelCase ${someArbitraryVariableName}.
So <a href="" data-vars-outbound-link=""> will have the AMP variable ${outboundLink} and the value with be "".
for more info see

How can I push a custom variable to Google Analytics through Tag Manager

I am migrating an existing Google Analytics implementation to Google Tag manager. There are some custom variables used in the Analytics implementation.
Now I want to configure that custom variable in the Tag manager. I have searched this topic on the web and most of the resources pointing me to ‘More Settings’ -> ‘Custom Variables’ in the Tag configuration. But I don't see such option in the current Tag manager.
Has this feature being deprecated or is there any workaround to do this?
Note: Currently, in our GA dashboard custom variables are displayed under 'Audience' -> 'Custom' - 'Custom Variables'. Users don't want any change to the current data representation.
With the way the Universal Analytics migration is going (currently in Phase 3 of 4), you should think about switching to that, where you can use up to 20 Custom Dimensions (very similar to custom variables). Older features implemented using classic GA will be deprecated, including Custom Variables (source: Back to your question though: when you create a new tag, select "Classic Google Analytics" as the tag type, like so, and then under More Settings > Custom Variables, select "New Custom Variable".

Google Tag Manager with ChaplinJS

I am in the process of building a chaplinJS client app and needed capabilities to add google analytics.
I want to use Google Tag Manager (GTM) and added the tracking code to my html file. Then went on over to GTM and setup the PageView event tag.
For some reason none of the page view events after the initial load are trigged. Does GTM work with chaplinJS? I imagine its looking for url change and then pushes out a Universal analytics page view event.
Has anyone else done this? I suppose the other route could be to update and listen for "route:match" event and then push out a pageview event. I figured its easier to do this with GTM because I can always add new tags as I go.
I followed the approach listed here to get my pageView tracking working
Exactly, throw virtual pageview event on every navigation and that should help getting all pages tracked.
I have used similar handling for my backbone single page application.
