Where can I find all App Maker button icons? - google-app-maker

Is there a list of button icons that can be used in App Maker? E.g. when you set the HTML text field of a button to 'Edit' and choose 'Icon' as button style, App Maker conveniently provides me an icon with a pencil on it.
Right now I'm looking for a dropdown arrow icon, but a list of icons would be so useful to make my UIs more clean.

App Maker uses material font:

So it took me some time re-reading the comments and trying to understand how to do it. This is for future readers:
Go to https://material.io/icons/ and in the search bar on left, type the icon you are looking for. e.g. I am looking for left arrow.
Scroll the page down, and hover over the icon you are looking for and check the exact name of the icon. Copy it.
On your page/page fragment/popup, click on Widgets icon on top left.
Type button, and drag Button on your page (or fragment or popup).
On top left, right beside the Widgets icon, click the drop down and select "Icon".
Ensure your icon is selected on your page. In the property editor on the right,paste the exact name of the icon e.g. "keyboard_arrow_left".
The button will update with the icon of your choice.
Hope it helps.


A-Frame "start experience" button

I want to create a start experience like button on my A-Frame design. My experience needs to hide until you press a button and then it appears
Two approaches:
1) Hide the a-frame scene until a html button is pressed
This one is simple. Bring a white <div> up front (by setting up a high z-index), and hide it (display: none) when a button is clicked.
Fiddle here.
2) Hide the experience content "in-game"
This one is a bit harder. Hide the a-camera within a white sphere with a button, and hide the sphere, when the button is clicked.
Fiddle here

Where to set the game icon?

I don't know how or where to set the game icon. I see there is the Assets folder, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to put in or where to find the information on what to use. While running, the game has no icon on the title bar or in the taskbar.
Drag your Icon to Assets folder the double click on Package.appxmanifest and you will see the following content, here you can add Icons for Tiles:
In order to use custom icon in the taskbar, We can open the Package.appxmanifestselect in the Solution Exploer. And select Visual Assets then select Square 44x44 Logo, choose one image to set in the 24 x 24 px.
There is a samilar case you can check with UWP app icon on taskbar.
To set the icon to the title bar, we can use Window.SetTitleBar method to set the image to the title bar. There is a official Title bar sample, in Scenario2 it extend the view into the title bar.

How to add icons to tabbar items via the GUI designer

I have an iOS6 iPhone application, with a Tabbar and tabbar buttons. These buttons need icons and that's where the trouble starts. Added one icon to the project, double clicked on a button in the designer and associated the (questionmark) icon via the image combobox to the button. When I run the app on my iPhone, I do indeed see that the button now does indeed display a gradient-gray square, which turns into a gradient light-blue square, but the questionmark icon is not shown. The icon is a .png and the size is width 40, height 51. I changed nothing in the code.
I solved my problem to the extent that I can work with it: you need so called 'transparent icons'.

Can watir-webdriver click a css background-image or at an arbitrary position in the browser?

I have a "split button" from extjs much like the "Menu Button" demo on the extjs demo page at http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-4.1.0-gpl/examples/kitchensink/index.html#basic-toolbar. The button has a drop-down arrow on the right side that is a css-background image on a parent tag. When the right side is clicked a menu will drop down with additional selections for the button action. I can click the button or the em but in both cases the menu will not drop down.
I've also tried sending both the button and em javascript events in different orders ( mousedown, mouseup, click, etc) still I can only trigger the main button and cannot get the drop down menu to appear.
Somehow I need to place a mouse click precisely on that background image to get the menu to appear. Would there be a way for watir-webdriver to click at an arbitrary position in the browser? Assuming, of course, that I could get watir-webdriver to give me the current coordinates of the button or em. Or is there some other way to trigger the drop down?
I posted a similar inquiry on the google watir forum, but still have no solution. Thanks for any help that can be provided.
Try this, works like a charm:
b.em(:class, "x-btn-split x-btn-split-right").button(:class, "x-btn-center").send_keys :down
If you are just trying to expand the menu and are not specifically testing the 'click' event, you can send the down key instead:
browser.div(:id, 'splitbutton-1022').send_keys :down
This worked for the sample site on Firefox. I did not try any other browsers.

textinput box with inline image

Is there any way to create a textInput box for flex mobile with inline image without using textflow ?
Basically i need a text input component , so that user can just use it as normal text input box but to it images can also be entered inline with text. To enter images user can select the image from list and that image will get inserted at the current cursor position.
If you look at any platform, there is no user experience (as far as I've seen) that lets you add images in the text input box. It's always been straight text, except for android which replaces certain text with icons (like :-) becomes an android icon). I don't think your users would expect that behaviour. If you really do need it, I would recommend you create a custom skin for your textinput box and add that feature into it, but it won't be easy to do.
