Some weird thing with telegram api. I am trying to send audio from telegram bot and by the way to change performer and title, but I can't. First of all I thoght I made a mistake, but not! I tried to do the same thing from the browser search line becouse there is no chance to do something wrong, and no results! May be you can try to do the same thing? It would be great, becouse I don't know what is wrong. I am trying to do it on Python with pyTelegramBotAPI. For example code:
import telebot
import const
#Подключаюсь к боту
bot = telebot.TeleBot(const.token)
def handle_command(message):
a = bot.send_audio(, musicurl, caption=None, duration=None, performer="Pharik", title="hfdhdfh",
bot.polling(none_stop=True, interval=0)
I discover that you can't set performer and title parameters if you upload audio file by the link. If you are doing it with local file, it works. There is one way I see, take the file from link, download it, use EasyId3 to rewrite meta of mp3 file and after that send it to Telegram. But it's weird I think. Maybe it's a mistake, becouse Telegram Bot API has this parameters and it doesn't work. However Telegram uploads files on own servers, so they can change meta on their side using parametrs. Where is the logic? How knows any solutions?
I used Mp3tag to edit Title (title) and Artist (performer) of the mp3 file and Telegram use it to display after uploaded.
I am trying to make some further adjustments to an address text field. But the problem is that its made with airtable. I want to get the input of that address and use it to get some data from zillow API for the user. How can I do this? I have viewed the source HTML and I only see the airtable script.
This probably went unanswered for being too vague. I'll try to leave some pointers if anyone stumbles upon this in the future.
Are you the host of the WP page? do you have access to the Airtable base in question? Is the "frontend" viewable? Airtable's API is pretty well-documented, simple as it may be. Whatever you need, if it's from a shared view, it can be fetched with a curl request.
Other than that,if the base is public, or shared publicly, and particularly if you need this data at a steady rate or in larger quantities, you'd be better off requesting access and collecting the information with a script from the Scripting app. Since ES6, this is as trivial as doing something like
let query = await base.getTable
let payload, selectAll = =>,
selectAll ?
payload = { records: JSON.stringify(selectAll) }
: console.error('something went wrong')
remoteFetchAsync(('your scraping endpoint', payload)=>
//rock'n'roll past this point
I am making a custom discord bot in python. I am trying to add a !report command.
I am very confused and cant find the answer anywhere. Can anyone help me make it?
I want any user to be able to do !report #example reason.
and save it in a database such as excel or sql3 or preferably in a staff channel.
how would I do this?
I have tried to use on_message()
You could use the on_message() command:
async def on_message(message):
if message.content.startswith("!report"):
report_channel = client.get_channel(channel id)
member = text.split(" ")[1]
reason = ' '.join(text.split(" ")[1:])
await report_channel.send(f"Member: {member}, Reason: {reason}")
So the first thing is to look to see if the person used the "!report" command with an if statement.
Next, you find the member by taking the second word of the message.
After that, you find the reason by taking the rest of the words in the message.
Then you send it to the pre-defined report channel on discord.
I've deployed my Bot to Webchat, Skype and MS Teams.
In OnTurnAsync method I check, if the user input begins with bnr then I call a specific method.
if (turnContext.Activity.Text.ToLower().StartsWith("bnr"))
string msg = RequestHandler.BnrCaller(turnContext.Activity.Text);
await turnContext.SendActivityAsync(msg);
It works fine with Skype and Webchat but with teams it does not work 100%, It works just sometimes.
I found out, that it does not work if I copied the input into the input field but when I type it, it works fine!
The Messages coming from the Teams are having a different structure.
The message text begins with the words <at>...</at>.
You need to delete this beginning in a Middleware component, etc.
Try to look at your incoming messages through NGROK at localhost:4040 in your web browser.
So, I found out the issue by dint of app-insights.
I've added a middleware, which logs the request body into app-insights and just realized, that when I copy/paste a message like: "Hello", it would be logged in app-insights as something like this "\r\n\n\rHello\r\n\n\r\n". When I type it, it would be logged just fine.
So I jsut remove these symboles from the request and it works!
I'm writing a simple bot and I want to basically link together two messages. I found that I could link one by replying on it, so it works like a charm. But now I want to insert a link to another message. And here is a problem, the only way to make a link I found is post link like{chat_name}/{message_id}. But it doesn't work for chats that don't have chat_name.
How could it be done?
Usually worked this pattern:{chat_id}/{message_id}, but it worked for me when I sliced chat_id (skipping minus and first 3 digits). For example on JS:
So, for message with chat_id: -1001473943182 and message_id: 5 link would be:
But it work only for chat.type = 'supergroup' as I see and chat must have join link probably.
I am trying to use PHP to fire hits at Google to track newsletter opens and clickthroughs. I want to use the same technique for both clickthroughs and opens since the clickthroughs will go to sites outside of my own control - I want to be able to report on the clickthrough rates of the newsletters regardless of where the clicks go to. I was thinking of trying but there is little in the way of example code/support docs to start with so I am hesitant.
Here is my url to __utm.gif broken up over the lines for clarity:
Does the utmhn need to be a legit URL or one associated with the account? What about utmr? I was using that to contain 'click' or 'open' so I could differentiate.
When I click a link in the newsletter I get the expected pixel image returned so Google is getting something anyway even if ignoring my querystring. In my Google Analytics account where should I see the data relating the the __utm.gif hits? So far I see none when using this technique.
P.S. I got this technique from here
Follow up:
I changed a few things and my url now looks like so:
&utm_campaign=tet 2012-06-19 10:41:30
and nothing happens except when I paste that link into my browser then Google gets it, so why does it not work when called from the PHP line $handle = fopen ($urchinUrl1, "r");?
ok, nevermind. I changed my app around so the utm.gif is just included in the email and in a redirect page rather than called from the script. Should have done it that way but got caught up in the fancier idea of calling the url from php.
Even though this question is over a year old...the GA measurement protocol can be used to send hits back to GA for newsletter opens and clickthroughs.
To answer your initial question, it looks like you're missing the utmhid and utmn parameters.